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Information on how the development team agrees to work together along with information on setting up a local dev environment. Keep this document fresh with any and all information that should be shared with your fellow devs.

Table of Contents

Also check out Development Recipes.

Core Values

These are the core standards that our development team agrees to follow. All of our decisions should be tested against our core values. Only a team decision can overrule our core values on a case-by-case basis.

  1. Always act in the best interest of our customer's time, money, and desired quality
  • We succeed when our customer is amazed at our ability to deliver on-time, within budget, and with the highest possible quality given the time and money constraints.
  • Test every decision with the question "Does this align with the customer's budget, timeline, and quality expectations?"
  1. Be respectful always (aka Golden Rule)
  • Teams that respect each other with their words and actions achieve high throughput consistently
  • When we talk down to each other we are deciding that WE are more important than the customer!
  1. No Lone Ranger Developers
  • Acting on your own excludes your team from decision making, which is a form of disrespect
  • Perfect code is a product of team collaboration and communication
  1. Peer code reviews are required
  • For every 10 liines of code written, ~ 1 bug is introduced into the code base.
  • Peer reviewed code has been found to significantly reduce bugs and missed requirements
  • Be thorough and respectful!
  1. Build for today's needs, not what might be needed tomorrow
  • Make the best choices based on the customer's concrete needs today!
  • Building for the future is subjective guesswork that rarely meets unknowable customer needs

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Code Standards

The following coding standards are agreed upon by the development team and are expected to be followed. Where possible, these rules will be enforced by the IDE. The goals of these standards are the following:

  1. Create a consistent look to the code, so that readers can focus on content, not layout.
  2. Enable readers to understand the code more quickly by making assumptions based on previous experience.
  3. Facilitate changing and maintaining the code in a consistent manner.


Best Practices

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Workstation Setup

Required Software

Download and install the following required software for development:


  1. Download source via Visual Studio GitHub extension
    • Open Visual Studio with administrator privileges.
    • Go to the "Team Explorer" tab.
    • Click the "Manage Connections" button (Green electrical outlet icon).
    • Under the GitHub section, click "Clone".
    • Enter your GitHub credentials.
    • Choose "voyage-dotnet-api" from the list of repositories.
    • Choose a path. (Example C:\Source)
    • Click "Clone".
    • Once cloning is complete, open the "Voyage.API" solution.
  2. Build it
    • With the solution open, press Control + Shift + B or right click the solution and select "Build Solution".
    • Visual Studio should automatically restore the dependencies on the first build.
    • If packages aren't restored on build, you have two options.
      • You can right click the solution in Visual Studio and select "Restore NuGet Packages".
      • Go to the "Tools" tab, select "NuGet Package Manager" then "Package Manager Console". From the console that shows up, click the "Restore" button in the upper right corner.
  3. Create the database
    • NOTE: This assumes there is a local SqlServer configured on Localhost and Windows Authentication is enabled
    • Build the Voyage.Database project
    • Double click the localhost.publish.xml
    • Once the dialog appears, click the Publish button
    • A Data Tools Operation panel will appear and contain the results of the publish operation
  4. Install IIS
    • Open up the Control Panel.
    • Click "Programs".
    • Click "Turn Windows features on or off".
    • Expand the "Internet Information Services" node.
    • Check the "Web Management Tools" checkbox.
    • Check the "World Wide Web Services" checkbox.
    • Expand the "World Wide Web Services node.
    • Expand the "Application Development Features" node.
    • Check the "ASP.NET 4.6" checkbox.
    • Click "OK".
  5. Add the voyage application to IIS
    • Click the start button, and search for "inetmgr". Open the IIS Manager application.
    • Expand the root node, right click on "Sites" and select "Add Website".
    • Enter "Voyage" as the Site name and point the physical path to the full path of the Voyage.Web folder. (Example: C:\Source\voyage-dotnet-api\Voyage.Web)
    • Change port 80 to 52431.
    • Click OK
    • Click "Application Pools" from the left nav.
    • Right click the "Voyage" application pool and select "Advanced Settings...".
    • Ensure the .NET CLR Version is v4.0.
    • Under the "Process Model" section, click the bolded word "ApplicationPoolIdentity", then click the "..." button.
    • Click "Custom account" and click "Set"
    • Type in your windows credentials and click OK.
  6. Add your windows credentials to SQL Server
    • Open up SQL Server Management Studio.
    • Enter "localhost" as the server name.
    • Click "Connect"
    • Expand the "Security" folder
    • Expand the "Logins" folder
    • Right click on your windows username and select "Properties".
    • Click "User Mapping" from the left navigation.
    • Click the checkbox next to "Voyage"
    • Click the checkbox next to "db_owner" in the bottom panel.
    • Click OK
  7. Install the API Documentation
    • Open up a command prompt
    • Run "npm install apidoc -g"
    • Change directory "cd" to the Voyage.Web/docs folder.
    • Run this command: "apidoc -o ../docs -i ../"
    • You will see a "Done" message when it is complete.
    • Note: If the script fails to execute, try closing the command prompt and opening a new one and run the command again. If there are multiple prompts open at the same time, the command prompt will not always pick up the new global module when both commands are not run from the same instance.


