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Breakdown of what each option does and how to edit or add a program to Curvs

eyezis edited this page Dec 19, 2015 · 3 revisions

Things you should know

  • The configuration file can be found at [Your Documents]\Rainmeter\Skins\Curvs\@resources\ It can be opened with notepad (or any text editor).

Break it down

Section buttons in Curvs have 3 basic options:

  1. The Bang execute (can be a Rainmeter specific function or just a path to a program)
  2. An image to display when the section button is hovered
  3. A color for the section button when it is hovered

Each option is prefixed with two numbers, the ring index and the section index. If the section does not have an image assigned to it you can hover over it to get its info.


2s3 means ring number 2, section number 3

The options are laid out as follows (Where [X] is a ring index, and [Y] is a section index):




For more about the bang option see 1. The Bang option below.
For more about the image option see 2. The Image option below.
For more about the Color option see 3. The Color option below.

1. The Bang option

Rainmeter uses what's called a Bang to execute actions in a skin. These work similarly to a shortcut with additional Rainmeter specific functionalify, which you can read about here. For example the bang ["notepad.exe"] launches notepad.

To get the program path we need a shortcut, to create a shortcut for a Steam game follow these steps (you can skip this if you already have a shortcut):

To get the program path from a shortcut:

  • Right click the shortcut
  • Select properties from the context menu (hint: it's right at the bottom)
  • You should see something like "steam://rungameid/271590" or "C:\Program Files\Program name\Something.exe" in the "Target" box.

To convert the path to a bang, we just need to place it between a pair of square brackets. For example ["steam://rungameid/271590"]

The Bang option would then be


2. The Image option

This one is a very easy step thanks to the internet. All you have to do is do a Google image search for the text (Program name) Material/Metro/Flat icon. For an example I've Googled GTA V metro icon and found this image by StArL0rd84 on Deviantart.

Due to a bug in Rainmeter, your images might end up with jaggy edges. You can avoid this bug by resizing your images to (RingCenterSize*2 + 2).
That would be 122x122 (60*2+2) with the default RingCenterSize of 60

Now download the image and copy it to the image directory. This can be found at [Your Documents]\Rainmeter\Skins\Curvs\@resources\Images\. As an example I've renamed it to GTAV.png.

The Image option would look like this in our case:


3. The Color option

Colors can be in two formats:

  • Decimal colors are specified as RRR,GGG,BBB, where RRR, GGG, and BBB are decimal numbers from 0 to 255.
  • Hexadecimal colors are specified as RRGGBB, where RR, GG, and BB are hexadecimal numbers from 00 to FF.

Getting this one is pretty simple if you know how to use any image editor. Paint works for this step too.

  • Open the image in paint
  • Select the color picker tool from the Tools section.
  • Left click on the background of the image (usually on the solid colored part)
  • Click edit colors option to the right of the Colors section.
  • You should see something like this, the numbers that I've drawn a red box around are what we are interested in

In our case the color option would look like this:
