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914 lines (771 loc) · 50.3 KB

CHANGELOG for Shopware 5.3.x

This changelog references changes done in Shopware 5.3 patch versions.


View all changes from v5.3.6...v5.3.7


  • Changed input validation to fix non persistent XSS vulnerability in the frontend
  • Changed timeout for store API requests


  • Deprecated articleId column in s_articles_attributes table, it will be removed in Shopware version 5.5 as it isn't used anymore since version 5.2


View all changes from v5.3.5...v5.3.6


  • Changed logging of exceptions to not log 404 errors


  • Added product sorting by stock facet


View all changes from v5.3.4...v5.3.5


  • Added new filter event Shopware_Modules_Order_SaveOrder_FilterAttributes to engine/Shopware/Core/sOrder.php to allow modification of the Order's attributes
  • Added new notify until event Shopware_Plugins_HttpCache_ShouldNotInvalidateCache to engine/Shopware/Plugins/Default/Core/HttpCache/Bootstrap.php to be notified when the cache for a model will be invalidated and be able to prevent it
  • Added new service Shopware\Components\HttpCache\CacheRouteInstaller for creating cache routes
  • Added smarty block frontend_index_header_meta_description_twitter for twitter:description meta tag
  • Added smarty block frontend_index_header_meta_description_og for og:description meta tag
  • Added EventEmitter to StateManager constructor
  • Added translation for article shippingtime field
  • Added feed-id parameter to sw:product:feeds:refresh to refresh only a specific product feed
  • Added sw:product:feeds:list command to show all product feeds
  • Added possibility for the http cache component to ignore certain url parameters for the cache key. A set of default parameters will be provided in version 5.4
  • Added new API endpoint /users which allows to manage the backend users. For more information, look here
  • Added generatePassword method to engine/Shopware/Components/Random.php which allows to generate cryptographically secure passwords
  • Added UserName and UserEmail validator in /engine/Shopware/Components/Auth
  • Added hidden sordernumber form fields to inquiry forms


  • Changed the cache ids for the listing back to a instead of
  • Changed the captcha validation with double-opt-in
  • Changed the createValueListFacetResult method of ProductAttributeFacetHandler to display translations of attribute values in facet list
  • Changed the snippet export to specify the fallback language
  • The tax id of the invoice address is now also used for deliveries to foreign countries if the invoice country and delivery country are marked to be tax free for companies and if the delivery address does not have a tax id


  • Removed ambiguous variant cache ids from the emotion pages (a<variantId>)


View all changes from v5.3.3...v5.3.4


  • Added method Shopware\Models\Shop\Repository::getById()
  • Added service translation
  • Added smarty function is_object to the list of allowed functions
  • Added grunt task support for child themes so that their tasks are run as well by the Shopware grunt
  • Added dispatch attributes to frontend
  • Added initialization check for the "disable" and "enable" form field functionality of the TinyMCE component
  • Added infinite sliding option to product slider


  • Changed article attribute filter in API
  • Changed the pagination of the blog by adding the filters to the pagination links
  • Changed method \Shopware\Components\SitemapXMLRepository::readCategoryUrls to only export public category links
  • Changed method visibility of \Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Search::createEntitySearchQuery from private to public
  • Changed the I am select option for the registration: If it is deactivated in the backend, it effects only the registration
  • Changed the update, delete and insert backlog from product number to the main detail product number by variant and price model
  • Changed payment type text legacy for the_payment_has_been_ordered_by_hanseatic_bank to be more generic
  • Changed the snippet read operation: Snippets with numeric names are now possible
  • Changed the creation of Cronjobs to insert active Cronjobs by a cronjob.xml


  • Removed the default option touchControls: true from the instantiation of the swImageSlider


View all changes from v5.3.2...v5.3.3


  • Added filtering of model fields with possibly insecure content
  • Added new container parameter active_plugins which contains an array of installed and active plugins
  • Added variables image_small, image_large, image_original, link_rating_tab to product rating reminder email
  • Added SVG and WOFF files to the list of compressible mimetypes
  • Added functionality to show the backend growl messages in each corner of the screen (configurable in basic settings)
  • Added smarty block backend/base/model/corner_position for corner position configuration model
  • Added smarty block backend/base/store/corner_position for corner position configuration store
  • Added functionality to open the drop down menus of the main menu in the backend by using either mouse hover or mouse click (configurable in basic settings)


  • Updated CustomerStream interface to improve usability


View all changes from v5.3.1...v5.3.2


  • Added basic auth support for rest api


  • Changed engine/Library/Smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_write_file.php in order to prevent race condition when creating directories concurrently
  • Support namespaces for controllers. The event Enlight_Controller_Dispatcher_ControllerPath_{module}_{controller} now accepts a class name as return value to allow namespaces for controllers in plugins.
  • Changed representation of empty conditions in s_customer_streams to NULL instead of {}


