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Building a Colmena Application

Creating a new application with Colmena involves defining a "task server" that deploys expensive functions and a "thinker" application that decides which tasks to submit.


See Design for details on Colmena architecture.

Configuring a Task Server

The task server for Colmena is configured with the list of methods, a list available computational resources and a mapping of which methods can use each resource.

We describe the :class:`~colmena.task_server.parsl.ParslTaskServer` in this document, although more are available.

Defining Methods

Methods in Colmena are defined as Python functions. Any Python function can be served by Colmena, but there are several limitations in practice:

  1. Functions must be serializable. We recommend defining functions in Python in the script that creates the task server or in modules that are accessible from the Python Path (e.g., part of packages installed with pip)
  2. Inputs must be serializable. Parsl makes a best effort to serialize function inputs with JSON, Pickle and other serialization libraries but some object types (e.g., thread locks) cannot be serialized.
  3. Functions must be pure. Colmena is designed with the assumption that the order in which you execute tasks does not change the outcomes.

See more details about the task types, especially how to include non-Python, in the Method model documentation.

Specifying Computational Resources

Colmena uses Parsl's resource configuration to define available resources for Colmena methods. We use an complex example that specifies running a mix of single-node and multi-node tasks on Theta to illustrate:

from parsl.addresses import address_by_hostname
from parsl.config import Config
from parsl.executors import HighThroughputExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor
from parsl.launchers import AprunLauncher, SimpleLauncher
from parsl.providers import LocalProvider

example_config = Config(
                launcher=AprunLauncher('-d 64 --cc depth'),  # Places worker on compute node
module load miniconda-3
export PATH=~/software/psi4/bin:$PATH
conda activate /lus/theta-fs0/projects/CSC249ADCD08/colmena/env

The overall configuration is broken into two types of "executors:"

The multi_node executor provides resources for applications that use multiple nodes. We use the ThreadPoolExecutor to run the pre- and post-processing Python code on the same Python process as the task server, which can save significant computational resources. The maximum number of tasks being run on this resource is defined by max_workers. Colmena users are responsible for providing the appropriate mpirun invocation in methods deployed on this resource and for controlling the number of nodes used for each task.
The single_node executor handles tasks that do not require inter-node communication. Parsl places workers on two nodes (see the nodes_per_block setting) with the aprun launcher, as required by Theta. Each node spawns 2 workers and can perform two tasks concurrently.

Note that we use LocalProvider classes to define how Parsl accesses resources. The :class:`~parsl.providers.LocalProvider` class assumes that resources are already accessible to the application in contrast to providers like :class:`~parsl.providers.CobaltProvider` that request resources on behalf of the application (e.g., from an HPC job scheduler).

Mapping Methods to Resources

The constructor of :class:`~colmena.task_server.ParslTaskServer` takes a list of Python function objects as an input. Internally, the task server converts these to Parsl "apps" by calling :py:func:`python_app` function from Parsl. You can pass the keyword arguments for this function along with each function to map functions to specific resources.

For example, the following code will place requests for the "launch_mpi_application" method to the "multi_node" resource and the ML task to the "single_node" resource:

server = ParslTaskServer([
    (launch_mpi_application, {'executor': 'multi_node'}),
    (generate_designs_with_ml, {'executor': 'single_node'})

Creating a "Thinker" Application

Colmena is designed to support many different algorithms for creating tasks and responding to results. Such "thinking" applications take the form of threads that send and receive results to/from the task server(s) using queues. Colmena provides as :class:`~colmena.thinker.BaseThinker` class to simplify creating multi-threaded applications.

Working with BaseThinker

Creating a new BaseThinker subclass involves defining different "agents" that interact with each other and the task server. The class itself provides a template for defining information shared between agents and a mechanism for launching them as separate threads.

A minimal Thinker is as follows:

class Thinker(BaseThinker):

    def operation(self):
        self.queues.send_inputs(4, method='simulate')
        result = self.queues.get_result()
        self.output = result.value

thinker = Thinker(queues)
print(f'Simulation result {result.value}')

The example shows us a few key concepts:

  1. You communicate with the task server using self.queues
  2. Operations within the a Thinker are marked with the @agent decorator.
  3. Calling launches all agent threads within that class and runs until all complete.

Submitting Tasks

:class:`~colmena.queues.base.ColmenaQueues` provides communication to the task server and is available as the self.queues class attribute.

Submit requests to the task server with the send_inputs function. Besides the input arguments and method name, the function also accepts a "topic" for the method queue used when filtering the output results.

    input_kwargs={'operation': "+"},
    task_info={'key': 'value},
    resources={'node_count': 2}

The get_result function retrieves the next result from the task server as a :class:`~colmena.models.Result` object. The Result object contains the output task and the performance information (e.g., how long communication to the client required). get_result accepts a "topic" to only pull tasks sent with a certain topic to the queue.

See the Queue documentation for the available queues.

Inter-agent Communication

Agents in a thinking application are run as separate Python threads. Accordingly, you can share objects between agents. We recommend versing yourself in Python's rich library of threading objects and queue objects to communicate information between agents.

Example Applications

We will describe a few example explanations to illustrate how to make a Thinker applications that implement degrees of overlap between performing simulations and selecting the next simulation.

For all of these cases, we provide a simple demonstration application in the demo applications.

