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eXo Core

eXo Core is a set of common services, such as Authentication and Security, Organization, Database, Logging, JNDI, LDAP, Document Reader and other services. These services are used by eXo products and modules. It also can be used in the business logic.

These services will be comprehensively understood via the following topics:

  • Database creator <Core.DBCreatorService>

    Information about database creator, such as API, configuration retrieval and retrieval log, and examples of a DDL script.

  • Security service <Core.SecurityService>

    Information about security service via two main topics: Framework and Usage.

  • Organization Service <Core.OrganizationService>

    Introduction to organizational model and instructions on how to implement custom Organization Service.

  • Organization Service Initializer <Core.OrganizationServiceInitializer>

    Provision of a sample configuration of the Organization Service Initializer to create users, groups and membership types by default.

  • Organization listener <Core.OrganizationListener>

    Instructions on how to write and register your own organization listeners.

  • Conversation state <Core.UpdatingConversationStateWhenUserMembershipChanged>

    Instructions on how to update users' identity in ConversationState when their membership was changed in OrganizationService.

  • DB Schema Creator service (JDBC implementation) <Core.DBSchemacreatorserviceJDBCimplementation>

    Information and example of DB Schema Creator configuration.

  • Database configuration for Hibernate <Core.DatabaseConfigurationForHibernate>

    Instructions on how to configure database for Hibernate.

  • LDAP configuration <Core.LDAPConfiguration>

    Instructions on how to configure eXo Platform to work with your directory.

  • JCR Organization Service <Core.JCROrganizationServiceConfiguration>

    Instructions on how to use JCR Organization Service.

  • Organization Service TCK tests <Core.OrganizationServiceTCKTestsConfiguration>

    Instructions on how to add TCK tests to your Maven project and launch them during the unit testing phase.

  • Tika Document Reader Service <Core.TikaDocumentReaderService>

    Basic knowledge of TikaDocumentReader, such as architecture, configuration, old-style DocumentReaders and Tika Parsers, TikaDocumentReader features and notes.

  • Digest authentication <Core.DigestAuthentication>

    Instructions on how to configure your server to use the digest authentication, and how to make your own implementation use the digest authentication.

Database creator

The database creator named DBCreator is responsible for executing a DDL script at runtime. The DDL script may contain templates for database name, username and password which will be replaced by real values at the execution time.

Three templates are supported:

  • ${database} for database name;
  • ${username} for username;
  • ${password} for user password;

The service provides method for executing script for new database creation. The database name which is passed as parameter will be substituted in the DDL script instead of the ${database} template. The DBConnectionInfo object is returned (with all necessary information of new database's connection) or DBCreatorException exception will be thrown if any error occurs in the other case.

public DBConnectionInfo createDatabase(String dbName) throws DBCreatorException;

For MSSQL and Sybase servers, use the autocommit mode to set "true" for connection. It is due to that after the "create database" command is executed, the newly created database is not available for the "use" command. Therefore, you cannot create a new user inside database per one script.

public DBConnectionInfo getDBConnectionInfo(String dbName) throws DBCreatorException;

Information of the database connection is returned without database creation.

Service's configuration

            <description>database connection properties</description>
            <property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
            <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/" />
            <property name="username" value="root" />
            <property name="password" value="admin" />
            <property name="additional_property" value="value">
            <property name="additional_property_n" value="value">
            <description>database creation properties</description>.
            <property name="scriptPath" value="script.sql" />
            <property name="username" value="testuser" />
            <property name="password" value="testpwd" />
  • The properties section of db-connection contains parameters needed for connection to the database server.
  • There are four reserved and mandatory properties, including: driverClassName, url, username and password. However, db-connection may contain additional properties.

    For example, the following additional properties allow reconnecting to the MySQL database when connection was refused:

        <property name="validationQuery" value="select 1"/>
        <property name="testOnReturn" value="true"/>

    The properties section of db-creation contains parameters for database creation using the DDL script:

    • scriptPath: The absolute path to the DDL script file;
    • username: The username for substitution ${username} template in the DDL script;
    • password: The user password for substitution ${password} template in the DDL script;

The specific properties section of db-connection for different databases

  • MySQL:

    <property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
    <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/" />
    <property name="username" value="root" />
    <property name="password" value="admin" />
  • PostgreSQL:

    <property name="driverClassName" value="org.postgresql.Driver" />
    <property name="url" value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost/" />
    <property name="username" value="root" />
    <property name="password" value="admin" />
  • PostgrePlus:

    <property name="driverClassName" value="com.edb.Driver" />
    <property name="url" value="jdbc:edb://localhost/" />
    <property name="username" value="root" />
    <property name="password" value="admin" />
  • MSSQL:

    <property name="driverClassName" value=""/>
    <property name="url" value="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;"/>
    <property name="username" value="root"/>
    <property name="password" value="admin"/>
  • Oracle:

    <property name="driverClassName" value="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" />
    <property name="url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@db2.exoua-int:1521:orclvm" />
    <property name="username" value="root" />
    <property name="password" value="admin" />
  • MySQL:

    CREATE DATABASE ${database};
    USE ${database};
    CREATE USER '${username}' IDENTIFIED BY '${password}';
    GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON ${database}.* TO '${username}';
  • PostgreSQL:

    CREATE USER ${username} WITH PASSWORD '${password}';
    CREATE DATABASE ${database} WITH OWNER ${username};
  • PostgrePlus:

    <property name="driverClassName" value="com.edb.Driver" />
    +<property name="url" value="jdbc:edb://localhost/" />
    +<property name="username" value="root" />
    +<property name="password" value="admin" />
  • MSSQL:

    CREATE DATABASE ${database};
    USE ${database};
    CREATE LOGIN ${username} WITH PASSWORD = '${password}';
    CREATE USER ${username} FOR LOGIN ${username};
  • Oracle:

    GRANT CREATE SEQUENCE TO "${username}";
    GRANT CREATE TABLE TO "${username}";
    GRANT CREATE TRIGGER TO "${username}";
    GRANT "CONNECT" TO "${username}";
    GRANT "RESOURCE" TO "${username}";

Security service

Security service makes a simple, unified way for the authentication and the storing/propagation of user sessions through all the eXo components and J2EE containers. JAAS is supposed to be the primary login mechanism but the Security Service framework should not prevent other (custom or standard) mechanisms from being used. You can learn more about JAAS in this tutorial.

The central point of this framework is the ConversationState object which stores all information about the state of the current user (very similar to the Session concept). The same ConversationState also stores acquired attributes of an Identity which is a set of principals to identify a user.

The ConversationState has definite lifetime. This object should be created when the user's identity becomes known by eXo (login procedure) and destroyed when the user leaves an eXo based application (logout procedure).

ConversationState and ConversationRegistry

The ConversationState can be stored:

  • In a static local thread variable; Or,
  • As a key-value pair in the ConversationRegistry component.

Either, or both methods can be used to set/retrieve the state at runtime. The most important thing is that they should be complementary, for example, make sure that the conversation state is set before you try to use it.

  • Local Thread Variable: Storing the ConversationState in a static local thread variable makes it possible to represent it as a context (current user's state).

