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Ethereum Cat Herder Meeting #48 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday 22 December at 15:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 1 hour

Moderator: Hudson Jameson

Notes: Avishek Kumar


DECISION 48.1: After Holidays, coming up with a google document where we list out data for and data for Ethereum Cat Herders website.

DECISION 48.2: Pooja to create an issue on the Ethereum Cat Herders pm repo about the website update.

DECISION 48.3: Hudson to convert wrapped ETH to ETH, USDC and DAI in equal proportion.

DECISION 48.4: Pooja to publish EIP status blog on ECH Medium

DECISION 48.5: Edson to submit blog on EIP editors

Hudson: All right. Everyone welcome to Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting number 48.I am Hudson and the first agenda item is getting the cat herders added to an community page.

1. Getting the Cat Herders added to an community page.

Pooja: So about this, it was added by Brent in the previous meeting and I have created a pull request to update it with the discord for Ethereum Cat Herders. Thanks to Sam now it is merged and this item can be marked completed here.

2. Progress on ECH website and/or migration at

Hudson: Cool, so yeah I guess Sam if you want to take up on this. How do people get added to the page and what do you think the Cat Herders should be on here and in what capacity?

Sam Richards: Right so that I guess is what I wanted to follow up on because last call I think two weeks ago, I also joined and I would say like I mean we brainstormed a bunch of different ideas of like how we could potentially have a collaboration with the ethereum cat herders and So I guess to like provide a summary of like what I would recommend at this point.There was discussion around like could we provide like a whole section of the website potentially a subdomain for the Ethereum Cat Herders like website to essentially live on and I think like some of the team members William Schwab in particular raised some valid points around just like the desire to just from even from a perception standpoint remain, creating distinct identities between the Ethereum Cat Herders and and kind of creating that distinction that the ethereum cat herders and the Ethereum Foundation are two distinct entities. So I guess where I am at this point and want to propose and have a discussion about what specific content should potentially be on each. I guess the way I see it right now is like I think it makes sense for the ethereum cat herders to have a separate domain where they can say things like explain who they are, what they do, who are on the team. I know you guys have a Medium blog already where you kind of do a lot of announcements and like coordination around hard forks which I think is important to have a distinct identity and like a microphone where you can do that. And what I was really excited about last time that I am still excited about potential collaboration to put some of your informational content on depending on where you guys think that makes sense. But a lot of the like information you put around EIPs and around network upgrades and just like helping us to build or to maintain those resources for like ethereum client developer calls and meeting notes giving a central place or like a standalone page on for that. So a lot of the just like excellent content that the cat herders are producing and writing and publishing that we can help give more eyes on that and give greater exposure by potentially putting that directly itself. So I think there are a lot of nitty gritty details to sort out from that. But I think yeah the high level is like ultimately I think both sides are interested in some form of collaboration, where we can get this great content out like in front of a wide audience.

Hudson: That is awesome,Yeah I agree that we should not move the cat herders main website to entirely or have like a subdomain or anything weird like that. Just like you said for the separation of concerns and there would be a conflation with. What the cat herders are associated with as far as the team and that kind of thing and we are just like a separate group. I can kind of see a future where there is an page that is called protocol development or protocol updates or something like that so if you are someone who might have like be a novice or medium experience to ethereum and you are. I want to know where I can find notes and videos for the Eth1and Eth2 meetings. I want to know what the road map is where I can find the specifications repo and all this other stuff that the cat herders touch. We can kind of update that page or have links on that page that link to our pages or to the github that are like neutral pages like the eips repo and the pm repo that has the core dev notes and stuff like that. I think something like that would be kind of cool is that is that part of what you were getting at.

Sam Richards: Yeah! 100%. I think that is a great example of what I am currently envisioning. Like you know our team's done a lot of work this year to build out developer resources particularly onboarding new developers to the space and we started our focus with developer documentation. But I think there is a whole segment of potential users who are looking to either learn more about client development or just like potentially you know break into just like the protocol development side of things.And for a newcomer to be able to just like quickly find. Okay here is how I can follow along, here is what I should be reading and following and here's videos and meetings I can attend. I see that as a huge boost to anyone looking to enter the space from that perspective and I mean I think you guys do that already which is awesome. It is just not always easy to get that in front of people and does have that you know special power of sorts where we are typically the first place people land after googling anything ethereum related.