View all changes from v5.2.27...v5.3.0


  • Added config element displayOnlySubShopVotes to display only shop assigned article votes
  • Added parameter displayProgressOnSingleDelete to Shopware.grid.Panel to hide progress window on single delete action
  • Added parameter expression in Shopware.listing.FilterPanel to allow define own query expressions
  • Added parameter splitFields to Shopware.model.Container to configure fieldset column layout
  • Added interface Shopware\Components\Captcha\CaptchaInterface
  • Added method Shopware\Models\Order\Repository::getList()
  • Added method Shopware\Models\Order\Repository::search()
  • Added method Shopware\Models\Order\Repository::getDocuments()
  • Added method Shopware\Models\Order\Repository::getDetails()
  • Added method Shopware\Models\Order\Repository::getPayments()
  • Added responsive helper css/less classes in _mixins/visibility-helper.less
  • Added method Shopware\Bundle\MediaBundle\MediaServiceInterface::getFilesystem() for direct access to the media filesystem
  • Added config element liveMigration to enable or disable the media live migration
  • Added config element displayListingBuyButton to display listing buy button
  • Added service shopware_search.batch_product_search and shopware_search.batch_product_number_search for optimized product queries
  • Added support for callback methods and jQuery promises in jQuery.overlay and jQuery.loadingIndicators
  • Added jQuery method setLoading() to apply a loading indicator to an element $('selector').setLoading()
  • Added required attribute data-facet-name for filter elements
  • Added type for the filter panels value-list-single
  • Added smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_multi_selection for unified filter panel
  • Added smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_multi_selection_flyout for unified filter panel
  • Added smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_multi_selection_title for unified filter panel
  • Added smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_multi_selection_icon for unified filter panel
  • Added smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_multi_selection_content for unified filter panel
  • Added smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_multi_selection_list for unified filter panel
  • Added smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_multi_selection_option for unified filter panel
  • Added smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_multi_selection_option_container for unified filter panel
  • Added smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_multi_selection_input for unified filter panel
  • Added smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_multi_selection_label for unified filter panel
  • Added service Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Service\Core\CategoryDepthService to select categories by the given depth
  • Added jQuery event plugin/swListing/fetchListing which allows to load listings, facet data or listing counts
  • Added config element listingMode to switch listing reload behavior
  • Added jQuery event action/fetchListing which allows to load listings, facet data or listing counts
  • Added property path to Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Media which reflects the virtual path
  • Added service Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Service\Core\BlogService to fetch blog entries by id
  • Added template themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/detail/content.tpl
  • Added template themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/detail/content/header.tpl
  • Added template themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/detail/content/buy_container.tpl
  • Added template themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/detail/content/tab_navigation.tpl
  • Added template themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/detail/content/tab_container.tpl
  • Added option to select variants in Shopware.apps.Emotion.view.components.Article and Shopware.apps.Emotion.view.components.ArticleSlider
  • Added local path to @font-face integration of the Open Sans font
  • Added smarty block frontend_register_billing_fieldset_company_panel for registration
  • Added smarty block frontend_register_billing_fieldset_company_title for registration
  • Added smarty block frontend_register_billing_fieldset_company_body for registration
  • Added smarty block frontend_register_billing_fieldset_panel for registration
  • Added smarty block frontend_register_billing_fieldset_title for registration
  • Added smarty block frontend_register_billing_fieldset_body for registration
  • Added smarty block frontend_register_index_cgroup_header_title for registration
  • Added smarty block frontend_register_index_cgroup_header_body for registration
  • Added smarty block frontend_register_index_advantages_title for registration
  • Added smarty block frontend_register_login_customer_title for registration
  • Added smarty block frontend_register_personal_fieldset_panel for registration
  • Added smarty block frontend_register_personal_fieldset_title for registration
  • Added smarty block frontend_register_personal_fieldset_body for registration
  • Added smarty block frontend_register_shipping_fieldset_panel for registration
  • Added smarty block frontend_register_shipping_fieldset_title for registration
  • Added smarty block frontend_register_shipping_fieldset_body for registration
  • Added global date picker component frontend/_public/src/js/jquery.datepicker.js to Responsive theme
  • Added filter facets for date and datetime fields
  • Added template themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/listing/filter/facet-date.tpl for date and datetime facets
  • Added template themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/listing/filter/facet-date-multi.tpl for date and datetime facets
  • Added template themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/listing/filter/facet-date-range.tpl for date and datetime facets
  • Added template themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/listing/filter/facet-datetime.tpl for date and datetime facets
  • Added template themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/listing/filter/facet-datetime-multi.tpl for date and datetime facets
  • Added template themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/listing/filter/facet-datetime-range.tpl for date and datetime facets
  • Added JavaScript method document.asyncReady() to register callbacks which fire after the main script was loaded asynchronously.
  • Added missing dependency jquery.event.move to the package.json file.
  • Added template switch for listing/index.tpl to listing/customer_stream.tpl in case that the category contains a shopping world which is restricted to customer streams
  • Added database column s_emarketing_vouchers.customer_stream_ids to restrict vouchers to customer streams.
  • Added database column s_emotion.customer_stream_ids to restrict shopping worlds to customer streams.
  • Added database table s_customer_streams for a list of all existing streams (Shopware\Models\CustomerStream\CustomerStream)
  • Added database table s_customer_search_index for an fast customer search
  • Added database table s_customer_streams_mapping for mappings between customer and assigned streams
  • Added bundle Shopware\Bundle\CustomerSearchBundle which defines how customers can be searched
  • Added bundle Shopware\Bundle\CustomerSearchBundleDBAL which allows to search for customers using DBAL