  • Key-Value way

    If you store the ConversationState inside the ConversationRegistry component as a set of key-value pairs, the session key is an arbitrary String (such as username, ticket id, httpSessionId).

    conversationRegistry.register("key", conversationState); 
  • ConversationRegistry

    The ConversationRegistry is a mandatory component deployed into eXo Container as follows:



An Authenticator is responsible for Identity creation. It consists of two methods:

  • validateUser() accepts an array of credentials and returns userId (which can be something different from the username).
  • createIdentity() accepts userId and returns a newly created Identity object.
public interface Authenticator
    * Authenticate user and return userId which can be different to username.
    * @param credentials - list of users credentials (such as name/password, X509
    * certificate etc)
    * @return userId the user's identifier.
    * @throws LoginException in case the authentication fails
    * @throws Exception if any exception occurs
   String validateUser(Credential[] credentials) throws LoginException, Exception;

    * @param userId the user's identifier
    * @return returns the Identity representing the user
    * @throws Exception if any exception occurs
   Identity createIdentity(String userId) throws Exception;

    * Gives the last exception that occurs while calling {@link #validateUser(Credential[])}. This
    * allows applications outside JAAS like UI to be able to know which exception occurs
    * while calling {@link #validateUser(Credential[])}.
    * @return the original Exception that occurs while calling {@link #validateUser(Credential[])}
    * for the very last time if an exception occurred, <code>null</code> otherwise.
   Exception getLastExceptionOnValidateUser();

Depending on the application developer (and deployer), whether to use the Authenticator component(s) and how many implementations of this component should be deployed in eXo container. The developer is free to create an Identity object using a different way, but the Authenticator component is the highly recommended way from architectural considerations.

The typical functionality of the validateUser(Credential\[] credentials) method is comparison of incoming credentials (such as username/password, digest) with those credentials that are stored in an implementation specific database. Then, validateUser(Credential\[] credentials) returns userId or throws a LoginException in case of wrong credentials.

The default Authenticator implementation is which compares incoming username/password credentials with the ones stored in OrganizationService. See the configuration example below:


JAAS login module

The eXo Core framework described is not coupled with any authentication mechanism, but the most logical and implemented by default one is the JAAS login module. The typical sequence looks as follows (see

  • LoginModule.login() creates a list of credentials using standard JAAS Callbacks features, obtains an Authenticator instance, and creates an Identity object by calling the Authenticator.authenticate(..) method.
Authenticator authenticator = (Authenticator) container()
// RolesExtractor can be null     
RolesExtractor rolesExtractor = (RolesExtractor) container().

Credential[] credentials = new Credential[] {new UsernameCredential(username), new PasswordCredential(password) };
String userId = authenticator.validateUser(credentials);
identity = authenticator.createIdentity(userId);
  • LoginModule.commit() obtains the IdentityRegistry object, and registers the identity using userId as a key.

When initializing the login module, you can set the singleLogin optional parameter. With this option, you can disallow the same Identity to log in at the same time.

By default, singleLogin is disabled, so the same identity can be registered more than once. This parameter passed in this form can be singleLogin=yes or singleLogin=true.

IdentityRegistry identityRegistry = (IdentityRegistry) getContainer().getComponentInstanceOfType(IdentityRegistry.class);

if (singleLogin && identityRegistry.getIdentity(identity.getUserId()) != null) 
  throw new LoginException("User " + identity.getUserId() + " already logined.");


In case of using several LoginModules, JAAS allows placing the login() and commit() methods in different REQUIRED modules.

After that, the web application must use the SetCurrentIdentityFilter filter which obtains the ConversationRegistry object and tries to get the ConversationState by sessionId (HttpSession). If there is no ConversationState, SetCurrentIdentityFilter will create a new one, register it and set it as the current one using ConversationState.setCurrent(state).

  • LoginModule.logout() can be called by JAASConversationStateListener which extends ConversationStateListener.

This listener must be configured in web.xml. The sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent) method is called by ServletContainer. This method removes ConversationState from ConversationRegistry ConversationRegistry.unregister(sesionId) and calls LoginModule.logout().

ConversationRegistry conversationRegistry = (ConversationRegistry) getContainer().getComponentInstanceOfType(ConversationRegistry.class);

ConversationState conversationState = conversationRegistry.unregister(sesionId);

if (conversationState != null) {"Remove conversation state " + sesionId);
  if (conversationState.getAttribute(ConversationState.SUBJECT) != null) {
    Subject subject = (Subject) conversationState.getAttribute(ConversationState.SUBJECT); 
    LoginContext ctx = new LoginContext("exo-domain",  subject);
} else {
  log.warn("Subject was not found in ConversationState attributes.");


You can configure the SetCurrentIdentityFilter to re-inject the identity in case it is removed from IdentityRegistry. You should add restoreIdentity parameter to the filter configuration as follows:


Predefined JAAS login modules

There are several JAAS Login modules included in the eXo Platform sources:

  • which provides both authentication (using eXo Authenticator based mechanism) and authorization, filling Conversation Registry as described in the previous section. There are also several per-Application Server extensions of this login module in the package, which can be used in appropriate AS. In particular, eXo has dedicated Login modules for Tomcat, JOnAS and WebSphere.
  • Besides that, in case when the third-party authentication mechanism is required, catches a login identity from the third-party "authenticating" login module and performs the eXo specific authorization job. In this case, the third-party login module has to put login (user) name to the shared state map under the "" key and third-party LM has to be configured before IdentitySetLoginModule like:

    exo { required; required;

J2EE container authentication

As you know, when a user in JAAS is authenticated, a Subject will be created. This Subject represents the authenticated user. It is important to know and follow the rules regarding Subject filling that are specific for each J2EE server, where eXo Platform is deployed.

To make it work in the particular J2EE server, it is necessary to add specific Principals/Credentials to the Subject to be propagated into the specific J2EE container implementation. The DefaultLoginModule is extended by overloading its commit() method with a dedicated logic, presently available for Tomcat and JOnAS application servers.

Furthermore, you can use the optional RolesExtractor which is responsible for mapping primary Subject's principals (userId and a set of groups) to J2EE Roles:

public interface RolesExtractor {
  Set <String> extractRoles(String userId, Set<MembershipEntry> memberships);

This component may be used by Authenticator to create the Identity with a particular set of Roles.

Organization Service

OrganizationService is the service that allows accessing the Organization model. This model is composed of:

  • Users
  • Groups
  • Memberships

It is the basis of eXo personalization and authorization in eXo and is used for the whole eXo Platform. The model is abstract and does not rely on any specific storage. Multiple implementations exist in eXo, including:

  • Hibernate: For storage into a RDBMS.
  • JNDI: For storage into a directory, such as an LDAP or MS Active Directory.
  • JCR: For storage inside a Java Content Repository.

Organizational model


  • Username used as the identified one.
  • Profile (identity and preferences).


Gather a set of users.

  • Applicative or business.
  • Tree structure.
  • No inheritance.
  • Expressed as /group/subgroup/subsubgroup.


  • Qualifies the group belonging.
  • "Member of group as XXX".
  • Expressed as manager:/organization/hr, *:/partners.

Implementing Custom Organization Service

To create a custom Organization Service, you need to implement several interfaces and extend some classes which will be listed below.

