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Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting 33 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday 12 May 2020 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 40 minutes

Moderator: Pooja Ranjan

Notes: Jim Bennett


Decisions Made:

Decision Item Description
33.1 Capture highlights of AllCoreDev, EIPIP, Eth2.0 and the Ethereum stateless meetings and send to ECH substack mailing list
33.2 Approach Moloch Dao for Cat Herders funding
33.3 Use the Multisig for Zoom account renewal and add Pooja to the Multisig
33.4 Submit meeting notes within three to five days - three days is ideal

Actions Required:

Action Item Description
33.1 Keep the 1559 design bounty on the ECH website and write up a blog post about it
33.2 Follow up with the Ecosystem Support Program re: Cat Herders funding & Moloch DAO
33.3 Vote on images for the community promotion ad on Stack Exchange.
33.4 Follow up on EIPIP survey results
33.5 Bring up the PR to the Berlin meta at the next AllCoreDevs meeting.
33.6 Add Pooja to the Multisig


1. Introduction - new community member(s)

Pooja Ranjan Welcome everyone to the ECH meeting 33. I am Pooja, and I am sharing the agenda in the chat right now.

I'm very happy to share the news that the Ethereum Cat Herders is now attracting more community interest to participate and contribute to the Ethereum ecosystem. Early in 2020, our team members Helena, Tim, and William did a workshop at EthParis, which was followed by a blog from William on how one can contribute as a Cat Herder. Now that we have started receiving interest, some of our team members have been approached by people on Twitter and Gitter showing interest in contributing. So this is an open meeting for anyone and everyone to join.

So the first agenda item is based on that - the introduction to the new community members, but I don't see members joining in, so we might want to skip it, and we'll go to the next item.

Brent Allsop At least they're in the group. So maybe they'll participate in the chat session.

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, that's a really good point. People have dropped some comments on our previous agenda item saying that they are interested, and they want to know how they can participate. That's really good to know that people are now showing interest. And we have been successful in our first goal of the roadmap that we should be reaching out to more community members to inviting participation in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Unfortunately, I do not see Sachin and Angela on the call, which is for the next item. We had a discussion some some time back.

The next item is ECH update Substack mailing.

On this topic, Angela and Sachin, they showed me a presentation where they showed what they would want to do with the ECH Substack mailing list. The initial idea was to capture more than just sharing the meeting notes link, but also the highlights of every meeting. They are considering four initial meetings: the AllCoreDevs, EIPIP, Eth2.0 and the Ethereum stateless meeting that goes on. So taking up highlights from that and running them through a newsletter. I would wait for them to join us in the next meeting and give us an update or maybe a walkthrough as to how they would want to execute it in detail.

Does anybody have any questions or any suggestions on this topic before we move on?

Tim Beiko I think it's a great idea.

Pooja Ranjan Okay. Thank you, Tim. Let's just move on to the next item. It's 1559 design bounty. Tim has organized this 1559 First Call on which there was discussion on this particular EIP as well as another EIP. To consider which one is the best one, maybe we can come up with a solution with that. I would invite Tim to speak more on it. So the ECH is planning to design or maybe facilitate the bounty for the application. Tim, would you like to throw more light on that?

Tim Beiko Sure. There are two proposals for 1559. There's 1559 and a kind of counter proposal. And they both have kind of a different UX. So the goal would be to try and find a hackathon we can we can pair with where we can offer this bounty for people to make mock ups of what the transaction flows would look like under each EIP and award the bounty to the best one. And also just around the people in the community to see what the impacts of this will be on wallets. So I think we're going to do a Moloch Dao request. That's probably the best way to go about the fundings. I'm not sure yet about like which hackathon we could we could pair this with. If people have any ideas of things that are coming up in the next month or two, that would be great. But yeah, that's pretty much it.

Pooja Ranjan Just to add on that, we were in discussion with Trent from ETHGlobal, and he has showed good interest in getting it participated in one of the major events, maybe upcoming events. So we are in touch with him and would be doing that. In the meantime, we would want to let people know about this design bounty. And for that, I have added this on the Ethereum Cat Herder website. So let me just share the link.