  • Added console command sw:customer:search:index:populate to generate customer stream search index
  • Added console command sw:customer:stream:index:populate to generate customer stream mapping table
  • Added flag $hasCustomerStreamEmotion in frontend/home/index.tpl to switch between emotions restricted to customer streams and those which are unrestricted
  • Added route /frontend/listing/layout which loads the category page layout for customer streams. This route is called using {action ...} in case that the category contains an emotion with customer streams
  • Added route /frontend/listing/listing which loads the category product listing. This route is called using {action ...} in case that the category contains an emotion with customer streams
  • Added entity Shopware\Models\CustomerStream\CustomerStream for attribute single and multi selection.
  • Added translations for attribute labels. See below for more information.
  • Added database structure for new emotion preset feature:
    • s_emotion_presets - contains all installed presets
    • s_emotion_preset_translations - contains presets translations
  • Added models for presets
    • Shopware\Models\Emotion\Preset
    • Shopware\Models\Emotion\PresetTranslation
  • Added classes for handling emotion preset feature
    • Shopware\Components\Emotion\EmotionImporter - handle emotion imports
    • Shopware\Components\Emotion\EmotionExporter - handle emotion exports
    • Shopware\Components\Emotion\Preset\EmotionToPresetDataTransformer - transform emotion to preset
    • Shopware\Components\Emotion\Preset\PresetDataSynchronizer - uses component handlers to support import / export of emotions
    • Shopware\Components\Emotion\Preset\PresetInstaller - installer for preset plugins
    • Shopware\Components\Emotion\Preset\PresetLoader - loads presets and refreshes preset data to match current database
    • Shopware\Components\Emotion\Preset\PresetMetaDataInterface - interface to use for preset plugin development
  • Added API Resource for emotion presets Shopware\Components\Api\Resource\EmotionPreset
  • Added backend controller for emotion presets Shopware\Controllers\Backend\EmotionPresets
  • Added compiler pass to register emotion component handlers Shopware\Components\DependencyInjection\Compiler\EmotionPresetCompilerPass
  • Added component handlers for asset import and export of shopping world elements
    • Shopware\Components\Emotion\Preset\ComponentHandler\BannderComponentHandler
    • Shopware\Components\Emotion\Preset\ComponentHandler\BannerSliderComponentHandler
    • Shopware\Components\Emotion\Preset\ComponentHandler\CategoryTeaserComponentHandler
    • Shopware\Components\Emotion\Preset\ComponentHandler\Html5VideoComponentHandler
  • Added new ExtJs views for emotion presets under themes\backend\emotion\view\preset
  • Added new service tag for registering emotion preset component handlers shopware.emotion.preset_component_handler
  • Added actions to import and export shopping worlds in Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Emotion
  • Added condition class Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\Condition\WidthCondition
  • Added condition class Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\Condition\HeightCondition
  • Added condition class Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\Condition\LengthCondition
  • Added condition class Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\Condition\WeightCondition
  • Added facet class Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\Facet\CombinedConditionFacet
  • Added facet class Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\Facet\WidthFacet
  • Added facet class Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\Facet\HeightFacet
  • Added facet class Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\Facet\LengthFacet
  • Added facet class Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\Facet\WeightFacet
  • Added Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\VariantHelper which joins all variants for dbal search
  • Added smarty blocks frontend_checkout_shipping_payment_core_button_top and frontend_checkout_shipping_payment_core_button_top for shipping
  • Added new Interface for facet result template switch Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\TemplateSwitchable
  • Added new service Shopware\Bundle\MediaBundle\CdnOptimizerService for optimizing remote images on CDNs
  • Added option to control target attribute for external links in categories
    • Added database column s_category.external_target
    • Added property externalTarget in Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Category
    • Added property externalTarget in Shopware\Models\Category\Category
    • Added property externalTarget in Shopware\themes\Backend\ExtJs\backend\category\model\detail
    • Added translations for field labels and combo box options
  • Added selecttree and combotree config elements for plugins
  • Added backend configuration option for the newsletter to configure if a captcha is required to subscribe to the newsletter
  • Added two new Smarty blocks for menu and menu item overwrite possibility to the account sidebar
  • Added LiveReload mode for the default grunt which reloads your browser window automatically after the grunt compilation was successful
  • Added nofollow attribute to all links in the block frontend_account_menu since these links are now visible in the frontend if the account dropdown menu is activated
  • Added type parameter to Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Listing::productSliderAction and Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Listing::productsAction which allows to load product sliders or product boxes.
  • Added new search builder class Shopware\Components\Model\SearchBuilder
  • Added new search builder as __construct parameter in Shopware\Bundle\AttributeBundle\Repository\Searcher\GenericSearcher
  • Added new FunctionNode for IF-ELSE statements in ORM query builder
  • Added /address to robots.txt
  • Added snippet DetailBuyActionAddName in snippets/frontend/detail/buy.ini
  • Added Shopware\Components\Template\Security class for all requests.
  • Added whitelist for allowed php functions and php modifiers in smarty
    • template_security.php_modifiers
    • template_security.php_functions
  • Added new option showPagingToolbar to Shopware.DragAndDropSelector.js. Default is false.
  • Added proper expandability to the manual 'SEO URL generation' and the 'HttpCache Warmer' window in themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/performance/view/main/multi_request_tasks.js
  • Added new filter event Shopware_Controllers_Performance_filterCounts to engine/Shopware/Controllers/Backend/Performance.php to add custom count of the HttpCache warmer URLs
  • Added new filter event Shopware_Controllers_Seo_filterCounts to engine/Shopware/Plugins/Default/Core/RebuildIndex/Controllers/Seo.php to add a custom SEO URL count
  • Added new notify event Shopware_CronJob_RefreshSeoIndex_CreateRewriteTable to engine/Shopware/Plugins/Default/Core/RebuildIndex/Bootstrap.php to be notified when the SEO URLs are generated via cronjob
  • Added new column do_not_split to table s_search_fields. Activate to store the values of this field as given into the search index. If not active, the default behaviour is used
  • Added new service shopware_storefront.price_calculator which calculates the product price. Was formerly a private method in shopware_storefront.price_calculation_service
  • Added service shopware_media.extension_mapping to provide a customizable whitelist for media file extensions and their type mapping