Basic entities implementation

First, you need to create classes implementing the following interfaces (each of which represents a basic unit of organization service):


After each set method is called, the developer must call the UserHandler.saveUser (GroupHandler.saveGroup, MembershipHandler.saveMembership) method to persist changes.

You can find examples of the mentioned above implementations at Github server:

Unit handlers implementation

After you have created basic Organization Service unit instances, you need to create classes to handle them (for example, to persist changes, to add listener). For that purpose, you need to implement several interfaces correspondingly:

You can find examples of the mentioned above implementations at Github server:

Extending BaseOrganizationService class

Finally, you need to create your main custom Organization Service class. It must extend The BaseOrganizationService class contains Organization Service unit handlers as protected fields, so you can initialize them according to your purposes. It also has interface methods' implementations. This is the class you need to mention in the configuration file if you want to use your custom Organization Service.

You can find example of this class at Github server: JCROrganizationServiceImpl.

Make sure that your custom Organization Service implementation is fully compliant with the Organization Service TCK tests. Tests are available as Maven artifact:

  • groupId - org.exoplatform.core
  • artifactId - exo.core.component.organization.tests

    You can find the source code of TCK tests package here.


To run unit tests, you may need to configure the following Maven plugins:

Check the pom.xml file to find out one of the ways to configure the Maven project object model. See Organization Service TCK tests <Core.OrganizationServiceTCKTestsConfiguration> for more details.

Organization Service Initializer

The Organization Service Initializer is used to create users, groups and membership types by default.

      <description>this listener populate organization data for the first launch</description>
          <description>check database</description>
          <description>Print information init database</description>
          <object type="">
            <field name="membershipType">
              <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                  <object type="$MembershipType">
                    <field name="type">
                    <field name="description">
                      <string>manager membership type</string>

            <field name="group">
              <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field name="name">
                    <field name="parentId">
                    <field name="description">
                      <string>the /platform group</string>
                    <field name="label">
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field name="name">
                    <field name="parentId">
                    <field name="description">
                      <string>the /platform/administrators group</string>
                    <field name="label">

            <field name="user">
              <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                  <object type="$User">
                    <field name="userName">
                    <field name="password">
                    <field name="firstName">
                    <field name="lastName">
                    <field name="email">
                    <field name="groups">

Parameters for membership type:

  • type: Name of the membership type.
  • description: Description of the membership type.

Params for group:

  • name: Name of the group.
  • parentId: Id of the parent group. If parentId is null, it means that the group is at the first level. The parentId should have the form: /ancestor/parent.
  • description: Description of the group.
  • label: Label of the group.

Params for user:

  • userName: Name of the user.
  • password: Password of the user.
  • firstName: First name of the user.
  • lastName: Last name of the user.
  • email: Email of the user.
  • groups: Membership types and groups of the user.

Organization listener

The Organization Service <Core.OrganizationService> provides a mechanism to receive notifications when:

  • A User is created, deleted, modified, enabled or disabled.
  • A Group is created, deleted or modified.
  • A Membership is created or removed.

This mechanism is very useful to cascade some actions when the organization model is modified. For example, it is currently used to:

  • Initialize the personal portal pages.
  • Initialize the personal calendars, address books and mail accounts.
  • Create drives and personal areas.

Writing your own listeners

To implement your own listener, you just need to extend some existing listener classes. These classes define hooks that are invoked before or after operations are performed on the organization model.

To listen to user changes, you need to extend

public class MyUserListener extends UserEventListener {

  public void preSave(User user, boolean isNew) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Before " + (isNew?"creating":"updating") + " user " + user.getUserName());

  public void postSave(User user, boolean isNew) throws Exception { 
    System.out.println("After user " + user.getUserName() + (isNew?" created":" updated"));

  public void preDelete(User user) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Before deleting user " + user.getUserName());

  public void postDelete(User user) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("After deleting user " + user.getUserName());

  public void preSetEnabled(User user) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Before enabling/disabling user " + user.getUserName());

  public void postSetEnabled(User user) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("After enabling/disabling user " + user.getUserName());


To listen to group changes, you need to extend

public class MyGroupListener extends GroupEventListener {

  public void preSave(Group group, boolean isNew) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Before " + (isNew?"creating":"updating") + " group " + group.getName());

  public void postSave(Group group, boolean isNew) throws Exception { 
    System.out.println("After group " + group.getName() + (isNew?" created":" updated"));

  public void preDelete(Group group) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Before deleting group " + group.getName());

  public void postDelete(Group group) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("After deleting group " + group.getName());

To listen to membership changes, you need to extend

public class MyMembershipListener extends MembershipEventListener {

  public void preSave(Membership membership, boolean isNew) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Before " + (isNew?"creating":"updating") + " membership.");

  public void postSave(Membership membership, boolean isNew) throws Exception { 
    System.out.println("After membership " + (isNew?" created":" updated"));

  public void preDelete(Membership membership) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Before deleting membership");

  public void postDelete(Membership membership) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("After deleting membership");

Registering your listeners

Registering the listeners is then achieved by using the ExoContainer plugin mechanism. See Service configuration for beginners <Kernel.ServiceConfigurationforBeginners> for more information.

To effectively register organization service's listeners, you simply need to use the addListenerPlugin set-method.

So, the easiest way to register your listeners is to pack them into a .jar and create a configuration file into it under mylisteners.jar!/conf/portal/configuration.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Now, simply deploy the .jar under $PLATFORM_TOMCAT_HOME/lib and your listeners are ready.


Be aware that you need to set proper RuntimePermission to add or remove listeners. To do that, you need to grant the following permission: permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "manageListeners".

Conversation state

When a user logs in the portal, ConversationRegistry adds ConversationState for this user. ConversationState keeps user's identity during his/her login, even when his/her membership is updated in OrganizationService. The user must log out and log in again to update his/her identity. To fix this issue, a special listener that extends MembershipEventListener is added to configuration of OrganizationServicer.

Configuration example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


DB Schema Creator service

DB Schema Creator is responsible for creating database schema, using a DDL script inside service configuration or in an external file, calling: dsName, String script)

via component plugin
  • Example of configuration:

  • Example of a DDL script:

            PATH VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL

Database configuration for Hibernate

As usual, it is quite simple to use the configuration XML syntax to configure and parameterize different databases for eXo tables but also for your own use.

Generic configuration

The default DB configuration uses HSQLDB - a Java database that is quite useful for demonstration.

