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521 lines (328 loc) · 17 KB


File metadata and controls

521 lines (328 loc) · 17 KB


Thanks for your interest in contributing to! Read on to learn what would be helpful and how to go about it. If you get stuck along the way, reach for help in the Python Discord server.

How to Help

Without code:

  • Answer user questions within GitHub issues, Stack Overflow, or the Python Discord server.
  • Write or record tutorial content.
  • Improve our documentation (including typo fixes).
  • Open an issue on GitHub to document a bug. Include as much detail as possible, e.g., how to reproduce the issue and any exception messages.

With code:

  • Fix a bug that has been reported in an issue.
  • Add a feature that has been documented in an issue.
  • Add a missing test case.


Before you start: always ask if a change would be desirable or let us know that you plan to work on something! We don't want to waste your time on changes we can't accept or duplicated effort.

Your Development Environment


Use of a virtual environment is strongly advised for minimizing dependency issues. See this article for usage patterns.

All pull requests are made from a fork of the repository; use the GitHub UI to create a fork. depends on submodules, so when you clone your fork to your local machine, include the --recursive flag:

$ git clone --recursive<your-github-username>/
$ cd

Finally, install all development dependencies:

$ pip install -e ".[dev]"

Using Docker

Developing within Docker is not required, but if you prefer that workflow, use the sandbox container provided in the docker-compose.yml file.

To start up the test environment, run:

$ docker compose up -d

This will build a Docker container set up with an environment to run the Python test code.


This container does not have go-ethereum installed, so you cannot run the go-ethereum test suite.

To run the Python tests from your local machine:

$ docker compose exec sandbox bash -c 'pytest -n 4 -f -k "not goethereum"'

You can run arbitrary commands inside the Docker container by using the bash -c prefix.

$ docker compose exec sandbox bash -c ''

Or, if you would like to open a session to the container, run:

$ docker compose exec sandbox bash

Code Style

We value code consistency. To ensure your contribution conforms to the style being used in this project, we encourage you to read our style guide.

We use Black for linting. To ignore the commits that introduced Black in git history, you can configure your git environment like so:

git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs

Type Hints

This code base makes use of type hints. Type hints make it easy to prevent certain types of bugs, enable richer tooling, and enhance the documentation, making the code easier to follow.

All new code is required to include type hints, with the exception of tests.

All parameters, as well as the return type of functions, are expected to be typed, with the exception of self and cls as seen in the following example.

def __init__(self, wrapped_db: DatabaseAPI) -> None:
    self.wrapped_db = wrapped_db

Running The Tests

A great way to explore the code base is to run the tests.

First, install the test dependencies:

$ pip install -e ".[tester]"

You can run all tests with:

$ pytest

However, running the entire test suite takes a very long time and is generally impractical. Typically, you'll just want to run a subset instead, like:

$ pytest tests/core/eth-module/

You can use tox to run all the tests for a given version of Python:

$ tox -e py37-core

Linting is also performed by the CI. You can save yourself some time by checking for linting errors locally:

$ make lint

It is important to understand that each pull request must pass the full test suite as part of the CI check. This test suite will run in the CI anytime a pull request is opened or updated.

Writing Tests

We strongly encourage contributors to write good tests for their code as part of the code review process. This helps ensure that your code is doing what it should be doing.

We strongly encourage you to use our existing tests for both guidance and homogeneity / consistency across our tests. We use pytest for our tests. For more specific pytest guidance, please refer to the pytest documentation.

Within the pytest scope, files are used for common code shared between modules that exist within the same directory as that particular file.

Unit Testing and eth-tester Tests

Our unit tests are grouped together with tests against the eth-tester library, using the py-evm library as a backend, via the EthereumTesterProvider.

These tests live under appropriately named child directories within the /tests directory. The core of these tests live under /tests/core. Do your best to follow the existing structure when adding a test and make sure that its location makes sense.

Integration Testing

Our integration test suite setup lives under the /tests/integration directory. The integration test suite is dependent on what we call "fixtures" (not to be confused with pytest fixtures). These zip file fixtures, which also live in the /tests/integration directory, are configured to run the specific client we are testing against along with a genesis configuration that gives our tests some pre-determined useful objects (like unlocked, pre-loaded accounts) to be able to interact with the client when we run our tests.

The parent /integration directory houses some common configuration shared across all client tests, whereas the /go_ethereum directory houses common code to be shared across geth-specific provider tests. Though the setup and run configurations exist across the different files within /tests/integration, our integration module tests are written across different files within /web3/_utils/module_testing.

  • files within the client directories contain code that is shared across all provider tests (http, ipc, and ws). This is mostly used to override tests that span across all providers.
  • files within each of these directories contain mostly code that can be used by all test files that exist within the same directory or subdirectories of the file. This is mostly used to house pytest fixtures to be shared among our tests. Refer to the pytest documentation on fixtures for more information.
  • test_{client}_{provider}.py files (e.g. are where client-and-provider-specific test configurations exist. This is mostly used to override tests specific to the provider type for the respective client.

Working With Test Contracts

Contracts used for testing exist under web3/_utils/contract_sources. These contracts get compiled via the script in the same directory. To use this script, simply pass the Solidity version to be used to compile the contracts as an argument at the command line.

Arguments for the script are:
-v or --version Solidity version to be used to compile the contracts. If

blank, the script uses the latest available version from solcx.

-f or --filename If left blank, all .sol files will be compiled and the

respective contract data will be generated. Pass in a specific .sol filename here to compile just one file.

To run the script, you will need the py-solc-x library for compiling the files as well as black for code formatting. You can install those independently or install the full [dev] package extra as shown below.

$ pip install "web3[dev]"

The following example compiles all the contracts and generates their respective contract data that is used across our test files for the test suites. This data gets generated within the contract_data subdirectory within the contract_sources folder.