  • Updated FPDF to 1.8.1
  • Updated FPDI to 1.6.1
  • Updated flatpickr to 2.5.7
  • Updated jquery to 2.2.4
  • Updated grunt to 1.0.1
  • Updated grunt-contrib-clean to 1.1.0
  • Updated grunt-contrib-copy to 1.0.0
  • Updated Modernizr to 3.5.0
  • Changed theme path for new plugins from /resources into /Resources
  • Changed sorting of Shopware.listing.FilterPanel fields
  • Changed database column s_articles_vote.answer_date to allow NULL values
  • Changed LastArticle plugin config elements show, controller and time to be prefixed with lastarticles_
  • Changed product listings in shopping worlds to only be loaded if showListing is true
  • Changed sql query in sAdmin queries which uses a sub query for address compatibility, following functions affected:
    • sAdmin::sGetDispatchBasket
    • sAdmin::sGetPremiumDispatches
    • sAdmin::sGetPremiumDispatchSurcharge
  • Changed attribute type string mapping to mysql TEXT type. String and single selection data type supports no longer a sql default value.
  • Changed roundPretty value for currency range filter
  • Changed CategoryFacet behavior to generate each time a tree based on the system category with a configured category depth
  • Changed facet templates facet-radio, facet-media-list and facet-value-list into one template
  • Renamed parameter data-count-ctrl on #filter form to data-listing-url
  • Changed removal version of method Shopware\Components\Model\ModelManager::addAttribute to 5.4
  • Changed removal version of method Shopware\Components\Model\ModelManager::removeAttribute to 5.4
  • Changed template component_article_slider.tpl to show provided products instead of always fetching them via ajax
  • Changed emotion preview to not save the current state before showing preview
  • Changed command sw:thumbnail:cleanup to search the filesystem to remove orphaned thumbnails
  • Changed configuration defaultListingSorting from the performance module to basic settings in categories / listings
  • Changed the jQuery plugin src/js/jquery.selectbox-replacement.js to be used only as a polyfill. Use the CSS-only version for select fields instead.
  • Changed template filename from frontend/forms/elements.tpl to frontend/forms/form-elements.tpl
  • Changed smarty block from frontend_forms_index_elements to frontend_forms_index_form_elements
  • Changed smarty blocks from frontend_forms_elements* to frontend_forms_form_elements*
  • Changed template file themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/detail/index.tpl to split it into separated files
  • Changed property linkDetails of $sArticle
  • Changed the article url to also contain the order number of the product
  • Changed the product selection to variant selection in Shopware.apps.Emotion.view.components.BannerMapping
  • Changed the integration of modernizr.js and added it to the compressed main JavaScript files
  • Changed the script tag for the generated JavaScript file for asynchronous loading, can be changed in theme configuration
  • Changed the inline script for the statistics update to vanilla JavaScript
  • Changed event name from plugin/swAjaxProductNavigation/onSetProductState to plugin/swAjaxProductNavigation/onGetProductState
  • Changed behavior of the smarty rendering in forms fields comment. See below for more information
  • Changed behavior of the tracking url rendering. See below for more information
  • Changed database column s_articles_details.instock to allow NULL values and default to 0
  • Backend customer listing is now loaded in Shopware_Controllers_Backend_CustomerQuickView
  • Refactored backend customer module. Please take a look into the different template files to see what has changed.
  • Changed parameter order of Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\FacetResult\RangeFacetResult::__construct() and added $suffix and $digits.
  • Changed selection fields in the voucher module. shopware-form-field-single-selection is now used instead of the native combobox xtype and shopware-form-field-product-grid is used for article restriction.
  • Changed templates to support custom targets for category links
    • themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/index/main-navigation.tpl
    • themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/index/sidebar-categories.tpl
    • themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/sitemap/index.tpl
    • themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/sitemap/recurse.tpl
    • engine/Shopware/Plugins/Default/Frontend/AdvancedMenu/Views/frontend/advanced_menu/index.tpl
  • Changed engine\Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Gateway\DBAL\Hydrator\CategoryHydrator to support the custom target property
  • Changed engine\Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Gateway\DBAL\FieldHelper to support the custom target property
  • Changed engine\Shopware\Components\Compatibility\LegacyStructConverter to support the custom target property
  • Changed return values so the array keys are now the respective country/state IDs in \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Service\Core\LocationService::getCountries
  • Moved the removal of the whole cache folder after the removal of the .js and .css files for better handling of huge caches in the script
  • Changed Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Listing::streamSliderAction to Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Listing::streamAction
  • Changed Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Listing::productSliderAction to Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Listing::productsAction
  • Changed snippet DetailBuyActionAdd in snippets/frontend/detail/buy.ini, it now contains tags
  • Changed snippet ListingBuyActionAdd in snippets/frontend/listing/box_article.ini, it now contains another tag
  • Merged account/sidebar.tpl and account/sidebar_personal.tpl
  • Moved snippets from account/sidebar_personal.ini to account/sidebar.ini