         <description>Default Hibernate Service</description>
         <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="false"/>
         <property name="hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer" value="true"/>
         <property name="hibernate.connection.url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:file:../temp/data/portal"/>
         <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"/>
         <property name="hibernate.connection.autocommit" value="true"/>
         <property name="hibernate.connection.username" value="sa"/>
         <property name="hibernate.connection.password" value=""/>
         <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect"/>
         <property name="hibernate.c3p0.min_size" value="5"/>
         <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_size" value="20"/>
         <property name="hibernate.c3p0.timeout" value="1800"/>
         <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_statements" value="50"/>
  • The init-params value defines default properties of Hibernate, including DB URL, driver and credentials in use.
  • For any portals, those configurations can be overridden, depending on needs of your environment.
  • HSQLDB can only be used for development environments and for demonstration. In production, many databases are supported. For example, MySQL:

             <description>Default Hibernate Service</description>
             <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="false"/>
             <property name="hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer" value="true"/>
             <property name="hibernate.connection.url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/exodb?relaxAutoCommit=true&amp;amp;autoReconnect=true&amp;amp;useUnicode=true&amp;amp;characterEncoding=utf8"/>
             <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
             <property name="hibernate.connection.autocommit" value="true"/>
             <property name="hibernate.connection.username" value="exo"/>
             <property name="hibernate.connection.password" value="exo"/>
             <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect"/>
             <property name="hibernate.c3p0.min_size" value="5"/>
             <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_size" value="20"/>
             <property name="hibernate.c3p0.timeout" value="1800"/>
             <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_statements" value="50"/>

Caching configuration

By default, Hibernate caching is disabled by these parameters:

<property name="hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache" value="false"/>
<property name="hibernate.cache.use_query_cache" value="false"/>

The Hibernate caching parameters are well described in Hibernate documentation. There is no forced injection of eXo cache provider any more. This can be configured via standard hibernate properties (in xml) like any other hibernate settings.

Also, it is possible to configure size of eXoCache instances via cache service configuration. Every region (eXoCache instance) created by RegionFactory has its own prefix depending on its type. All prefixes are:


So, names of eXoCache instances will look like "". Details about Cache service configuration can be found in eXo Cache section <Kernel.Cache>.


Hibernate's second level cache is disabled by default. In case you want to turn it on, you must explicitly set the "hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache" property to "true".

Registering custom annotated classes and Hibernate XML files into the service

It is possible to use the eXo Hibernate service and register your annotated classes or Hibernate hbm.xml files to leverage some add-on features of the service, such as the table automatic creation and the cache of the hibernate session in a ThreadLocal object during the whole request lifecycle. To do so, you just have to add a plugin and indicate the location of your files.

Registering custom XML files

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Registering custom annotated classes

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

LDAP Configuration


The Core Organization service implementation uses MD5 hashing for password encryption. Thus it is considered unsecure and will be removed in future.

eXo Platform currently uses PicketLink IDM implementation of Organization service. It is more flexible and supports many more use cases of LDAP integration than this so-called "legacy" implementation.

For PicketLink IDM configuration, refer to LDAP Integration chapter, Administrator guide <LDAP>.

Let's assume you have set up an OpenLDAP directoy, with the top DN is dc=example,dc=com. You will configure eXo Platform to store organization data (users, groups, memberships and membership types) in the directory.

Here is a quick instruction. The details, and more advanced configuration will be explained in later sections.

Required libraries

The use of LDAP requires two libraries that are not included in Platform package:

  • exo.core.component.ldap
  • exo.core.component.organization.ldap

You can search and download the libraries from


  • Remove unused PicketLink IDM configuration

PicketLink IDM is pre-configured, use remove-configuration tag to unload it.

<configuration xmlns="" 
        xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <!-- Other components and plugins configuration -->
    <!-- ... -->
  • LDAPService component
            <description>Default ldap config</description>
            <object type="">         
                <field name="providerURL"><string>ldap://,</string></field>
                <field name="rootdn"><string>CN=Manager,DC=exoplatform,DC=org</string></field>
                <field name="password"><string>secret</string></field>        
                <field name="version"><string>3</string></field>
                <field name="minConnection"><int>5</int></field>
                <field name="maxConnection"><int>10</int></field>     
                <field name="referralMode"><string>follow</string></field>  
                <field name="serverName"><string>default</string></field>
  • OrganizationService and its OrganizationLdapInitializer plugin
            <description>this listener populate organization ldap service create default dn</description>      
            <description>The key used to compose user DN</description>
            <description>ldap attribute mapping</description>
            <object type="">                
                <field name="userLDAPClasses"><string>top,person,organizationalPerson,inetOrgPerson</string></field>
                <field name="profileLDAPClasses"><string>top,organizationalPerson</string></field>
                <field name="groupLDAPClasses"><string>top,organizationalUnit</string></field>
                <field name="membershipTypeLDAPClasses"><string>top,organizationalRole</string></field>
                <field name="membershipLDAPClasses"><string>top,groupOfNames</string></field>
                <field name="baseURL"><string>dc=exoplatform,dc=org</string></field>
                <field name="groupsURL"><string>ou=groups,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org</string></field>
                <field name="membershipTypeURL"><string>ou=memberships,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org</string></field>
                <field name="userURL"><string>ou=users,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org</string></field>
                <field name="profileURL"><string>ou=profiles,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org</string></field>
                <field name="userUsernameAttr"><string>uid</string></field>
                <field name="userPassword"><string>userPassword</string></field>
                <field name="userFirstNameAttr"><string>givenName</string></field>
                <field name="userLastNameAttr"><string>sn</string></field>
                <field name="userDisplayNameAttr"><string>displayName</string></field>
                <field name="userMailAttr"><string>mail</string></field>
                <field name="userObjectClassFilter"><string>objectClass=person</string></field>
                <field name="membershipTypeMemberValue"><string>member</string></field>
                <field name="membershipTypeRoleNameAttr"><string>cn</string></field>
                <field name="membershipTypeNameAttr"><string>cn</string></field>
                <field name="membershipTypeObjectClassFilter"><string>objectClass=organizationalRole</string></field>
                <field name="membershiptypeObjectClass"><string>organizationalRole</string></field>
                <field name="groupObjectClass"><string>organizationalUnit</string></field>
                <field name="groupObjectClassFilter"><string>objectClass=organizationalUnit</string></field>
                <field name="membershipObjectClass"><string>groupOfNames</string></field>
                <field name="membershipObjectClassFilter"><string>objectClass=groupOfNames</string></field>
                <field name="ldapCreatedTimeStampAttr"><string>createdTimeStamp</string></field>
                <field name="ldapModifiedTimeStampAttr"><string>modifiedTimeStamp</string></field>
                <field name="ldapDescriptionAttr"><string>description</string></field>
  • AddHibernateMappingPlugin

After the server is started, the directory is populated with users, groups, memberships and membership types as below:



If you have an existing LDAP server, the eXo predefined settings will likely not match your directory structure. eXo LDAP organization service implementation was written with flexibility and can certainly be configured to meet your requirements.

The configuration is done in the ldap-configuration.xml file, and this section will explain the numerous parameters it contains.

Connection settings

Firstly, start by connection settings which will tell eXo how to connect to your directory server. These settings are very close to JNDI API context parameters. This configuration is activated by the init-param ldap.config of the LDAPServiceImpl service.

