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38 lines (29 loc) · 1.06 KB

File metadata and controls

38 lines (29 loc) · 1.06 KB


License Versioning
License: MIT semantic-release

SteamCMD deployment using Podman.

How to build docs into HTML

Create ./output to store rendered HTML output:

mkdir -pv output

Allow this project directory to be mounted into Podman container:

chcon -R -v -t container_file_t .

NOTE: The chcon commands are for SELinux platforms only.

To build docs for all versions (uncommit changes will not be included into build due to sphinx-multiversion limitations):

podman run -it --rm \
--network none \
-v ./:/srv:rw extra2000/sphinx \
sphinx-multiversion ./docs/source ./output/html

To build docs for current uncommit changes:

podman run -it --rm \
--network none \
-v ./:/srv:rw \
extra2000/sphinx sphinx-build ./docs/source ./output/html/dev