A default "admin" user with full access to everything will be seeded into the database when Update-Database is run. Use this account when initially interacting with the web services or creating new users or applying new user roles.

Password: Hello123!

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Run App Locally

  1. Run the application
    • Open Visual Studio with administrator privileges.
    • Open the "Voyage.API" solution.
    • Press Control + F5.
    • You are now up and running. Your browser will open and display the API documentation for the application.
  2. Run the tests
    • In Visual Studio, click the "Test" tab, select "Windows" then "Test Explorer".
    • Click "Run All" from this tab.
    • The unit and integration tests will execute.

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Access Secured Web Services

By default, the API secures all webservice endpoints with the exception of the /api/status public endpoint. Without going into how you secure a webservice endpoint (see Developer Recipes), this section will discuss the default OAuth2 security implementation and how to access web services.

Oauth2: Quick Overview

OAuth2 is an authentication method that allows for 2 authenticating actors: Client, User.

  • Client - the 'app' that is making the request to the API
  • User - the person that is using the app to make a request to the API

Currently, the API supports 2 OAuth authentication methods

  • Client Credentials - Client only authentication used mainly for server-to-server exchanges
  • Implicit Authentication - Client + User authentication use mainly for web and mobile apps

OAuth2: Client Credentials

  • The client accesses the API directly without a user and uses a secure password to authenticate.
  • The client is the only actor using the API and must provide a client ID and password
  • The API will not load a User object into the session unless the client ID maps to a User username
  • API services that require a User object loaded into memory will not function with this authentication method
  • This authentication method is reserved for testing and for server-to-server exchanges
Web Service: http://localhost:8080/oauth/token
  • used for Client Credential authentication
  • pass in the Client ID and Client Secret and get back an access token
  • returns a JWT bearer token that expires within a few hours
Client seed data
  • client id: client-super
  • client secret: secret
  • Send the Client ID and Client Secret via basic auth
  • POST to: /oauth/token
  • POST data: client_id, client_secret, grant_type=client_credentials
  • The result will be an access code value
Test Using Postman
  1. Within the Authorization section of a Postman request, choose the "OAuth2" option Postman OAuth Client Credentials Authorization

  2. Click the orange "Get New Access Token" Postman OAuth Client Credentials Get New Access Token

  3. Enter the token URL and login information. Be sure to select Grant Type "Client Credentials" Postman OAuth Client Credentials Request Token

  4. Click on the new token row and select "Use Token" orange button to apply the token to your request. Postman OAuth Client Credentials Use Token

  5. Click on the Headers section to verify that the Authorization header has been applied with the Access Token Postman OAuth Client Credentials Authorization Header

