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🎁 Notifications menu with birthday reminders
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Author: Carlos Alves - @EuCarlos

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1. How to run the project

1.1. Installation

Clone the repo:

git clone && cd birthday-reminder-menu-react-ts

Install the dependencies using Yarn or NPM:

yarn install // or -> npm install 

1.2. Run the project

Start a react server:

yarn dev // or -> npm run dev

Build the project:

yarn build // or -> npm run build

2. General Objective:

Create a web application made with React and TypeScript to notify birthdays reminders of the day.

3. Functional requirements:

  • [FR001] - The system must count the number of people having a birthday on the day.
  • [FR002] - The system must have a header with the logo on the left and a notification bell with a birthday count on the right.
  • [FR003] - The system should show the message "No birthday reminders to see" after clicking the "Mark all as seen" button
  • [FR004] - The system must present the name, profile picture and age in the notification.

4. Non-functional requirements:

  • [NFR001] - The System must be responsive (adaptable for desktop, tablets and mobile phones).
  • [NFR002] - The system must be developed using React and TypeScript.
  • [NFR003] - The system must have a good interface for human-machine interaction.

5. How to contribute to this project?

Before starting, check and follow the instructions for contributing to the repository. If not, you can follow the instructions below:

  1. Fork the project
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b nova-branch
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'I added something'
  4. Push to branch: git push origin nova-branch
  5. Open a Pull Request

6. How do I report a bug or request a feature?

If you want to report a bug or request a feature, go to Issue on the GitHub Project and add your request.

7. License:

This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. Read the LICENSE file for more information.

Created with 💜 by Carlos Alves