Hudson: Okay, what do other people on the call think about this?

Pooja: Yeah I think that has been very well put. That was the first you know the reason why we started brainstorming about this proposal. We have a lot of content as Ethereum Cat Herders does work around ethereum main network only but the visibility that could be useful for the group as well as for the community. We are not able to provide help for the present website that we had, so I remember from the last meeting there was an option of having a mirror image of the current website. I think that is a proposal, that is an approach that we can go through but the idea of domain that is again interesting because earlier I think in the previous meeting we were having more lean toward getting into a page but now that you are suggesting that having a domain would be better.

Sam Richards: Yeah I mean we like explored a variety of options on the last call and that's part of the reason.I wanted to hop in just to like clarify.I guess I remember I am just one guy but where I stand right now is like the concept of having a dedicated page like ethereum cat herders. I do not think that necessarily makes as much sense at least right now. I would not give that a hard no, but to me that is the type of content where you explain. You know here is what we do here is who we are. Again, just like personal meeting notes or info about the team in the background like to me that just makes much more sense on your own personal domain and part of the reason that we discussed about last call is just like wants to kind of remain as agnostic as possible and I do fear that yes we want to promote projects. We have a community page where we would love to you know reference the ethereum cat herders. We do already but I think we could even explain a little bit more of like here is a potential way to get involved for those people looking to do so but I think at least to start what really makes sense to collaborate on is like focusing on what is the objective informational content that you guys are putting out that we could help provide more structure around and just like a home base for it where you guys could submit pull requests to make updates. The community could also continue to edit and add supplemental information if that makes sense. And yeah I think like again areas around the eips which Hudson and Pooja have already helped to create a page on but like potential branching that out into individual eips and their progress and status and additional information that is where I see like the best fit at least to start for this.

Hudson: I do not know about getting into individual eips only because we have had this problem with eips that we are trying to solve right now. I think Brent can kind of attest to this. There is five different play pages for eip stuff and so we are trying to keep it all on both github and so having another place probably would not work for that but for protocol updates it is really hidden right now in github. So, for protocol updates that would make sense however for details about how to get involved and stuff kind of making the page. A way for people to know how they can get involved and then links going out to where they can read about stuff that is a little bit better because there is well established places for meeting notes and video links to the core dev meetings and eth2 meetings and the protocol update,spec repository that is like almost too technical for because it needs to be iterated on quickly by multiple people and in a way that it is almost like it needs to be. I guess like you were saying more agnostic like is the protocol specification is kind of github only right now. I think that is probably a smart thing to do. So all that to say in summary. I think we should have a page that the cat herders are involved in creating. That is something I keep thinking of it as like protocol upgrade information or protocol information where it talks about the process links to go to places and then how to get involved would have a section where it explains the cat herders a link to our site and discord or something.

Sam Richards: Yeah, I think those are valid points. Completely agree about the scattered information of eips and I do not want to proliferate that even further, so happy to keep that focused on the eip subdomain and github if that makes sense.

Pooja: So, yeah that is the basic idea. I just have shared a kind of prototype that was initially designed keeping that mind and we are planning to create a pull request for page I do not know how much difference would it take if we are going by the domain side. But that is pretty much the idea. I do not know if I can just screen share to explain this.

Hudson: Yeah that sounds good okay.

Edson: So is this the powerpoint you linked?

Pooja: Yes,so we were trying to create this page. Right now I am referring it as a page maybe when we come to domain we will work on that so the design that we are trying to present here or a proposal. We would be just linking to the original source of it. Say for example this is like the first one when we land on the page. It will take us to ethereum upgrades and ethereum client developers meetings. There was just another section about ethereum cat herders and what do with the ethereum ecosystem. How we are connected or how we are contributing. I understand that is the part that Sam was mentioning that it should be having a separate section explaining people. How to do that now. When we look into the vision is very simple that we want to support the ethereum main network with more community engagement that is ethereum one at the at the moment. We are supporting ethereum one but we are also planning to support ethereum two in future. So when we see these things network upgrade meeting and resources . I think I have a page for you so when we click on the network upgrade that will bring us to Homestead, Berlin and Muir Glacier whatever is there. The article that is published by other or cat herders they would be taking to that page. So, we would not be having something separate or kind of something that is having a different place but they would be linking it back to the original section. These are the resources which we find that are very valuable. Here for example for eip1559, roll up, or account abstraction. We have a curated list of resources for eip1559 something is there I think on the ethereum, github repository but not for others so, these are the things we want to display. Basically the use of this cat herders website that we are proposing to be in is just to be a dashboard for people to refer and go to the right place. So It is nothing specific to cat herders because this is a community funded project. We are doing everything for our community

Edson Appreciate it before we continue this will be updates to our website right. For example the first page.

