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File metadata and controls

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This chapter is divided into 4 administration groups, including:

  • Connectors <chapter-Administration-Connectors>

    Details of WebDAV, FTP and JCA resource adapter, including configuration, parameters and examples.

  • Database <chapter-Administration-Database>

    Issues related to the database administration, including multi-language support and DBCleanService; and instructions on how to host several JCR instances on the same database instance.

  • Tools <chapter-Administration-Tools>

    Necessary information about Session leak detector, Consistency checker, and Statistics.

  • Performance tuning <chapter-Administration-PerformanceTuning>

    Instructions on JCR cache tuning, Clustering, JVM parameters, and Force query hints.


  • WebDAV <JCR.WebDAV>

    All necessary information about WebDAV, including configuration, examples, commands, and restrictions. Also, this part also provides a set of frequently asked questions.


    Details of configuration parameters of FTP, such as command-port, data-min-port and data-max-port, system, and client-side-encoding.


The WebDAV protocol enables you to use third party tools to communicate with hierarchical content servers via HTTP. It is possible to add and remove documents or a set of documents from a path on the server. DeltaV is an extension of the WebDav protocol that allows managing document versioning. Locking guarantees protection against multiple access when writing resources. The ordering support allows changing the position of the resource in the list and sorts the directory to make the directory tree viewed conveniently. The fulltext search makes it easy to find the necessary documents. You can search by using two languages: SQL and XPATH.

In JCR, you plug in the WebDAV layer on the top of your JCR implementation, based on the code taken from the extension modules of the reference implementation, so it is possible to browse a workspace using third party tools (it can be Windows folders or Mac ones as well as a Java WebDAV client, such as DAVExplorer or IE using File > Open as a Web Folder).

Now WebDAV is an extension of the REST service. To get the WebDAV server ready, you must deploy the REST application. Then, you can access any workspaces of your repository by using the following URL:

For example, when accessing the WebDAV server with the URL http://localhost:8080/portal/rest/jcr/repository/collaboration, you will be asked to enter your login and password. Those will then be checked by using the organization service that can be implemented thanks to an InMemory (dummy) module or a DB module or an LDAP one and the JCR user session will be created with the correct JCR Credentials.


When you use an external WebDav client, you can acces any workspace of your repository through this link: http://host:port/rest/private/jcr/{RepositoryName}/{WorkspaceName}/{Path} <http://host:port/rest/private/jcr/{RepositoryName}/{WorkspaceName}/{Path}>


If you try the "in ECM" option, add "@ecm" to the user's password. Alternatively, you may modify jaas.conf by adding the domain=ecm option as follows:

exo-domain { required domain=ecm;

Related documents

  • Link Producer <JCR.LinkProducerService>


The WebDAV configuration is located at platform-extension/WEB-INF/conf/platform/dms/dms-configuration.xml.


        <!-- default node type which is used for the creation of collections -->

        <!-- default node type which is used for the creation of files -->

        <!-- if MimeTypeResolver can't find the required mime type,
        which conforms with the file extension, and the mimeType header is absent
        in the HTTP request header, this parameter is used as the default mime type-->


        <!-- This parameter indicates one of the three cases when you update the content of the resource by PUT command.
        In case of "create-version", PUT command creates the new version of the resource if this resource exists.
        In case of "replace" - if the resource exists, PUT command updates the content of the resource and its last modification date.
        In case of "add", the PUT command tries to create the new resource with the same name (if the parent node allows same-name siblings).
        In case of "update", if the resource exists, PUT command updates the content of the resource and its last modification date.

            <!--value>replace</value -->
            <!-- value>add</value -->

        This parameter determines how service responds to a method that attempts to modify file content.
        In case of "checkout-checkin" value, when a modification request is applied to a checked-in version-controlled resource, the request is automatically preceded by a checkout and followed by a checkin operation.
        In case of "checkout" value, when a modification request is applied to a checked-in version-controlled resource, the request is automatically preceded by a checkout operation.

        This parameter will define the path to the folder nodes icon.

        This parameter is responsible for managing Cache-Control header value which will be returned to the client.
        You can use patterns like "text/*", "image/*" or wildcard to define the type of content.

            <value>Microsoft Office Core Storage Infrastructure/1.0</value>



If the MimeTypeResolver throws exceptions of type "eu.medsea.mimeutil.detector.InvalidMagicMimeEntryException: Invalid Magic Mime Entry" on RHEL or CentOS, you should use the MIME cache file instead of the magic MIME file. To provide the full path to the MIME cache file, you will need to use the exo.mime.cache system property.


At present, the JCR WebDAV server is tested by using MS Internet Explorer, Dav Explorer, Xythos Drive, Microsoft Office 2003 (as client), and Ubuntu Linux.

  • MS Internet Explorer: Click File > eXo JCR WebDav.


  • DAV Explorer


  • Xythos Drive


  • Microsoft Office 2003 (as client): Select File > Open with typing http://... href in the file name box.


  • Ubuntu Linux


WebDAV and JCR commands

COPY Workspace.copy(...)
DELETE Node.remove()
GET Node.getProperty(...); Property.getValue()
HEAD Node.getProperty(...); Property.getLength()
MKCOL Node.addNode(...)
MOVE Session.move(...) or Workspace.move(...)
PROPFIND Session.getNode(...); Node.getNode(...);Node.getNodes(...); Node.getProperties()
PROPPATCH Node.setProperty(...);Node.getProperty(...).remove()
PUT Node.addNode("node","nt:file");Node.setProperty("jcr:data", "data")
CHECKIN Node.checkin()
CHECKOUT Node.checkout()
REPORT Node.getVersionHistory(); VersionHistory.getAllVersions();Version.getProperties()
UNCHECKOUT Node.restore(...)
VERSION-CONTROL Node.addMixin("mix:versionable")
LOCK Node.lock(...)
UNLOCK Node.unlock()
ORDERPATCH Node.orderBefore(...)
SEARCH Workspace.getQueryManager(); QueryManager.createQuery();Query.execute()
ACL Node.setPermission(...)


There are some restrictions for WebDAV in different Operating systems.

Windows 7/Windows 8

When you try to set up a web folder by "adding a network location" or "mapping a network drive" through My Computer, you can get an error message saying that either "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Please choose another" or "Windows cannot access… Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be…". These errors may appear when you are using SSL or non-SSL.

To fix this problem, do as follows:

Windows 7

Go to Windows Registry Editor.

Find a key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlset\services\WebClient\Parameters.

Select BasicAuthLevel (you might create it as REG_DWORD key if it does not exist) and change its value to 2.