$ cd ../
$ python -v 0.8.17
Compiling OffchainLookup
reformatted ...

To compile and generate contract data for only one .sol file, specify using the filename with the -f (or --filename) argument flag.

$ cd ../
$ python -v 0.8.17 -f OffchainLookup.sol
Compiling OffchainLookup.sol
reformatted ...

If there is any contract data that is not generated via the script but is important to pass on to the integration tests, the file within the contract_data subdirectory can be used to store that information when appropriate.

Be sure to re-generate the integration test fixture after running the script to update the contract bytecodes for the integration test suite - see the generating_fixtures section below.

Manual Testing

To import and test an unreleased version of in another context, you can install it from your development directory:

$ pip install -e ../path/to/web3py


Good documentation will lead to quicker adoption and happier users. Please check out our guide on how to create documentation for the Python Ethereum ecosystem.

Pull requests generate their own preview of the latest documentation at https://web3py--<pr-number><pr-number>/.

Pull Requests

It's a good idea to make pull requests early on. A pull request represents the start of a discussion, and doesn't necessarily need to be the final, finished submission.

See GitHub's documentation for working on pull requests.

Once you've made a pull request take a look at the Circle CI build status in the GitHub interface and make sure all tests are passing. In general, pull requests that do not pass the CI build yet won't get reviewed unless explicitly requested.

If the pull request introduces changes that should be reflected in the release notes, please add a newsfragment file as explained here.

If possible, the change to the release notes file should be included in the commit that introduces the feature or bugfix.

Generating New Fixtures

Our integration tests make use of Geth private networks. When new versions of the client software are introduced, new fixtures should be generated.

Before generating new fixtures, make sure you have the test dependencies installed:

$ pip install -e ".[tester]"


A "fixture" is a pre-synced network. It's the result of configuring and running a client, deploying the test contracts, and saving the resulting state for testing functionality against.

Geth Fixtures

  1. Install the desired Geth version on your machine locally. We recommend py-geth for this purpose, because it enables you to easily manage multiple versions of Geth.

    Note that py-geth will need updating to support each new Geth version as well. Adding newer Geth versions to py-geth is straightforward; see past commits for a template.

    If py-geth has the Geth version you need, install that version locally. For example:

    $ python -m geth.install v1.13.9
  2. Specify the Geth binary and run the fixture creation script (from within the directory):

    $ GETH_BINARY=~/.py-geth/geth-v1.13.9/bin/geth python ./tests/integration/generate_fixtures/ ./tests/integration/geth-1.13.9-fixture
  3. The output of this script is your fixture, a zip file, which is now stored in /tests/integration/. Update the /tests/integration/go_ethereum/ and /web3/tools/benchmark/ files to point to this new fixture. Delete the old fixture.
  4. Run the tests. To ensure that the tests run with the correct Geth version locally, you may again include the GETH_BINARY environment variable.
  5. Update the geth_version and pygeth_version parameter defaults in /.circleci/config.yml to match the go-ethereum version used to generate the test fixture and the py-geth version that supports installing it.

CI Testing With a Nightly Geth Build

Occasionally you'll want to have CI run the test suite against an unreleased version of Geth, for example, to test upcoming hard fork changes. The workflow described below is for testing only, i.e., open a PR, let CI run the tests, but the changes should only be merged into main once the Geth release is published or you have some workaround that doesn't require test fixtures built from an unstable client.

  1. Configure tests/integration/generate_fixtures/go_ethereum/ as needed.
  2. Geth automagically compiles new builds for every commit that gets merged into the codebase. Download the desired build from the develop builds.
  3. Build your test fixture, passing in the binary you just downloaded via GETH_BINARY. Don't forget to update the /tests/integration/go_ethereum/ file to point to your new fixture.
  4. Our CI runs on Ubuntu, so download the corresponding 64-bit Linux develop build, then add it to the root of your directory. Rename the binary custom_geth.
  5. In .circleci/config.yml, update jobs relying on geth_steps, to instead use custom_geth_steps.
  6. Create a PR and let CI do its thing.


Final Test Before Each Release

Before releasing a new version, build and test the package that will be released. There's a script to build and install the wheel locally, then generate a temporary virtualenv for smoke testing:

$ git checkout main && git pull

$ make package

# in another shell, navigate to the virtualenv mentioned in output of ^

# load the virtualenv with the packaged release
$ source package-smoke-test/bin/activate

# smoke test the release
$ pip install ipython
$ ipython
>>> from web3 import Web3, IPCProvider
>>> w3 = Web3(IPCProvider(provider_url))
>>> w3.is_connected()
>>> ...

Verify The Latest Documentation

To preview the documentation that will get published:

$ make docs

Preview The Release Notes

$ towncrier build --draft

Compile The Release Notes

After confirming that the release package looks okay, compile the release notes:

$ make notes bump=$$VERSION_PART_TO_BUMP$$

You may need to fix up any broken release note fragments before committing. Keep running make build-docs until it passes, then commit and carry on.

Push The Release to GitHub & PyPI

After committing the compiled release notes and pushing them to the main branch, release a new version:

$ make release bump=$$VERSION_PART_TO_BUMP$$

Which Version Part to Bump

The version format for this repo is {major}.{minor}.{patch} for stable, and {major}.{minor}.{patch}-{stage}.{devnum} for unstable (stage can be alpha or beta).

During a release, specify which part to bump, like make release bump=minor or make release bump=devnum.

If you are in an alpha version, make release bump=stage will bump to beta. If you are in a beta version, make release bump=stage will bump to a stable version.

To issue an unstable version when the current version is stable, specify the new version explicitly, like make release bump="--new-version 4.0.0-alpha.1 devnum".