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nolash committed Jan 27, 2017
2 parents e545ed7 + d470353 commit 38d4800
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Showing 4 changed files with 1,081 additions and 0 deletions.
377 changes: 377 additions & 0 deletions bzz/blockhash.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
The blockhash package implements a hash tree based fixed block size distributed
data storage
The block hash of a byte array is defined as follows:
- if size is no more than BlockSize, it is stored in a single block
blockhash = sha256(int64(size) + data)
- if size is more than BlockSize*BlockHashCount^l, but no more than BlockSize*
BlockHashCount^(l+1), the data vector is split into slices of BlockSize*
BlockHashCount^l length (except the last one).
blockhash = sha256(int64(size) + blockhash(slice0) + blockhash(slice1) + ...)

package bzz

import (

const HashSize = 32
const BlockSize = 4096
const BlockHashCount = BlockSize / HashSize

type HashType []byte

The layered (memory, disk, distributed) storage model provides two channels, one
for storing and one for retrieving blocks. The layers are chained so that every
layer can store blocks and try to retrieve them if the previous layer did not

type dpaStorage struct {
store_chn chan *dpaStoreReq
retrieve_chn chan *dpaRetrieveReq
chain *dpaStorage

type dpaReaderAt struct {
hash HashType
store *dpaStorage
size int64

type dpaNode struct {
data []byte
size int64 // denotes the size of data represented by the whole subtree

type dpaStoreReq struct {
hash HashType

type dpaRetrieveRes struct {
req_id int

type dpaRetrieveReq struct {
hash HashType
req_id int
result_chn chan *dpaRetrieveRes

func (h HashType) bits(i, j uint) uint {

ii := i >> 3
jj := i & 7
if ii >= HashSize {
return 0

if jj+j <= 8 {
return uint((h[ii] >> jj) & ((1 << j) - 1))

res := uint(h[ii] >> jj)
jj = 8 - jj
j -= jj
for j != 0 {
if j < 8 {
res += uint(h[ii]&((1<<j)-1)) << jj
return res
res += uint(h[ii]) << jj
jj += 8
j -= 8
return res

func (h HashType) isEqual(h2 HashType) bool {

for i := range h {
if h[i] != h2[i] {
return false
return true


func (s *dpaStorage) Init() {

s.store_chn = make(chan *dpaStoreReq, 1000)
s.retrieve_chn = make(chan *dpaRetrieveReq, 1000)


// get the root hash of any data vector and store the blocks of the tree if store != nil

func GetDPAroot(data []byte, store *dpaStorage) HashType {

return GetDPAhash(io.NewSectionReader(bytes.NewReader(data), 0, int64(len(data))), store)


func goGetDPAhash(reader *io.SectionReader, store *dpaStorage, hash HashType, done chan<- bool) {

hh := GetDPAhash(reader, store)
if hh == nil {
done <- false
} else {
copy(hash[:], hh[:])
done <- true


func GetDPAhash(reader *io.SectionReader, store *dpaStorage) HashType {

size := reader.Size()
var block []byte

if size <= BlockSize {
block = make([]byte, size)
br, _ := reader.Read(block)
if br < int(size) {
return nil
} else {
stc := (size + BlockSize - 1) / BlockSize
SubtreeSize := int64(BlockSize)

for stc > BlockHashCount {
stc = (stc-1)/BlockHashCount + 1
SubtreeSize *= BlockHashCount
SubtreeCount := int(stc)

block = make([]byte, SubtreeCount*HashSize)

hdone := make(chan bool, SubtreeCount)

ptr := int64(0)
hptr := 0
for i := 0; i < SubtreeCount; i++ {
ptr2 := ptr + SubtreeSize
if ptr2 > size {
ptr2 = size
go goGetDPAhash(io.NewSectionReader(reader, ptr, ptr2-ptr), store, HashType(block[hptr:hptr+HashSize]), hdone)
ptr = ptr2
hptr += HashSize

for i := 0; i < SubtreeCount; i++ {
if !<-hdone {
return nil

hashfn := sha256.New()
//binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(b, uint16(i))
//fmt.Printf("%d\n", size)
binary.Write(hashfn, binary.LittleEndian, int64(size))
hash := hashfn.Sum(nil)

if store != nil {
req := new(dpaStoreReq) = block
req.size = int64(size)
req.hash = hash
store.store_chn <- req

return hash


// recursive function to retrieve a section of a subtree
// len(data) == stop-start

func getDPAblock(res *dpaRetrieveRes, data []byte, start int64, stop int64, bsize int64, retrv chan<- *dpaRetrieveReq, done chan<- bool) bool {

for bsize >= res.size {
if bsize == BlockSize {
bsize = 0
} else {
bsize /= BlockHashCount

if bsize < BlockSize {
if res.size < stop {
if done != nil {
done <- false
return false
if done != nil {
done <- true
return true

bstart := int(start / bsize)
bstop := int((stop + bsize - 1) / bsize)

if len( < bstop*HashSize {
if done != nil {
done <- false
return false

chn := make(chan *dpaRetrieveRes, bstop-bstart)
sdone := make(chan bool, bstop-bstart)

for i := bstart; i < bstop; i++ {

hash := HashType([i*HashSize : (i+1)*HashSize])
req := new(dpaRetrieveReq)
req.hash = hash
req.req_id = i
req.result_chn = chn
retrv <- req


for j := bstart; j < bstop; j++ {

res := <-chn

i := int64(res.req_id)
a := i * bsize
aa := a
b := a + bsize

if a < start {
a = start
if b > stop {
b = stop

if res.size < b-aa {
if done != nil {
done <- false
return false

if bsize == BlockSize {
getDPAblock(res, data[a-start:b-start], a-aa, b-aa, 0, retrv, sdone)
} else {
go getDPAblock(res, data[a-start:b-start], a-aa, b-aa, bsize/BlockHashCount, retrv, sdone)

dd := true
for j := bstart; j < bstop; j++ {
if !<-sdone {
dd = false

if done != nil {
done <- dd
return dd


func (r *dpaReaderAt) ReadAt(p []byte, off int64) (n int, err error) {

chn := make(chan *dpaRetrieveRes)

req := new(dpaRetrieveReq)
req.hash = r.hash
req.req_id = 0
req.result_chn = chn <- req
res := <-chn

if res.size == 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Block hash %064x not found", r.hash)

r.size = res.size
if len(p) == 0 {
return 0, nil

bsize := int64(0)
if res.size > BlockSize {
bsize = int64(BlockSize)
for bsize*BlockHashCount < res.size {
bsize *= BlockHashCount

err = error(nil)

eoff := off + int64(len(p))
if eoff > res.size {
eoff = res.size
err = io.EOF

if !getDPAblock(res, p, off, eoff, bsize,, nil) {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Can't load section [%d:%d] of block hash %064x", off, eoff, r.hash)

return int(eoff - off), err


func GetDPAreader(hash HashType, st *dpaStorage) *io.SectionReader {

rd := new(dpaReaderAt)
rd.hash = hash = st
rd.size = -1

rd.ReadAt(nil, 0)

if rd.size >= 0 {
return io.NewSectionReader(rd, 0, rd.size)
} else {
return nil


// retrieve a data vector of a given block hash from the given storage

func GetDPAdata(hash HashType, st *dpaStorage) []byte {

sr := GetDPAreader(hash, st)
if sr == nil {
return nil

size := sr.Size()

data := make([]byte, int(size))
br, _ := sr.Read(data)
if int64(br) == size {
return data
} else {
return nil


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