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Pure design for Ghost.js. Current version: 0.3

Based on Starter.ghost



  • Pure design with smooth animations
  • Mobile first and full responsive layout no-border
  • Post cover image no-border
  • Navbar with hidden link to control panel no-border
  • InstantClick for better UX: when user hovers a link, InstantClick will preload its content to improve a speed of loading
  • Integration with Disqus
  • highlight.js for highliting the syntax of code
  • Support of all Ghost 0.4 features: static pages, featured posts and other
  • Open source and CC-NC-SA license. Not for sale. Only for commercial needs (advertising is supported).
  • General development features:
  • Bootstrap 3, Font Awesome
  • Sass (with libsass, no Ruby), CoffeeScript
  • Grunt.js, Bower


  • Download or Buy ($5).
  • Change Twitter username and Disqus shortname in default.hbs (just find justusebrain for Twitter and theaqua for Disqus)
  • Drop theme to /content/themes and change Ghost settings.


  • Post cover image: ![image-cover](http://url/to/picture.png)
  • Big quote: <blockquote class="quote-lg">quote</blockquote>
  • Image without border: ![no-border](http://url/to/picture.png)

Installation of development version

  • You must install Grunt, Bower and CoffeeScript: npm install -g grunt-cli bower coffee-script
  • Clone repository to /content/themes: git clone Supernova
  • Go to /content/themes/Supernova, run npm install && bower install
  • Run grunt serve (for live compiling SCSS and CoffeeScript) or grunt for build
  • In Ghost's settings change "Theme" preference, restart Ghost (yes, I'm serious)