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File metadata and controls

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Bolt Forms

Bolt Forms is an interface to Symfony Forms for Bolt. It provides a Twig template function and exposes a simplified API for extending as you need.

Template Use

Define a form in app/config/extensions/boltforms.bolt.yml and add the following to your template:

{{ boltforms('formname') }}

Template with data

You can also add parameters to the BoltForms invocation in Twig. In this case the value for the field "textfieldname" will be pre-set "fieldvalue"

{{ boltforms('formname', 'Some text before the form', 'After the form', { textfieldname: "fieldvalue"}) }}


Each field contains an options key that is an array of values that is passed directly to Symfony Forms. See the Symfony documentation for more information.

      type: text
      required: true
        label: My Field
          placeholder: Enter your details…
        constraints: [ NotBlank, {Length: {'min': 3}} ]

Choice Types

Choice types in BoltForms provide three different options for choice values. The standard indexed and associative arrays, and Bolt specific Contenttype record lookups.

      type: choice
        choices: [ Yes, No ]
      type: choice
        choices: { kittens: 'Fluffy Kittens', puppies: 'Cute Puppies' }
      type: choice
        choices: 'contenttype::pages::title::slug'

For the Bolt Contenttype options choices, you just need to make a string with double-colon delimiters, where: 'contenttype' - String constant that always equals 'contenttype' 'name' - Name of the contenttype itself 'labelfield' - Field to use for the UI displayed to the user 'valuefield' - Field to use for the value stored

File Upload Types

Handling file uploads is a very common attack vector used to compromise (hack) a server.

BoltForms does a few things to help increase slightly the security of handling file uploads.

The following are the "global" options that apply to all form uploads:

  enabled: true                             # The global on/off switch for upload handling
  base_directory: /data/customer-uploads/   # Outside web root and writable by the web server's user
  filename_handling: prefix                 # Can be either "prefix", "suffix", or "keep"
  management_controller: true               # Enable a controller to handle browsing and downloading of uploaded files

The directory that you specify for base_directory should NOT be a route accessible to the outside world. BoltForms provides a special route should you wish to make the files browsable after upload. This route can be enabled as a global setting via the management_controller option.

Secondly, is the filename_handling parameter is an important consideration for your level of required site security. The reason this setting is important is, if an attacker knows the uploaded file name then this can make their job a lot easier. BoltForms provides three uploaded file naming options, prefix, suffix and keep.

For example, when uploading the file kitten.jpg the settings would provide something similar to the following table:

Setting Resulting file name
prefix kitten.Ze1d352rrI3p.jpg
suffix kitten.jpg.Ze1d352rrI3p
keep kitten.jpg

We recommend suffix, as this is the most secure. Alternatively prefix will aid in file browsing. However, keep should always be used with caution!

Each form has individual options for uploads, such as whether to attach the uploaded file in the notification message, or whether to place the uploaded file in a separate subdirectory or the given global upload target.

A very basic, and cut-down, example of a form with an upload field type is given here:

    enabled: true
    attach_files: true             # Optionally send the file as an email attachment
    subdirectory: file_upload_dir  # Optional subdirectory
      type: file
        required: false
        label: Picture of your pet that you want us to add to our site

File Upload Browsing

When management_controller is enabled, a file in the base_directory location is accessible via

These files can be listed via the Twig function boltforms_uploads(), e.g.

{{ boltforms_uploads() }}

This can be limited to a form's (optionally defined) subdirectory by passing the form name into boltforms_uploads(), e.g.

{{ boltforms_uploads('file_upload_form') }}

Custom Field Data Providers

BoltForms allows you to specify, and customise, certain input data. This is done via event dispatchers.

