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Lab 2: Function Dependencies

In this exerciese we will deploy a function that has some external library dependencies and see how Kubeless handles dependencies.

Kubeless has support for a number of different programming lanaguages and their prefered package managers:

Language Package manger Package file
Java Maven pom.xml
Node.js npm package.json
Python pip requirements.txt
Ruby gem Gemfile
Go dep Gopkg.toml
.Net Core NuGet .csproj


You can use kubelctl get pods -w in a seperate terminal window in order to "see" how dependencies are installed using the init contianer method. Do this before running any kubless function deploy.

Exercise: Deploy the Weather forcast function

In this exercise we are going to deploy a simple function that uses to retrieve the weather forcast for a specific location.

Deploy the function using the kubeless function deploy command with the following parameter:

  • name: weather
  • runtime: nodejs8
  • file: index.js
  • dependencies: package.json
  • handler:

Use kubeless function deploy -h to get the name of the command line options.


You can view a functions dependencies by lising all functions using kubless function list or by inspecting the function using kubeless function describe <name> where <name> is the name of the function you have deployed.


  • Using the kubeless CLI what are the dependencies of this function?

Exerciese: Get the Weather forcast

Now that the function has been deployed you can invoke the weather function by using the kubeless function call command.

This function expect a data input of the following format:

{"location": "<location>"}


{"location": "Oslo, Norway"}


Use kubeless function call --help if you are usure about the arguments required to invoke functions.


  • What is the weather forcast for Bergen, Norway?
  • What is the weather forcast for Trollvik, Troms Fylke, Norway?

Clean Up

When you are done you can exit your open shells and run the following command:

$ kubeless function delete weather

Lab 3: HTTP Triggers ➡️