      <description>Default ldap config</description>
      <object type="">
        <field name="providerURL"><string>ldap://,</string></field>
        <field name="rootdn"><string>CN=Manager,DC=exoplatform,DC=org</string></field>
        <field name="password"><string>secret</string></field>
        <!-- field  name="authenticationType"><string>simple</string></field-->           
        <field name="version"><string>3</string></field>
        <field  name="referralMode"><string>follow</string></field>            
        <!-- field  name="serverName"><string></string></field-->
        <field name="minConnection"><int>5</int></field>
        <field name="maxConnection"><int>10</int></field>
        <field name="timeout"><int>50000</int></field>
  • providerURL: LDAP server URL (see PROVIDER_URL). For multiple LDAP servers, use the comma separated list of host:port (For example, ldap://,
  • rootdn: dn of user that will be used by the service to authenticate on the server (see SECURITY_PRINCIPAL">SECURITY_PRINCIPAL).
  • password: Password for the rootdn user (see SECURITY_CREDENTIALS).
  • authenticationType: Type of authentication to be used (see SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION). Use one of none, simple, strong. Default is simple.
  • version: LDAP protocol version (see java.naming.ldap.version). Set to 3 if your server supports LDAP V3.
  • referalMode: One of follow, ignore, throw (see REFERRAL).
  • serverName: You will need to set this to in order to work with Active Directory servers. Any other value will be ignore and the service will act as on a standard LDAP.
  • maxConnection: The maximum number of connections per connection identity that can be maintained concurrently.
  • minConnection: The number of connections per connection identity to create when initially creating a connection for the identity.
  • timeout: The number of milliseconds that an idle connection may remain in the pool without being closed and removed from the pool.

Organization Service

Next, you need to configure the eXo OrganizationService to tell how the directory is structured and how to interact with it. This is managed by a couple of init-params: ldap.userDN.key and ldap.attribute.mapping in the ldap-configuration.xml file (located at portal.war/WEB-INF/conf/organization by default).

      <description>The key used to compose user DN</description>
      <description>ldap attribute mapping</description>
      <object type="">

ldap.attribute.mapping maps your LDAP to eXo. At first, there are two main parameters to configure in it:

<field name="baseURL"><string>dc=exoplatform,dc=org</string></field>
<field name="ldapDescriptionAttr"><string>description</string></field>
  • baseURL: The root dn for eXo organizational entities. This entry cannot be created by eXo and must pre-exist in directory.
  • ldapDescriptionAttr (since core 2.2+): Name of a common attribute that will be used as description for groups and membership types.


Since Core 2.2+, name of a common attribute is used as description for groups and membership types.

Other parameters are discussed in the following sections:

  • Users <Core.LDAPConfiguration.Configuration.OrganizationServiceConfiguration.Users>
  • Groups <Core.LDAPConfiguration.Configuration.OrganizationServiceConfiguration.Groups>
  • Membership types <Core.LDAPConfiguration.Configuration.OrganizationServiceConfiguration.MembershipTypes>
  • Memberships <Core.LDAPConfiguration.Configuration.OrganizationServiceConfiguration.Memberships>
  • User profiles <Core.LDAPConfiguration.Configuration.OrganizationServiceConfiguration.UserProfiles>
Main parameters

Here are the main parameters to map eXo users to your directory:

<field name="userURL"><string>ou=users,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org</string></field>
<field name="userObjectClassFilter"><string>objectClass=person</string></field>
<field name="userLDAPClasses"><string>top,person,organizationalPerson,inetOrgPerson</string></field>
  • userURL: The base dn for users. Users are created in a flat structure under this base with a dn of the form: ldap.userDN.key=username,userURL.

For example:


However, if users exist deeply under userURL, eXo will be able to retrieve them.

For example:

  • userObjectClassFilter: The filter that is used under userURL branch to distinguish eXo user entries from others.

For example, John and Tom will be recognized as valid eXo users but EMEA and France entries will be ignored in the following subtree:

  objectClass: person
  objectClass: organizationalUnit
      objectClass: organizationalUnit
          objectClass: person
  • userLDAPClasses: The comma separated list of classes used for user creation.

When creating a new user, an entry will be created with the given objectClass attributes. The classes must at least define cn and any attribute referenced in the user mapping.

For example: Adding the user Marry Simons could produce:

  objectclass: top
  objectClass: person
  objectClass: organizationalPerson
  objectClass: inetOrgPerson
User mapping

The following parameters map LDAP attributes to eXo User java objects attributes.

<field name="userUsernameAttr"><string>uid</string></field>
<field name="userPassword"><string>userPassword</string></field>
<field name="userFirstNameAttr"><string>givenName</string></field>
<field name="userLastNameAttr"><string>sn</string></field>        
<field name="userDisplayNameAttr"><string>displayName</string></field>
<field name="userMailAttr"><string>mail</string></field>
  • userUsernameAttr: The username (login).
  • userPassword: The password (used when the portal authentication is done by eXo login module).
  • userFirstNameAttr: Firstname of the user.
  • userLastNameAttr: Lastname of the user.
  • userDisplayNameAttr: Display name of the user.
  • userMailAttr: Email address of the user.

In the previous example, the user Marry Simons could produce:

  objectclass: top
  objectClass: person
  objectClass: organizationalPerson
  objectClass: inetOrgPerson

eXo groups can be mapped to organizational or applicative groups defined in your directory.

<field name="groupsURL"><string>ou=groups,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org</string></field>
<field name="groupLDAPClasses"><string>top,organizationalUnit</string></field>
<field name="groupObjectClassFilter"><string>objectClass=organizationalUnit</string></field>
  • groupsURL: The base dn for eXo groups.

Groups can be structured hierarchically under groupsURL.

For example, Groups communication, communication/marketing and communication/press would map to:

  • groupLDAPClasses: The comma separated list of classes used for group creation.

When creating a new group, an entry will be created with the given objectClass attributes. The classes must define at least the required attributes: ou, description and l.


The l attribute corresponds to the City property in OU property editor.

Example: Adding the group human-resources could produce

  objectclass: top
  objectClass: organizationalunit
  ou: human-resources
  description: The human resources department
  l: Human Resources
  • groupObjectClassFilter: The filter that is used under groupsURL branch to distinguish eXo groups from other entries. You can also use a complex filter if you need.

Example: groups WebDesign, WebDesign/Graphists and Sales that could be retrieved in:

Membership types

Membership types are possible roles that can be assigned to users in groups.

<field name="membershipTypeURL"><string>ou=memberships,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org</string></field>          
<field name="membershipTypeLDAPClasses"><string>top,organizationalRole</string></field>
<field name="membershipTypeNameAttr"><string>cn</string></field>
  • membershipTypeURL: The base dn for membership types storage.

eXo stores membership types in a flat structure under membershipTypeURL.

For example, roles, including manager, user, admin and editor, could be defined by the subtree:

  • membershipTypeLDAPClasses: The comma separated list of classes for membership types creation.

When creating a new membership type, an entry will be created with the given objectClass attributes. The classes must define the required attributes: description and cn.

For example, adding membership type validator would produce:

  objectclass: top
  objectClass: organizationalRole
  • membershipTypeNameAttr: Attribute that will be used as the role name.

For example, if membershipTypeNameAttr is 'cn', the role name is 'manager' for the following membership type entry:


Memberships are used to assign a role within a group. They are entries that are placed under the group entry of their scope group. Users in this role are defined as attributes of the membership entry.

For example, to designate Tom as manager of the group human-resources:

    member: uid=tom,ou=users,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org

The parameters to configure memberships are:

<field name="membershipLDAPClasses"><string>top,groupOfNames</string></field>
<field name="membershipTypeMemberValue"><string>member</string></field>                              
<field name="membershipTypeRoleNameAttr"><string>cn</string></field>
<field name="membershipTypeObjectClassFilter"><string>objectClass=organizationalRole</string></field>
  • membershipLDAPClasses: The comma separated list of classes used to create memberships.

