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europeana 1914-1918 set-up

table of contents

  1. introduction
  2. required libraries
  3. suggested ruby install
  4. project install
  5. configurations
  6. environments
  7. initializers
  8. database
  9. update localization
  10. clear js & css cache
  11. install solr
  12. start the server
  13. secure the admin account
  14. ruby help
  15. google usage statistics
  16. import a production db dump
  17. upgrading pdf.js viewer
  18. upgrading mediaelement
  19. reset password on localhost
  20. update thumbnails and dimmensions


this document attempts to detail the installation requirements and tasks needed in order to set-up a local developer environment for europeana’s 1914-1918 website. you can of course use any cli editor, however nano is assumed to be your cli editor within these instructions.

required libraries

make sure all of the following libraries are installed. the easiest method is to use a pacakage manager such as apt-get or homebrew to install them if they are not already installed.

  • curl
  • git
  • mysql

the following libraries are required in order for the ruby paperclip gem to work properly.

  • ffmpeg for creating thumbnails from videos

  • ImageMagick for thumbnail creation

  • ghostscript for creating thumbnails for pdfs

suggested ruby install

use rvm. a helpful ubuntu article for reference.

install rvm (ubuntu)

curl -L | bash -s stable --autolibs=packages
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
rvm requirements

install rvm (mac os x)

rvm uses a package manager to insure dependencies are installed. mac os x does not come with a package manager. we recommendi using homebrew. if rvm does not find a package manager it will attempt to install and use macports.

  • --autoblibs tells homebrew which pacakge manager to use
  • --ignore-dotfiles stops rvm from creating a .bash_profile and .bashrc file, which you can be created manually as indicated below.
curl -L | bash -s stable --autolibs=homebrew --ignore-dotfiles
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
rvm requirements


create or add to a ~/.bash_profile file the following:

nano ~/.bash_profile
# Load RVM into a shell session *as a function*
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"

# Set Rails Environment
export RAILS_ENV=development


on a mac, instead of creating a .bashrc file with the following in it :

sudo nano ~/.bashrc

you can create a file called rvm in /etc/paths.d with the following contents in it :

sudo nano /etc/paths.d rvm

install ruby with rvm

any 1.9+ version should work

rvm install 1.9.3

project install

clone the project

git clone -o github

create a gemset

create a gemset for the project

rvm gemset create 1914

.ruby-version file

create a .ruby-version file. the .ruby-version file will make sure that rvm switches to the ruby version specified in the file:

cd /Europeana1914-1918
nano .ruby-version

.ruby-gemset file

create a .ruby-gemset file. the .ruby-gemset file will make sure that rvm uses the gemset inidicated in the file:

cd /Europeana1914-1918
nano .ruby-gemset

confirm ruby version and gemset

confirm that the ruby version and gemset match what you expect

cd ..
cd /Europeana1914-1918
rvm info

bundle install

bundle install, installs several packages for ruby that the project requires. mac os x may have an issue with xcrun. to overcome it [see this gist] (

cd /Europeana1914-1918
bundle install


the following commands assume that you are at the root path of the project

cd /Europeana1914-1918

db config

create a db config file and edit the file as appropriate. make sure the socket location is correct, e.g. /tmp/mysql.sock. if you run into an error indicating mysql2/client.rb:44:in `connect': can't convert Fixnum into String (TypeError) placing quotes around the databasename, username, and password may resolve the issue.

cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
nano config/database.yml

federated search

In order to retrieve federated search results you need to do the following:

cp config/federated_search.yml.example config/federated_search.yml
  1. register for the appropriate api keys
  2. add them to the development section of config/federated_search.yml

sphinx config

if using sphinx, create a sphinx config file and edit the file as appropriate.

cp config/sphinx.yml.example config/sphinx.yml
nano config/sphinx.yml


the following commands assume that you are at the root path of the project

cd /Europeana1914-1918

environment config

create an environment config and edit as appropriate.