So these are the details of the talk that I have been mentioning where we keep on adding new stuff. That's one. And if we can just log into the Ethereum Cat Herders website, I have added some resources related to both of these EIPS, so that it should be helpful for people to actually know what this is all about if they would want to kind of educate themselves. If there is some kind of feedback that they would want to provide to the PRs that are already available on GitHub, that would be useful.

Any thoughts on this? This is the thing that I would want to do for every other initiative we, the Cat Herders, are doing. Is it a good idea to keep it on the website and maybe come up with a blog to share more information about it? Any thoughts on that?

Hudson Jameson I think those are both good ideas.

Tim Beiko Yeah, how many people visit the website?

Pooja Ranjan I'm not sure many people as of now, but I'm just trying to fill it up first, and then trying to share the website with every communication that we are doing. Earlier, we were just sharing the Gitter channel, so I'm not very sure of the traffic on it, but I'll look into that as well.

Tim Beiko The reason I'm asking is I feel like maybe maybe our Medium is enough. I'm not sure we even need the website. Obviously, I can see all these things being good blog posts. But I'd be curious to see how much value there is in actually maintaining the website versus just having the Medium account.

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, I am actually open to both. This is a good suggestion, because this also takes some of our time. We have to put some effort to maintain this website. So if we find it is not actually useful and not doing that, then we may want to take it back.

Tim Beiko Yeah, I'm just curious. Because it does seem like a lot of work sometimes. If not many people are using it, maybe we're better off with just Medium. Obviously we'd want the data for this.

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, that's right. We might want to assess that maybe after a couple of months, we'll get back to this. Because this thing I just have started working on this in the previous month. It's just a month, so we'll see. Maybe reassess it after two or three months.

Tim Beiko Sounds good.

Pooja Ranjan Thank you. Anything more on this design bounty? Anybody have any questions on it? Okay.

The next item is events and conferences. And on that is Consensus 2020 event participation. So I'm very happy to announce that we have a very decent amount of participation from the Ethereum side, and Cat Herders were able to facilitate this participation. We have a good mix of core developers to the projects, to the protocols, and Tim and Hudson are participating from the Cat Herders side, and if you guys have any thoughts on that, they have this presentation tomorrow.

Hudson Jameson Yeah, in that presentation, we'll be discussing, the Berlin hard fork, Eth 1.X, Ethereum Cat Herders, EIPIP, and Enterprise Ethereum. So we're spending about two minutes each on those one, one to three minutes each on those, and then taking questions afterwards. So that is tomorrow at some time between 10 and 11 am Eastern, I think.

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, it's 10, maybe around 10:30 because we have two presentations before that. So some 10 M to 12 PM Eastern Standard Time is the slot for Ethereum that candidates have done and there is a blog out on Ethereum Cat Herder's Medium listing all those projects that are participating.

Okay, moving on. The next topic is Cat Herders funding through Ecosystem Support Program & Moloch DAO. On these two topics, we had a meeting with the Ecosystem Support Program two weeks back. They have yet to report back with their decision. And we might want to follow up again on what's going on there.

In the meantime, we have decided to reach out to Moloch Dao as well for funding. There is a document created for the proposal for Moloch Dao as well, and maybe this weekor maybe in the coming week, we will be ubmitting this Moloch grant proposal for the funding for the next year. And yeah, that's it from that, because we have to do two proposals to the Moloch Dao grant. One is for EIP 1559 design bounty, and this is for cat herders, so we are just thinking that we should do it on like separate weeks or maybe separate days so that there should not be any more confusion, and we should try to avoid any kind of miscommunication there. So that's that on this topic.

Tim Beiko Did we hear back from the ESP?

Pooja Ranjan Not yet. I'm planning to email them again asking what the decisions are, because I remember, they said that they would give us something on the email itself. They did not ask for any further meeting.

6. [Ethereum Cat Herders - Promotion and Positioning (in the Ethereum community) initiatives - Placing Community Promotion Ads at Ethereum Stack Exchange]

So the next item is Promotion and Positioning in the Ethereum community. It's about the community promotion ad on Stack Exchange. So Edson shared some images that could be placed there, and there was some voting going on. I'm not sure about the results of the voting. And I don't see Edson here as well. Maybe it's better to wait for him.

So Angela has joined us. We would like to hear more on the topic of ECH update Substack mailing. Angela, would you want to take over on that?