When creating a new membership, an entry will be created with the given objectClass attributes. The classes must at least define the attribute designated by membershipTypeMemberValue.

For example, adding membership validator would produce:

  objectclass: top
  objectClass: groupOfNames
  • membershipTypeMemberValue: The multivalued attribute used in memberships to reference users that have the role in the group.

Values should be a dn user. For example, James and Root, who have the admin role within the human-resources group, would give:

  member: cn=james,ou=users,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org
  member: cn=root,ou=users,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org
  • membershipTypeRoleNameAttr: Attribute of the membership entry whose value refers to the membership type.

For example, in the following membership entry: cn=manager,ou=human-resources,ou=groups,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org, the 'cn' attribute is used to designate the 'manager' membership type. This could also be said that the name of the role is given by 'cn' the attribute.

  • membershipTypeObjectClassFilter: Filter used to distinguish membership entries under groups.

You can use rather complex filters. For example, here is a filter used for a customer that needs to trigger a dynlist overlay on OpenLDAP.



You need to pay attention to the xml escaping of the '&' (and) operator.

User profiles

eXo User profiles also have entries in LDAP but the actual storage is still done with the Hibernate service. You will need the following parameters:

<field name="profileURL"><string>ou=profiles,ou=portal,dc=exoplatform,dc=org</string></field>
<field name="profileLDAPClasses"><string>top,organizationalPerson</string></field>
  • profileURL: The base dn to store user profiles.
  • profileLDAPClasses: The classes that are used when user profiles are created.

Advanced topics

Followings are advanced topics you need to learn when performing the LDAP configuration:

  • Automatic directory population <Core.LDAPConfiguration.AdvancedTopics.AutomaticDirectoryPopulation>
  • Active Directory sample configuration <Core.LDAPConfiguration.AdvancedTopics.ActiveDirectorySampleConfiguration>
  • OpenLDAP dynlist overlays <Core.LDAPConfiguration.AdvancedTopics.OpenLDAPDynlistOverlays>

Automatic directory population

eXo organizational model has User, Group, Membership and Profile entities. For each, eXo defines a base dn that should be below baseURL. At startup, if either of userURL, groupsURL, membershipTypeURL or profileURL does not exist fully, eXo will attempt to create the missing subtree by parsing the dn and creating entries on-the-fly. To determine the classes of the created entries, the following rules are applied:

  • ou=...: objectClass=top,objectClass=organizationalUnit
  • cn=...: objectClass=top,objectClass=organizationalRole
  • c=...: objectClass=country
  • o=...: objectClass=organization
  • dc=...: objectClass=top,objectClass=dcObject,objectClass=organization

For example, if baseURL is o=MyCompany,c=com and groupsURL is dc=groups,cn=Extranet,c=France,ou=EMEA,o=MyCompany,c=com, the following subtree will be created:

  objectClass: top
  objectClass: organizationalUnit
      objectClass: top
      objectClass: country
        objectClass: top
        objectClass: organizationalRole
          objectClass: top
          objectClass: dcObject
          objectClass: organization            

Active Directory sample configuration

Here is an alternative configuration for Active Directory that you can find sample configurations of:

  • LDAP Connection in activedirectory-service-configuration.xml.

            <description>Default ldap config</description>
            <object type="">
               <!-- for multiple ldap servers, use comma seperated list of host:port (Ex. ldap://, -->
               <!-- whether or not to enable ssl, if ssl is used ensure that the & properties are set -->
               <!-- exo portal default installed with file is java.home/lib/security/cacerts-->
               <!-- ldap service will check protocol, if protocol is ldaps, ssl is enable (Ex. for enable ssl: ldaps:// ;for disable ssl: ldap:// ) -->
               <!-- when enable ssl, ensure server name is *.directory and port (Ex. -->
               <field name="providerURL">
               <field name="rootdn">
               <field name="password">
               <field name="version">
               <field name="minConnection">
               <field name="maxConnection">
               <field name="referralMode">
               <field name="serverName">
  • LDAP Attribute Mapping in activedirectory-organization-configuration.xml.

    <component xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""
            <description>ldap attribute mapping</description>
            <object type="">
               <field name="userLDAPClasses">
               <field name="profileLDAPClasses">
               <field name="groupLDAPClasses">
               <field name="membershipTypeLDAPClasses">
               <field name="membershipLDAPClasses">
               <field name="baseURL">
               <field name="groupsURL">
               <field name="membershipTypeURL">
               <field name="userURL">
               <field name="profileURL">
               <field name="userUsernameAttr">
               <field name="userPassword">
               <field name="userFirstNameAttr">
               <field name="userLastNameAttr">
               <field name="userDisplayNameAttr">
               <field name="userMailAttr">
               <field name="userObjectClassFilter">
               <field name="membershipTypeMemberValue">
               <field name="membershipTypeRoleNameAttr">
               <field name="membershipTypeNameAttr">
               <field name="membershipTypeObjectClassFilter">
               <field name="membershiptypeObjectClass">
               <field name="groupNameAttr">
               <field name="groupLabelAttr">
               <field name="groupObjectClass">
               <field name="groupObjectClassFilter">
               <field name="membershipObjectClass">
               <field name="membershipObjectClassFilter">
               <field name="ldapCreatedTimeStampAttr">
               <field name="ldapModifiedTimeStampAttr">
               <field name="ldapDescriptionAttr">


There is a Microsoft limitation: The password cannot be set in AD via unsecured connection, so you have to use the LDAPS protocol.

Using LDAPS protocol with Active Directory

Set up AD to use SSL as follows:

  • i. Add the Active Directory Certificate Services role.
  • ii. Install the right certificate for the DC machine.

Enable Java VM to use the certificate from AD as follows (note that this step is not AD related, it is applicable for any LDAP server when you want to enable the SSL protocol):

  • i. Import the root CA used in AD to keystore, like below:

    keytool -importcert -file 2008.cer -keypass changeit -keystore /home/user/java/jdk1.6/jre/lib/security/cacerts

  • ii. Set the JAVA options.


OpenLDAP dynlist overlays

If you use OpenLDAP, you may want to use the overlays. Here is how you can use the dynlist overlay to have memberships dynamically populated.

The main idea is to have your memberships populated dynamically by an LDAP query. Thus, you no longer have to maintain manually the roles on users.

To configure the dynlist, add the following to your slapd.conf:

dynlist-attrset         ExoMembership membershipURL member

This snipet means: On entries that have ExoMembership class, use the URL defined in the value of attribute membershipURL as a query and populate results under the multivalues attribute member.

Now you need to declare the corresponding schema (replacing XXXXX to adapt to your own IANA code):

attributeType ( NAME 'membershipURL' SUP memberURL )

membershipURL inherits from memberURL.

objectClass (  NAME 'ExoMembership' SUP top MUST ( cn ) MAY (membershipURL $ member $ description ) )

ExoMembership must define cn and can have attributes:

  • membershipURL: Trigger for the dynlist.
  • member: Attribute populated by the dynlist.
  • description: Used by eXo for display.
# the TestGroup group
dn: ou=testgroup,ou=groups,ou=portal,o=MyCompany,c=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: testgroup
l: TestGroup
description: the Test Group

On this group, you can bind an eXo membership where the overlay will occur:

# the manager membership on group TestGroup
dn: cn=manager, ou=TestGroup,ou=groups,ou=portal,o=MyCompany,c=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: ExoMembership
membershipURL: ldap:///ou=users,ou=portal,o=MyCompany,c=com??sub?(uid=*)
cn: manager

This dynlist assigns the manager:/testgroup role to any user.