cp config/environments/development.rb.example config/environments/development.rb
nano config/environments/development.rb


the following commands assume that you are at the root path of the project.

cd /Europeana1914-1918

create europeana config

create a europeana config file and edit the file as appropriate. make sure it contains a valid europeana api key. if you get an exception error : uninitialized constant EuropeanaController::Europeana then this config has probably not been set properly.

cp config/initializers/europeana.rb.example config/initializers/europeana.rb
nano config/initializers/europeana.rb

search suggestions config

create a search_suggestions config file and edit the file as appropriate. make sure the recommended settings are uncommented by removing the # where necessary.

cp config/initializers/search_suggestion.rb.example config/initializers/search_suggestion.rb
nano config/initializers/search_suggestion.rb

secret token

create a secret token file and edit the file as appropriate. make sure the token is a phrase of at least 30 characters within quotes.

cp config/initializers/secret_token.rb.example config/initializers/secret_token.rb
nano config/initializers/secret_token.rb

thinking sphinx config

if using sphinx, create a thinking sphinx config file and edit it as appropriate.

cp config/initializers/thinking_sphinx.rb.example config/initializers/thinking_sphinx.rb
nano config/initializers/thinking_sphinx.rb


the credentials from the config/database.yml will be used to carry out the rake commands mentioned below.

the following commands assume that you are at the root path of the project.


make sure the database schema file is available to the db rake commands.

cp db/schema-example.rb db/schema.rb

drop previous database

if necessary, or preferred, you can drop a previous version of the database.

bundle exec rake db:drop

import a previous version of the database

if you want, you can import a production db dump instead of creating a clean database.

mysql -u user_name -p db_name < db_dump.sql

### create a clean version of the database

1. create the database
1. load the database schema
1. initialize the database with the seed data
1. run any necessary database migrations

bundle exec rake db:setup

### migrate the db

used to make sure any existing database is up to date with any lifecycle database

bundle exec rake db:migrate

update localization
update the js localization files

bundle exec rake i18n:js:export

clear js & css cache

bundle exec rake assets:expire

install solr
make sure mysql is running

bundle exec rails generate sunspot_rails:install bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:start bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:stop

### auto-complete

for auto-complete to work, copy from the following config files from the 1418
config directory to the solr config directory.

cp config/solr/conf/solrconfig.41.xml solr/conf/solrconfig.xml cp config/solr/conf/schema.xml solr/conf/schema.xml

### pre-populate europeana records

1. download the [europeana_records.sql file](
1. extract the file to a convenient location
1. import the sql into your local 1914-1918 db `mysql -u username -p databasename < path/example.sql`

### re-index solr

bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:start bundle exec rake sunspot:reindex

### configure application to use solr

Once the application has started, you may need to configure it to use solr.

1. sign-in to the site
1. browse to /admin/config/edit.
1. change the search engine drop-down setting to solr.

### solr dashboard


start the server

rails server


rails s


bundle exec thin start

secure the admin account
the admin account is setup with initial credentials shown in the seeds.rb. you should login
to the admin interface and modify those credentials in the My account : Edit sign in details

ruby help
### set rails environment

before issuing a set of rake commands or starting rails, make sure the RAILS_ENV
is set to the proper environment: development, test, production. in your dev
environment you usually do not need to enter this command


