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Releases: exponential-decay/demystify

demystify v2.0.0rc1

05 Jun 20:34
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demystify v2.0.0rc1 Pre-release

Release candidate for the first Python 3 only, packaged distribution of Demystify.

Also available on


b03e051a176b9eda12f6558bcf78b543 demystify-v2.0.0rc1.tar.gz


  1. Unar the tar.gz below.
  2. Submodules will already be included, and so, run it from the repository directory, or
  3. python install to run it within a Python environment, virtual recommended.

v1.0.0 release candidate for Python 2 and 3 compatibility

16 Jan 22:42
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Release candidate for Python 2 and 3 compatibility. In support of #42


cd1bbc631330825beefb5655b6cd5025 demystify-v1.0.0-rc.tar.gz


Using the tar below, once it is unpacked, follow steps 5, and 6 below:

  1. Find a directory you want to install demystify to.
  2. git clone
  3. Navigate into the demystify repository, cd demystify.
  4. Checkout the sub-modules (pathlesstaken, and sqlitefid):
    git submodule update --init --recursive.
  5. Install lxml: python -m pip install -r requirements/production.txt.
  6. Run tests to make sure everything works: tox -e py39.

A little more on internationalization...

30 Sep 02:33
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A few small bug-fixes. A little more documentation about how to provide translations for the tool.

The most annoying bug fixed was one that attempted to find gaps cross-analysis when there was only one namespace being used. It resulted in an extremely unhelpful statistic which now won't appear for single tool analyses.


For feedback and issues please see here:

Rogue directories handled better...

31 Aug 09:45
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Tiniest of bugfixes for handling rogue directory names. Query on "" returned all. This is fixed.

Wrapping up any commits since 0.5.0-BETA.

Main issues looked at:

List Display (count output in HTML tables had regressed to childlike state)
Date handling improved (no third party libraries)
Report output if no-hashes
Rogues and blacklists further improved
New version class should help me up version properly from now!
Report all the bugs - still the most valuable thing you can do to help push this project forward.

Still looking for participants in i18N exercise, converting this table of strings and archivist descriptions:

No regress...they don't work

09 Aug 07:40
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Wrapping up any commits since 0.5.0-BETA.

Main issues looked at:

  • List Display (count output in HTML tables had regressed to childlike state)
  • Date handling improved (no third party libraries)
  • Report output if no-hashes
  • Rogues and blacklists further improved
  • New version class should help me up version properly from now!

Report all the bugs - still the most valuable thing you can do to help push this project forward.

Still looking for participants in i18N exercise, converting this table of strings and archivist descriptions:

0.5.0-BETA: Blacklists and Rogues...

14 Jun 10:08
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N.B. There is an issue with HTML formatting of tables in this version, please use v6.0.0-BETA when it is out to avoid this issue. Items will appear with brackets around them when only the count should.

  • Bug fixes, assorted
  • One particular bug of note: Single quotes in file names in DROID input, so double quote strings going into DB
  • We create blacklist sections in HTML and Text report when '--blacklist' is set, and blacklist.cfg file is configured
  • Rogues output now works as intuitively as I can imagine for now across {1..n} identifiers introduced by SF**
  • Heroes output as was before re-factor began...

**Shall seek to improve as we understand how to utilize SF capabilities better...


25 May 01:58
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v0.4.1-BETA: droid/siegfried-sqlite analysis

Notes: Is like 0.4.0-BETA but Includes better (not perfect) handling of international dates and a fixed --export flag in the main application.

First release post-refactor integrating Siegfried report analysis.

  • Integrates Siegfried YAML analysis
  • HTML by default
  • Reports on multiple namespaces and identifiers, e.g. TEXT and XML
  • Contains 'archivist' definitions for each new output
  • API has changed to be agnostic on input as to which export is used, e.g. YAML vs. DROID CSV



23 May 05:20
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v0.4.0-BETA: droid/siegfried-sqlite analysis

First release post-refactor integrating Siegfried report analysis.

  • Integrates Siegfried YAML analysis
  • HTML by default
  • Reports on multiple namespaces and identifiers, e.g. TEXT and XML
  • Contains 'archivist' definitions for each new output
  • API has changed to be agnostic on input as to which export is used, e.g. YAML vs. DROID CSV


Final DROID only release - 0.2.0-Beta

14 Mar 08:09
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Final stable release with DROID only code. Refer to this in future if DROID is the only use case. Else keep an eye on the Master branch for versions incorporating Siegfried's identifiers.

Text Only Version - 0.0.3 - Beta

11 Feb 08:20
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The first version of the tool used by Archives New Zealand. Text only output.