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Team Contract -

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43 lines (37 loc) · 2.01 KB


An AR sculpture garden This document describes our team social contract for this project Reference [](Establishing Norms)

Daily process

  • Morning standup starts at 10:30a
    • What we did yesterday
    • What we will do today
    • Obstacles?
  • Pair program on assigned tasks during the day. Worked on our own (on already prioritized tasks) at night (depending on our own stated capacity)
  • At 2:30pm have re-group meeting where you check-in with blockers, status updates and plan for EOD merge
  • Immediately prior to end of day make applicable PRs, review each other’s code and merge into master

Pull Requests

    • Branch Names/ Git commit: RB to add link
  • Approval of Pull request:
    • Approval of Pulls done by at least one person in the other coding pair
    • Make sure listing and formatting is aligned across the team

Team expectations

  • Each of us reserves the rights to our nights and weekends, and we have all been straightforward about when and how we can commit to working on the project
  • We will make sure that in any given week you are given both back end and front end tasks (a diverse set of challenges)
  • We will rotate pairs after each feature is complete ( no more than two days per pair)
  • Share the mic

Communication Protocols

  • Over communicate via slack channel
  • If you are changing at our agreed upon ticket/task in any way communicate to all

Issue Resolution

  • If the group is divided on a certain decision we will take the following steps:
    • Take 5 minute break
    • List out the pros / cons
    • Vote on it
    • If the vote is split, escalate to a fellow or instructor
  • If you are frustrated
    • Take a walk or get some water
    • Try again to resolve
    • Bring in a 3rd party (e.g. fellow, instructor) to mediate if you feel too frustrate
  • We promise for hard conversations to try to document/whiteboard or visually resolve our discussions so that we have a record and way forward at the end