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This page contains instructions on how to migrate between versions with breaking changes.

Migrate To V1.1.0

Changes that you'll need to make in this version are mainly because of a new ui from discord, more info here

Responding / Deferring

In regards to :class:`SlashContext` the methods .respond and .ack have been removed, and .defer added. Deferring a message will allow you to respond for up to 15 mins, but you'll have to defer within three seconds. When you defer the user will see a "this bot is thinking" message until you send a message, This message can be ephemeral (hidden) or visible. .defer has a hidden parameter, which will make the deferred message ephemeral.

We suggest deferring if you might take more than three seconds to respond, but if you will call .send before three seconds then don't.


You must respond with .send within 15 minutes of the command being invoked to avoid an "interaction failed" message, if you defer. This is especially relevant for bots that had 'invisible' commands, where the invocation was not shown. If you wish to have the invocation of the command not visible, send an ephemeral success message, and then do what you used to. It is no longer possible to "eat" the invocation. does not count as responding.


# Before
async def command(ctx, ...):
    await ctx.respond()
    await ctx.send(...)

# After 1
async def command(ctx, ...):
    await ctx.send(...)

# After 2
async def command(ctx, ...):
    await ctx.defer()
    # Process that takes time
    await ctx.send(...)

Sending hidden messages

The method .send_hidden on :class:`SlashContext` has been removed. Use .send(hidden = True, ..) instead.


ctx.sent has been renamed to :attr:`ctx.responded <.SlashContext.responded>`

Migrate To 1.0.9

1.0.9 Update includes many feature add/rewrite for easier and better usage. However, due to that, it includes many critical breaking changes.

This page will show how to deal with those changes.


.send() / .delete() / .edit()


# Case 1
await ctx.send(4, content="Hello, World! This is initial message.")
await ctx.edit(content="Or nevermind.")
await ctx.delete()
await ctx.send(content="This is followup message.")

# Case 2
await ctx.send(content="This is secret message.", complete_hidden=True)


# Case 1
await ctx.respond()  # This is optional, but still recommended to.
msg = await ctx.send("Hello, World! This is initial message.")
await msg.edit(content="Or nevermind.")
await msg.delete()
await ctx.send("This is followup message.")

# Case 2
await ctx.respond(eat=True)  # Again, this is optional, but still recommended to.
await ctx.send("This is secret message.", hidden=True)

Objects of the command invoke


author_id = if isinstance(, discord.Member) else
channel_id = if isinstance(, discord.TextChannel) else
guild_id = if isinstance(ctx.guild, discord.Guild) else ctx.guild


author_id = ctx.author_id
channel_id = ctx.channel_id
guild_id = ctx.guild_id


We've changed the method of automatically registering commands to API to reduce the request amount and prevent rate limit. So, auto_register and auto_delete parameter is now removed. Please change your SlashContext params like this.


slash = SlashContext(..., auto_register=True, auto_delete=True)  # Either one can be false.


slash = SlashContext(..., sync_commands=True)

Cog Support


class Slash(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self, bot):
        if not hasattr(bot, "slash"):
            # Creates new SlashCommand instance to bot if bot doesn't have.
            bot.slash = SlashCommand(bot, override_type=True)
        # Note that hasattr block is optional, meaning you might not have it.
        # Its completely fine, and ignore it. = bot

    def cog_unload(self):



class Slash(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self, bot): = bot


As you can see if not hasattr(...): block is removed, moving to main file like this is necessary.

bot = commands.Bot(...)
slash = SlashCommand(bot)
# No worries for not doing `bot.slash` because its automatically added now.


It got deleted, so please remove all of it if you used it.

Also, we've added connector parameter, which is for helping passing options as kwargs if your command option is other that english.


    "example-arg": "example_arg",
    "시간": "hour"