  • Removed unused Zend Framework Components. See below for more information
  • Removed support for Internet Explorer < 11
  • Removed configuration option sCOUNTRYSHIPPING
  • Removed variable {$sShopname} from forms, use {sShopname} instead
  • Removed import / export module
  • Removed ExtJS template themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/vote/view/vote/detail.js
  • Removed ExtJS template themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/vote/view/vote/edit.js
  • Removed ExtJS template themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/vote/view/vote/infopanel.js
  • Removed ExtJS template themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/vote/view/vote/list.js
  • Removed ExtJS template themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/vote/view/vote/toolbar.js
  • Removed ExtJS template themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/vote/view/vote/window.js
  • Removed ExtJS template themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/vote/controller/vote.js
  • Removed ExtJS template themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/vote/controller/vote.js
  • Removed database column s_emarketing_lastarticles.articleName
  • Removed database column s_emarketing_lastarticles.img
  • Removed default plugin LastArticle, use shopware.components.last_articles_subscriber instead
  • Removed session key sLastArticle
  • Removed view variable sLastActiveArticle from basket
  • Removed snippet frontend/checkout/actions/CheckoutActionsLinkLast
  • Removed meta tag fragment
  • Removed view variable hasEscapedFragment
  • Removed method Shopware\Models\Order\Repository::getBackendOrdersQueryBuilder()
  • Removed method Shopware\Models\Order\Repository::getBackendOrdersQuery()
  • Removed method Shopware\Models\Order\Repository::getBackendAdditionalOrderDataQuery()
  • Removed jQuery plugin method showFallbackContent in jquery.emotion.js
  • Removed jQuery plugin method hideFallbackContent in jquery.emotion.js
  • Removed jQuery plugin event plugin/swEmotionLoader/onShowFallbackContent in jquery.emotion.js
  • Removed jQuery plugin event plugin/swEmotionLoader/onHideFallbackContentin jquery.emotion.js
  • Removed alias support from Enlight_Controller_Request_Request (getAlias, getAliases, setAlias)
  • Removed method Shopware\Components\Model\ModelManager::__call()
  • Removed class Enlight_Bootstrap
  • Removed parameter $checkProxy from Enlight_Controller_Request_Request::getClientIp()
  • Removed smarty block frontend_search_category_filter
  • Removed template file themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/search/category-filter.tpl
  • Removed parameter sCategory from search controller listing/ajaxCount requests
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_media_list_flyout
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_media_list_title
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_media_list_icon
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_media_list_content
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_media_list_list
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_media_list_option
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_media_list_option_container
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_media_list_input
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_media_list_label
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_radio_flyout
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_radio_title
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_radio_icon
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_radio_content
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_radio_list
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_radio_option
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_radio_option_container
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_radio_input
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_radio_label
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_value_list_flyout
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_value_list_title
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_value_list_icon
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_value_list_content
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_value_list_list
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_value_list_option
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_value_list_option_container
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_value_list_input
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_filter_facet_value_list_label
  • Removed field from DBAL search query
  • Removed field from DBAL search query
  • Removed join to s_core_tax in Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\ProductNumberSearch
  • Removed method Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Emotion::getEmotion()
  • Removed method Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Emotion::handleElement(), use Shopware\Bundle\EmotionBundle\ComponentHandler\ComponentHandlerInterface instead
  • Removed method Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Emotion::getRandomBlogEntry()
  • Removed method Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Emotion::getBlogEntry(), has been replaced by Shopware\Bundle\EmotionBundle\ComponentHandler\BlogComponentHandler
  • Removed method Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Emotion::getCategoryTeaser(), has been replaced by Shopware\Bundle\EmotionBundle\ComponentHandler\CategoryTeaserComponentHandler