Pooja: Oh! this is just the current website that we have.

Edson: Yeah I would say the second page that would not really be something you put on the

Sam Richards: Yeah I was thinking I agree with that,

Edson: We can write articles on and the bottom has a footer that links back to our website or maybe our twitter. I think that would be sufficient.

Pooja: So there was some discussion last week. Unfortunately, Alita is sick and she could not join. So what we decided there was earlier we were thinking that we should have this thing. As two phases like one phase should be very similar to this ethereum community page just simple text and that would be just linking it back to the resources. Say for example here like you can see online communities and everything upcoming events and here we are just listing the resources and pointing it back. That was the initial idea but eventually we were planning to improve that page for cat herders very similar to what we have for ethereum 2.0. Things are there but we will present it in this way. That was the progress since last week or maybe till day today. We came across but yes I am open to all other suggestions.

Edson: Yeah i was thinking more like if you opened up looked out like one of the resources like the actual website

Pooja: So yeah that was the first phase proposal like it would be like very simple form just listing it out at the way it is there on our present website right now.

Edson: Yeah so, I do not think we should have anything that has the header Ethereum Cat Herders. We could have maybe article sections on the website that are articles we could flush them out and then at the bottom link back to our website or something like that. But having a dedicated page. I do not think it would be appropriate.

Pooja: Okay, I mean like my argument to that was like having it I mean like if we are having two separate pages, we may have to maintain it separately and obviously we are using community funds to have that domain and everything else. There is no problem having it because we are funded by a mola grant and maybe with us. With the help of others brands we are doing that but these information are for people and I do not think that there is anything specific to ethereum cat herders is that we would like to live it on any website I mean that was just my thought. But if people are okay I mean if everything that has a mirror image is fine.we can go about that too.

Hudson: Yeah I do not know about mirror image that seem like a lot of work and a lot to keep up with instead having pointers from to our resources but at the same time explaining the resources on Seems like a good middle ground because it gives that extra bit of information that Sam's looking for at like information about what protocol upgrades are. Where to find information x y and z like the eips repo and the specifications repo while at the same time pointing to us for almost like I do not want to say advertisement because that sounds weird but like if you want to get involved or learn more. Here is the cat herders page and they are the ones who do a lot of the coordination around this.

Pooja: So that is going to be a static page forever like because you know these contents. The proposal was to have these things on the and the content we will keep on updating.

Hudson: Yeah so I am shifting my perspective to where our website will have content constantly updated by us and page will be less updated because it will be a lot of static content information that is unchanging. Sam I know I said earlier that it might be more flowing content on but I am starting to go a different direction because I do not know what we would even put on there that would be constantly updated if we have it already on our website.

Sam Richards: Right I guess like one proposal here, Pooja just scrolling up to the top of this powerpoint like most of this content in my mind struck me as like a great candidate for the landing page or domain of the cat herders because look like you are prominently explaining what are the cat herders. I think the next slide is like what is the vision of the cat herders to me. This is really great content for the ethereum cat herder's domain for people who might want to get involved as a member or just learn more about what you folks do. what I have tried to I guess like focus on where I see ideal collaboration is like where you get down to the content of like network upgrades or client developer meetings. I think it makes a lot of sense for to have a page on network upgrades or just like resources for client developers and I imagine we will in the near future just because we continue to get requests from users who are looking for this type of information. So that I guess is an example of like where I would propose or suggest like just creating a page for that specific topic on and like maintaining that and that is where I am saying we are happy to say like this is you know maintained in part by the ethereum cat herders. If you want to learn more about them go to their site learn about their vision learn about their team the specifics they work on. so really trying to focus on the like objective informational content on and really just like the who the what the brand of the cat herders on your own domain. But let me know like your thoughts on that or if that like doesn't align with your understanding from our last conversation.

Edson: I agree with Sam on this.

