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The eth-abi library uses a central registry to route encoding/decoding operations for different ABI types to an appropriate encoder/decoder callable or class. Using the registry, the coding behavior of any ABI type can be customized and additional coding behavior for new ABI types can be added.

Adding Simple Types

Here's an example of how you might add support for a simple "null" type using callables:


from eth_abi.exceptions import EncodingError, DecodingError from eth_abi.registry import registry

# Define and register the coders NULL_ENCODING = b'x00' * 32

def encode_null(x):
if x is not None:

raise EncodingError('Unsupported value')


def decode_null(stream):

raise DecodingError('Not enough data or wrong data')

return None

registry.register('null', encode_null, decode_null)

# Try them out from eth_abi import encode, decode

assert encode(['null'], [None]) == NULL_ENCODING

(decoded_null_val,) = decode(['null'], NULL_ENCODING) assert decoded_null_val is None

encoded_tuple = encode(['(int,null)'], [(1, None)]) assert encoded_tuple == b'x00' * 31 + b'x01' + NULL_ENCODING

(decoded_tuple,) = decode(['(int,null)'], encoded_tuple) assert decoded_tuple == (1, None)


from eth_abi.registry import registry registry.unregister('null')

In the above example, we define two coder callables and register them to handle exact matches against the 'null' type string. We do this by calling register on the registry object.

When a call is made to one of the coding functions (such as ~eth_abi.codec.ABIEncoder.encode or ~eth_abi.codec.ABIDecoder.decode), the type string which is provided (which we'll call query) is sent to the registry. This query will be checked against every registration in the registry. Since we created a registration for the exact type string 'null', coding operations for that type string will be routed to the encoder and decoder which were provided by the call to register. This also works when the registered type string appears in a compound type as with the tuple type in the example.


As a safety measure, the registry will raise an exception if more than one registration matches a query. Take care to ensure that your custom registrations don't conflict with existing ones.

Adding More Complex Types

Sometimes, it's convenient to register a single class to handle encodings or decodings for a range of types. For example, we shouldn't have to make separate registrations for the 'uint256' and 'uint8' types or for the '(int,bool)' and '(int,int)' types. For cases like this, we can make registrations for custom subclasses of BaseEncoder and BaseDecoder.

Let's say we want to modify our "null" type above so that we can specify the number of 32-byte words that the encoded null value will occupy in the data stream. We could do that in the following way:


from eth_abi.decoding import BaseDecoder from eth_abi.encoding import BaseEncoder from eth_abi.exceptions import EncodingError, DecodingError from eth_abi.registry import registry

# Define and register the coders NULL_ENCODING = b'x00' * 32

class EncodeNull(BaseEncoder):

word_width = None

@classmethod def from_type_str(cls, type_str, registry): word_width = int(type_str[4:]) return cls(word_width=word_width)

def encode(self, value):

self.validate_value(value) return NULL_ENCODING * self.word_width

def validate_value(self, value):
if value is not None:

raise EncodingError('Unsupported value')

class DecodeNull(BaseDecoder):

word_width = None

@classmethod def from_type_str(cls, type_str, registry): word_width = int(type_str[4:]) return cls(word_width=word_width)

def decode(self, stream):

byts = * self.word_width) if byts != NULL_ENCODING * self.word_width: raise DecodingError('Not enough data or wrong data')

return None


lambda x: x.startswith('null'), EncodeNull, DecodeNull, label='null',


# Try them out from eth_abi import encode, decode

assert encode(['null2'], [None]) == NULL_ENCODING * 2

(decoded_null_val,) = decode(['null2'], NULL_ENCODING * 2) assert decoded_null_val is None

encoded_tuple = encode(['(int,null2)'], [(1, None)]) assert encoded_tuple == b'x00' * 31 + b'x01' + NULL_ENCODING * 2

(decoded_tuple,) = decode(['(int,null2)'], encoded_tuple) assert decoded_tuple == (1, None)


from eth_abi.registry import registry registry.unregister('null')

There are a few differences here from our first example. Now, we are providing a type string matcher function instead of a literal type string with our call to register. Also, we are not using simple callables for our coding functions. We have created two custom coder classes which inherit from BaseEncoder and BaseDecoder respectively. Additionally, we have given a label to this registration in case we want to easily delete the registration later.