Windows 8

Go to Windows Registry Editor.

Find a key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlset\services\WebClient\Parameters.

Select UseBasicAuth (you might create it as REG_DWORD key if it does not exist) and change its value to 1.

Select BasicAuthLevel (you might create it as REG_DWORD key if it does not exist) and change its value to 2.


Microsoft Office 2010

If you have Microsoft Office 2010 or Microsoft Office 2007 applications installed on a client computer, try to access an Office file that is stored on a web server that is configured for Basic authentication from the client computer. The connection between your computer and the web server does not use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). When you try to open or to download the file, you experience the following symptoms:

  • The Office file does not open or download.
  • You do not receive a Basic authentication password prompt when you try to open or to download the file.
  • You do not receive an error message when you try to open the file. The associated Office application starts. However, the selected file does not open.

To enable the Basic authentication on the client computer, do as follows:

Click Start, type regedit in the Start Search box, and then press Enter.

Locate and then click the following registry subkey:


On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.

Type BasicAuthLevel, and then press Enter.

Right-click BasicAuthLevel, and then click Modify.

In the Value data box, type 2, and then click OK.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Can I manage the '``cache-control``' value for different media-types from server configuration?

A: Use the "cache-control" configuration parameter.

The value of this parameter must contain colon-separated pairs of the "MediaType:cache-control" value.

For example, if you need to cache all text/xml and text/plain files for 5 minutes (300 sec.) and other text/\* files for 10 minutes (600 sec.), use the next configuration:


Q: How to perform WebDAV requests using curl?

A: Simple Requests:


curl -i -u 'user:pass' -X 'METHOD_NAME' 'resource_url'

For example, to create a folder named "test", perform as follows:

curl -i -u 'root:exo' -X MKCOL 'http://localhost:8080/rest/private/jcr/repository/production/test

To PUT the test.txt file from your current folder to the "test" folder on the server, perform as follows:

curl -i -u 'root:exo' -X PUT 'http://localhost:8080/rest/private/jcr/repository/production/test/test.txt'

Requests with XML body:

For requests which contain the XML body, such as ORDER, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, REPORT, and SEARCH, add -d 'xml_body text' or -d @body.xml to your curl-command:

curl -i -u 'user:pass' -X 'METHOD_NAME' -H 'Headers' 'resource_url' -d 'xml_body text'


``body.xml`` must contain a valid xml request body.

For example, to find all files containing "test", perform as follows:

curl -i -u "root:exo" -X "SEARCH" "" -d
        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
        <D:searchrequest xmlns:D='DAV:'>
        <D:sql>SELECT * FROM nt:base WHERE contains(*, 'text')</D:sql>

If you need to add some headers to your request, use \-H key.

To have more information about methods parameters, you can find in HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring specification.

Q: How does eXo JCR WebDAV server treat content encoding?

A: OS client (Windows, Linux, and more) does not set an encoding in a request, but the JCR WebDAV server looks for an encoding in a Content-Type header and set it to jcr:encoding. See 14.17 Content-Type (e.g. Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4). So, if a client sets the Content-Type header, for example, JS code from a page, it will work for a text file as expected.

If WebDAV request does not contain a content encoding, it is possible to write a dedicated action in a customer application. The action will set jcr:encoding using its own logic, for example, based on IP or user preferences.


The JCR-FTP Server represents the standard eXo service, operates as an FTP server with an access to a content stored in JCR repositories in the form of nt:file/nt:folder nodes or their successors. The client of an executed Server can be any FTP client. The FTP server is supported by a standard configuration which can be changed as required.

FTP includes the following configuration parameters:

  • command-port


    The value of the command channel port. The value '21' is set by default.

    When you have already some FTP servers installed in your system, this parameter needs to be changed (for example, 2121) to avoid conflicts or if the port is protected.

  • data-min-port & data-max-port


    These two parameters indicate the minimal and maximal values of the range of ports respectively, used by the server. The usage of the additional data channel is required by the FTP - protocol, which is used to transfer the file content and the categories list. This range of ports should be free from listening by other server-programs.

  • system

       <value>UNIX Type: L8</value>

    Types of formats of listing of catalogues which are supported.

  • client-side-encoding


    This parameter specifies the coding which is used for dialogue with the client.

  • def-folder-node-type


    This parameter specifies the type of a node, when an FTP-folder is created.

  • def-file-node-type


    This parameter specifies the type of a node, when an FTP file is created.

  • def-file-mime-type


    The MIME type of a created file is chosen by using its file extention. In case a server cannot find the corresponding mime type, this value is used.

  • cache-folder-name


    The Path of the cache folder.

  • upload-speed-limit


    Restriction of the upload speed. It is measured in bytes.

  • download-speed-limit


    Restriction of the download speed. It is measured in bytes.

  • timeout


    Define the value of a timeout.

  • replace-forbidden-chars


    Indicate whether or not the forbidden characters must be replaced.

  • forbidden-chars


    Define the list of forbidden characters.

  • replace-char


    Define the character that will be used to replace the forbidden characters.


  • Multi-language support in eXo JCR RDB backend <JCR.MultilanguageSupport>

    Details of multi-language JCR on Oracle, DB2, MySQL and PostgreSQL.

  • DB Clean Service <JCR.DBCleanService>

    Methods of DBCleanService, and instructions on how to clean only single workspace and the whole repository.

  • How to host several JCR instances on the same database instance? <JCR.MultiDBSchemaSupport>

    How to apply configuration changes on LockManager and HibernateService.

  • Frequently asked questions <JCR.FAQ.Database>

    Many useful questions and their answers which are common in Database.

General settings


Note that JCR requires at least READ_COMMITED isolation level and other RDBMS configurations can cause some side-effects and issues. So, make sure proper isolation level is configured on database server side.

DB2 configuration

  • Statistics is collected automatically starting from DB2 Version 9, however it is needed to launch statistics collection manually during the very first start, otherwise it could be very long. You need to run the following 'RUNSTATS' command for JCR_SITEM (or JCR_MITEM) and JCR_SVALUE (or JCR_MVALUE) tables.


MySQL configuration

  • To prevent any consistency issues, ensure that InnoDB is configured as the default MySQL engine (instead of MyISAM by default) before launching your application for the very first time. Otherwise, when the application creates the tables, MyISAM will be used as the MySQL engine which is not transactional and does not support integrity constraints. Even if later you switch to InnoDB using an alter table, all the integrity constraints would be missing as they would have been removed tables at the time of the table creation.
  • MyISAM is not supported due to its lack of transaction support and integrity check. Use it only if you do not expect any support and if performances in read accesses are more important than the consistency in your usecase. Therefore, the mysql-myisam and mysql-myisam-utf8 dialects are only dedicated to the community.
  • MySQL relies on collected statistics for keeping track of data distribution in tables and for optimizing join statements, but you can manually call 'ANALYZE' to update statistics if needed.