Angela Yeah, sure. So regarding that, Sachin and I had a discussion with Pooja last week, or I think it was the previous week. So we discussed that the content would be around just the developer calls that are happening, and so we summarized - there was a draft ready, but I still haven't finalized the draft. So we'll be sharing in the group by tomorrow most probably. So on a very high level, it will have pointers to the developer calls that have happened in the previous two weeks. So the calls that we discussed were EIPIP, AllCoreDevs, and the other call was stateless Ethereum. So for that, I'll be needing some resources from Pooja or whoever is the participant in that call. And Eth 2.0 as well.

So these three to four calls mainly, and just pointers and certain links to the resources. So this was the main idea behind the newsletter. And any suggestions are welcome for this. The first draft that I'll be sharing would include some really old meetings just so we can finalize on the structure. And once it looks good enough, we can go ahead with publishing this, and we will be publishing more when the calls are happening. As for the timeline, what was finalized was that this should happen twice in a month, so that it can cover most of the calls. But again, that is also a very loose timeline. We can also discuss more on that as well. So if there are any suggestions regarding this, I'd be happy to take them.

Tim Beiko I think it's a great idea. And I think one thing you should probably try to do is just link the transcripts when they're available. So if you give a quick summary and say, "for the full notes, click here." because I know like for [unclear] Ethereum calls, there's obviously transcripts, and then Griffin at the EF writes blog posts. I think for all the other calls, we have our full transcripts. So I think that just linking those at the end of thsoe is probably a good idea.

Angela Yeah, that's great. Definitely, we'll be doing that. And also, I was wondering, what is the best group to share the first draft, and should I be sharing on our Gitter channel only or on the Telegram group? Which would be the best place?

Pooja Ranjan The Telegram group. I think you have just been added by Sachin over there. That's a very good place. You can share it there, and people can give feedback to you.

Angela Okay, awesome. So I'll be I'll be sharing then whenever, whenever the first draft is ready.

Pooja Ranjan Sure. Thank you so much for the update, Angela.

So moving on - I'm sorry, we jump back to the previous item.

But now moving on to agenda item number seven. It's the EIPIP survey and other updates. So the EIPIP blog is out. And Edson is collecting feedback. He is planning to come up with a final result of that. He is not here to provide input, unfortunately, but I hope to get some some more on that very soon.

Jim Bennett Before we move on to that, can I just jump in here? I did the notes on the last EIPIP meeting, and a lot of the discussion focused on governance and different tools to be used in governance. And Brent and I didn't want to jump in and talk Canonizer, because we didn't want to try to pitch that. But in that discussion, it became very clear that a lot of the things that the survey was asking for in terms of ways to find governance tools, that's something that Canonizer absolutely has the tools to be able to do. And so I'm just curious if there's some kind of formal way that we could prepare some kind of a presentation or something else, where we could outline that and present that to the community as an option to be able to do the kinds of things that the survey is finding that the community is looking to do. Does anybody have any thoughts on that?

Hudson Jameson Yeah. So I don't know if there's a formal way, exactly. There's very often not formal ways in Ethereum, right? But I would say that the approach I would take is to set up a Canonizer topic on something that might be more controversial or something that needs to be decided on pros and cons like EIP 1559, since it has two different proposals, and talk to the EIP 1559 group if they're interested in utilizing that, and also post it on Reddit and Twitter. And that's all I can think of as far as the reach for if you're wanting to show off a tool to the community, but it's going to be hard to get buy-in, just because people are reticent to use a new tool.

Jim Bennett Right. On Discord, for instance, somebody is pitching a tool called TruStory that has been abandoned, but he wants to bring it back because he thinks it can do all of the things that governance needs it to do. So there there are different pitches that are happening in different places. So I think that's good advice, and we'll try to do that. I know Pooja had listed a Canonizer topic in the blog post, and I think that's been helpful, but just looking at this, one of the reasons why Canonizer was established was to do the kinds of things that were talked about at the EIPIP meeting. So I appreciate the direction in terms of where we can pitch this, but you're right. Getting buy-in is going to be difficult.

Brent Allsop Yeah, everything they mentioned in that EIPIP meeting, like getting everyone on the same page - what is that page? Who's not on the same page? Tracking all that, doing it asynchronously, almost everything they mentioned in there, Canonizer was designed to do exactly all those things. But anyway, we've probably taken up too much time. So thanks.

