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Once you've installed the lirc python package, there will be a number of things you can now import from it to get started.

from lirc import Client, LircdConnection

The most relevant of these is Client, since this is the main class you will be using. LircdConnection is the object that is used to configure the connection to LIRC when you initialize the Client.

Initializing Lirc

The Client class takes in one optional keyword argument: connection. This connection must be a LircdConnection. This connection, if not specified manually, will have default values that depend on the operating system you are on. So the simplest way to construct Client is with no arguments at all.

from lirc import Client

lirc_client = Client()

Overriding LIRC Defaults on Initialization

However, if we the defaults don't work for us? Let's say we're on Windows and we want to connect over TCP to a remote LIRC server on another Windows machine. So we've passed in an address to override the default so it doesn't look for the daemon on the localhost. socket and timeout are passed in just to show that we can, these are already the defaults on Windows.

import socket
from lirc import Client, LircdConnection

client = Client(
    address=("", 8765),
    socket=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM),

LIRC Initialization Defaults per Operating System

From the options we may pass into the LircdConnection, address and socket will change depending on the operating system you are using. The timeout always defaults to 5.0 (seconds).

On Linux, this will attempt to connect to the lircd socket at /var/run/lirc/lircd and create a socket using AF_UNIX and SOCK_STREAM.

On macOS, it will be almost identical to Linux except that all the paths will be prefixed by /opt/local/ so the connection to the lircd socket will instead be at /opt/local/var/run/lirc/lircd. The socket that is created will be the same.

However if we are on Windows, we can't use unix domain sockets. Instead, WinLIRC uses TCP to communicate with the lirc daemon. So instead of a string for the address, it defaults to a tuple of ("localhost", 8765), which is the default on WinLIRC. The first part contains the address whereas the second is the port. Furthermore, the socket that is created uses AF_INET and SOCK_STREAM instead so we can connect over TCP.

Sending IR Codes

In order to send IR signals with our remote, we can use the send method on the lirc.Client.

import lirc

client = lirc.Client()
client.send_once('our-remote-name', 'key-in-the-remote-file')

Using the send_once() method is quite simple. For any method, such as this one, that takes in a remote and a key, the parameters are always in that order with the remote name first and then the key name. Because the send_once method does not get any meaningful data back from lircd, there is no return value from it. Instead, as is the case for most methods here that don't have a meaningful return value, a lirc.LircdCommandFailureError is raised if the command we sent failed.

Furthermore, we can also send the key in rapid succession. This is useful if we, say, want to go to channel 33.

client.send_once('our-remote-name', 'key_3', repeat_count=2)