    For example:


PostgreSQL/PostgrePlus configuration

  • When using the RDBMS re-indexing, you need to set "enable_seqscan" to "off" or "default_statistics_target" to at least "50".
  • Though the PostgreSQL/PostgrePlus server performs query optimization automatically, you can manually call the 'ANALYZE' command to collect statistics which can affect the performance.

    For example:

  • For a version prior to 9.1, the standard_conforming_strings parameter is enabled, you need to use "pgsql-scs" as dialect.

MS SQL configuration

  • One more mandatory JCR requirement for underlying databases is a case sensitive collation. Microsoft SQL Server both 2005 and 2008 customers must configure their server with collation corresponding to personal needs and requirements, but obligatorily case sensitive. Refer here for more information on selecting SQL Server Collation.
  • MS SQL DB server's optimizer automatically processes queries to increase performance. Optimization is based on statistical data which is collected automatically, but you can manually call Transact-SQL by the 'UPDATE STATISTICS' command which in very few situations may increase performance.

    For example:


Sybase configuration

  • Sybase DB Server optimizer automatically processes queries to increase performance. Optimization is based on statistical data which is collected automatically, but you can manually call Transact-SQL by the 'update statistics' command which may increase performance in very few situations.

    For example:

    update statistics JCR_SITEM
    update statistics JCR_SVALUE

Oracle configuration

  • Oracle DB automatically collects statistics to optimize performance of queries, but you can manually call the 'ANALYZE' command to start collecting statistics immediately which may improve performance.

    For example:


Multi-language support in eXo JCR RDB backend

Whenever relational database is used to store multilingual text data of eXo Java Content Repository, it is necessary to adapt configuration in order to support UTF-8 encoding. Here is a short instruction for several supported RDBMS with examples.

Modify the repository-configuration.xml file which can be found in various locations <repository-configuration-file-locations>.


The jdbcjcr datasource used in examples can be configured via the InitialContextInitializer component.

  • Oracle

    In order to run multilanguage JCR on an Oracle backend Unicode encoding for characters set should be applied to the database. Other Oracle globalization parameters do not make any impact. The only property to modify is NLS_CHARACTERSET.

    We have tested NLS_CHARACTERSET = AL32UTF8 and it works well for many European and Asian languages.

    Example of the database configuration:

    NLS_CURRENCY             $
    NLS_SORT                 BINARY
    NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY        $
    NLS_COMP                 BINARY
    JCR does not use the NVARCHAR columns so that the value of the
    ``NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET`` parameter does not matter for JCR.

    Create database with Unicode encoding and use Oracle dialect for the Workspace Container:

    <workspace name="collaboration">
              <container class="">
                  <property name="source-name" value="jdbcjcr" />
                  <property name="dialect" value="oracle" />
                  <property name="multi-db" value="false" />
                  <property name="max-buffer-size" value="200k" />
                  <property name="swap-directory" value="target/temp/swap/ws" />
  • DB2

    DB2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB) supports UTF-8 and UTF-16/UCS-2. When a Unicode database is created, CHAR, VARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR data are stored in UTF-8 form. It is enough for JCR multi-lingual support.

    Example of UTF-8 database creation:


    Create database with UTF-8 encoding and use db2 dialect for Workspace Container on DB2 v.9 and higher:

    <workspace name="collaboration">
              <container class="">
                  <property name="source-name" value="jdbcjcr" />
                  <property name="dialect" value="db2" />
                  <property name="multi-db" value="false" />
                  <property name="max-buffer-size" value="200k" />
                  <property name="swap-directory" value="target/temp/swap/ws" />


For DB2 v.8.x support change the property "dialect" to db2v8.

  • MySQL

    JCR MySQL-backend requires special dialect MySQL-UTF8 to be used for internationalization support. But the database default charset should be latin1 to use limited index space effectively (1000 bytes for MyISAM engine, 767 for InnoDB). If database default charset is multibyte, a JCR database initialization error is thrown concerning index creation failure. In other words, JCR can work on any singlebyte default charset of database, with UTF8 supported by MySQL server. But we have tested it only on latin1 database default charset.

    Repository configuration, workspace container entry example:

    <workspace name="collaboration">
              <container class="">
                  <property name="source-name" value="jdbcjcr" />
                  <property name="dialect" value="mysql-utf8" />
                  <property name="multi-db" value="false" />
                  <property name="max-buffer-size" value="200k" />
                  <property name="swap-directory" value="target/temp/swap/ws" />

    You will also need to indicate the charset name either at the server level using the --character-set-server server parameter (See more details here) or at the datasource configuration level by adding a new property as below:

    <property name="connectionProperties" value="useUnicode=yes;characterEncoding=utf8;characterSetResults=UTF-8;" />
  • PostgreSQL/PostgrePlus

    On PostgreSQL/PostgrePlus-backend, multilingual support can be enabled in different ways:

    • Using the locale features of the operating system to provide locale-specific collation order, number formatting, translated messages, and other aspects. UTF-8 is widely used on Linux distributions by default, so it can be useful in such case.
    • Providing a number of different character sets defined in the PostgreSQL/PostgrePlus server, including multiple-byte character sets, to support storing text of any languages, and providing character set translation between client and server. It is recommended that you use the UTF-8 database charset, it will allow any-to-any conversations and make this issue transparent for the JCR.

    Create database with UTF-8 encoding and use a PgSQL dialect for Workspace Container:

    <workspace name="collaboration">
              <container class="">
                  <property name="source-name" valBut some of our customersue="jdbcjcr" />
                  <property name="dialect" value="pgsql" />
                  <property name="multi-db" value="false" />
                  <property name="max-buffer-size" value="200k" />
                  <property name="swap-directory" value="target/temp/swap/ws" />

DB Clean Service

It is a special service for data removal from database. The section shortly describes the working principles of DBCleanerTool under all databases.

  • Methods of DBCleanService


Code that invokes the methods of DBCleanService must have the JCRRuntimePermissions.MANAGE_REPOSITORY_PERMISSION permission.