Pooja: Yeah we can certainly look for that middle ground because the sole purpose is to display the information like we are creating these resources. Documenting all these notes contributing and process improvement and we just want this information to be available for the community so whatever works best. maintaining it is two different places, I do not mind that. I do not think it is going to be too much work. We can definitely find a way to be efficient with that but yes I would like to work with you if needed Sam to find a middle way how to provide these information related to network upgrade and at least the client developers meeting the calendars. This information on the

Sam Richards: Right and to be clear like I am not trying to create extra work for you guys or ask you like hey can you also update the page in addition to your website. I guess what I am suggesting at the end of the day is your call, it is your content ,you can put it wherever you want but just having this main content as a splash landing page on your website. But linking to the specific topics like ethereum network upgrades would just link to and be like hey this is where we maintain that content because it has greater visibility and greater traffic. Whatever reason you have and for those type of resources like I am willing to commit and would love to help, build those pages produce features for those like use our design and contour resources to like help with that because I see it so closely aligned with like goal as like an education resource but at the end of the day yeah like I think it is up to you guys whatever makes more sense for your resources, your bandwidth. I am totally on board with I guess whatever you guys want to do great.

Edson: I think we could start off with network upgrades because those don't update too often at least recently. They have taken a few months at least uh to push new ones out. So we can probably update that and it would not take too much work to update the new ones.

Sam Richards: I am sharing a link right now of a recent page we added that right now. It is called history of ethereum.It is history, but it maybe should be called like network upgrades because it does focus. It basically just provides a timeline of network upgrades. So I think this is an example of like yeah if you guys have additional resources or links that you would like to add and help maintain that would be awesome. I think similarly we could provide you a page for just like general client development for any developer who's looking to get started or learn about how client development .How protocol development works at ethereum, where is a place that they can get started and that is stuff that you guys have a ton of great resources already. So anything we can do to help kind of consolidate those resources. I think it would definitely be valuable.

Hudson: Cool, I think the next step is after the holidays coming up with a google document where we list out and this will be good for both. The ech website prototype that is going to be built and for listing out all of the data that each provides. So, we would put an item that just says links to all core dev notes and another one that says overview of network upgrade and actually you well yeah pooja actually already has this I forgot sorry but yeah pooja already made this so stuff like this will go through and if there is some stuff about hard forks. That is like the history page or stuff that is going to be one thing that can go on and then another one is going to be stuff that is going to be more fluid and ethereum cat herder related is going to be another piece. We will put into the like document of information and then we will just assign which goes where.

Pooja: Yeah that makes total sense. So I think we agree on this part like there are some information with cat herders would try to push on I mean obviously that will all also be maintained that Ethereum Cat Herders website as well. The question that I have in my mind is, l when we are talking about providing that information, are we planning to have topic wise pages? Sam if you can help us understand that?

Sam Richards: So at least from my perspective yes. I think like from an information architecture perspective for like we would have dedicated urls depending on the topics. So one example if you go to the developers section of the website there is a whole documentation section of the site. A potential like evolution from there you can see it is kind of structured by category. I could definitely see us adding a category about just like client development and a page within that is maybe just like meeting notes resources for all the various clients and just like the eips that are being implemented for instance if you scroll down on the side left you can see like we do have a section about standards that include some like tokens. I could potentially see particular eips if they get so much attention and adoption and like again this is an open source website where volunteers contribute so like we had volunteers build these pages on erc20 tokens. If anyone was interested they could potentially add just like a summary article on like what is eip1559 and like links to resources where to learn more and how to follow along. So these are I guess just examples of how we could potentially structure it. I have not put too much thought into it and I am definitely open to ideas but when it comes to yeah just like meeting notes about client development, seems like a dedicated page that we could create and just kind of like maintain a list of resources for same thing with network upgrades. But yeah I am open to yeah ideas and just kind of identifying what we think makes sense.

Pooja: sounds good to me. maybe we have to now divide these things and plan it accordingly like on different topics as as suggested, on network updates and meeting notes or calendarsor something.

Sam Richards: Yeah I mean I definitely agree with Hudson in terms of like first step or maybe it is already done. But yeah what I would love to see is just like starting collaborating in a doc , what is all the content that the ethereum cat herders are producing. We can start just jamming on some ideas of like what makes sense, what is something that we could help offload from your plate in terms of just maintaining a page for this resource. If that does turn out to help you guys like if you decide hey that makes our job easier. We can just update our website with just like the general information on the cat herders what we do and then for just like the evolving content that a lot of contributors will want to potentially like to edit and add to those. I would say are potential candidates for like pages. Where we do have a fairly active community like editing and updating pages.

