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Advanced Features for Thinkers

The core of a Colmena application is a "thinker" process that controls the use of computational resources by submitting new tasks in response to new data being acquired. This portion of the guide delves into the advanced features for building a "Thinker" application and builds the steps described in the previous page of the guide.

Objects Shared by Default

Several objects are available to all "agent" threads available in a Thinker application.


The self.queue attribute of a Thinker class manages communication to the task server. Each agent can use it to submit tasks or wait for results from the task server.

The :class:`~colmena.queue.base.ColmenaQueues` object must be provided to the constructor.


The self.logger attribute is a logger unique to each thread. Log messages written with this attribute will be marked with the name of the agent.

Completion Flag

Upon completion, an agent sets the self.done flag. All threads may view the status of this event.

Thread-Local Details

Each agent has a self.local_details object to store information which should not be altered by other threads. It is derived from Python's :class:`~threading.local` object.

Resource Counter

The self.rec attribute is used to communicate the availability of compute resources between threads. Threads may release resources to make them available for use by other agents, request resources, or transfer resources between different available pools.

The core actions for the resource counter include reserving nodes for a particular task typ (.acquire), releasing them for use by other agents (.release), and reallocating between different resource pools (.reallocate). All operations are thread-safe.

A :class:`~colmena.thinker.resources.ResourceCounter` that is configured with the proper number of slots and task pools must be provided to the constructor for this feature to be available.

from colmena.queue import ColmenaQueues
from colmena.thinker import BaseThinker, ResourceCounter, agent

class ResourceLimited(BaseThinker):
    def __init__(self, queues: ColmenaQueues, nodes: int = 1):
            queues: Queues to use to communicate with the task server
            nodes: Number of nodes to available

        super().__init__(queues, resource_counter=ResourceCounter(nodes, task_types=["a", "b"]))

        # Start with all nodes allocated to "a"
        self.rec.reallocate(None, "a", nodes)

    def give_away(self):
        for i in range(self.rec.allocated_slots("a")):
            self.rec.reallocate("a", "b", 1)

  "Gave 1 node from a to b")"Done giving nodes away")

    def receive(self):
        while not self.done.is_set():
            self.rec.acquire("a", 1, cancel_if=self.done)
  "Reserved a node for task type b")

See the documentation for :class:`~colmena.thinker.resources.ResourceCounter`.

Configuring General Agents

Agent threads in Colmena take a few different configuration options. For example, the startup keyword argument means that the self.done event will not be set when this agent completes.

See :func:`~colmena.thinker.agent` for more details.

Setup and Teardown Logic

Some agents require expensive operations that only need run once per application or ensure that resources are cleaned up after completion. For example, some may connect to a database to store results persistently between runs of an application.

Override the :meth:`~colmena.thinker.BaseThinker.prepare_agent` and :meth:`~colmena.thinker.BaseThinker.tear_down_agent` to define these methods, and remember to use thread-local storage as this function is run by every agent.

Special-Purpose Agents

There are a few common patterns of agents within Colmena, such as agents that wait for results to become available in a queue. We provide decorators that simplify creating agents for such tasks.

The reallocation example application demonstrates all three of these agent types.

Result Processing Agents

The :func:`colmena.thinker.result_processor` is for agents that respond to results becoming available. It takes a single argument that defines which topic queue to be associated with and must decorate a function that takes Result object as an input.

class Thinker(BaseThinker):
    def process(self, result: Result):

The above example runs the process function whenever a complete task with a "simulation" topic is received.

Task Submission Agents

Task submission agents execute a function as soon as resources are available. The agent runs a decorated function once resources are acquired from a certain resource pool. Task submission agents are often paired with a result processor that receives the result and marks resources as available once a task completes.

class Thinker(BaseThinker):
    @task_submitter(task_type="sim", n_slots=1)
    def submit(self):
        task = self.queue.pop(0)
        self.queues.send_inputs(task, method='simulate', topic='simulation')

The above function submits a task from the front of a task queue once 1 slot is available from the "sim" resource pool.

Event Responder Agents

The :func:`colmena.thinker.event_responder` runs a function when a certain event is triggered. The event responder agents can be configured to request resources in a background thread that are then deallocated after the function completes.

class Thinker(BaseThinker):
    @event_responder(event_name='retrain_now', reallocate_resources=True,
                     gather_from="sim", gather_to="ml", disperse_to="sim", max_slots=1)
    def reorder(self):
        # Submit a task to re-order task queue given
        self.rec.allocate('ml', 1)  # Blocks until resources are free
        self.queues.send_inputs(self.database, self.queue, method='reorder', topic='plan')

        # Wait for task to complete
        result = self.queues.get_result(topic='plan')
        self.rec.release('ml', 1)  # Mark that resources are unneeded

        # Store the new task queue
        self.queue = result.value

The above example performs a task to reorder the task queue when the retrain_now event is set. Colmena will automatically re-allocate resources from simulation to machine learning when the event is set and then re-allocate them back to simulation after the function completes. The Thinker class will also reset the flag once all functions triggered by the event complete.