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Euroscipy 2018 tutorial requirements

Declan Valters edited this page Aug 20, 2018 · 34 revisions

Introductory tutorials

Tutorial "Introduction to Jupyter"

Tuesday August 28, 9:00, Mike Müller


Tutorial "Introduction to NumPy arrays"

Tuesday August 28, 16:00 and Wednesday August 29, 9:00, Gert-Ludwig Ingold


  1. Anaconda3
  2. The teaching material for the hands-on tutorial is contained in a Jupyter notebook which should be downloaded before the tutorial.

Advanced tutorials

Tutorial "From exploratory computing to performances, a tour of Python profiling and optimization"

Tue August 28, 14:00, A. Ingargiola


  1. Anaconda3 / miniconda 3

  2. A working Cython installation, including a C compiler. The C compiler is included in Anaconda 3 on macOS and Linux, but requires downloading the free Visual Studio 2015 on Windows.

Tutorial "CFFI, Ctypes, Cython, Cppyy: The good, the old, the mighty and the unknown"

Wed August 29, 16:00, M. Picus

We will be working through this notebook


  1. Anaconda3 / miniconda 3

  2. A working Cython installation, including a C compiler. The C compiler is included in Anaconda 3 on macOS and Linux, but requires downloading the free Visual Studio 2015 on Windows.

Tutorial "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Parallelism with Python"

Wed August 29, 09:00, Declan Valters


The Workshop assumes a Python 3 installation.

You should pre-install the following Python packages (or check if they are already included in your distribution)

Numba Cython mpi4py

(More details to follow)