Hudson: Okay great so next step is writing an issue on the ethereum cat herders pm repo. I think it is the right repo to do it right pooja?

Pooja: Yeah

Hudson: And then after the holidays we will get started on a doc or we will use that current doc either way whatever we find better and then invite Sam to the document and start dumping the content on there. So is there any other comments on this topic before we move on.

Pooja: No, I was just saying that we will decide on topics and will get back with more details to check with Sam on this.

Hudson: Okay sounds good. So,the next one is progress on the ech website and we just went over that through the powerpoint that you linked and elita also posted an update in text because they could not make it today but on the ethereum cat herders website or I mean discord what am I thinking the discord so if anyone is interested in that update go check that out but if you want to give a quick like couple sentence summary Pooja. I think I forgot what they said.

Pooja: Yeah basically this was all about this discussion that we were having the second topic. We already have covered it, we just wanted to update that we made some progress . We have this document and the kind of prototype ready now. We have to think where is the best place to start working on it or maybe a later would be looking to start coding these things.

Hudson: Okay anybody else have a comment on this topic.

Sam Richards: Yeah I would just say like I am in your discord I do not see a website channel or update on this. If you do want to loop me in at all. I would be happy to be helpful where I can or like to answer questions or yeah just try to help you guys get it up and going.

Pooja:we do have a channel for that I will grant you the access.

3. Meeting notes updates

Hudson: Awesome okay next up we have meeting notes updates the EIPIP meeting. I think we haven notes for that already. don't we?.

EIPIP meeting

Pooja: So yeah I think that note was with Brent. if you can go ahead please.

Brent Allsop: Oh yeah there was a couple of things talked about the yellow paper relationship and whether that is the canonical source of information and I made a proposal after that. I was late to the meeting but I proposed that we put a statement in the eip or I mean in the yellow paper that mentions that people will be or mentions that there is a community that keeps the yellow paper up to date for human readable purposes for newcomers. People want summary information but that it is not up it is not the canonical main information and put a link back to the specification page but anyway I am working on that and also there are a few other action items like that but yeah do we want ? Is that good enough? Do we want more detail than that?

Pooja: Sounds good I think yeah you already have created the pull request I believe and it should be done.

Brent Allsop: Yeah I think it is accepted I am looking at.It looks like someone already accepted. It is live.

1559 implementers meeting

Pooja: So cool so the next meeting is for eip1559. The person who has taken notes is unfortunately not available but I may have a quick summary of that meeting at 1559 implementers are building a mainnet size test net to analyze the 1559 performance on a large network. They are planning to get Geth, Besu and Nethermind and get onto that large state test network and schedule a transaction spamming session and gather metrics for all these three clients. There was some progress on addressing the transaction pool issues caused by the changing base fee and they will be working on updating the transaction pool behavior. They have new simulations that analyze the behavior of a legacy and 1559 style transaction on a single network. Some discussions were around eip2718 for eip1559 but that has been tabled till Berlin.

All core dev meeting

Pooja: The next meeting is all-co-dev meeting. Unfortunately Alita could not join I mean she is sick and the notes would be shared as soon as possible.

Eth2 The last one in the list is Eth2 meeting. The meeting was very quick it was like just 30 minutes meeting and the discussion part was around the hard fork that could be planned early to mid next year with the enhancements like accounting reform and adding client like client sync committees Vitalik has added some Pull request that is available in at Eth2.0 spec repo. More discussions on this will take place in January 2021 but client developers who are engaged with this are highly encouraged to look into this request so that is all on the meeting side.

4. Peep an EIP

Hudson: Okay great next up we have Peep an EIP

Pooja: Okay so we in the past two weeks we had two Peep sessions. One was EIP-2938: Account Abstraction, which was with Sam and Ansgar. This was the part2 on the community request. We had this detailed session on its account abstraction proposal. They came up with some new progress that is done for the eip2938. It is a very good watch for people using it in their Dapps . The other eip that we covered last week was eip1559. Tim Biko explained and provided an overview of the proposal as well as he explained some of the misconceptions which are with this proposal around like base fees burning and also explained 200% full block meaning what is that and if it is a good, there are some interesting question answer sessions as well. So if someone missed it and could not watch it earlier please go ahead and watch. This week, we are planning to have a meeting with Nick Johnson on how to improve the eips. we have a present format and we are working around it so what are the things that can improved to an improvement proposal. So we will be having this discussion tomorrow hopefully and the recording will be shared soon with the community.