Batch Optimizer

Source code:

A batch optimization process repeats two steps sequentially: select a batch of simulations and then perform every simulation in the batch. Batch optimization, while simple to implement, can lead to poor utilization if there is a large variation between task completion times (see discussion by Wozniak et al.).

Utilization over time for batch optimizer

Resources remain unused while waiting for all members of a batch to complete.

The core logic for each loop can be expressed using a single thread communicating with a single task queue:

while not stop_condition:
    # Use the current state of the optimizer to choose new tasks
    tasks = generate_tasks(database, batch_size)

    # Send out tasks on the input queue
    for task in tasks:
        queues.send_inputs(task, method="simulate")

    # Collect the tasks, and update the database
    for _ in range(batch_size):
        result = queues.get_result()

        # Save the inputs (args) and output (value)
        database.append((results.args, results.value))

Streaming Optimizer

Source code:

A streaming or "on-line" optimizer selects a new task immediately after any task completes. The streaming optimizer is particularly beneficial when the time to select a new task is much shorter than the rate at which new tasks complete. As evidenced by codes such as Rocketsled, streaming optimizers are an excellent choice for lengthy tasks run with modest batch sizes. However, the utilization of a computational resource can break down when the rate of task completion becomes comparable to the rate at which new tasks can be generated.

Utilization for a streaming optimizer

Utilization limited by task generation rate

A streaming optimizer can also be realized by a single Thinker process and a single task queue.

# Create as many parallel tasks as worker slots
tasks = generate_tasks(database, batch_size)
for task in tasks:
    queues.send_inputs(task, method="simulate")

# As new tasks complete immediately generate a single new task
while not stop_condition:
    # Wait until a task completes, pull it from queue
    result = queues.get_result()

    # Add it to the database
    database.append((results.args, results.value))

    # Generate a new task, using the latest results
    task = generate_tasks(database, 1)[0]

    # Sent new task to the queue
    queues.send_inputs(task, method="simulate")

Interleaved Optimizer

Source code:

An "interleaved" optimizer continually updates a queue of next simulations while new simulations are running. A new task is started from a task queue as soon as a simulation task completes. The task queue is maintained by a separate thread that continually updates the task generator and re-prioritizes the task queue. Full system utilization can be achieved as long as the task queue is sufficiently long. The challenge instead is to minimize the time between new data received and the task queue being updated with this new data.

Utilization for an interleaved optimizer

Caching a prioritized list of tasks prevents under-utilization

Creating an interleaved optimizer in Colmena can be achieved best using two separate threads that each use their own task queues.

The first thread is a simulation dispatcher. It shares a task list, result database, and a Lock with the other thread. We use an Event, done, to signal both threads that the optimization loop has completed. We denote tasks associated the simulation dispatcher with the topic "doer."

# Send out the initial tasks
for _ in range(batch_size):
    queues.send_inputs(task_queue.pop(), method='simulate', topic='doer')

# Pull and re-submit
while not done.is_set():
    # Get a result
    result = queues.get_result(topic='doer')

    # Immediately send out a new task
    with queue_lock:
        queues.send_inputs(task_queue.pop(), method='simulate', topic='doer')

    # Add the old task to the database
    database.append((result.args, result.value))

The second thread is a task generator and prioritizer. Its tasks are labeled with the "thinker" topic.

# Create some tasks
tasks = generate_tasks(database, queue_length)

while not done.is_set():
    # Send out an update task, which generates
    #  a new priority order for the tasks
    with queue_lock:
        queues.send_inputs(database, tasks,

    # Wait until it is complete
    result = queues.get_result(topic='thinker')
    new_order = result.value

    # Update the queue (requires locking)
    with queue_lock:
        # Copy out the old values
        current_queue = task_queue.copy()

        # Note how many of the tasks have been started
        num_started = len(new_order) - len(current_queue)

        # Compute the new position of tasks
        #  Noting that the first items in the queue are gone
        new_order -= num_started

        # Re-submit tasks to the queue
        for i in new_order:
            if i < 0:  # Task has already been sent out

Creating a

The script used to launch a Colmena application must create the queues and launch the task server and thinking application.

A common pattern is as follows:

from colmena.task_server.parsl import ParslTaskServer
from colmena.queue import PipeQueues

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # [ ... Create the Parsl configuration, list of functions, ... ]

    # Generate the queue pairs
    queues = PipeQueues(keep_inputs=True, serialization_method='json')

    # Instantiate the task server and thinker
    task_server = ParslTaskServer(functions, queues, config)
    thinker = Thinker(queues)

        # Launch the servers

        # Wait for the thinking application to complete
        # Send a shutdown signal to the task server

    # Wait for the task server to complete

The above script can be run as any other python code (e.g., python

We have described configuration options for task server and thinker applications earlier. The key options to discuss here are those of the communication queues.

The :meth:`~colmena.queue.python.PipeQueues` object manages communication between Thinker and Task Server. It takes a few options in addition to the topics of tasks, such as

  • serialization_method: Whether to use JSON or Pickle to serialize inputs and outputs. Either may produce smaller objects or provide faster conversion depending on your data types.
  • keep_inputs: Whether to retain inputs in the :class:`~colmena.models.Result` object after task has completed. Removing inputs could speed communication but may complicate steering logic.