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Types of Colmena Methods

Colmena encapsulates the methods being executed with a wrapper that manages deserializing task data and tracking runtime information.

The task servers automatically determine the correct wrapper for Python tasks, though you will need to instantiate your own wrapper for non-Python tasks.

While you thus do not need to know about the wrappers in most cases, we describe what each does and how they can be adjusted here.


Apply the PythonGeneratorMethod wrapper before supplying to the Task Server for wrapped generator functions. Automatic detection of Python generator function usually fails for wrapped functions.

Basic Python Functions

The "basic" Python function has a single return value.

def f(x: int) -> int:
    return x * 2

The wrapper for this type of function, ~colmena.models.methods.PythonMethod needs only a reference to the function and a name to know the function by, if different than the function's existing name.

from colmena.models.tasks import PythonMethod

wrapper = PythonMethod(

Generator Python Functions

Python generator functions produce a continual series of outputs then, in some cases, a value on completion.

def g(x: int) -> Iterable[int]:
    yield from range(x)
    return "done"

Like the single-return wrapper, Colmena wraps these functions using a reference to the function and a name. There is an additional option about whether to return the "return" value in addition to the "yield" values. Colmena returns only the yielded values by default.

from colmena.models.methods import PythonGeneratorMethod

wrapper = PythonGeneratorMethod(

Setting store_return_values to True will return a tuple of results, such as ([1], "done") for x=1, and return only the first element of the tuple if False.

Streaming Results

Configure a generator tasks to stream results as soon as they are created by supplying a ~colmena.queue.base.ColmenaQueues when defining the method.

queues = RedisQueues()
wrapper = PythonGeneratorMethod(

The Thinker will receive the yielded results over the task queue provied to the function. Each of the yielded result will have the completed field of the ~colmena.models.results.Results set to False, wheras the returned value will have a value of True.


We recommend using ~colmena.queue.redis.RedisQueues with Redis configured to accept connections from other nodes if workers are run on a different node than the Thinker.

Running Executables

All tasks in Colmena require a Python interface to be executed in the workflow and the ~colmena.models.methods.ExecutableMethod as a guiderail for including computations that are performed outside of Python.

The definition of an ExectuableMethod is split into three parts:

  1. __init__: create the shell command needed to launch your code and pass it to the initializer of the base class.
  2. preprocess: use method arguments to create the input files, command line arguments, or stdin needed to execute the simulation code with the desired settings
  3. postprocess: extract the desired outputs for the function from any files or the standard out produced when executing the code.

The example code below runs the simulator software, which reads inputs from CLI arguments and from a options.json file then stores the result in stdout.

class Simulation(ExecutableMethod):

    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(executable=['/path/to/my/simulator'], name='simulator')

    def preprocess(self, run_dir, args, kwargs):
        with open(run_dir / 'option.json', 'w') as fp:
            json.dump(kwargs, fp)  # Write any kwargs to disk
        return [str(args[0])], None  # Uses the args as CLI arguments

    def postprocess(self, run_dir: Path):
        # The stdout of the code is routed to `colmena.stdout`
        with open(run_dir / 'colmena.stdout') as fp:
            return float(

Some Task Server implements execute the pre- and post-processing step on separate resources from the executable task to make more efficient use of the compute resources.

See the MPI example.

MPI Applications

Message-Passing Interface (MPI) codes are the standard type of application that utilize multiple nodes of a supercomputer for the same task. In addition to defining the path to the executable and processing operations, MPI codes also require a definition of how to launch the executable across many compute nodes.

For most cases, provide these option in the __init__ method of your executable and set the mpi option to True.

class Simulation(ExecutableMethod):

    def __init__(self):
            mpi=True,  # Designate this as an MPI application
            mpi_command_string='mpirun -np {total_ranks}',  # Optionally provide the MPI invocation template

Some workflow tools, like RCT, can supply the mpi_command_string information automatically.

Specify the number of nodes and ranks per node for each tasks using the resources keyword argument during task submission.

client_queue.send_inputs(1,  method='simulator', resources={'node_count': 2})