There are several methods of DBCleanService:

public static void cleanWorkspaceData(WorkspaceEntry wsEntry) throws DBCleanException Cleans up workspace data from database.
public static void cleanRepositoryData(RepositoryEntry rEntry) throws DBCleanException Cleans up repository data from database.
public static DBCleanerTool getWorkspaceDBCleaner(Connection jdbcConn, WorkspaceEntry wsEntry) throws DBCleanException Returns database cleaner of workspace.
public static DBCleanerTool getRepositoryDBCleaner(Connection jdbcConn, RepositoryEntry rEntry) Returns database cleaner of repository. The "null" value is returned in case of the multi-db configuration.

The cleaning is a part of restoring from backup and it is used in the following restore phases:

restore Does nothing with DBCleanerTool.

Different approaches are used for database cleaning depending on database and JCR configuration.

  • Need to clean only single workspace

    Simple cleaning records from JCR table is used in case of single-db configuration.

    PostgreSQL/PostgrePlus, DB2 and MSSQL

    clean() Removes all records from the database. Foreign key of JCR_SITEM table is also removed.
    commit() Adds the foreign key.

    Oracle, Sybase, HSQLDB, MySQL

    clean() Removes all records from the database. The foreign key of JCR_SITEM table is also removed.
    commit() Adds the foreign key.
    rollback() Adds the foreign key.

    Either removing or renaming JCR tables are used in case of the mult-db configuration.

    PostgreSQL/PostgrePlus, DB2 and MSSQL

    clean() Removes tables JCR_MVALUE, JCR_MREF, JCR_MITEM, initializes new tables without the foreign key of the JCR_MITEM table, adds root.
    commit() Adds the foreign key.

    Oracle, Sybase, HSQLDB, MySQL

    clean() Renames the current tables, initializes new tables without the foreign key of the JCR_MITEM table, adds root node, and removes indexes for some databases.
    commit() Renames tables, and adds indexes.
    rollback() Removes the previously renamed tables, adds indexes, and adds the foreign key.
  • Need to clean the whole repository

    In case of single-db, all workspaces will be processed simultaneously as in case of single workspace multi-db configuration. For multi-db, every workspace will be processed separately as in case of single workspace multi-db configuration.

How to host several JCR instances on the same database instance?

Frequently, a single database instance must be shared by several other applications, but you can host several JCR instances in the same database instance. To fulfill this need, you have to review your queries and scope them to the current schema; it is now possible to have one JCR instance per DB schema instead of per DB instance. Also, you will need to apply the configuration changes described below.

  • Lock Manager configuration

    To enable this feature, you need to replace org.jboss.cache.loader.JDBCCacheLoader with in the JBossCache configuration file.

    Here is an example of this very part of the configuration:

    <jbosscache xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="urn:jboss:jbosscache-core:config:3.1">
       <locking useLockStriping="false" concurrencyLevel="500" lockParentForChildInsertRemove="false"
          lockAcquisitionTimeout="20000" />
       <clustering mode="replication" clusterName="${jbosscache-cluster-name}">
          <stateRetrieval timeout="20000" fetchInMemoryState="false" />
          <sync />
       <loaders passivation="false" shared="true">
          <!-- All the data of the JCR locks needs to be loaded at startup -->
             <node fqn="/" />
          For another cache-loader class you should use another template with
          cache-loader specific parameters
          <loader class="" async="false" fetchPersistentState="false"
             ignoreModifications="false" purgeOnStartup="false">

    You can also obtain a file example from GitHub.

  • HibernateService configuration

    If you use HibernateService for JDBC connections management, you will need to specify explicitly the default schema by setting the "hibernate.default_schema" property in the configuration of HibernateService.

    Here is an example:

            <description>Default Hibernate Service</description>
            <property name="hibernate.default_schema" value="${gatein.idm.datasource.schema:}"/>

Frequently asked questions

Q: Which database server is better for eXo JCR?

A: If the question is about the performance, it is difficult to answer, because each database can be configured to have better performance in a special case. According to the results of our internal tests, the best choice is Oracle 11G R2 even when you store the binary data in the database. For other databases, it is recommended to store the binary data in the file system unless you have only small file content to store. MySQL and PostgreSQL are also demonstrated in our benchmark results that they could provide good performance. DB2 and MSSQL are slower in default configurations. The default configuration of Sybase is the slowest, but in this question, take the database server maintenance into account. The installation of MySQL and PostgreSQL is simple and they can work even on any limited hardware. The same actual for maintenance during the work. Note for Sybase: "check-sns-new-connection" data container configuration parameter should be set to "true". For testing purpose, embedded database such as HSQLDB is the best choice. Apache Derby and H2 are also supported. But, H2 surprisingly needs "beta" feature enabled - MVCC=TRUE in JDBC URL.

Q: How to setup eXo JCR for multilingual content on MySQL?

A: MySQL database should be created in utf8 encoding with collation utf8_bin, since eXo JCR is case-sensitive:


The eXo JCR application (for example, GateIn) should use JCR dialect "MySQL-UTF8".


The "MySQL-UTF8" dialect cannot be auto-detected, it should be set explicitly in the configuration.

Q: Does MySQL have limitation affecting on eXo JCR features?

A: Index's key length of JCR_SITEM (JCR_MITEM) table for mysql-utf8 dialect is reduced to 765 bytes (or 255 chars).

Q: Does use of Sybase database need special options in eXo JCR configuration?

A: To enable JCR to work properly with Sybase, a check-sns-new-connection property with the 'false' value is required for each workspace data container:

<container class="">
        <property name="source-name" value="jdbcjcr" />
        <property name="dialect" value="auto" />
        <property name="multi-db" value="true" />
        <property name="update-storage" value="false" />
        <property name="max-buffer-size" value="200k" />
        <property name="swap-directory" value="target/temp/swap/ws" />
        <property name="swap-directory" value="target/temp/swap/ws" />
        <property name="check-sns-new-connection" value="false" />

Q: It is better to use queries which access data by the JCR API?

A: No, direct access to items via JCR API is more efficient. Search will consume additional resources for index querying and only then return the items.

Q: Is ordering by jcr:path or Item name supported?

A: No, it is not supported. There are two ways to order results, when the path may be used as criteria:

  • Order by property with the NAME or PATH value type (JCR supports it).
  • Order by jcr:path - sort by the exact path of node (JCR does not support it).

Order by jcr:path

If no order specification is supplied in the query statement, implementations may support document order on the result nodes (see Document Order of JSR-170), and it is sorted by order number.

By default, (if query does not contain any ordering statements) result nodes are sorted by the document order.

