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current parameter file I base runs off of, small changes from O'Conno…
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Evan O'Connor committed Jul 13, 2017
1 parent ff4e3fa commit 2e0b746
Showing 1 changed file with 121 additions and 0 deletions.
121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions sample_parameter_files/latest_recommended_params
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
##### Job parameters #######
jobname = "GR1Dv2 s15 transport run"
GR = 1 # 1 for GR, 0 for Newtonian
outdir = "s15WW95"
initial_data = "Collapse" # "Sedov", "Shocktube", "OSC", "Collapse", "M1test"
profile_name = "./profiles/s15s7b2.approx.short" # stellar profile
WHW02profile = 1 # 1 for WHW02/HW07/WW95 profile (adjust radius definition)
profile_type = 1 # 1: .short format
gravity_active = 1 # do we want gravity?
ntmax = 100000000 # maximum timestep
tend = 0.7d0 # maximum time

####### Grid parameters #######
geometry = 2 # 1: planar, 2: spherical
gridtype = "custom" # "log", "unigrid", "custom", "custom2"
### custom & custom2 input parameters ###
grid_custom_rad1 = 20.0d5 # radial extent of custom grid (log outside)
grid_custom_dx1 = 3.0d4 # smallest radial zone

rmax_from_profile = 1 # take rmax to be where rho=3.0d3g/cm^3
rho_cut = 2.0d3 # density to cut profile at if rmax_from_profile = 1

radial_zones = 600 # number of radial zones
ghosts1 = 4 # number of ghost cells

####### Hydro Parameters #######
do_hydro = 1 # 1 for hydro on
iorder_hydro = 2 # RK order for hydro
cffac = 0.5d0 # CFL factor
reconstruction_method = "ppm" # "tvd", "pc","ppm"
ppm_origin_TVD = 5
tvd_limiter = "MC" # MC, minmod,
flux_type = "HLLE" # HLLE

####### EOS parameters #######
eoskey = 3 # hybrid: 1
# poly: 2
# hot nuclear: 3
# ideal: 4
eos_table_name = "LS180_234r_136t_50y_analmu_20091212_SVNr26.h5"
hybridgamma_th = 1.30d0 # hybrid gamma_th
hybridgamma1 = 1.31d0 # hybrid gamma_th
hybridgamma2 = 2.40d0 # hybrid gamma_th

####### Output parameters #######
ntinfo = 100 # stdout
dynamic_output_control = 1 # use output_control.F90
vs_mass = 0 # output .xg files vs mass_bary
small_output = 0 # used to limit .xg files
dtout = 1.0d-3 # time between outputs
dtout_scalar = 1.0d-4 # time between scalar out
ntout = -1 # output every timesteps
ntout_scalar = -1 # scalar output

####### Restart parameters #######
ntout_restart = -1 # restart output frequency in timesteps
dtout_restart = 0.005d0 # restart output frequency in time
do_restart = 0
restart_file_name = ""
force_restart_dump = 0 # keep this 0 to maintain output frequency, 1 forces output at start

########## M1 settings ##########
do_M1 = 1 #1 for M1 transport scheme
v_order = -1
evolution_radii = 6.0d7 #radii to evolve neutrinos out to
extraction_radii = 5.0d7 #radii to extract neutrinos from
number_species = 3 #number of neutrino species, limited
#options will work, must be comensurate with table
number_groups = 18 #number of energy groups, limited
#options will work, must be comensurate with table
opacity_table = "NuLib_LS180_noweak_rho82_temp65_ye51_ng18_ns3_Itemp65_Ieta61_version1.0_20141111.h5"
number_eas = 3 #number of opacity variables to read in
M1closure = 'ME'
testcase = 0 #if you want a test case set this to the
#test case number, along with M1test as "initial_data"
include_epannihil_kernels = 0 #for full nux thermal treatment
include_nes_kernels = 1 #to read in inelastic neutrino electron scattering kernels
nes_evolution_type = 1 #0: no nes, 1: explicit nes, 2: implicit nes
energycoupling_evolution_type = 1 #0: no coupling, 1: explicit coupling, 2: implicit coupling

M1_control = 1 #1 means you must specify the settings for each phase
# in the parameter file, collapse, bounce and postbounce.

M1_phase1phase2_density = 1.0d12 #central density to switch to phase 2
M1_phase2phase3_pbtime = 0.02d0 #post bounce time to switch to phase3

M1_phase1_reconstruction = 'tvd' #reconstruction method for both matter and neutrinos (phase1 must match above)
M1_phase2_reconstruction = 'ppm'
M1_phase3_reconstruction = 'ppm'

M1_phase1_cffac = 0.5d0 #CFL factor, typically needs to be reduced near bounce
M1_phase2_cffac = 0.2d0
M1_phase3_cffac = 0.5d0

M1_phase1_ns = 1 #number of species to evolve
M1_phase2_ns = 3
M1_phase3_ns = 3

M1_phase1_ies_way = 1 #0 is none, 1 is explicit inelastic scattering, 2 is implicit (phase1 must match above)
M1_phase2_ies_way = 2
M1_phase3_ies_way = 1

M1_phase1_encpl_way = 1 #0 is none, 1 is explicit energycoupling, 2 is implicit (phase1 must match above)
M1_phase2_encpl_way = 1
M1_phase3_encpl_way = 1

####### Neutrino parameters #######
fake_neutrinos = 0 # 1 for ANY fake neutrino scheme

####### Atmosphere parameters #######
atmo_rho_rel_min = 0.0d0
atmo_rho_abs_min = 1.5d3
atmo_fac = 0.1d0

####### Rotation #######
do_rotation = 0 # 1 for 1D rotation

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