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File metadata and controls

304 lines (208 loc) · 9.12 KB


Defining experiments

The central concept in pystematic is that of an Experiment. An experiment consists of:

  1. A main function that executes the code associated with the experiment,
  2. a set of parameters, that controls aspects of the experiments behavior.

To define an experiment you simply decorate the main function of your experiment with the pystematic.experiment decorator:

import pystematic

def my_experiment(params):
   print("Hello from my_experiment")

The main function must take a single argument which is a dict containing the experiment parameters.

Running experiments

To run the experiment you have a couple of different options. The simplest one is to run the experiment by with the method:{})

it takes a single argument which is a dict of parameter values, as we haven't defined any parameters yet, we'll pass an empty dict for now.

Another option is to run the experiment from the command line. To do that, we call the pystematic.core.Experiment.cli method:

if __name__ == "__main__":

The file now has the capabilities of a full-fledged CLI. When you run the file from the command line:

$ python path/to/ 
Hello from my_experiment

you will see that the experiment is run.


At most one experiment can be active at a time. This mean that if you want to run an experiment from within another experiment, you need to start the new experiment in a new process, which can be done with the method pystematic.core.Experiment.run_in_new_process.

Adding parameters

Every experiment has a set of parameters associated with it. If you run:

$ python path/to/ -h

you will see that the experiment we defined earlier is already equipped with a set of default parameters <apidoc:default parameters>. To add additional parameters to the experiment, you use the pystematic.parameter decorator:

import pystematic

   help="This string will be printed when the experiment is run",
   default="No string was given",
def my_experiment(params):
   print(f"string_to_print is {params['string_to_print']}")

The code above adds a string parameter named string_to_print with a default value, and a description of the parameter. When we run the experiment - either programmatically or from the command line - we can set a value for the parameter.

Experiment API

Pystematic provides a set of functions designated for the currently running experiment, referred to as the Experiment API<apidoc:experiment api>. The API consists of a set of functions and attributed that provides functionality such as launching sub-processes and generating reproducible random seeds. Any installed extension also extends the experiment api with its own set of functions.

A note on naming conventions

At this point it is probably a good idea to mention something about the naming conventions used.

You may have noticed that in the python source code, the name of all experiments and parameters use the snake_case convention, but on the command line, these are magically converted to kebab-case. This seems to be a convention in CLI tools, and this framework sticks to that convention.

To reiterate, this means that on the command line, all paramters and experiments use the kebab-case naming convention, but in the source code, they all use the snake_case naming convention.

Experiment output

If you tried running the examples above you might have noticed that a folder named output was created in you current working directory. This is no accident. Every time an experiment is run, a unique output folder is created in the configured output directory. The folder creation follows the naming convention <output_dir>/<experiment_name>/<current date and time>, where output_dir is the value of the parameter with the same name (which defaults to your current working directory).

The reason each invocation of an experiment gets its own output directory is to avoid mixing up outputs from different runs.

If you look into the output directory of one of the experiment runs you will also notice that there is a file there named parameters.yaml. This file contains the values of all parameters when the experiment was run. This is extremely useful when you run an experiment many times with different set of parameters.

When an experiment is run, this newly created output directory is bound to the pystematic.output_dir property. All data that you want to output from the experiment should be written to this directory.

Managing random numbers

Reproducibility is an integral part of any sort of research. One of the default parameters added to all experiments is an integer named random_seed. If a value for this parameter is not supplied when an experiment is run, a random value will be generated and assigned to this parameter. The value of the random_seed parameter is used to seed an internal random number generator used by pystematic. Whenever you need to seed a random number generator in your experiment, you call the function pystematic.new_seed to obtain a seed.

Internally, the pystematic.new_seed function uses the internal number generator to generate a new number every time it is called. This way, you make the experiment reproducible by controlling all sources of randomness in the experiment with the single "global" seed provided in the random_seed parameter.

Here's how a simple experiment might make sure that random numbers are reproducible:

import random

import numpy as np
import pystematic as ps

def reproducible_experiment(params):
   # etc.

Grouping experiments

If you have several experiments defined in the same file, you may want to be able to run them all from the CLI without changing your code. This is what groups are for.

Take the following as an example:

import pystematic as ps

def prepare_dataset(params):
   # ...

def fit_model(params):
   # ...

def visualize_results(params):
   # ...

if __name__ == "__main__":
   # prepare_dataset.cli()
   # fit_model.cli()

The code above has three defined experiments. We can run them from the cli by calling each experiments cli() function, but that would require us to change the code whenever we want to run another experiment. To remedy this, we can add them all to a group. We first use the decorator to define the group, and then use to group's own experiment decorator to define the experiments, instead of the global experiment decorator. We then use the group's cli() function to activate the cli:

import pystematic as ps
def my_group():

@my_group.experiment # <--- Note that we are using the groups experiment 
                     #      decorator instead of the global one.
def prepare_dataset(params):
   # ...

def fit_model(params):
   # ...

def visualize_results(params):
   # ...

if __name__ == "__main__":

We can now choose which experiment to run like this:

$ python path/to/ prepare-dataset <experiment params here>
# or:
$ python path/to/ fit-model <experiment params here>
# or:
$ python path/to/ visualize-results <experiment params here>

To get a list of all available experiments simply run the script with the -h flag:

$ python path/to/ -h

Another feature of groups is that all parameters that you add to the group will be inherited by all experiments in the group. This is very useful when you have several experiments take share a set of common parameters. By adding the common parameters to the group, you don't have to repeat the parameter definitions for every experiment. In the example above, we could define a common parameters like this:

import pystematic as ps

def my_group():

Groups can be arbitrarily nested to create hierarchies of experiments. Note that the main function of the group is never run. It is only used as a symbolic convenience for defining the group.


Pystematic is built from the core to be extensible. See the page on extending:writing extensions to learn how you can design and customize experiments of your own.

To be continued