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The X3 Frequently Asked Questions

How do I set up X3?

Follow the setup guide (TODO: LINK HERE).

Read the README and INSTALL files, especially INSTALL.

How do I set up my IRC server so X3 talks to it?

add a connect block for X3 in ircd.conf and point to that at the top of x3.conf. You'll also need a UWORLD block etc.

I get "You must first authenticate with NickServ", help!

To register an account, /msg register YourName Password. You must be a global IRC operator to register the first account; X3 gives the first account "root" level (1000) access. To log in afterwards, use the "auth" command instead of "register".

I do not like having to type "/msg"

for all of my commands. How can I change that?

If you want to disable that for the auth command, use "/msg OpServ modcmd NickServ.auth flags -qualified". However, that is a BAD idea: if you have an auto-perform to log in, and you connect to some other IRC network, you will send your password to whoever or whatever is named NickServ on that network.

You can also use alias blocks in ircd.conf to allow compatible clients to type /nickserv as an alias to /msg

How do I restrict all users from registering channels?

/msg opserv modcmd ChanServ.register flags +helping This will allow only network staff to register channels. For IRC operators and network helpers (users with account flag +H), security override can be enabled by sending "/msg ChanServ god on". For support helpers (users with account flag +h), security override is enabled when the user is in the configured support channel.

How do I enable HelpServ?

When you run the "configure" script, you must enable the helpserv module; for example, "./configure --enable-modules=helpserv". After you compile and start X3 with that option, "/msg OpServ bind OpServ helpserv *helpserv.helpserv". After that, you can use "/msg OpServ helpserv help" and "/msg OpServ helpserv register"; the "helpserv" command acts as a gateway into the HelpServ system. Read the top of the mod-helpserv.c file for more details.

How do I enable MemoServ?

When you run the "configure" script, you must enable the MemoServ module; for example, "./configure --enable-modules=memoserv". Then see the comment near the start of src/mod-memoserv.c for configuration options.

What about both modules together?

Seperate modules in the --enable-modules argument with a comma (,). --enable-modules=memoserv,helpserv

Can users set their own fake hosts? authserv's oset fakehost command requires oper access?

Fakehost is a feature designed to be used by network administrators/opers. Because it allows freeform setting of hosts, allowing users to use it would be dangerous and silly. At this time, X3 does not have a 'hostserv' feature for users to choose from a list of fake host names. Such a thing could be created as a module but does not exist (yet?)

How do I change who can use a command?

One of X3's most powerful features is the bind/modcmd commands in opserv. Using modcmd you can view and change the acess requirements (levels and flags) of any command. With you can create new commands or re-bind existing commands to other services or other command names. See help for more details.

I'm an oper but X3 says I don't have access to ____?

Many channel-rights-override commands require you to explicitly turn on 'god mode'. To do this, /msg o3 god on We do this to ensure that opers don't override channels without really meaning to. There is no excuse "I didn't know I didn't have access". God on is the equivalent of putting on your badge and gun. It expires after a while or you can 'god off'.

Can opers get special protection from kick/ban etc?


I really want my opers to be protected.


Why can't my opers get special privlidges?

Everything about X3 (and nefarious) is designed to minimize oper abuse and keep oper actions transparent and clear. This is why we require 'god on' for many channel-overriding commands. In this same vein, when opers are not carrying out special duties as called for, they are treated like normal people. No special rights. This is by design and one of our core principles.

How do I use spamserv?

Simple answer is, don't. It is a very old module which has not been updated in forever. It's basic features are inherently flawed and it causes more damage than good. I'm not even sure it could be fixed easily if someone were to work on it. As an alternative, we suggest putting checks in or equivelent for each ircd. It already supports looking up DNSbl's but could be expanded to support scanning etc. See the tools/ directory.

Can I help you translate X3 to another language?

YES! there is a process for this where all the reply strings are dumped to a text file. Then you translate them to your language and send us the file. It would be really great to support more than just english. See the languages/ directory (especially languages/README.txt)