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Rights and Roles

Class Name RightsAndRoles
Extends Logger
Source rights-and-roles.ts
Examples rights-and-roles.spec.ts

The RightsAndRoles module follows the approach described in the wik at:

It allows to manage permissions for contracts, that use the authority DSRolesPerContract.sol for as its permission approach.

Contracts, that use DSRolesPerContract and therefore allow to configure its permissions with the RightsAndRoles module are:

Also have a look at the Smart Contract Permissioning section in the wiki.


new RightsAndRole(options);

Creates new RightsAndRole instance.


  1. options - RightsAndRolesOptions: options for RightsAndRole constructor.
    • contractLoader - ContractLoader_: ContractLoader_ instance
    • executor - Executor_: Executor_ instance
    • nameResolver - NameResolver_: NameResolver_ instance
    • web3 - Web3_: Web3_ instance
    • log - Function (optional): function to use for logging: (message, level) => {...}
    • logLevel - LogLevel_ (optional): messages with this level will be logged with log
    • logLog - LogLogInterface_ (optional): container for collecting log messages
    • logLogLevel - LogLevel_ (optional): messages with this level will be pushed to logLog


RightsAndRoles instance


const rightsAndRoles = new RightsAndRoles({


rightsAndRoles.addAccountToRole(contract, accountId, targetAccountId, role);

Adds the traget account to a specific role.

The main principle is that accounts can be assigned to roles and those roles can be granted capabilities. Function Permissions <rights-and-roles_setFunctionPermission> are basically the capability to call specific functions if the calling account belongs to a certain role. To add an account to the role 'member'.


  1. contract - string|any: contractId or contract instance
  2. accountId - string: executing accountId
  3. targetAccountId - string: target accountId
  4. role - number: roleId


Promise returns void: resolved when done


const contractOwner = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001';
const newMember = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002';
const memberRole = 1;
await rightsAndRoles.addAccountToRole(
  contract,                   // contract to be updated
  contractOwner,              // account, that can change permissions
  newMember,                  // add this account to role
  memberRole,                 // role id, uint8 value


rightsAndRoles.removeAccountFromRole(contract, accountId, targetAccountId, role);

Removes target account from a specific role.


  1. contract - string|any: contractId or contract instance
  2. accountId - string: executing accountId
  3. targetAccountId - string: target accountId
  4. role - number: roleId


Promise returns void: resolved when done


const contractOwner = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001';
const newMember = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002';
const memberRole = 1;
await rightsAndRoles.removeAccountFromRole(
  contract,                   // contract to be updated
  contractOwner,              // account, that can change permissions
  newMember,                  // remove this account from role
  memberRole,                 // role id, uint8 value



Returns all roles with all members.

The DSRolesPerContract authority tracks used roles and their members and allows to retrieve an overview with all roles and their members. To get this information, you can use the getMembes function.


  1. contract - string|any: contractId or contract instance


Promise returns any: Object with mapping roleId -> [accountId, accountId,...]


const members = await rightsAndRoles.getMembers(contract);
// Output:
// {
//   "0": [
//     "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001"
//   ],
//   "1": [
//     "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
//     "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002"
//   ]
// }

The contract from this example has an owner (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001) and a member (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002). As the owner account has the member role as well, it is listed among the members.


rightsAndRoles.setFunctionPermission(contract, accountId, role, functionSignature, allow);

Allows or denies contract function for the accountId.

"Function permissions" are granted or denying by allowing a certain role to execute a specific function. The function is specified as the unhashed function selector and must follow its guidelines (no spaces, property typenames, etc.) for the function to be able to generate valid hashes for later validations. E.g. to grant the role "member" the permission to use the function addListEntries, that has two arguments (a bytes32 array and a bytes32 value), the function permission for addListEntries(bytes32[],bytes32[]) has to be granted.


  1. contract - string|any: contractId or contract instance
  2. accountId - string: executing accountId
  3. role - number: roleid
  4. functionSignature - string: 4 Bytes function signature
  5. allow - boolean: allow or deny function


Promise returns void: resolved when done


const contractOwner = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001';
const memberRole = 1;
await rightsAndRoles.setFunctionPermission(
  contract,                                 // contract to be updated
  contractOwner,                            // account, that can change permissions
  memberRole,                               // role id, uint8 value
  'addListEntries(bytes32[],bytes32[])',    // (unhashed) function selector
  true,                                     // grant this capability


rightsAndRoles.setOperationPermission(contract, accountId, role, propertyName, propertyType, modificationType, allow);

Allows or denies setting properties on a contract.

"Operation Permissions" are capabilities granted per contract logic. They have a bytes32 key, that represents the capability, e.g. in a DataContract a capability to add values to a certain list can be granted.

The way, those capability hashes are build, depends on the contract logic and differs from contract to contract. For example a capability check for validation if a member is allowed to add an item to the list "example" in a DataContract has four arguments, in this case:

  • which role is allowed to do? (e.g. a member)
  • what type of element is modified? (--> a list)
  • which element is modified? (name of the list --> "example")
  • type of the modification (--> "set an item" (== "add an item"))

These four values are combined into one bytes32 value, that is used when granting or checking permissions, the setOperationPermission function takes care of that.


  1. contract - string|any: contractId or contract instance
  2. accountId - string: executing accountId
  3. role - number: roleId
  4. propertyName - string: target property name
  5. propertyType - PropertyType: list or entry
  6. modificationType - ModificationType: set or remove
  7. allow - boolean: allow or deny


Promise returns void: resolved when done


// make sure, you have required the enums from rights-and-roles.ts
import { ModificationType, PropertyType } from '';
const contractOwner = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001';
const memberRole = 1;
await rightsAndRoles.setOperationPermission(
  contract,                   // contract to be updated
  contractOwner,              // account, that can change permissions
  memberRole,                 // role id, uint8 value
  'example',                  // name of the object
  PropertyType.ListEntry,     // what type of element is modified
  ModificationType.Set,       // type of the modification
  true,                       // grant this capability


rightsAndRoles.hasUserRole(contract, accountId, targetAccountId, role);

Returns true or false, depending on if the account has the specific role.


  1. contract - string|any: contractId or contract instance
  2. accountId - string: executing accountId
  3. targetAccountId - string: to be checked accountId
  4. role - number: roleId


Promise returns void: resolved when done


const accountToCheck = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002';
const memberRole = 1;
const hasRole = await rightsAndRoles.hashUserRole(contract, null, accountToCheck, memberRole);
// Output:
// true



Function description


  1. contract - string|any: contractId or contract instance
  2. accountId - string: executing accountId
  3. targetAccountId - string: target accountId


Promise returns void: resolved when done


const contractOwner = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001';
const newOwner = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002';
await rightsAndRoles.transferOwnership(
  contract,                   // contract to be updated
  contractOwner,              // current owner
  newOwner,                   // this account becomes new owner