SELECT * FROM nt:unstructured WHERE jcr:path LIKE 'testRoot/%'

For specified jcr:path ordering, there is different proceeding in XPath and SQL:

  • SQL no matter ascending or descending - query returns result nodes in random order:

    SELECT * FROM nt:unstructured WHERE
                  jcr:path LIKE 'testRoot/%' ORDER BY jcr:path
  • XPath - jcr:path order construction is ignored (so result is not sorted according to the path):

                  order by jcr:path


  • Session leak detector <JCR.SessionLeakDetected>

    All necessary information about this tool, including activation and report.

  • Consistency checker <JCR.RepositoryCheckController>

    Details of consistency checker, and Recommendations on how to fix corrupted JCR.

  • JCR statistics <JCR.Statistics>

    Instructions on how to get and manage statistics on database access layer and on JCR API accesses, and statistics manager.

Session leak detector

The session leak detector is able to help you debug your application based on JCR when you suspect that you have a bug related to a wrong usage of JCR sessions. It works by creating a queue of weak references to JCR sessions and the queue is periodically cleaned. When a session reference is dequeued and is not cleared it is considered as a leaked session. Obviously what matters here is the time by which a session is stale known as max age. If the max age is too short, it will suspect that many sessions are leaked although they are not. The default max age value is configured at 2 minutes.

  • Activation

    Setting the virtual machine system property to "true" activates the session detector with a default time period of 2 minutes.

    You can set the max age with the virtual machine system property exo.jcr.session.tracking.maxage in seconds. The default value is 120 (2 minutes) if you do not override.

    For example, you can do this easily in

    • On Linux/Macs:

      JCR_SESSION_TRACK=" -Dexo.jcr.session.tracking.maxage=60"
    • On Windows:

      set -Dexo.jcr.session.tracking.maxage=60

    Activate the session tracking and configure a maxage of 1 minute. Any JCR session older than 1 minute will cause an alert.

  • Report

    Each detector execution starts with

    Starting detector task

    and ends with

    Finished detector task

    When a session is considered as leaked, debug information is printed on the console with a stack trace of the code that created the session in order to help you find out where the leaked session was created at runtime.

    For example:

              at org.exoplatform.faq.service.impl.JCRDataStorage.getFAQServiceHome(

    In this Stacktrace, you learn that the org.exoplatform.faq.service.impl.JCRDataStorage.getFAQServiceHome method has opened a session that seems to be leaked. You need to verif:y in the code if Session.logout() is properly called in all cases (calling it in finally clause usually resolves the issue).

Consistency checker


It is highly recommended to back up your data before repairing inconsistencies (either automatically or manually). It is also recommended to store the results of queries that check the data consistency. This may be useful for the support team in case of deeper restoration process.

Production and any systems may have faults in some days. They may be caused by hardware and/or software problems, human faults during updates and in many other circumstances. It is important to check integrity and consistency of the system if it is not backed up or stale, or it takes the recovery process much time. The eXo JCR implementation offers an innovative JMX-based complex checking tool. Running inspection, this tool checks every major JCR component, such as persistent data layer and index. The persistent layer includes JDBC Data Container and Value Storage if they are configured. The database is verified using the set of complex specialized domain-specific queries. The Value Storage tool checks the existence and access to each file. Index verification contains two-way pass cycle, existence of each node in the index checks on persistent layer along with opposite direction, when each node from Data Container is validated in the index. Access to the checking tool is exposed via the JMX interface (RepositoryCheckController MBean) with the following operations available:


Operation Description
checkAll() Inspects the full repository data (database, value storage and search indexes).
checkDataBase() Inspects only the DB.
checkValueStorage() Inspects only the value storage.
checkIndex() Inspects only the search indexes.

Among the list of known inconsistencies described in the next section, see below what can be checked and repaired automatically:

  • An item has no parent node: Properties will be removed and the root UUID will be assigned in case of nodes.
  • A node has a single valued property with nothing declared in the VALUE table: This property will be removed if it is not required by primary type of its node.
  • A node has no primary type property: This node and the whole subtree will be removed if it is not required by primary type of its parent.
  • Value record has no related property record: Value record will be removed from database.
  • An item is its own parent: Properties will be removed and root UUID will be assigned in case of nodes.
  • Several versions of same item: All earlier records with earlier versions will be removed from ITEM table.
  • Reference properties without reference records: The property will be removed if it is not required by the primary type of its node.
  • A node is marked as locked in the lockmanager's table but not in ITEM table or the opposite: All lock inconsistencies will be removed from both tables.


The only inconsistency that cannot be fixed automatically is Corrupted VALUE records. Both *STORAGE_DESC* and *DATA* fields contain not null value. Since there is no way to determinate which value is valid: either on the file system or in the database.

The list of ValueStorage inconsistencies which can be checked and repaired automatically:

  • Property's value is stored in the File System but the content is missing: A new empty file corresponding to this value will be created.

The following is the list of SearchIndex inconsistencies which can be checked. To repair them, you need to reindex the content completely, what also can be done using JMX:

  • Not indexed document
  • Document indexed more than one time
  • Document corresponding to removed node
Operation Description
repairDataBase() Repairs DB inconsistencies declared above.
repairValueStorage() Repairs value storage inconsistencies declared above.

All tool activities are stored into a file, which can be found in the app directory. The syntax of the file name is report-<repository name>-dd-MMM-yy-HH-mm.txt.


You can use the nThreads JMX parameter to set the number of threads used for checking and repairing repository (the RepositoryCheckController uses a single thread by default).


When the multi-threaded mode is used, the RepositoryCheckController uses more memories. So, it is recommended to avoid setting a large number of threads.

Operation Description
getCheckingThreadPoolSize() Gets the number of threads used for checking and repairing the repository.
setCheckingThreadPoolSize() Sets the number of threads used for checking and repairing the repository.


By default, the RepositoryCheckController uses only one thread to check and repair your repository.

Recommendations on how to fix corrupted JCR

Here are examples of corrupted JCR and ways to eliminate them:


- It is assumed that queries for single and multiple database configurations differ only by the JCR_xITEM table name, otherwise queries will be explicitly introduced.

