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Getting Started: Understanding Barista's Codebase

Brent Christensen edited this page Sep 10, 2021 · 3 revisions

Barista is the development hub for all of the JavaScript/React based code for Event Espresso's products and platforms, along with the other development tools that we use.

Folder Structure

The root folder of the project is organized into the following folders

folder description
.github Github actions & workflows that run upon push, merge, etc
.husky git commit hooks for automating tasks
.storybook configuration files for Storybook
build asset production builds deployed to other repos
config configuration files and utilies for Webpack, Lerna, etc
docs documentation and assets
domains Event Espresso production use cases (see: Domains)
eslint configuration files for eslint
lib other random classes
packages the building blocks used to construct domains (see: Packages)
scripts Yarn / NPM commands
storybook-static assets generated by Storybook
tools command line utiliities
types a few global TypeScript types