Hudson Jameson Yeah, thanks, guys.

Pooja Ranjan And thanks that was really helpful. Anything that we are trying to do here is to support community, to help out and try to mitigate the issues that are existing in the ecosystem. So that's been helpful. Thank you, Jim. Thank you, Brent.

Moving on. The next topic is the Berlin upgrade.

The PR to Berlin meta is still there. I don't see any changes there. But another thing that we did that we talked about last time was about the client status tracking. So I have updated the website, and we can track the client status here, and that redirects to this Excel sheet that I have just shared in the chat. I have tried to add the status based on the All Core Dev call and would be updating it. Do people have other thoughts like maintaining it here is something okay, or do we want to put it on GitHub or maybe on the website or something else?

Hudson Jameson Let's bring it up in the next CoreDev meeting for sure. And make sure they know that we're taking ownership of this, and get James Hancock to help, since he's going to be on top of who's implemented and who's tested and all that. So it doesn't have to entirely be on our plate.

Pooja Ranjan Sure. I'm going to share this with him after this meeting. And yes, we can bring it up in the AllCoreDev call. And for Besu, Tim, if you see if there is any inconsistency or if there is any update, please just leave it as a comment, or let me know. I will update that and keep on updating based on the call every time.

Tim Beiko Sounds good.

Pooja Ranjan Okay, so that's about it.

EIPs curation - we did not do it for the Berlin meta, but I did it for 1559, and it is already available on the ECH website for now. I don't see many changes on the accepted EIP so far, so I have kept it like that only. So cool.

So moving on to the next item is the discuss and close the ECH GitHub issues and PRs. I see quite a few have been for funding. On the funding part, I have submitted that issue that we discussed sometime back in one or two of the calls, but I have not requested for any funding there. Just to keep it official to keep a record of that, I have added it over there. I hope it is fine.

Hudson Jameson I think it's good.

Pooja Ranjan Keeping it for the record purpose, we'll figure out when we get funding from any of the Ecosystem Support Program or anywhere else.

I see a new request for Zoom account renewal. On this topic, in the previous meeting, we discussed adding me to the multisig. Maybe I would be able to help out with this payout and everything else. Would you want to discuss the progress on that or something?

Hudson Jameson I think we should use the multisig for the Zoom, personally, but I'm open to other opinions.

Tim Beiko Yeah, why not.

Hudson Jameson And I need to put all the money back, because I still have all the money. And so that needs to go into the new gnosis multisig or the old one. I think we should put it in the new one that I created. But I'm going to talk to the multisig channel today about that and see what people think.

Tim Beiko Yeah, so put it all in the new one, and then if we can pay out, because there are, like, six open funding issues, because some of them some of them are three weeks old now.

Hudson Jameson Yeah, yeah, definitely. Let's make that a priority for sure.

Tim Beiko So let me know, Hudson when you've you've done the multisig stuff, and then I'll approve all the transactions.

Hudson Jameson Sounds good. And we also need to add Pooja there. Because we decided to do that before, but let's pay everything out first.

Tim Beiko Yep, sounds good.

Pooja Ranjan Okay. So, moving on, the next item is a review of the previous ECH meeting.

Before we get into the review of that, I quickly wanted to bring up the topic oof meeting notes. Recently, we observed some discussion on ECH Gitter and in the meeting around the imprecise capture of decisions in the summary section, though my personal take on that was because of that particular item being so political that the topic was so stressed. I did the changes to cease the discussion, but in order to minimize this kind of occurrence in the future, I would like to invite thoughts on this topic.

It is the primary task that is being performed by the Cat Herders group, so it's better to be the best. Do people have thoughts on the format that we are trying to use, like highlighting action item decisions to capture the summary of the meeting? And should we keep on doing it the same way we are doing or maybe we would add some other sub heads like proposals, discussion, or what else can be done to improve this?

Tim Beiko I think what's useful for me when I read the notes is when there's links to stuff that's being discussed, right? So say that during your call there, they were discussing this EIP, if there's a link to where the discussion starts about that EIP. I know some of the notes tend to have that, and that's really valuable. I think all the action items and the summaries at the top are also quite valuable. Overall, I think they're good. And the other thing we've mentioned in the past is the speed at which the notes are done is another important factor. If we can get them done quick, that's also valuable for the community.

