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Generic Java Install Speedrun checklist

Basic steps:

  • Install Java and supporting tools
    • install Java JDK
    • install Maven
    • check Java and Maven work by running a sample test
  • Install IntelliJ
    • check IntelliJ works by running the sample test

This checklist contains instructions for Windows and Mac.

Install Videos

Windows Install Videos

Mac Install Videos

Install Java Pre-requisites

  • [ ] Check what you need to install by typing console commands
    • [ ] "javac -version" - if it fails then you need to install a Java JDK
    • [ ] "mvn -version" - if it fails then you need to install maven

Windows Install Speedrun checklist

Install Java JDK, Maven and IntelliJ Using Chocolatey

The simple way is to install the apps is to use Chocolatey

  • Follow Install instructions
  • Using the packages
  • find what we want: (I find the chocolatey search isn't always the best so I use Google as well " Java SE 9 JDK") (or chocolate search "tag:jdk")
    • choco install openjdk
    • choco install maven
    • choco install intellijidea-community

Longer Instructions for Install on Windows

If you used Chocolatey then you can skip this and move to the 'Check the install on Windows' section.

  • [ ] Install The Java JDK
    • [ ] Windows
      • [ ] check Java JDK installed by typing javac -version in a new command line
      • [ ] add the JDK "\bin" folder to the path if it hasn't been added
      • [ ] create a JAVA_HOME environment variable for the root path of the JDK

  • [ ] with everything now installed, check the environment variables by displaying them on the console
    • [ ] Windows
      • [ ] echo %JAVA_HOME%
      • [ ] echo %PATH%

Check the install on Windows

  • The following commands should now run from a command line - you might need to start a new command line or possibly reboot to refresh your window settings after installing JDK and Maven.
    • [ ] "javac -version"
    • [ ] "mvn -version"

If either of the above fail then you have not installed Java or Maven.

  • [ ] Download JUnit Test Project (this has a simple pom.xml and a basic test to run)

  • [ ] run my first test from the command line

    • [ ] use the command line to "cd" to the directory you unarchived the source code to
    • [ ] mvn test

If it runs successfully then you have Java and Maven Installed in Windows.

Open and Run the source code from IntelliJ

  • [ ] create new project from existing sources
  • [ ] open the pom.xml from the folder that we placed the downloads from
    • [ ] in IntelliJ use 'Open Project' and select the folder, or the pom.xml file
  • [ ] we may need to configure IntelliJ to use the Java SDK we installed earlier, if so, follow the IntelliJ prompts
    • [ ] you may need to tell intellij where the SDK is,
      • use the project settings to create an new SDK config using the JAVA_HOME path above
  • [ ] right click on the test and 'run' the test
  • [ ] if it passes it means that Java, Maven, IntelliJ are all now installed and ready to use

Mac Install Speedrun checklist - Homebrew

Use HomeBrew to install Java JDK and Maven

  • [ ] install homebrew from
  • [ ] brew update
  • [ ] install jdk with one of :
    • version brew install --cask temurin
    • Oracle Open JDK version brew install openjdk
  • [ ] install maven with brew install maven

You can also use SDKMan to manage and install different versions of java SDK:

  • [ ] everything is installed, check the environment variables by displaying them on the console
    • [ ] Mac
      • [ ] echo $JAVA_HOME
      • [ ] echo $PATH

  • [ ] Download JUnit Test Project (this has a simple pom.xml and a basic test to run)

  • [ ] run my first test from the command line

    • [ ] use the command line to "cd" to the directory you unarchived the source code to
    • [ ] mvn test

If it runs successfully then you have Java and Maven Installed on Mac.

Install IntelliJ Community Edition on Mac

You can install IntelliJ using Homebrew as well by typing:

  • [ ] brew install --cask intellij-idea-ce

Or you can install it like a normal Mac application using the instructions below.

  • [ ] install IntelliJ IDE Community Edition,

  • [ ] open the 'startUsingJavaJUnit' project in IntelliJ and run the test from the IDE to ensure IntelliJ and JDK and Maven are all working together.

Generic Links: