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Lecture 10 IP 2

IP Routing

Generic Forwarding Architecture


Third Generation Routers


Graph Model

  • Represent each router as node
  • Direct link between routers represented by edge

Ways to Compute Shortest Paths

  • Centralized
    • Use standard graph algorithm and collect graph structure in one place
  • Link-state
    • Every node collects complete graph structure
    • Each computs shortest paths from it
    • Each generates its own routing table
  • Distance-vector
    • Nodes construct their own tables iteratively
    • Each sends information about its table to neighbors

Link State Protocol

  • Every node gets complete copy of graph
    • Every node floods network with data about its outgoing links
  • Every node computes routes to every other node

Dijkstra's Algorithm

  • Shortest Path First Algorithm
    • Traverse graph in order of least code from source
    • Determine leaset cost path from source node s to every node v

OSPF Routing Protocol

  • Open Shortest-path First
  • OSPF has fast convergence when configuration changes
  • OSPF reliable flooding
    • Transmit link state advertisements
    • When should it be performed
      • Periodically
      • When status of link changes
    • What happens when router goes down and comes back up
      • Router will send out LSAs with number 0

Distance-Vector Method

  • At any time, have cost/next hop of best known path to destination
  • Link cost changes:
    • Node detects local link cost change and updates distance table
    • Good news travels fast
    • Bad news travels slow
  • Poison reverse
    • Iterations don't converge
    • Count to infinity problem
    • Solution: make "infinite" smaller


Bellman-Ford Algorithm

  • Repeat
    • For every node x
      • For every neighbor z
        • For every destination y
          • d(x,y) = Update(x, y, z)
  • Until converge

Comparison of Link-state and Distance-vector

  • Message complexity
    • Link-state: with n nodes, E links, O(nE) messages
    • Distance-vector: exchange between neighbors only
  • Speed of Convergence
    • Link-state: Relatively fast
      • Complex computation, but can forward before computation
      • May have transient loops
    • Distance-vector: convergence time varies
      • May have routing loops
      • Count-to-infinity problem
      • Faster with triggered updates
  • Space requirements
    • Link-state: maintains entire topology
    • Distance-vector: maintains only neighbor state
  • Robustness (router malfunctions)
    • Link-state: node can advertise incorrect link cost
      • Each node computes its own table
    • Distance-vector: node can advertise incorrect path cost
      • Each node's table used by others (error propagates)

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

  • Short messages used to send error & other control information
  • IP MTU discovery with ICMP
    • When successful, no reply at IP level
  • Base-level protocol (IP) provides minimal service level
    • Each step involves determining next hop
  • ICMP provides low-level error reporting