Pooja Ranjan That's right. We discussed that we should be doing it within three to five days. Three days are ideal. And if demands for five days, we could not get a previous ACD call, so Edson volunteered to finish it before the call this week, but yes, that is another thing that we should consider. So can we request the moderator of the meeting to be concluding that item before moving on to any other item saying "what is the action item or decision? Because note takers may not be that technical. It's very important. Yeah.

Jim Bennett I could say as a note taker, that would be very helpful if there could just be a quick review of what the action items are, rather than trying to get the note taker to go in and distill what those action items are from the conversation.

Brent Allsop Yeah, and it doesn't even have to be at the end. For example, we just came across Hudson's action item. If someone could summarize, okay, Hudson has an action item to move the fund back into the multisig or summarize things like that. That would help.

Hudson Jameson Yeah, I agree with all that and Pooja, I think I interrupted you a second ago. What were you saying?

Pooja Ranjan It was the same. I was just thinking that we have a particular cadence of items to be discussed in the meeting. And before we move on to the next topic, our next agenda item, if we could just conclude it. Somebody, maybe the person who is speaking for that item, or maybe the moderator, just conclude it for the note takers, that would be super helpful for us.

Hudson Jameson One thing that was an idea that we might want to iterate on when we get more funding is paying someone less than the note taker, but someone to review, watch, rewatch it and reread the notes for maybe half the cost of what a note taker would do.

Brent Allsop Oh, yeah, that'd be cool.

Pooja Ranjan Generally we do that. I do it for AllCoreDevs and all the meetings, and I have seen Edson doing that. So we do it internally. But if somebody from the developers side is interested, and they have the bandwidth to do that, that would be super helpful. And if funding is there, that is another way of inviting more participants to it.

Hudson Jameson Yeah, absolutely.

Brent Allsop Yeah, Pooja has been great for fixing a lot of things we missed in our early notes.

Pooja Ranjan And I tend to do that quite a few times. And I always do that for almost every notes that we come across, maybe on the personal telegram channel or maybe through the meeting notes Gitter, but yes, we do that.

Okay, so moving on to the next item. It was the review action items from the previous meeting of the Cat Herders. It seems to be a long list, so I'm gonna just quickly go through it one by one.

Action Item Description
32.1 Move EIP 2515 to 'other proposed EIPs', and none of the EIPs to go in 'Tentatively Accepted EIPs' for now (until the next ACD call)

It has been done.

Action Item Description
32.2 Tim to come up with a write-up on EIP2046 over the weekend

I saw some messages around that, Tim.

Tim Beiko Oh, I didn't know I actually had to do 2046. I thought last time when I posted, I thought we would try to aggregate the the write-ups by the community. And then if we don't, if there aren't any, we write up a short couple lines when the upgrade goes live.

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, instead of just writing up whatever is missing, we can add up. Otherwise, curation is a better approach to meet okay. So we can take this off.

Action Item Description
32.3 Pooja to come up with a draft for Postmortem report for Berlin upgrade

I have been working on it, and it's almost done. I may be able to share it this week, or maybe early next week, with the group to have the initial review.

Action Item Description
32.5 Hudson and Edson to reach out to EIP editors for the survey

Hudson Jameson Yeah, I think most of them did the survey, but we need to talk to Edson.

Action Item Description
32.6 Pooja and Hudson to work on the bounty for Eth 2.0 note-making. To follow up with Danny on the one-time payout and tracking with Danny.

So this is two parts - the note-taking bounty has been paid off so far as per Scott, but there was some confusion or something went wrong. On my end, I'm in touch with Scott for that, but I would like to let other people know that if they have some some issues, just let us know.

Because what happened that we received the email that you have been paid for that, but the bounty was actually not transferred to the wallet. So if anybody else sees this kind of discrepancy, please let us know, and we'll try to get it fixed with Scott. And he wanted to come join us in this meeting to let us know what is the process in general that that we should be following to receive this bounty, but, unfortunately, he could not make it for this meeting today. And I'm in touch with him. He proposed Wednesday, but I know Wednesday is super tight for most of the people, because of the Consensus meet. So I'm checking like if he would be available for next week or maybe to the next meeting. We'll update everyone on the channel.