5. Cat Herders funding - Moloch DAO & ESP

Hudson: Awesome! next up is the cat herders funding. I can give this one. We have ragequit our shares of Moloch now what that means is. We asked for 45,000 dollars and it is denominated in shares that people in the DAO have. If you have a share a certain percentage of the current total Ether in the pool. So the Ether is actually wrapped as an erc20 token called wrapped ether so when we ragequit our shares we received (I forgot how much) but we received 40 to 45 ,000 worth of wrapped ether depending on the price. I have submitted a transaction to transfer that ether to an account, I control. So I can unwrap the ether, convert it to from erc20 ether to normal ether and then divide it to get part ether part stable coins and then return it to the gnosis safe. So that transaction is in there. Whenever multisig signers can sign that and then I will get going on it today or tomorrow or I can wait till the price goes up but I do not know how long I want to wait so I guess I will depending on my availability in general.

William Schwab: We should probably just look at the funds as an asap kind of thing and not gain the price. Like waiting till the weekend for low gas prices. I totally understand but yeah.

Hudson: Yeah I agree with you. That is a good call.

Edson: I think especially like this time even though the vaccine is out who knows. what happened in the markets like recently there is news about like a new strain in the uk or something across the market.I think it is safer just to convert it soon rather than try to predict the market.

Hudson: Okay sounds good I will do that.

Pooja: So do we have any thought on converting it completely or do we want to save some or like how do we want to do it like come 50:50 to DAI and USDC or like is there any ratio or proposal?

Hudson: I was wanting to do 30 30 30. Keep ETH, USDC, DAI but that is me and actually that leaves 10 which I would not be taking. I meant 33% .

William Schwab: Yeah I figured that's what you meant. The truth is I have never really gone through the request. Do we pay anything in usdc? Are there people who prefer being paid in usdc.

Pooja: Yeah

William Schwab: That's okay. Am I the only one who takes ETH ?

Pooja: No, there are a couple of more.

Brent Allsop: I do, I take Ether.

William Schwab: So yeah one third one third one third sounds very reasonable to me then cool.

Hudson: Great and that hedges our bets because if things crash, we do have some USDC and DAI for note taking and we can adjust our other plans and if it goes up or stays the same that is good too. okay so we will just do that any other comments on this topic? okay let's discuss and close the github.

6. Discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues/PRs

Hudson: The first one is the pm repo number 103. All right. I have an update for staking in dxDAO. . I did get a chance to talk to Lane recently but I have not brought it up because it is the holidays and I do not know if we would be able to get in touch with everyone. We need to get the money out. So I put a comment in there that I will say I will approach this again after the holidays.

Edson: Wait something on dx now. yeah how much money is locked in there?

Hudson: I think only 50 DAI let me look. I do not think it is a lot.

Pooja: I think 100 or something maybe.

Hudson: Yeah it was like 50 or 100.

Edson: I am just wondering because it is been blocked for I think it might be the second year.

William Schwab: I am laughing out loud you know I am thinking about this issue and it is like yes it is the 50 DAI .

Hudson: Yeah, I think it is 50 or 100, I can not find it right now but yeah we will figure it out. Let's see. Yeah I still can't find it either way. It is not I do not think it is a lot.

The other thing is, if you go to closed issues and you search for converting to DAI and USDC. I closed that this morning, so here is what happened. We had 0.14 ether stuck in the old gnosis wallet like the old school one that we were trying to put to our new gnosis safe and we kept the transaction kept failing and the reason was Gnosis wallet told us we had 0.14 ether. The multi-sig when really we had 0.138 and Gnosis UI ui would round it up. So it kept failing because we were trying to take out more than we had. so what I did was I just adjusted it to the actual amount we had and the transaction finally went through, so I can close this ticket.

