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Extended Icons

Extended Icons

Some not so popular icons that are out of scope of the great project.

You can view them on

About Extended Icons and it's relation to Simple Icons

I created this repository because some icons I need for my project are out of scope for the simple icons project. These include icons that have a low Alexa rank or only have local relevance. Yet I really love the simple icons infrastructure, so I based this repository on their work. This repository will only ever contain icons that are out of scope of simple icons, and shall be an extension to the project, not a competitive or alternative.


General Usage

Icons can be downloaded as SVGs directly from our website - simply click the icon you want, and the download should start automatically.

CDN Usage

Icons can be served from a CDN such as JSDelivr or Unpkg. Simply use the extended-icons npm package and specify a version in the URL like the following:

<img height="32" width="32" src="[ICON NAME].svg" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="[ICON NAME].svg" />

Where [ICON NAME] is replaced by the icon name, for example:

<img height="32" width="32" src="" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="" />

These examples use the latest major version. This means you won't receive any updates following the next major release. You can use @latest instead to receive updates indefinitely. However, this will result in a 404 error if the icon is removed.

Node Usage

The icons are also available through our npm package. To install, simply run:

$ npm install extended-icons

The API can then be used as follows:

const extendedIcons = require('extended-icons');

console.log(extendedIcons.get('Extended Icons'));

    title: 'Extended Icons',
    slug: 'extendedicons',
    hex: '111111',
    source: '',
    svg: '<svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">...</svg>',
    path: 'M12 12v-1.5c-2.484 ...'

Alternatively you can import the needed icons individually. This is useful if you are e.g. compiling your code with webpack and therefore have to be mindful of your package size:

const icon = require('extended-icons/icons/extendedicons');


    title: 'Extended Icons',
    slug: 'extendedicons',
    hex: '111111',
    source: '',
    svg: '<svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">...</svg>',
    path: 'M12 12v-1.5c-2.484 ...'

TypeScript Usage

There are also TypeScript type definitions for the Node package. To use them, simply run:

$ npm install @types/extended-icons

PHP Usage

The icons are also available through our Packagist package. To install, simply run:

$ composer require extended-icons/extended-icons

The package can then be used as follows:


echo file_get_contents('path/to/package/icons/extended-icons.svg');

// <svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">...</svg>


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