JCR Organization Service

JCR Organization Service is an implementation of the exo.core.component.organization.api API. The information will be stored in the exo:organization root node of the workspace. The workspace name has to be configured in the configuration file.

Open $PLATFORM_TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/portal/WEB-INF/conf/configuration.xml, then replace <import>war:/conf/organization/idm-configuration.xml</import> with <import>war:/conf/organization/exo/jcr-configuration.xml</import>.

Create the jcr-configuration.xml file in the $PLATFORM_TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/portal/WEB-INF/conf/organization/exo directory and fill in the following content:


        <description>Workspace in default repository where organization storage will be created</description>

          <property name="jos" value=""/>
          <description>Node types configuration file</description>
  • In which, storage-workspace is the workspace name in the default repository where the organization storage will be created. If storage-workspace is absent in configuration, the default workspace will be selected in the current repository.

Start eXo Platform server.

eXo starts and auto-creates its organization model in the /exo:organization node.

Now eXo uses your JCR node as its organization model storage. Users, groups and memberships are now stored and retrieved from there.


Since eXo JCR 1.11, you can add two new params:

  <description>The name of repository where organization storage will be created</description>
  <description>The relative path where organization storage will be created</description>

In which:

  • repository: Name of the repository where the organization storage will be created.
  • storage-path: The relative path to the stored data.

Register JCR Organization service namespace and nodetypes via the RepositoryService plugins:

        <property name="jos" value=""/>
        <description>Node types configuration file</description>


The inner representation of JCR organization service has been modified in JCR 1.15. eXo provides a migration tool to migrate from the old JCR organization service strutcure to the new one. The migration process is launched automatically once you upgrade to JCR 1.15.


You should avoid aborting the migration process.

Organization Service TCK tests

The process of launching the Organization Service TCK tests against your Organization Service is quite easy. For instance, you may add TCK tests to your Maven project and launch them during the unit test phase. To do that, you need to complete the next two steps:

  • Configure your Maven pom.xml file.
  • Configure standalone container and Organization Service.


If you need more profound information, you can find Organization Service TCK test sources at GIT.

Maven pom.xml file configuration

Organization Service TCK tests are available as a separate Maven artifact, so the first thing you need is to add this artifact as a dependency to your pom.xml file.


You will also need to unpack tests as they are achieved within jar file. For this purpose, you may use maven-dependency-plugin.



Remember the value of outputDirectory parameter as you will need it later.

After you have unpacked the tests, you need to add the test sources and resources by using build-helper-maven-plugin.



The directory and source parameters should point to the location you have specified in the outputDirectory parameter just above.

You also need to include all TCK tests using maven-surefire-plugin.


As a result, you should have TCK being launched during your next maven clean install. You can file example of the configured pom.xml file at GIT server.

Standalone Container and Organization Service

TCK tests use standalone container. Thus, to launch TCK tests properly, you will also need to add Organization Service as a standalone component. For that purpose, use the configuration file located at src/test/java/conf/standalone/test-configuration.xml by default, but its location can be changed by the system property called orgservice.test.configuration.file. Add your Organization Service configuration with all needed components there.

In addition, you need to populate your Organization Service with organization data (TCK tests are designed to use this data):

      <description>this listener populate organization data for the first launch</description>
          <description>check database</description>
          <description>Print information init database</description>
          <object type="">
            <field  name="membershipType">
              <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                  <object type="$MembershipType">
                    <field  name="type"><string>manager</string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>manager membership type</string></field>
                  <object type="$MembershipType">
                    <field  name="type"><string>member</string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>member membership type</string></field>
                  <object type="$MembershipType">
                    <field  name="type"><string>validator</string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>validator membership type</string></field>

            <field  name="group">
              <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">             
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field  name="name"><string>platform</string></field>
                    <field  name="parentId"><string></string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>the /platform group</string></field>
                    <field  name="label"><string>Platform</string></field>                    
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field  name="name"><string>administrators</string></field>
                    <field  name="parentId"><string>/platform</string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>the /platform/administrators group</string></field>
                    <field  name="label"><string>Administrators</string></field>
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field  name="name"><string>users</string></field>
                    <field  name="parentId"><string>/platform</string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>the /platform/users group</string></field>
                    <field  name="label"><string>Users</string></field>
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field  name="name"><string>guests</string></field>
                    <field  name="parentId"><string>/platform</string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>the /platform/guests group</string></field>
                    <field  name="label"><string>Guests</string></field>
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field  name="name"><string>organization</string></field>
                    <field  name="parentId"><string></string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>the organization group</string></field>
                    <field  name="label"><string>Organization</string></field>
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field  name="name"><string>management</string></field>
                    <field  name="parentId"><string>/organization</string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>the /organization/management group</string></field>
                    <field  name="label"><string>Management</string></field>
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field  name="name"><string>executive-board</string></field>
                    <field  name="parentId"><string>/organization/management</string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>the /organization/management/executive-board group</string></field>
                    <field  name="label"><string>Executive Board</string></field>
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field  name="name"><string>human-resources</string></field>
                    <field  name="parentId"><string>/organization/management</string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>the /organization/management/human-resource group</string></field>
                    <field  name="label"><string>Human Resources</string></field>
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field  name="name"><string>communication</string></field>
                    <field  name="parentId"><string>/organization</string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>the /organization/communication group</string></field>
                    <field  name="label"><string>Communication</string></field>
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field  name="name"><string>marketing</string></field>
                    <field  name="parentId"><string>/organization/communication</string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>the /organization/communication/marketing group</string></field>
                    <field  name="label"><string>Marketing</string></field>
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field  name="name"><string>press-and-media</string></field>
                    <field  name="parentId"><string>/organization/communication</string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>the /organization/communication/press-and-media group</string></field>
                    <field  name="label"><string>Press and Media</string></field>
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field  name="name"><string>operations</string></field>
                    <field  name="parentId"><string>/organization</string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>the /organization/operations and media group</string></field>
                    <field  name="label"><string>Operations</string></field>
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field  name="name"><string>sales</string></field>
                    <field  name="parentId"><string>/organization/operations</string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>the /organization/operations/sales group</string></field>
                    <field  name="label"><string>Sales</string></field>
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field  name="name"><string>finances</string></field>
                    <field  name="parentId"><string>/organization/operations</string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>the /organization/operations/finances group</string></field>
                    <field  name="label"><string>Finances</string></field>
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field  name="name"><string>customers</string></field>
                    <field  name="parentId"><string></string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>the /customers group</string></field>
                    <field  name="label"><string>Customers</string></field>
                  <object type="$Group">
                    <field  name="name"><string>partners</string></field>
                    <field  name="parentId"><string></string></field>
                    <field  name="description"><string>the /partners group</string></field>
                    <field  name="label"><string>Partners</string></field>