  • Removed method Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Emotion::getBannerMappingLinks(), has been replaced by Shopware\Bundle\EmotionBundle\ComponentHandler\BannerComponentHandler
  • Removed method Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Emotion::getManufacturerSlider(), has been replaced by Shopware\Bundle\EmotionBundle\ComponentHandler\ManufacturerSliderComponentHandler
  • Removed method Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Emotion::getBannerSlider(), has been replaced by Shopware\Bundle\EmotionBundle\ComponentHandler\BannerSliderComponentHandler
  • Removed method Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Emotion::getArticleSlider(), has been replaced by Shopware\Bundle\EmotionBundle\ComponentHandler\ArticleSliderComponentHandler
  • Removed method Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Emotion::getHtml5Video(), has been replaced by Shopware\Bundle\EmotionBundle\ComponentHandler\Html5VideoComponentHandler
  • Removed LESS variable @zindex-fancy-select
  • Removed the jQuery plugin src/js/jquery.selectbox-replacement.js completely
  • Removed LESS variable @zindex-fancy-select
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_actions_sort_field_relevance
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_actions_sort_field_release
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_actions_sort_field_rating
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_actions_sort_field_price_asc
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_actions_sort_field_price_desc
  • Removed smarty block frontend_listing_actions_sort_field_name
  • Removed route /backend/performance/listingSortings
  • Removed constants of \Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\CriteriaRequestHandler\CoreCriteriaRequestHandler and Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\StoreFrontCriteriaFactory:
  • Removed smarty modifier rewrite
  • Removed less variable @font-face for extra-bold and light of the Open Sans font type
  • Removed scrollbar styling on filter-panels (Selector: .filter-panel--content)
  • Removed support for .swf file type in the banner module
  • Removed smarty template block frontend_listing_swf_banner in themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/listing/banner.tpl
  • Removed the jQuery UI date picker integration in favour of a new global component
  • Removed unused css class .panel--list
  • Removed unused css class .panel--arrow
  • Removed unused css class .panel--tab-nav
  • Removed unused css class .panel--filter-btn
  • Removed unused css class .panel--filter-select
  • Removed unused css class .js--mobile-tab-panel
  • Removed unused css class .ribbon
  • Removed unused css class .ribbon--content
  • Removed unused css class .device--mobile
  • Removed unused css class .device--tablet
  • Removed unused css class .device--tablet-portrait
  • Removed unused css class .device--tablet-landscape
  • Removed unused css class .device--desktop
  • Removed max-width rule for .filter--active in themes/Frontend/Responsive/frontend/_public/src/less/_components/filter-panel.less
  • Removed unused field s_core_countries.shippingfree
  • Removed __country_shippingfree field in Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Gateway\DBAL\FieldHelper::getCountryFields
  • Removed Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Country::setShippingFree and Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Country::isShippingFree
  • Removed Shopware\Models\Country\Country::$shippingFree, Shopware\Models\Country\Country::setShippingFree and Shopware\Models\Country\Country::getShippingFree
  • Removed method Shopware\Models\Customer\Repository::getListQueryBuilder
  • Removed method Shopware\Models\Customer\Repository::getListQuery
  • Removed method Shopware\Models\Customer\Repository::getBackendListCountedBuilder
  • Removed route /backend/customer/getList
  • Removed ExtJS model Shopware.apps.Customer.model.List
  • Removed ExtJS store
  • Removed obsolete ExtJS model Shopware.apps.CanceledOrder.model.Customer
  • Removed less file ie.less from the Responsive Theme
  • Removed vendor prefixes -ms and -o from all mixins in the Bare and Responsive Theme
  • Removed file from the Responsive Theme
  • Removed polyfill selectivizr for CSS3 pseudo-classes & attribute selectors
  • Removed polyfill placeholder
  • Removed polyfill Respond.js for min / max-width media queries
  • Removed polyfill matchMedia from jquery.state-manager.js. Use for the same functionality
  • Removed polyfill requestAnimationFrame from jquery.state-manager.js
  • Removed polyfill cancelAnimationFrame from jquery.state-manager.js
  • Removed cookie based polyfill Storage from
  • Removed method hasLocalStorageSupport from Use Modernizr to detect the feature
  • Removed method hasSessionStorageSupport from Use Modernizr to detect the feature
  • Removed html5shiv
  • Removed modernizr option Input attributes
  • Removed modernizr option Form input types
  • Removed modernizr option Border radius
  • Removed modernizr option Box shadow
  • Removed modernizr option CSS gradient
  • Removed modernizr option CSS Transforms
  • Removed modernizr option CSS Transforms 3D
  • Removed modernizr option CSS Transitions
  • Removed event Shopware_Plugins_HttpCache_ShouldNotCache
  • Removed eval from block frontend_forms_index_headline in index.tpl of themes\Frontend\Bare\frontend\forms for $sSupport.text
  • Removed cleanupPlugins from Shopware\Bundle\PluginInstallerBundle\Service