The matcher function lambda x: x.startswith('null') accepts a query type string and returns True or False to indicate if the query should be matched with our registration. If a query is uniquely matched with our registration in this way, the registry then calls from_type_str on our EncodeNull or DecodeNull class to obtain an appropriate instance of the class based on any additional information contained in the type string. In this example, that additional information is the number that appears at the end of the type string (e.g. '2' in 'null2'). Through this process, the registry can determine an encoder or decoder for any type string of the form 'null<M>'.

There are a few more details here that are worth explaining.

Both of our coder subclasses have some similar aspects. They both have a class property word_width. They also have the same implementation for the from_type_str method. The BaseEncoder and BaseDecoder classes both inherit from BaseCoder which causes any keyword arguments passed to __init__ to be used to set the value of properties on an instance if a class property with the same name is found. This is why our implementations of from_type_str instantiate our coder classes with the keyword argument word_width. Using this pattern, coder classes can describe what "settings" they support while providing an easy way to assign values to those settings. Both of our coder classes use the same settings. The settings are initialized from the type string in the same way. Therefore, they have the same implementation for from_type_str. For clarity, the same word_width property and from_type_str implementation appear in both classes but they could also have been extracted out into a mixin class.

Our coder classes also implement the BaseEncoder.encode and BaseDecoder.decode methods. These methods work in the same way as the simple callable coders in our first example except that they have access to the settings which were extracted from the type string when the class was instantiated via the from_type_str method by the registry. This allows them to handle null values of an arbitrary width in the data stream. As with the callable coders, the BaseEncoder.encode and BaseDecoder.decode implementations are polite and raise an appropriate exception when anything goes wrong. EncodeNull does this via an implementation of BaseEncoder.validate_value. For encoder classes, it is necessary to implement this method since it is used by the is_encodable function to determine if a value is encodable without doing the extra work of encoding it. For certain data types, this can be more efficient than simply attempting to encode a value.

Handling Malformed Strings

Sometimes a string we receive is malformed, i.e. not utf-8 decodeable. This will throw an error by default, but we can adjust how it is handled by registering a new decoder with our preferred handler.

The StringDecoder class uses the Python bytes.decode method at its core, which accepts an errors argument to define how un-decodeable bytes are handled. StringDecoder uses errors=strict by default, but can also accept surrogateescape, ignore, replace, or backslashreplace. You can read more about each of these options in the Python docs.

The ability to handle malformed strings is only available for decoding. It is assumed that attempting to encode a malformed string indicates user error.


from eth_abi import decode, encode from eth_abi.decoding import StringDecoder from eth_abi.encoding import TextStringEncoder from eth_abi.registry import registry

# encode a string test_string = encode(["string"], ["cat"]) assert (test_string == b"x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00 x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x03catx00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00" )

# insert an un-decodeable byte bad_string = test_string[:65] + b"xff" + test_string[66:]

# verify the original test_string decodes properly assert decode(["string"], test_string) == ("cat",)

# default StringDecoder will throw an error try: decode(["string"], bad_string)

except UnicodeDecodeError as e:

assert "'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xff" in str(e)

# If we want to handle un-decodeable strings, we can register multiple string # decoders, each with its own handle_string_errors option


"surrogateescape_string", TextStringEncoder, StringDecoder(handle_string_errors="surrogateescape")

) registry.register( "backslashreplace_string", TextStringEncoder, StringDecoder(handle_string_errors="backslashreplace"), )

assert decode(["surrogateescape_string"], bad_string) == ("cudcfft",) assert decode(["backslashreplace_string"], bad_string) == ("c\xfft",)


from eth_abi.registry import registry registry.unregister('surrogateescape_string') registry.unregister('backslashreplace_string')