            <field  name="user">
              <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                  <object type="$User">
                    <field  name="userName"><string>root</string></field>
                    <field  name="password"><string>exo</string></field>
                    <field  name="firstName"><string>Root</string></field>
                    <field  name="lastName"><string>Root</string></field>
                    <field  name="email"><string>root@localhost</string></field>
                    <field  name="groups">

                  <object type="$User">
                    <field  name="userName"><string>john</string></field>
                    <field  name="password"><string>exo</string></field>
                    <field  name="firstName"><string>John</string></field>
                    <field  name="lastName"><string>Anthony</string></field>
                    <field  name="email"><string>john@localhost</string></field>
                    <field  name="groups">
                  <object type="$User">
                    <field  name="userName"><string>marry</string></field>
                    <field  name="password"><string>exo</string></field>
                    <field  name="firstName"><string>Marry</string></field>
                    <field  name="lastName"><string>Kelly</string></field>
                    <field  name="email"><string>marry@localhost</string></field>
                    <field  name="groups">
                  <object type="$User">
                    <field  name="userName"><string>demo</string></field>
                    <field  name="password"><string>exo</string></field>
                    <field  name="firstName"><string>Demo</string></field>
                    <field  name="lastName"><string>exo</string></field>
                    <field  name="email"><string>demo@localhost</string></field>
                    <field  name="groups">

    <description>Membership type listerner for testing purpose</description>

Ultimately, you will have a configuration file which determines the standalone container and consists of Organization Service configuration and initialization data. You can find the prepared test-configuration.xml file at GIT.

Optional tests

According to implementation of the OrganizationService, some functionalities covered by the TCK could be hard or even impossible to implement. Knowing that, some unit tests can simply be disabled using system properties. See the following types of unit tests that you can disable:

  • Queries on users based on the login date. If you want to skip those types of unit tests, simply set the system properties orgservice.test.configuration.skipDateTests to true.
  • Queries on users that are not case-sensitive. If you want to skip those types of unit tests, simply set the system properties orgservice.test.configuration.skipCISearchTests to true.

Tika Document Reader Service

DocumentReaderService provides API to retrieve DocumentReader by mimetype. DocumentReader lets the user fetch content of document as String or, in case of TikaDocumentReader, as Reader.

Basically, DocumentReaderService is a container for all registered DocumentReaders. So, you can register DocumentReader (method addDocumentReader(ComponentPlugin reader)) and fetch DocumentReader by mimeType (method getDocumentReader(String mimeType)).

TikaDocumentReaderServiceImpl extends DocumentReaderService with a simple goal - reading Tika configuration and lazy-registering each Tika Parser as TikaDocumentReader.


By default, all Tika Parsers are not registered in readers <mimetype, DocumentReader> map. When a user tries to fetch a DocumentReader by unknown mimetype, TikaDocumentReaderService checks the Tika configuration and registers a new <mimetype, DocumentReader> map.

The configuration of TikaDocumentReaderServiceImpl looks like:


      <!-- Old-style document readers -->
            <description>to read the pdf inputstream</description>

            <description>to read the ms word inputstream</description>

            <description>to read the ms word inputstream</description>

            <description>to read the ms excel inputstream</description>

            <description>to read the ms excel inputstream</description>

            <description>to read the ms outlook inputstream</description>

            <description>to read the ms ppt inputstream</description>

            <description>to read the ms pptx inputstream</description>

            <description>to read the html inputstream</description>

            <description>to read the xml inputstream</description>

            <description>to read the plain text inputstream</description>
                  values-param> <name>defaultEncoding</name> <description>description</description> <value>UTF-8</value>

            <description>to read the OO inputstream</description>



  • tika-configuration: This parameter refers to the path of the Tika configuration file to use. By default, it uses the default configuration of Tika available from TikaConfig.getDefaultConfig().

The example of tika-config.xml is:


  <mimeTypeRepository magic="false"/>

    <parser name="parse-dcxml" class="org.apache.tika.parser.xml.DcXMLParser">

    <parser name="parse-office" class="">


    <parser name="parse-ooxml" class="">

    <parser name="parse-html" class="org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser">

    <parser mame="parse-rtf" class="org.apache.tika.parser.rtf.RTFParser">

    <parser name="parse-pdf" class="org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser">

    <parser name="parse-txt" class="org.apache.tika.parser.txt.TXTParser">

    <parser name="parse-openoffice" class="org.apache.tika.parser.opendocument.OpenOfficeParser">



    <parser name="parse-image" class="org.apache.tika.parser.image.ImageParser">

    <parser name="parse-class" class="org.apache.tika.parser.asm.ClassParser">

    <parser name="parse-mp3" class="org.apache.tika.parser.mp3.Mp3Parser">

    <parser name="parse-midi" class="">

    <parser name="parse-audio" class="">



As you see the configuration above, there are both old-style DocumentReaders and new Tika parsers registered.

Both MSWordDocumentReader and refer to the same application/msword mimetype. However, only one DocumentReader will be fetched.

Old-style DocumentReader registered in configuration becomes registered into DocumentReaderService. So, mimetype that is supported by those DocumentReaders will have a registered pair, and user will always fetch this DocumentReaders with the getDocumentReader(..) method. The Tika configuration will be checked for Parsers only if there is no already registered DocumentReader.

Registering your own DocumentReader

You can make you own DocumentReader in two ways below:

By using Old-Style Document Reader

Extend BaseDocumentReader.

public class MyDocumentReader extends BaseDocumentReader
   public String[] getMimeTypes()
      return new String[]{"mymimetype"};

Register it as a component-plugin.

   <description>to read my own file format</description>

By using Tika Parser

Implement the Tika Parser.

public class MyParser implements Parser

Register it in tika-config.xml.

<parser name="parse-mydocument" class="com.mycompany.document.MyParser">
  • TikaDocumentReader can return document content as Reader object, but Old-Style DocumentReader cannot.
  • TikaDocumentReader does not detect document mimetype. You will get the exact parser as configured in tika-config.xml.
  • All readers methods close InputStream at final.

Digest authentication

A web server can use Digest access authentication - one of agreed-upon methods, to negotiate credentials with a web user's browser. Digest access authentication uses encryption to send a password over the network which is safer than the Basic access authentication that sends plaintext.

Technically, the digest authentication is an application of MD5 cryptographic hashing with usage of nonce values to discourage cryptanalysis. It uses the HTTP protocol.

Server configuration

To configure your server to use the digest authentication, you need to edit the server-side JAAS module implementation configuration file.

Tomcat server configuration

Change the login configuration as follows:

  • i. Edit the configuration file located at $PLATFORM_TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/rest.war!/WEB-INF/web.xml:
  • ii. Replace




    See Apache Tomcat Configuration Reference for Tomcat configuration.

Specify a new login module for JAAS:

  • i. Edit the configuration file located at $PLATFORM_TOMCAT_HOME/conf/jaas.conf.
  • ii. Replace

    gatein-domain { required;


    gatein-domain { required;

Organization Service implementation requirements

To make your own implementation use the digest authentication, you need to make your UserHandler implementation also implement the interface which provides more flexible authentication methods. As it is called from, it receives instances. You can get more information from It can be used to calculate the md5 digest of original password to compare it with the received one from the client side.