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Writing Components

Trinity aims to be a highly flexible Ethereum node to support lots of different use cases beyond just participating in the regular networking traffic.

To support this goal, Trinity allows developers to create components that hook into the system to extend its functionality. In fact, Trinity dogfoods its Component API in the sense that several built-in features are written as components that just happen to be shipped among the rest of the core modules. For instance, the JSON-RPC API, the Transaction Pool as well as the trinity attach command that provides an interactive REPL with Web3 integration are all built as components.

Trinity tries to follow the practice: If something can be written as a component, it should be written as a component.

What can components do?

Component support in Trinity is still very new and the API hasn't stabilized yet. That said, components are already pretty powerful and are only becoming more so as the APIs of the underlying services improve over time.

Here's a list of functionality that is currently provided by components:

  • Transaction Pool
  • EthStats Reporting
  • Interactive REPL with Web3 integration
  • Crash Recovery Command

Understanding the different component categories

There are currently three different types of components that we'll all cover in this guide.

  • Components that overtake and redefine the entire trinity command
  • Components that spawn their own new isolated process

Components that redefine the Trinity process

This is the simplest category of components as it doesn't really hook into the Trinity process but hijacks it entirely instead. We may be left wonderering: Why would one want to do that?

The only reason to write such a component is to execute some code that we want to group under the trinity command. A great example for such a component is the trinity attach command that gives us a REPL attached to a running Trinity instance. This component could have easily be written as a standalone program and associated with a command such as trinity-attach. However, using a subcommand attach is the more idiomatic approach and this type of component gives us simple way to develop exactly that.

We build this kind of component by subclassing from ~trinity.extensibility.component.Application. A detailed example will follow soon.

Components that spawn their own new isolated process

Of course, if all what components could do is to hijack the trinity command, there wouldn't be much room to actually extend the runtime functionality of Trinity. If we want to create components that boot with and run alongside the main node activity, we need to write a different kind of component. These type of components can respond to events such as a peers connecting/disconnecting and can access information that is only available within the running application.

The JSON-RPC API is a great example as it exposes information such as the current count of connected peers which is live information that can only be accessed by talking to other parts of the application at runtime.

This is the default type of component we want to build if:

  • we want to execute logic together with the command that boots Trinity (as opposed to executing it in a separate command)
  • we want to execute logic that integrates with parts of Trinity that can only be accessed at runtime (as opposed to e.g. just reading things from the database)

We build this kind of component subclassing from ~trinity.extensibility.asyncio.AsyncioIsolatedComponent. A detailed example will follow soon.

The component lifecycle

Components are run by the ~trinity.extensibility.component_manager.ComponentManager which is responsible for running and stopping components.

Each component is expected to implement which must be a coroutine.

Defining components

We define a component by deriving from either ~trinity.extensibility.component.Application or ~trinity.extensibility.asyncio.AsyncioIsolatedComponent depending on the kind of component that we intend to write. For now, we'll stick to ~trinity.extensibility.asyncio.AsyncioIsolatedComponent which is the most commonly used component category.

Every component needs to overwrite name so voilà, here's our first component!


Of course that doesn't do anything useful yet, bear with us.

Configuring Command Line Arguments

More often than not we want to have control over if or when a component should start. Adding command-line arguments that are specific to such a component, which we then check, validate, and act on, is a good way to deal with that. Implementing ~trinity.extensibility.component.ComponentAPI.configure_parser enables us to do exactly that.

This method is called when Trinity starts and bootstraps the component system, in other words, before the start of any component. It is passed an ~argparse.ArgumentParser as well as a ~argparse._SubParsersAction which allows it to amend the configuration of Trinity's command line arguments in many different ways.

For example, here we are adding a boolean flag --report-peer-count to Trinity.


To be clear, this does not yet cause our component to automatically start if --report-peer-count is passed, it simply changes the parser to be aware of such flag and hence allows us to check for its existence later.


For a more advanced example, that also configures a subcommand, checkout the trinity attach component.

Most CLI argument validation can happen within the standard library APIs exposed by argparse. If a component needs to do runtime validation it can do so via ~trinity.extensibility.component.BaseComponentAPI.validate_cli. Convention here is to raise eth_utils.ValidationError if an error is encountered.

Communication Patterns

For most components to be useful they need to be able to communicate with the rest of the application as well as other components. In addition to that, this kind of communication needs to work across process boundaries as components will often operate in independent processes.

To achieve this, Trinity uses the Lahja project, which enables us to operate a lightweight event bus that works across processes. An event bus is a software dedicated to the transmission of events from a broadcaster to interested parties.

This kind of architecture allows for efficient and decoupled communication between different parts of Trinity including components.

For instance, a component may be interested to perform some action every time that a new peer connects to our node. These kind of events get exposed on the EventBus and hence allow a wide range of components to make use of them.

For an event to be usable across processes it needs to be pickleable and in general should be a shallow Data Transfer Object (DTO)


This guide will soon cover communication through the event bus in more detail. For now, the Lahja documentation gives us some more information about the available APIs and how to use them.

Distributing components

Of course, components are more fun if we can share them and anyone can simply install them through pip. The good news is, it's not hard at all!

In this guide, we won't go into details about how to create Python packages as this is already covered in the official Python docs .

Once we have a file, all we have to do is to expose our component under trinity.components via the entry_points section.


Check out the official documentation on entry points for a deeper explanation.

A component where the file is configured as described can be installed by pip install <package-name> and immediately becomes available as a component in Trinity.


Components installed from a local directory (instead of the pypi registry), such as the sample component described in this article, must be installed with the -e parameter (Example: pip install -e ./trinity-external-components/examples/peer_count_reporter)