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Disclaimer: This component is work in progress. Dreamcode can be found in Unit tests are coming.


Installation: npm install -S react-tile.

Consume using ES6 modules (and browserify):

const React = require('react')
import {Tile} from 'react-tile'

  <Tile backgroundImage="url(path/to/img.png)" bar="subtext">Main content</Tile>

Consume using only browserify (no ES6, no JSX):

var React = require('react')
var Tile = require('react-tile').Tile


This module exports three components:

Most likely you only want to use Tile - buy hey, modularity!


The Tile component is very flexible and allows you to manipulate its rendering using these props:

  • width: define the width of the tile
  • color: set text color SquareBox's content
  • lineHeight: set css lineHeight property for SquareBox
  • bg: provide the background for SquareBox as React Element
  • backgroundImage: set backgroundImage css property for SquareBox
  • backgroundSize: provide the backgroundSize for SquareBox
  • fontSize: set fontSize of SquareBox
  • fontFamily: set fontFamily of SquareBox
  • bar: provide content for the bottom bar or disable it
  • barBackground: provides background styles as a string
  • barColor: set text color of TextCell,


The width of the Tile component also defines the length of a side of SquareBox. It can be any CSS value as string. Default is "100%".


The bg prop is a React element which will be used as background for SquareBox's content, if provided.


The bar prop can be a string (shorthand) or a React component used as content for TextCell.


The barBackground prop provides the css background styles for the TextCell.


This is somewhat pseudo-code, but provided the used React components, exist you should be able to do this.

Using a imaginary TimeRelative component, that formats dates:

  content="Text inside square" 
  bar=<TimeRelative date={}> />


The SquareBox component has the same width and height. It supports these props:

  • size: Specifies the size of one side; default is "100%"
  • bg: value for css bg property or React component to be used as background; see above for details
  • color, lineHeight, backgroundSize, fontSize, fontFamily, backgroundImage


The TextCell component does not wrap text, hides overflowing elements and - if provided a string - will automatically cut off strings that are too long for the width of the tile, using an ellipsis. It supports these props:

  • truncating: Truncate long text when if overflows; default is true


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