This ticket also goes on to show how back in april. I converted things from SAI to DAI and DAI to usdc and stuff like that. So this kind of goes through my process if anyone's interested how I am going to be doing it. This time probably I might use metamask's new swap feature instead of stuff like one inch because that is usually a little bit cheaper. yeah we can stop using gnosis wallet now unless there is an air drop like for instance the UNI airdrop. we got 400 uni tokens or whatever or whoever did the swap got 400 uni tokens that I think. We ended up converting if I recall and the gnosis wallet so, if there are air drops in the future. we will need to use it but otherwise I am going to leave it. That is the other only other issue in the repo besides the agenda and then if we go to the funding repository for cat herders. I have cleared out all of the transactions that pooja created for note-taking except for William schwab's that was on hold for some reason. I think right pooja?

Pooja: Yep I was trying to change William's mind. Yeah I will look into it and try to clear it up. Yeah william you were saying something.

William Schwab: I would still rather take half price.

Pooja: Okay so this was like a very strange case that came up. William had requested for only half price because he was late in submitting the meeting notes.

William Schwab: super late!

Hudson: Well I think it is fine if you took the whole amount but if you feel better taking half then that's fine too.

Pooja: Yeah so I was just trying to take a chance if he changes his mind.

William Schwab: Yeah I appreciate it. I think l will take half.

Hudson: Okay, we will step do that transaction then and I will approve it once it is created.

William Schwab: It was a pretty wild meeting. I do have to say it is definitely the only time I have been on a meeting where point one took well over an hour.

Pooja: I am sorry I was talking on a muted phone. Did you hear it?

William Schwab: I don't know what that was ?

Pooja: So I thought I was in conversation with you guys and then I realized. So I was just saying that I was trying to change William's mind about this funding issue and I was hoping that he would change and make it full funding. But now I will go ahead and approve it.

Hudson: Okay cheers sounds good

7. Review of outstanding action items from previous ECH meetings

Hudson: Review outstanding action items from meeting 47 Decide how to put content on It sounds like we are more or less done with that or in the process of making documents to plan that provide a leader with funding for the website. Was that something from the last meeting?

Pooja: Oh yeah, we were discussing that in this Moloch grant we have secured some funding for website development. Alita showed interest that she would be working on it. I think Edson also has proposed it. So whenever we come across what we are gonna do. We have a proper plan. We will try to create a budget for it and estimate funding so that Alita was requesting for that and we said yes,so we have secured the funding now.

Hudson : Okay that sounds good um the next one and final action is to discuss the spin off of Peep an EIP?

Pooja: Yeah that was another section like we discussed in the previous meeting that we are currently having a Peep an EIP session which talks about eip proposals only but there was some proposal around if we can start talking about specific dapps or projects as well. So I have suggested Alita to come up with a complete proposal. It was from her that she would be interested in having these kinds of sessions. So we discussed that we should have at least a ten dapps and list and we kind of come up with a proposal like what is there in the plan and how we want to execute it and then we can have another show like EIP.

Hudson: Okay yeah let's look into that for sure. Any comments on that item or anything else on the last meeting.

Pooja: Yeah! I am very happy that at least we get some next steps for how we are planning to move with and how we are planning to move our content or maybe display our contents. So I hope I will be granting access to Sam and we can continue discussion and chat on this topic.

Hudson: Okay sounds good. The last thing is blogs on the ECH Medium, did those get posted. I forgot.

Pooja : Those were waiting for Edson's comment .So edson was unfortunately unavailable in the last eipip meeting We had this discussion that it's better to go off with the cat headers blog only. So, Edson, if you are fine we can go ahead with that.

Edson: Yeah I mean I reached James but he has not reached back to me. I am not sure if he saw my message. I think it is fine just putting it on the ECH Medium.

Pooja: And there was one more blog which I think is still pending and last time Lightclient requested if it is available he is willing to add some comments on the process and the documentation part of EIP editors like what their roles and responsibilities are.

Edson: That is in progress I will put a draft sometime. I am a little busy this month so maybe after the holidays. I think this month is almost already over.

Hudson: Yeah most of the stuff will be after the holidays. I know I am not doing till January after this meeting. I think.

Pooja: No problem.

Hudson: Well except for exchanging the WETH to ether and to DAI. I am doing that.

Pooja: Yeah thank you

Hudson: Let's just hope we don't crash between now and tomorrow or today. Anyways okay there is nothing else on the agenda does anyone have any final stuff before we go okay thanks so much for a great year everybody happy holidays and we'll see you in January


  • Pooja Ranjan
  • Brent Allsop
  • Edson Allyon
  • William Schwab
  • Hudson Jameson
  • Sam Richards

Next Call - Jan 05, 2021 .