  • In some examples, you will be asked to replace some identificators with their corresponding values. This basically means that you need to insert values, from each row result of query executed during the issue detection stage, to the corresponding place. Explicit explanation of what to do will be introduced in case replacing is needed to be fulfilled in other way.
  1. Items have no parent
    • To detect this issue, you need to execute the following query:

      select * from JCR_SITEM I where NOT EXISTS(select * from JCR_SITEM P where P.ID = I.PARENT_ID)
    • Fix description: Assign root as parent node to be able to delete this node later if the node is not needed anymore.
    • To fix this problem, do the following:
      • For all query results rows containing items belonging to I_CLASS = 1 (nodes):

        Execute the next query by replacing ${ID} and ${CONTAINER_NAME} with corresponding values:

        • Single DB

          update JCR_SITEM set PARENT_ID='${CONTAINER_NAME}00exo0jcr0root0uuid0000000000000' where ID = '${ID}'
        • Multiple DB

          update JCR_MITEM set PARENT_ID='00exo0jcr0root0uuid0000000000000' where ID = '${ID}'
      • For all query results rows containing items belonging to the I_CLASS = 2 (property):

        delete from JCR_SREF where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}'
        delete from JCR_SVALUE where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}'
        delete from JCR_SITEM where PARENT_ID = '${ID}' or ID='${ID}' 
  2. A node has a single valued property with no declaration in the VALUE table.
    • To detect this issue, you need to execute the following query:

      select * from JCR_SITEM P where P.I_CLASS=2 and P.P_MULTIVALUED=0 and NOT EXISTS (select * from JCR_SVALUE V where V.PROPERTY_ID=P.ID)


P_MULTIVALUED=0 should be replaced by P_MULTIVALUED='f' for PostgreSQL.

  • Fix description: Simply remove corrupted properties.
  • To fix every row, execute next queries by replacing ${ID} with a corresponding value:

    delete from JCR_SREF where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}'
    delete from JCR_SITEM where ID = '${ID}'
  1. Nodes have no primary type property.
    • To detect this issue, you need to execute the following query:

      select * from JCR_SITEM N where N.I_CLASS=1 and NOT EXISTS (select * from JCR_SITEM P where P.I_CLASS=2 and P.PARENT_ID=N.ID and P.NAME='[]primaryType')
    • Fix description: Remove node, all its children, properties, values and reference records.
    • To fix this problem, do the following:
      • Recursively traver to the bottom of the tree until query results are in empty value:

        select * from JCR_SITEM where PARENT_ID='${ID}' and I_CLASS=1

        You will receive a tree structure containing a node, its children and properties.

      • Execute the following steps with tree structure elements in reverse order (from leaves to head).

        Execute a query for tree element's ${ID}.

        select * from JCR_SITEM where PARENT_ID='${ID}'

        Execute queries for each ${ID} received during the query execution mentioned above.

        delete from JCR_SREF where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}'
        delete from JCR_SVALUE where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}'
        delete from JCR_SITEM where PARENT_ID = '${ID}' or ID='${ID}' 
  2. All value records have no related property record.
    • To detect this issue, you need to execute the following query:

      select * from JCR_SVALUE V where NOT EXISTS(select * from JCR_SITEM P where V.PROPERTY_ID = P.ID and P.I_CLASS=2)
    • Fix description: Remove these unnecessary records from the JCR_SVALUE table.
    • To fix this problem, execute next queries by replacing ${ID} with a corresponding value as below for every row.

      delete from JCR_SVALUE where ID = '${ID}'
  3. Corrupted VALUE records. Both STORAGE_DESC and STORAGE_DESC fields contain non-null value.
    • To detect this issue, you need to execute the following query:

      select * from JCR_SVALUE where (STORAGE_DESC is not null and DATA is not null)
    • Fix description: Set null for the STORAGE_DESC field by assuming that the value stored in database is valid.
    • To fix this problem, execute next queries by replacing ${ID} with the corresponding value as below for every row.

      update JCR_SVALUE set STORAGE_DESC = null where ID = '${ID}'


For Sybase DB, "DATA is not null" must be replaced with "not DATA like null".

  1. Item is its own parent.
    • To detect this issue, you need to execute the following query:

      select * from JCR_SITEM I where I.ID = I.PARENT_ID and I.NAME <> '__root_parent'
    • Fix description: Assign root as parent node to be able to delete later if node is not needed to use anymore.
    • To fix this problem, do the following:
      • For all query results rows containing items belonging to I_CLASS = 1 (nodes):

        Execute the next query by replacing ${ID} and ${CONTAINER_NAME} with corresponding values:

        • Single DB

          update JCR_SITEM set PARENT_ID='${CONTAINER_NAME}00exo0jcr0root0uuid0000000000000' where ID = '${ID}'
        • Multiple DB

          update JCR_MITEM set PARENT_ID='00exo0jcr0root0uuid0000000000000' where ID = '${ID}'
      • For all query results rows containing items belonging to I_CLASS = 2 (property):

        delete from JCR_SREF where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}'
        delete from JCR_SVALUE where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}'
        delete from JCR_SITEM where PARENT_ID = '${ID}' or ID='${ID}' 
  2. Several versions of the same item.
    • To detect this issue, you need to execute the following query:

    • Fix description: Keep the newest version and remove the others.
    • To fix this problem, do the following:
      • Grouping

      • Execute the following query by replacing ${PARENT_ID} and ${CONTAINER_NAME}, ${NAME}, ${I_CLASS}, ${I_INDEX}, ${MAX_VERSION} with corresponding values contained in results of the query mentioned above:

        • Single DB:

          select * from JCR_SITEM where I.CONTAINER_NAME='${CONTAINER_NAME}' and PARENT_ID='${PARENT_ID}' and NAME='${NAME}' and I_CLASS='${I_CLASS}' and I_INDEX='${I_INDEX}' and VERSION < ${MAX_VERSION}
        • Multiple DB:

          select * from JCR_SITEM where PARENT_ID='${PARENT_ID}' and NAME='${NAME}' and I_CLASS='${I_CLASS}' and I_INDEX='${I_INDEX}' and VERSION < ${MAX_VERSION}

        Execute the following queries by replacing ${ID} with corresponding values of newly obtained results.

        delete from JCR_SREF where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}'
        delete from JCR_SVALUE where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}'
        delete from JCR_SITEM where ID='${ID}'
  3. Reference properties without reference records.
    • To detect this issue, you need to execute the following query:

      select * from JCR_SITEM P, JCR_SVALUE V where P.ID = V.PROPERTY_ID and P.P_TYPE=9 and NOT EXISTS (select * from JCR_SREF R where P.ID=R.PROPERTY_ID)
    • Fix description: Remove broken reference properties.
    • To fix this problem, do the following:

      Execute the query replacing ${ID} with a corresponding value.

      delete from JCR_SVALUE where PROPERTY_ID = '${ID}'
      delete from JCR_SITEM where ID = '${ID}'
  4. A node which is considered to be locked in the lockmanager data is not locked according to the JCR data or the opposite situation.
    • To detect this issue, you need:

      First, get all locked nodes IDs in repository, mentioned in the JCR_xITEM table, by executing a query:

      select distinct PARENT_ID from JCR_SITEM where I_CLASS=2 and
                      (NAME='[]lockOwner' or NAME='[]lockIsDeep')

      Then, compare it to nodes IDs from LockManager's table:

      • JBC


- During comparing results, be aware that for single DB configurations, you need to cut off the ID prefix representing the workspace name for results obtained from the JCR_xITEM table.