### rake tasks

display all of the rake tasks available

bundle exec rake --tasks

add --trace at the end of the command to see potential issues as the command issues

bundle exec rake rake-command assets:expire --trace

google usage statistics
add the google api key to the config/ directory
log into the site as an admin
go to the admin configuration page
add the appropriate google analytics key
add the google api email address

stats are cached for one week
# to clear the cache

bundle exec rake cache:google_analytics:clear

upgrading pdf.js viewer
1.  make sure you already have node installed
1.  cd to a working directory for building pdf.js
1.  $git clone
1.  $node make generic
1.  $cd /build/generic/web/
1.  $cp -R * /app/assets/javascripts/mozilla/pdf.js/
1.  $cd /build/generic/build/
1.  $cp pdf.js /app/assets/javascripts/mozilla/pdf.js/
1.  alter viewer.js
    comment out or delete the line
    var DEFAULT_URL = 'compressed.tracemonkey-pldi-09.pdf';
    comment out or delete the line
    PDFJS.workerSrc = '../build/pdf.js';
    replace it with
    PDFJS.workerSrc = '/app/assets/javascripts/mozilla/pdf.js/pdf.js';
1.	in the erb file, e.g., /app/views/themes/v3/views/attachments/_pdf.html.erb,
    make sure you have a line similar to the following before viewer.js loads
    <script>var DEFAULT_URL = '<%= @attachment.file.url(:original) %>';</script>
1.	alter viewer.css so that all url() entries point to /assets/mozilla/pdf.js/
    this is necessary because on test and in production the css reference is to a
		cached css file that resides outside the pdf.js folder

upgrading mediaelement
1. cd to a working directory for storing mediaelement
1. git clone
1. cp /path/to/mediaelement/build/* /path/to/europeana-1914-1918/app/assets/javascripts/mediaelement/
1. delete any text files copied to europena-1914-1918
1. alter mediaelementplayer.css so that all url() entries point to /assets/mediaelement/

reset password on localhost
1. make sure you have the rails console open and available and the app is running
1. go to the sign-in page, http://localhost:3000/en/users/sign-in
1. click on forgot password?
1. enter your account email address
1. click submit
1. in the ruby console you'll find the reset password link you can use

update thumbnails and dimmensions
add --trace at the end of the command to see potential issues as the command issues

bundle exec rake paperclip:refresh:thumbnails CLASS=Attachment

# On a Mac, a 1-line file in /etc/paths.d will be added to the path.  Imagemagick lives in /opt/local/bin, therefore:

cd /etc/paths.d

sudo nano opt

#  Project Theme Setup

(1)	copy everything under:

(2)	copy everything under:

(3) Text replace "v2" with "v_new_theme" in the following files:


(4) NOTE: if you base your theme on v3 rather than v2 then step 3 is not needed.

#  Ruby Use

# use a GemSet

rvm use 1.9.3@andy --create --default

# freeze versions and create a gem configuration file see here:

#  Git Use

# One-off, per machine

git config --global "andyjmaclean"
git config --global
git config --global checkout

# cd to root of project and run

git init

# (configure .gitignore ???)

# add and commit (locally)

git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

# commit (remote) is done with

git push

# check status

git status

# revert (-f) or checkout

git checkout -f

#  Heroku Use

# login

heroku login

# run from project root

heroku create

# send src

git push heroku master

# Messgae if you forget to call "heroku create"
#   fatal: 'heroku' does not appear to be a git repository
#   fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

# Migrate data

heroku run rake db:migrate

# open browser to view

heroku open

#  Terminal Configuration

# Bash shells read a different profile depending if run locally or ssh-ed into remotely.
# (menu) Edit | Profile Preferences
# then
# (tab) Title and Command
# check "Run command as a login temrinal"

#  Sphinx Installation

# install

sudo apt-get install sphinxsearch

# configure

# see Dan

# activate (change "START=no" to "START=yes" here)

nano /etc/default/sphinxsearch

#  Eclipse Setup

# (menu) Help | Install New Software...
# (select) work with:
#   Indigo -
#   Indigo -
#   etc.
# Check this:
#   Programming Languages ->     Dynamic Languages Toolkit - Ruby Development Tools
# (restart)
# (toolbar) Run Configurations...
# (select) Ruby Script
# (button) New Launch Configuration...
# (tab) Interpreter
# (button) Installed Interpreters
# (button) Add
# Add a line like the following, give a name, save and delete redundant configuration


#  Database Setup