Action Item Description
32.8 Hudson to create an account (name: Ethereum) on twitch for streaming events and community calls

Hudson Jameson I emailed Twitch asking that they do some takedowns of people impersonating Ethereum on Twitch and also asking that we be given the name Ethereum, because it's already been registered by someone else. So I'm still waiting for that. If it's not here by the end of the week, I'll send a second, more forceful email.

Action Item Description
32.9 Pooja to reach out to James to keep the status of EIPs in the ECH website accurate and current.

Pooja Ranjan I just have updated the website yesterday. I'll be reaching out to James today, and we'll make sure that whatever list we are creating on the website as well as in this Excel sheet about the individual clients, that should be updated, and I'll get in touch with James.

Action Item Description
32.10 Aggregate Medium articles describing EIPs schedule for Berlin.

We just discussed this.

Action Item Description
32.11 Decide a new time allocation for projects in Consensus 2020.

We did that. This was a big battle for us. There was a lot of confusion from "more than three hours" to one hour and then then we came up with a two-hour slot, and that's kind of a tight. But yes, we did it. Now we have six projects representing Ethereum. And it's a good thing. I'm very happy about it.

Action Item Description
32.12 Sachin to ask Scott Moore about Eth2.0 notes funding.

It's been done.

Action Item Description
32.13 Vote on which banner to add for the Ethereum Stack Exchange by Monday.

I have seen many people have already voted. Those who have not voted, please go ahead and vote on the document that was shared by Edson to select which one should go for the Stack Exchange.

Brent Allsop Someone have the link to handy for that vote? I don't think I know where that is.

Hudson Jameson I have it. I can send it.

Action Item Description
32.14 The ECH website to be updated with balanced ProgPoW resources.

Pooja Ranjan I did the resources for ProgPoW plus the voting platforms. I see there are three platforms that I'm aware of. But if anybody is aware of any other resources or any other platform or any other discussion forum where discussion is going around ProgPoW, feel free to add to the document that we have created to keep our website updated, and I'll update it here on the website.

Tim Beiko When do we want to take down the ProgPoW stuff? From the past call, there was some consensus that people definitely don't want this on mainnet. So I'm just curious how long we want to leave that up.

Hudson Jameson I think I think Greg had asked for about a month, and I don't think it hurts to leave it up.

Action Item Description
32.15 Decide which version of Gnosis Safe to use.

Pooja Ranjan I think Hudson is already working on it, right?

Hudson Jameson Yes.

Brent Allsop So has that been decided? Or is it going to be decided?

Hudson Jameson Going to be decided today. So you can keep it on the agenda for next time. And by then, we'll have a decision and movement from that.

Action Item Description
32.16 Finalize decision on adding Pooja to the Multisig.

Hudson Jameson Yeah, I think I think we already decided to add you, didn't we?

Pooja Ranjan Yes. In the previous meeting, I'm not added yet.

Hudson Jameson Yeah, that's true.

Pooja Ranjan So that's all about the pending action items from the previous meeting. And now we have reached to the almost to the end of the meeting.

And the final item is any other business. Does anybody have anything else to discuss?

Hudson Jameson Yeah, me and Edson have been working on the YouTube takedowns for sites that are impersonating the Ethereum foundation or the Ethereum brand to scam people. That is going along okay. We've done 50 takedown requests, and 21 to 24 of them have been taken down. The others are unknown, or they have explicitly said they're not violating anything.

The worst offenders, for the most part, have been taken down, the ones that are like, "ooh, here's a giveaway" and stuff like that. Those seem to have been taken down for the most part. Other ones could pop up, obviously, but we're just going to keep note on that and wait for YouTube to come back to us on certain things.

Pooja Ranjan That's really great. And I'm super surprised by doing more than 50.

Hudson Jameson Yeah, there's at least 50. Now all not all of them are scams. Some of them just use the logo name, or something to make it look like they're at official site, but they have no videos.

Pooja Ranjan Good to know that. Thank you for that.

Yeah, so that's all about it. We are left in 16 minutes early. So we are good to go for today. See everybody in two weeks. Thank you. Bye.


  • Angela
  • Brent Allsop
  • Hudson Jameson
  • Jim Bennett
  • Pooja Ranjan
  • Tim Beiko

Date for Next Meeting: 26 May 2020, at 1400 UTC.