  • Deprecated Shopware_Components_Convert_Csv without replacement, to be removed with 5.4
  • Deprecated Shopware_Components_Convert_Xml without replacement, to be removed with 5.4
  • Deprecated Shopware_Components_Convert_Excel without replacement, to be removed with 5.4
  • Deprecated \Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Listing::ajaxListingAction, use \Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Listing::listingCountAction instead
  • Deprecated method sArticles::sGetAffectedSuppliers() without replacement, to be removed with 5.5
  • Deprecated Shopware\Models\Article\Element, to be removed with 6.0

Zend Framework

A lot of zend framework components or their methods were unused. Here is a list of changes:

Removed Components

  • Zend_Controller
  • Zend_Navigation
  • Zend_View
  • Zend_Form
  • Zend_Paginator
  • Zend_Crypt
  • Zend_Oauth
  • Zend_Dom
  • Zend_Server
  • Zend_Rest
  • Zend_Stdlib
  • Zend_Text
  • Zend_Debug
  • Zend_Registry
  • Zend_XmlRpc
  • Zend_Soap
  • Zend_Service
  • Zend_Filter_Compress
  • Zend_Filter_Decompress
  • Zend_Filter_Encrypt
  • Zend_Filter_Decrypt


  • Removed Zend_Json_Decoder
  • Removed Zend_Json_Encoder
  • Removed Zend_Json_Expr
  • Option enableJsonExprFinder
  • Removed property Zend_Json::$useBuiltinEncoderDecoder
  • Removed property Zend_Json::$maxRecursionDepthAllowed
  • Removed method Zend_Json::fromXml()


  • Removed Zend_Loader_Autoloader
  • Removed Zend_Loader_ClassMapAutoloader
  • Removed Zend_Loader_StandardAutoloader
  • Removed Zend_Loader_Autoloader_Resource
  • Removed method Zend_Loader::autoload()
  • Removed method Zend_Loader::registerAutoload()


  • Removed unused adapters like Db2, Mysqli, Oracle, Ibm, MsSql, Oci, PgSQL, Sqlsrv


  • Removed Zend_Log_Writer_Mail::setLayout() config options layout and layoutFormatter setLayoutFormatter() getLayoutFormatter()


  • Removed Zend_Auth_Adapter_InfoCard


  • Removed Zend_Auth_Adapter_OpenId


  • Removed TimeSync support from Zend_Date


  • Removed ProgressBar support from Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Http


  • Removed Zend_Auth_Adapter_Ldap
  • Removed Zend_Validate_Ldap_Dn


  • Removed Zend_Db_Profiler_Firebug
  • Removed Zend_Log_Formatter_Firebug
  • Removed Zend_Log_Writer_Firebug


  • Removed Zend_Filter_File_*
  • Removed Zend_Validate_File_*

Smarty Rendering

Form Fields

Only variables that were previously assigned to the view are rendered. In addition, smarty function calls are no longer executed.

{} // works

{|currency} // works, but does not execute the currency function

{sElement.value[$key]|currency} // does not work

Tracking Code

Smarty rendering has been disable for this section. All variables have been removed with one exception. The variable {$offerPosition.trackingcode} is a placeholder now. To generate tracking urls, use the following pattern:{$offerPosition.trackingcode}

<a href="{$offerPosition.trackingcode}" onclick="return !, 'popup', 'width=500,height=600,left=20,top=20');" target="_blank">{$offerPosition.trackingcode}</a>

Attribute label translations

Translations for different fields (help, support, label) can be configured via snippets.

Example: s_articles_attributes.attr1

Field Snippet name
Snippet namespace backend/attribute_columns
Snippet name label s_articles_attributes_attr1_label
Snippet name support text s_articles_attributes_attr1_supportText
Snippet name help text s_articles_attributes_attr1_helpText

Backend Components

You can now define the expression for the comparison in SQL. For example >= like seen below:

Ext.define('Shopware.apps.Vote.view.list.extensions.Filter', {
    extend: 'Shopware.listing.FilterPanel',
    alias:  '',
    configure: function() {
        return {
            controller: 'Vote',
            model: 'Shopware.apps.Vote.model.Vote',
            fields: {
                points: {
                    expression: '>=',


Captchas are now configurable via backend and can be added using the shopware.captcha dependency injection container tag.

<service id="shopware.captcha.recaptcha" class="SwagReCaptcha\ReCaptcha">
    <argument type="service" id="guzzle_http_client_factory"/>
    <argument type="service" id="config"/>
    <tag name="shopware.captcha"/>

For more information, please refer to our Captcha Documentation.

Redis backend and doctrine cache

Redis can now be used as a cache provider for the backend and model caches. Here is an example:

    'model' => [
        'redisHost' => '',
        'redisPort' => 6379,
        'redisDbIndex' => 0,
        'cacheProvider' => 'redis',

    'cache' => [
        'backend' => 'redis',
        'backendOptions' => [
            'servers' => array(
                    'host' => '',
                    'port' => 6379,
                    'dbindex' => 0,

Select field replacement

The replacement of the select field elements via JavaScript is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. You can create a styled select field with a simple CSS-only solution by adding a wrapper element.

<div class="select-field">

Batch Product Search

The Batch Product Search service works with request and results. You can add multiple criteria's and/or product numbers to a request and resolve them in an optimized way. An optimizer groups multiple equal criteria's into one and performs the search.

$criteria = new Critera();
$criteria->addCondition(new CategoryCondition([3]));

$anotherCriteria = new Critera();
$anotherCriteria->addCondition(new CategoryCondition([3]));

$request = new BatchProductNumberSearchRequest();
$request->setProductNumbers('numbers-1', ['SW10004', 'SW10006']);
$request->setCriteria('criteria-1', $criteria);
$request->setCriteria('criteria-2', $anotherCriteria);

$result = $this->container->get('shopware_search.batch_product_search')->search($request, $context);

$result->get('numbers-1'); // ['SW10004' => ListProduct, 'SW10006' => ListProduct]
$result->get('criteria-1'); // ['SW10006' => ListProduct, 'SW10007' => ListProduct, 'SW10008' => ListProduct]
$result->get('criteria-2'); // ['SW10009' => ListProduct, 'SW10010' => ListProduct, 'SW10011' => ListProduct, 'SW10012' => ListProduct, 'SW10013' => ListProduct]