OAuth2: Implicit Authentication

  • The user instructs the client 'app' to make API requests on the user's behalf.
  • The client initiates the authentication using their client ID, but does not provide a password because the user will be required to enter their own username and password to authorize the client.
  • The API will load both the Client and User objects into the session
  • This authentication method is the preferred method for a web or mobile app
Web Service: http://localhost:52431/oauth/authorize
  • used for Implicit Authentication
  • accepts the Client ID, redirect url, and few other params
  • redirects a server-side user login form
  • upon successful authentication of the user and client, a redirect back to the caller with the access token.
  • returns a JWT bearer token that expires within a few hours

Client seed data

User seed data

Test Using Browser

The method described below is easiest to perform within a web browser. While it is possible to do this within cURL, it takes more effort to handle the temporary session cookie and to follow redirects. The simplest way is to use a browser, which will be demonstrated below.

  1. Copy/paste the following URL into your browser address bar http://localhost:52431/oauth/authorize?client_id=client-super&redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000&response_type=token OAuth Implicit Authorization Browser 1

    • Endpoint Address: http://localhost:52431/oauth/authorize
    • Parameters:
      • client_id - the client identifier
      • redirect_uri - the address to redirect back to with the access token upon successful user authentication
      • response_type - the expected type of code to return back on the redirect_uri (code=temp code, token=longer term access token)
    • This assumes you are using the default seed data that comes with the app (see /src/main/resources/db.changelog/)
  2. Login as the 'super' user OAuth Implicit Authorization Browser 2

  3. Accept the Grant Request OAuth Implicit Authorization Browser 3

  4. Retrieve the Access Token from the URL parameters OAuth Implicit Authorization Browser 4

    • Upon successful authentication, the app will redirect to the given redirect uri
    • The redirect uri doesn't likely existing on you local environment (or any environment)
    • You will receive a 404 Not Found error page
    • Look at the URL and you will see that there is a #access_token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIn... as a parameter
    • Copy the entire URL out to a text editor and copy the enter access_token value

    Example access token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.OAKT6c5cpfwkzlQRz5AS_svSRWBROo_UN6I9_aE2EHky4OjGUwh7DExiDTYwr-kcLE9o1P7ZDW28g_f2SZVpx8AYosOJiN727060zbrT1q2shmnKhVv7pQJomzshdrXdCo0Lwz1eQ7punQv21mwEohIz4x0aX8IrxkcV8_-1hanGyKYkcdRdOdcWKYx2D_2k1_Z_wRhLuyV8vhmtjOPqWpNBjg6XmwRyA2GaRxJQAsWlQdyGC69GOLV4HVCgPJSUX7rgK1yatVGR8WyTcXclTmb9E9XBrom2zkq2NxZ4ZDVnHu6oq9Fszv3BbM-uwsPggFFG0D0YKG6s00uetXWz_A

  5. Copy the access token into the Authorization header of a webservice request (via cURL or Postman) OAuth Implicit Authorization Browser 5

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Code Branching

The following code branching strategy is meant to ensure the following objectives:

  • Encourage the benefits of frequent commits/pushes to the Git repo
  • Isolate work-in-progress from other developers
  • Tag branches with meaningful names to identify features
  • Only promote peer reviewed code into the "master" branch

All Branches Work The Same Way There are many strategies that may be employed when branching. Regardless of the branching strategies that are used, it's helpful to know that technically branches all function the same way. Terms like "long running branches" or "topic branches" simply refer to a strategy for how to use the branching feature of Git.

Long Running Branch: Master

A project can support multiple "long running" branches that are always open and ready for new code. It's typical to have a long running branch called "master" that holds stable code that is currently in production and code soon to be deployed to production. It's not uncommon for development teams to have a long running branch called "develop" that contains less stable code that needs to be tested and verified before being pushed to the more stable "master" branch.

The current development practice for this team is to only support a "master" long running branch that will hold all code currently in production and new code that has been peer code reviewed.

