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This repo provides an implementation of Haechi in Go. The codebase forks from Tendermint project. To obtain the measured metrics easily, we keep the source codes of Tendermint and inject minimum codes for code tracing. For quick revision and modification, we list the file directories of major implementation, configuration and scripts below:

NOTE: If you have any question, feel free to contact

Table of Contents

1 - Minimum requirement

2 - Installation instructions

3 - Testing instructions

4 - Experimental results

5 - Parameter description

Minimum requirements

Requirement Note
go 1.16

Installation instructions

NOTE: The path should be set correctly because our scripts rely on a relative path.

First, create the repo path. Under your $HOME, execute

$ mkdir go && cd go && mkdir src && cd src && mkdir && cd && mkdir EtherCS && cd EtherCS

Next, under the path $HOME/go/src/, clone the repo and download the dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd protohaechi
$ go mod tidy

These command may take a long time the first time you run them.

Testing instructions

Under the repo path (i.e., $GOPATH/src/, follow the two steps:

Step 1. Build

$ make build_test

Step 2. Test

  1. AHL
  • run two shards with four nodes in a terminal
$ ./scripts/haechi/single-machine/
  • run client in another terminal to send transactions
$ ./build/ahlclient
  • run a latency client in another terminal for testing latency
$ ./build/ahllatency -beaconport "10057" -beaconip "" -shardport "20157" -shardip "" -info "ahl: latency test"
  1. Byshard
  • run two shards with four nodes in a terminal
$ ./scripts/haechi/single-machine/
  • run client in another terminal to send transactions
$ ./build/byshardclient
  • run a latency client in another terminal for testing latency
$ ./build/byshardlatency  -beaconport "10057" -beaconip "" -shardport "20157" -shardip "" -info "byshard: latency test"
  1. Haechi-sync
  • run two shards with four nodes in a terminal
$ ./scripts/haechi/single-machine/
  • run client in another terminal to send transactions
$ ./build/haechisyncclient
  • run a latency client in another terminal for testing latency
$ ./build/haechisynclatency  -beaconport "10057" -beaconip "" -shardport "20157" -shardip "" -info "haechi-sync: latency test"
  1. Haechi
  • run two shards with four nodes in a terminal
$ ./scripts/haechi/single-machine/
  • run client in another terminal to send transactions
$ ./build/haechiclient
  • run a latency client in another terminal for testing latency
$ ./build/haechilatency -beaconport "10057" -beaconip "" -shardport "20157" -shardip "" -info "haechi: latency test"

Experimental results

After running all tests under different parameters, experimental results can be found in the log files ./tmplog with a specific file name. A sample log is:

Haechi: start a block at time 2023-06-06 11:04:38.350497 -0400 EDT m=+46.775439376
2023-06-06T11:04:38-04:00 INFO received proposal module=consensus proposal={"Type":32,"block_id":{"hash":"2DCA1844D7FA7BD768787C8C32E9360D3E43C16B833FAA428C3352DE3CA4BDDB","parts":{"hash":"630199F85CC73C592A14A53AD9406695309472128FF32ABAF8D36613E3CC3148","total":1}},"height":13,"pol_round":-1,"round":0,"signature":"VICrY6DNRFU/ku+HHtwUgxz6aH22WXvH5x3VF6jPaULXAvqNG+BLAva7kNs9tzxe3KRKHwMSm9m6/cM90vPhAw==","timestamp":"2023-06-06T15:04:38.430812Z"}
2023-06-06T11:04:38-04:00 INFO received complete proposal block hash=2DCA1844D7FA7BD768787C8C32E9360D3E43C16B833FAA428C3352DE3CA4BDDB height=13 module=consensus
2023-06-06T11:04:40-04:00 INFO finalizing commit of block hash=2DCA1844D7FA7BD768787C8C32E9360D3E43C16B833FAA428C3352DE3CA4BDDB height=13 module=consensus num_txs=100 root=
2023-06-06T11:04:44-04:00 INFO executed block height=13 module=state num_invalid_txs=0 num_valid_txs=100
2023-06-06T11:04:44-04:00 INFO committed state app_hash= height=13 module=state num_txs=100
Haechi: commit block at time 2023-06-06 11:04:44.293434 -0400 EDT m=+52.718476153

Parameter description

node parameter description

node parameters description default
n shard number 2
m shard size 2
p beacon chain port 10057
i beacon chain ip ""
s shard chain points "20057,21057"
x shard chain ips ","

client parameter description

client parameters description default
shards shard number 2
size shard size 2
beaconport beacon chain port 10057
beaconip beacon chain ip ""
shardports shard chain points "20057,21057"
shardips shard chain ips ","
batch batch size per request 10
ratio cross-shard txs ratio 0.8
parallel concurrent request number 100
duration execution duration, s 120

Note: the default maximum number of connections of a node is 900

script parameter description

script parameters description default
h config path configs/EC2-test/shard/30node
n shard number 2
m shard size 2
p beacon chain port 10057
i beacon chain ip ""
s shard chain points "20057,21057"
x shard chain ips ","
d testing time 120


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