Partial facets

\Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\FacetHandlerInterface marked as deprecated and replaced by \Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\PartialFacetHandlerInterface. Each facet handler had to revert the provided criteria by their own to remove customer conditions. This behaviour is now handled in the \Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\ProductNumberSearch::createFacets

Old implementation:

 * @param FacetInterface $facet
 * @param Criteria $criteria
 * @param ShopContextInterface $context
 * @return BooleanFacetResult
public function generateFacet(
    FacetInterface $facet,
    Criteria $criteria,
    ShopContextInterface $context
) {
    $reverted = clone $criteria;

    $query = $this->queryBuilderFactory->createQuery($reverted, $context);

New implementation:

public function generatePartialFacet(
    FacetInterface $facet,
    Criteria $reverted,
    Criteria $criteria,
    ShopContextInterface $context
) {
    $query = $this->queryBuilderFactory->createQuery($reverted, $context);

Elastic search

In the elastic search implementation the current filter behavior is controlled by the condition handlers. By adding an query as post filter, facets are not affected by this filter. This behavior is checked over the Criteria->hasBaseCondition statement:

 * @inheritdoc
public function handle(
    CriteriaPartInterface $criteriaPart,
    Criteria $criteria,
    Search $search,
    ShopContextInterface $context
) {
    if ($criteria->hasBaseCondition($criteriaPart->getName())) {
        $search->addFilter(new TermQuery('active', 1));
    } else {
        $search->addPostFilter(new TermQuery('active', 1));

This behavior is now controlled in the \Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleES\ProductNumberSearch. To support the new filter mode, each condition handler has to implement the \Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleES\PartialConditionHandlerInterface. It is possible to implement this interface beside the original \Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleES\HandlerInterface.

namespace Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleES;
if (!interface_exists('\Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleES\PartialConditionHandlerInterface')) {
    interface PartialConditionHandlerInterface { }

namespace Shopware\SwagBonusSystem\Bundle\SearchBundleES;

class BonusConditionHandler implements HandlerInterface, PartialConditionHandlerInterface
    const ES_FIELD = 'attributes.bonus_system.has_bonus';

    public function supports(CriteriaPartInterface $criteriaPart)
        return ($criteriaPart instanceof BonusCondition);

    public function handleFilter(
        CriteriaPartInterface $criteriaPart,
        Criteria $criteria,
        Search $search,
        ShopContextInterface $context
    ) {
            new TermQuery(self::ES_FIELD, 1)

    public function handlePostFilter(
        CriteriaPartInterface $criteriaPart,
        Criteria $criteria,
        Search $search,
        ShopContextInterface $context
    ) {
        $search->addPostFilter(new TermQuery(self::ES_FIELD, 1));

    public function handle(
        CriteriaPartInterface $criteriaPart,
        Criteria $criteria,
        Search $search,
        ShopContextInterface $context
    ) {
        if ($criteria->hasBaseCondition($criteriaPart->getName())) {
            $this->handleFilter($criteriaPart, $criteria, $search, $context);
        } else {
            $this->handlePostFilter($criteriaPart, $criteria, $search, $context);


Cookie permissions is now a part of shopware and you can configure it in the shop settings.

We implement a basic cookie permission hint. If you want to change the decision whether the item is displayed or not, overwrite the jQuery plugin in the jquery.cookie-permission.js.

Shopping Worlds

Shopping World have been technically refactored from the ground up to improve the overall performance when adding several elements to a shopping world. It is now possible to export and import shopping worlds via the backend. You can also convert shopping worlds to presets for reusability of configured shopping worlds. Please see Developer Docs article for further information.


The processing of elements has been changed from events to classes of component handler.

Before: Subscribe to an event and process element data in the callback method

public static function getSubscribedEvents()
    return ['Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Emotion_AddElement' => 'handleSideviewElement'];

After: Create new class and tag it as shopware_emotion.component_handler in your services.xml

class SideviewComponentHandler implements ComponentHandlerInterface
    public function supports(Element $element)
        return $element->getComponent()->getType() === 'emotion-component-sideview';

    public function prepare(PrepareDataCollection $collection, Element $element, ShopContextInterface $context)
        // do some prepare logic

    public function handle(ResolvedDataCollection $collection, Element $element, ShopContextInterface $context)
        // do some handle logic and fill data
        $element->getData()->set('key', 'value');

Requesting items in ComponentHandler

To make use of the performance improvement, you have to split your logic into a prepare step and handle step. The prepare step collects product numbers or criteria objects which will be resolved across all elements at once. The handle step provides a collection with resolved products and can be filled into your element.

public function prepare(PrepareDataCollection $collection, Element $element, ShopContextInterface $context)
    $productNumber = $element->getConfig()->get('selected_product_number');
    $collection->getBatchRequest()->setProductNumbers('my-unique-request', [$productNumber]);

public function handle(ResolvedDataCollection $collection, Element $element, ShopContextInterface $context)
    $product = current($collection->getBatchResult()->get('my-unique-request'));
    $element->getData()->set('product', $product);

Keep in mind to use a unique key for requesting and getting products. For best practise, use the element's id in your key ($element->getId()).