The default events that can be used to get field data are:

  • next_increment
  • random_string
  • server_value
  • session_value


Set the remote_member_id field value to the maximum value of the column, plus one, i.e. (MAX(remote_member_id) + 1), effectively working as an auto increment.

      type: hidden
        label: false
        name: next_increment
          table: bolt_tablename       # Optional
#         contenttype: pages          # Optional/alternative to table:
          column: remote_member_id    # Required
          min: 31000                  # Optional

Set the randomfield field value to a randomized string.

      type: hidden
        label: false
        name: random_string
          length: 12                  # Optional, defaults to 12

Set the remote_ip field value to the remote address (IP) from the $_SERVER variables

      type: hidden
        label: false
        name: server_value
          key: REMOTE_ADDR

Set the testkey field value to the value for the session variable named "testkey"

      type: hidden
        label: false
        name: session_value
          key: testkey

Extending Available Events

Should you want to provide your own extension with a data event, you can specify a custom event name and parameters in the field definition, e.g.:

      type: hidden
        label: false
        name: favourite_colour
          foo: bar 

The in your extension you can add a listener on the event name, prefixed with boltforms. (notice the dot) and provide a callback function that provides the data you want set in the field.

public function initialize()
    $eventName = 'boltforms.favourite_colour';
    $this->app['dispatcher']->addListener($eventName,  array($this, 'myCustomDataProvider'));

In the callback function, you can access any passed in parameters with $event->eventParams() and persist the new data with $event->setData().

public function myCustomDataProvider($event)
    $params = $event->eventParams();
    if (isset($params['foo']) && $params['foo'] === 'bar') {
        $colour = 'green';
    } else {
        $colour = 'blue';

Redirect after submit

On successfull submit the user can be redirected to another Bolt page, or URL. The page for the redirect target must exist.

The redirect is added to the feedback key of the form, for example:

    success: Form submission successful
    error: There are errors in the form, please fix before trying to resubmit
      target: page/another-page  # A page path, or URL
      query: [ name, email ]     # Optional keys for the GET parameters


  • target: — Either a route in the form of contenttype/slug or a full URL
  • query: — (optional) Either an indexed, or associative array
    • [ name, email ] would create the query string ?name=value-of-name-field&email=value-of-email-field
    • { name: 'foo', email: 'bar' } would create the query string ?name=foo&email=bar


Below is a brief example of how to implement the Bolt Forms API. For a slightly more detailed example, see the Bolt\Extension\Bolt\BoltForms\Twig\BoltFormsExtension class.

// Get the API class
$forms = $this->app['boltforms'];

// Make the forms object inside the API class
$forms->makeForm($formname, 'form', $options, $data);

// Your array of file names and properties.
// See config.yml.dist for examples of the array properties
$fields = array();

// Add our fields all at once
$forms->addFieldArray($formname, $fields);

if ($app['request']->getMethod() == 'POST') {
    $formdata = $forms->handleRequest($formname);
    $sent = $forms->getForm($formname)->isSubmitted();

    if ($formdata) {
        // The form is both submitted and validated at this point

Event Listeners

BoltForms exposes a number of listners, that proxy Symfony Forms listeners.

  • BoltFormsEvents::PRE_SUBMIT
  • BoltFormsEvents::SUBMIT
  • BoltFormsEvents::POST_SUBMIT
  • BoltFormsEvents::PRE_SET_DATA
  • BoltFormsEvents::POST_SET_DATA

Each of these match Symfony's constants, just with the BoltForms class name/prefix.

Below is an example of setting a field's data to upper case on submission:

namespace Bolt\Extension\You\YourExtension;

use Bolt\Extension\Bolt\BoltForms\Event\BoltFormsEvents;

class Extension extends \Bolt\BaseExtension
    public function initialize()
        // If you want to modify data, only use the BoltFormsEvents::PRE_SUBMIT event
        $this->app['dispatcher']->addListener(BoltFormsEvents::PRE_SUBMIT,  array($this, 'myPostSubmit'));
    public function myPostSubmit($event)
        if ($event->getForm()->getName() === 'my_form') {
            // Get the data from the event
            $data = $event->getData();
            // Set some data values to upper case
            $data['my_field'] = strtoupper($data['my_field']);
            // Save the data back