  • Though a single lock table is usually used for the whole repository, it is possible to configure separate db lock tables for each workspace. In this case, to obtain information over the repository, you need to execute queries for each table.
  • Non shareable

    select fqn from ${LOCK_TABLE} where parent='/$LOCKS'
  • Shareable

    Replace ${REPOSITORY_NAME} with its corresponding value.

    select fqn from ${LOCK_TABLE} where parent like '/${REPOSITORY_NAME}%/$LOCKS/' 
  • ISPN


For ISPN lock tables which are defined for each workspace separately, you must execute queries for all lock tables to obtain information over repository.

To get all set of locked node IDs in the repository, you must execute the following query for each workspace.

select id from ${LOCK_TABLE}
  • Fix description: Remove inconsistent lock entries and properties. Remove entries in LOCK_TABLE that have no corresponding properties in the JCR_xITEM table and remove the JCR_xITEM properties that have no corresponding entries in the LOCK_TABLE table.
  • To fix this problem, do the following:

    First, remove property values, replace ${ID} with a corresponding node ID:

    delete from JCR_SVALUE where PROPERTY_ID in (select ID from JCR_SITEM where PARENT_ID='${ID}' and (NAME = '[]lockIsDeep' or NAME = '[]lockOwner'))

    Then, remove property items themselves, replace ${ID} with a corresponding node ID:

    delete from JCR_SITEM where PARENT_ID='${ID}' and (NAME = '[]lockIsDeep' or NAME = '[]lockOwner')

    Replace ${ID} and ${FQN} with the corresponding node ID and FQN.

    • JBC

      delete from ${LOCK_TABLE} where fqn = '${FQN}'
    • ISPN

      Execute the following query for each workspace:

      delete from ${LOCK_TABLE} where id = '${ID}'
  1. A property's value is stored in the file system, but its content is missing.

    This cannot be checked via simple SQL queries.

JCR statistics

This section will show you how to get and manage all statistics provided by eXo JCR. All the statistics are controlled by the statistics manager which is reponsible for printing data into the CSV files and exposing the statistics through JMX and/or Rest.

Statistics Manager

The statistics manager will create all the CSV files for each category of statistics under its management. These files are in the format of Statistics${category-name}-${creation-timestamp}.csv. Those files will be created into the user directory if it is possible otherwise it will create them into the temporary directory. The .csv files (for example, Comma-Separated Values) includes: one new line which is added regularly (every 5 seconds by default) and one last line which will be added at JVM exit. Each line has 5 figures described below for each method and globally for all methods.

Min The minimum time spent into the method expressed in milliseconds.
Max The maximum time spent into the method expressed in milliseconds.
Total The total amount of time spent into the method expressed in milliseconds.
Avg The average time spent into the method expressed in milliseconds.
Times The total amount of times the method has been called.

By default, the JVM parameter called JCRStatisticsManager.persistence.enabled is set to "true". Also, the JCRStatisticsManager.persistence.timeout JVM parameter that shows period between each record (for example, line of data into the file) is set to 5000. You can define another periods by setting its value to your desired one in milliseconds.

You can also access the statistics thanks to JMX, the available methods are the following:

getMin Give the minimum time spent into the method corresponding to the given category name and statistics name. The expected arguments are the name of the category of statistics (for example, JDBCStorageConnection) and the name of the expected method or global for the global value.
getMax Give the maximum time spent into the method corresponding to the given category name and statistics name. The expected arguments are the name of the category of statistics (for example, JDBCStorageConnection) and the name of the expected method or global for the global value.
getTotal Give the total amount of time spent into the method corresponding to the given category name and statistics name. The expected arguments are the name of the category of statistics (for example, JDBCStorageConnection) and the name of the expected method or global for the global value.
getAvg Give the average time spent into the method corresponding to the given category name and statistics name. The expected arguments are the name of the category of statistics (for example, JDBCStorageConnection) and the name of the expected method or global for the global value.
getTimes Give the total amount of times the method has been called corresponding to the given category name and statistics name. The expected arguments are the name of the category of statistics (for example, JDBCStorageConnection) and the name of the expected method or global for the global value.
reset Reset the statistics for the given category name and statistics name. The expected arguments are the name of the category of statistics (for example, JDBCStorageConnection) and the name of the expected method or global for the global value.
resetAll Reset all the statistics for the given category name. The expected argument is the name of the category of statistics (for example, JDBCStorageConnection).

The full name of the related MBean is exo:service=statistic, view=jcr.

Statistics on database access layer

In order to have a better idea of the time spent into the database access layer, it can be interesting to get some statistics on that part of the code, knowing that most of the time spent into eXo JCR is mainly the database access. This statistics will then allow you to identify without using any profiler what is normally slow in this layer, which could help to fix the problem quickly.

In case you use or as WorkspaceDataContainer, you can get statistics on the time spent on the database access layer. The database access layer (in eXo JCR) is represented by the methods of the interface, so for all the methods defined in this interface, you can have the following figures:

  • The minimum time spent into the method.
  • The maximum time spent into the method.
  • The average time spent into the method.
  • The total amount of time spent into the method.
  • The total amount of time the method has been called.

Those figures are also available globally for all the methods which gives us the global behavior of this layer.

If you want to enable the statistics, you just need to set the JVM parameter called JDBCWorkspaceDataContainer.statistics.enabled to true. The corresponding CSV file is StatisticsJDBCStorageConnection-${creation-timestamp}.csv for more details about how the csv files are managed. See Statistics manager for more details.

The format of each column header is ${method-alias}-${metric-alias}. The metric alias are described in the statistics manager section.

The name of the category of statistics corresponding to these statistics is JDBCStorageConnection, this name is mostly needed to access to the statistics through JMX.

global This is the alias for all the methods.
getItemDataById This is the alias for the getItemData(String identifier) method.
getItemDataByNodeDataNQPathEntry This is the alias for the getItemData(NodeData parentData, QPathEntry name) method.
getChildNodesData This is the alias for the getChildNodesData(NodeData parent) method.
getChildNodesCount This is the alias for the getChildNodesCount(NodeData parent) method.
getChildPropertiesData This is the alias for the getChildPropertiesData(NodeData parent) method.
listChildPropertiesData This is the alias for the listChildPropertiesData(NodeData parent) method.
getReferencesData This is the alias for the getReferencesData(String nodeIdentifier) method.
commit This is the alias for the commit() method.
addNodeData This is the alias for the add(NodeData data) method.
addPropertyData This is the alias for the add(PropertyData data) mehod.
updateNodeData This is the alias for the update(NodeData data) method.
updatePropertyData This is the alias for the update(PropertyData data) method.
deleteNodeData This is the alias for the delete(NodeData data) method.
deletePropertyData This is the alias for the delete(PropertyData data) method.
renameNodeData This is the alias for the rename(NodeData data) method.
rollback This is the alias for the rollback() method.
isOpened This is the alias for the isOpened() method.
close This is the alias for the close() method.