Topic Branches

Topic branches are shorter lived branches are often times referred to as "feature branches". Topic branches can be thought of as workspaces for developers to make their code changes for a single (hopefully small) feature.

 --------- MASTER ---------------------------------------> Production
    \-- Topic #123 --/     \---- Topic #124 ----/

Topic Branch Workflow

  1. Create a new branch from a long running branch like "master"
  • Name the Topic branch with the ticket number from your task management app + short english description (ie LP-1234 Navbar Quick Search)
  • Creating a good name allows for quick comparison of the task management app and Git for what's in the release and what's not
  1. Make code changes
  • Commit to the local Git repo as often as necessary using descriptive commit messages
  • Write meaningful commit messages as these will often be read by peer developers
  1. Push code changes
  • Push to the Topic branch in the Git repo as often as necessary so that changes wont be lost if your computer blows up
  1. Pull Request
  • Create a pull request (if available in your Git repo) and ask 1-2 developers to review the code online
  • GitHub and BitBucket both have great diff tools for doing code reviews on-demand and providing comments.
  1. Peer Reviewer Merge
  • Once the peer reviewer has signed-off on the changes, then ONLY THE PEER REVIEWER can merge the changes into the long running branch "master"
  • The developer's name on the merge is the official stamp of approval and statement that the code reviewer takes responsibility for the quality of the code.
  1. Delete Topic Branch
  • Topic branches that have been merged into "master" should be deleted immediately as they are no longer necessary
  • Work with the team to determine if a different time interval is needed for retaining old branches and update this document

Other Strategies

This guide is focusing on the simplest branching strategies so that even the least experienced person on the team (at least with Git) can quickly get familiar with the workflow. Starting with a complext branching strategy can be a frustrating experience that can cause confusion in a team. If your team is an advanced group ready for the next level of Git, then consider updating this section with you preferred Git workflow strategies and training your team so as to avoid confusion and mistakes.

Read Git - Branching Workflows for more information.

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Code Review & Merge

Peer code reviews are perhaps the most important team development step in a project. Code reviews are an opportunity for team members to catch oversights in code, bugs, standards, and best practices. Code reviews are also opportunities for developers to teach each other about our documented standards and guidelines as well as to share other general development knowledge and best practices from experience. Further more, code reviews encourage developers to share work-in-progress frequently and to develop respectful and trusting relationships (ie team building).

Once a thorough code review has been completed, the peer reviewer will perform the merge process to the long running branch (i.e. master), which will stamp the reviewers name on the merge to show the code was reviewed and approved.


  • All tests must pass on the developer's machine before requesting a code review
  • It is your responsibility to have your code reviewed in a timely manner
  • It is never acceptable to have your code merged into a long running branch without a code review
  • Merging code into a long running branch can only be performed by the peer code reviewer
  • You are required to fix any violations of the documented team dev standards/guidelines
  • Peer reviewer recommendations that are not supported by documented team dev standards/guidelines are optional
  • Seek to have your code reviewed by someone more experienced so that you can learn something new!
  • Change up who reviews your code to promote cross training and to learn from new people
  • Make time to provide a thoughtful code review.
  • Be kind and follow the Golden Rule

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Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) is the process of integrating and testing new code as soon as the code has been merged into a long running branch. Typically CI is managed by a system like Jenkins that have custom jobs created for each project and environment combination. CI jobs can be executed manually, through commits in a source code repo, or through plugins that support nearly any type of trigger.

Developers must be aware that as soon as their code is merged into a long running branch (ie master), that the CI job "Build & Test" will be triggered on the new code. The primary function of the "Build & Test" job is to ensure that the latest changes can be built without error and that all unit, integration, and functional tests pass successfully. If the build or a single test fails, then the job fails and notifies the development team.

Whenever a job fails within the CI environment the whole development team is affected. It is the responsibility of the developer who broke the build to fix the issue as quickly as possible. A developer with repeated offenses should be made aware (however the team decides) that they need to improve their pre-merge quality checks.

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