Statistics on JCR API accesses

In order to know exactly how your application uses JCR, it can be interesting to register all the JCR API accesses in order to easily create real life test scenario based on pure JCR calls and also to tune your JCR to better fit your requirements.

In order to allow you to specify the configuration which part of JCR needs to be monitored without applying any changes in your code and/or building anything, choose to rely on the Load-time Weaving proposed by AspectJ.

To enable this feature, you will have to add the following jar files to your classpath:

You will also need to get aspectjweaver-1.6.8.jar from the main maven repository At this stage, to enable the statistics on the JCR API accesses, you will need to add the JVM parameter -javaagent:${pathto}/aspectjweaver-1.6.8.jar to your command line. For more details, refer to

By default, the configuration will collect statistics on all the methods of the internal interfaces and, and the JCR API interface javax.jcr.Property. To add and/or remove some interfaces to/from monitor, you have two configuration files changed that are bundled into the exo.jcr.component.statistics-X.Y.Z.jar which includes conf/configuration.xml and META-INF/aop.xml.

The file content below is the content of conf/configuration.xml that you will need to modify to add and/or remove the full qualified name of the interfaces to monitor, into the list of parameter values of the init param called targetInterfaces.

<configuration xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""


The file content below is the content of META-INF/aop.xml that you will need to modify to add and/or remove the full qualified name of the interfaces to monitor, into the expression filter of the pointcut called JCRAPIPointcut. As you can see below, by default only JCR API calls from the exoplatform packages are taken into account, do not hesitate to modify this filter to add your own package names.

    <concrete-aspect name="" extends="">
      <pointcut name="JCRAPIPointcut"
        expression="(target( || target( || target(javax.jcr.Property)) &amp;&amp; call(public * *(..))" />
  <weaver options="-XnoInline">
    <include within="org.exoplatform..*" />

The corresponding CSV files are of the Statistics${interface-name}-${creation-timestamp}.csv type. See Statistics manager for more details about how the csv files are managed.

The format of each column header is ${method-alias}-${metric-alias}. The method alias will be of the ${method-name} type (a list of parameter types separated by semicolon (;) to be compatible with the CSV format).

The name of the category of statistics corresponding to these statistics is the simple name of the monitored interface (for example, ExtendedSession for, this name is mostly needed to access the statistics through JMX.


This feature will affect the eXo JCR performance, so it is recommended you use this feature carefully.

Performance tuning

This section will show you possible ways of improving JCR.

It is intended for eXo Platform administrators and those who want to use JCR features.

JBoss AS tuning

You can use maxThreads parameter to increase maximum amount of threads that can be launched in AS instance. This can improve performance if you need a high level of concurrency. Also, you can use the -XX:+UseParallelGC java directory to use parallel garbage collector.


Beware of setting maxThreads too big, this can cause OutOfMemoryError. There is maxThreads=1250 on the machine:

  • 7.5 GB memory
  • 4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual cores with 2 EC2 Compute Units each)
  • 850 GB instance storage (2×420 GB plus 10 GB root partition)
  • 64-bit platform
  • I/O Performance: High
  • API name: m1.large
  • java -Xmx 4g

JCR cache tuning

  • Cache size: The JCR-cluster implementation is built using JBoss Cache as distributed, replicated cache. But there is one particularity related to remove action in it. Speed of this operation depends on the actual size of cache. Because there are currently many nodes in cache, it will take you much time to remove any specific node (subtree) from the cache.
  • Eviction: Manipulations with eviction wakeUpInterval value does not affect performance. Performance results with values from 500 up to 3000 are approximately equal.
  • Transaction Timeout: Using short timeout for long transactions, such as Export/Import, removing huge subtree defined timeout, may cause TransactionTimeoutException.


For performance, it is better to have loadbalancer, the database server, and shared NFS on different computers. If one node gets more load than others, you can decrease this load by using the load value in the load balancer.

  • JGroups configuration: It is recommended that you use the "multiplexer stack" feature available in JGroups. This feature is set by default in eXo JCR that offers higher performance in cluster and reduces the network connections. If there are two or more clusters in your network, check that they use different ports and different cluster names.

    Also, the thread pool configurations can be tuned to prevent ReplicationTimeoutException, like below:

  • Write performance in cluster: The eXo JCR implementation uses Lucene indexing engine to provide search capabilities. However, Lucene causes some limitations for write opertation, for example, it can perform indexing only in one thread. That is why the write performance in cluster is not higher than that in a singleton environment. Data is indexed on coordinator node, so increasing write-load on cluster may lead to ReplicationTimeout exception. It occurs because writing threads queue in the indexer and under high load timeout for replication to coordinator will be exceeded.


It is recommended to exceed the replTimeout value in cache configurations in case of high write-load.

  • Replication timeout: Some operations may take too much time. So if you get ReplicationTimeoutException, try increasing the replication timeout:

    <clustering mode="replication" clusterName="${jbosscache-cluster-name}">
       <sync replTimeout="60000" />

    The value is set in miliseconds.

JVM parameters

  • PermGen space size: If you intend to use Infinispan, you will have to increase the PermGen size to at least 256 Mo due to the latest versions of JGroups that are needed by Infinispan (please note that Infinspan is only dedicated to the community for now, no support will be provided). In case you intend to use JBoss Cache, you can keep using JGroups 2.6.13.GA which means that you do not need to increase the PermGen size.

Forse Query Hints

Some databases support hints to increase query performance (like Oracle, MySQL, and more). eXo JCR have separate Complex Query implementation for Orcale dialect, that uses query hints to increase performance for few important queries.

  • To enable this option, put next configuration property:

    <workspace name="ws" auto-init-root-nodetype="nt:unstructured">
      <container class="">
          <property name="dialect" value="oracle"/>
          <property name="force.query.hints" value="true" />
  • The Query hints are enabled by default.
  • eXo JCR uses query hints only for Complex Query Oracle dialect. For all other dialects, this parameter is ignored.