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frawk overview

This document assumes some basic familiarity with Awk. I've found that Awk in 20 minutes is a solid introduction, while the grymoire entry provides more detail. In keeping with common practice, I have been inconsistent in this repo with how I capitalize "AWK."

My copy of the AWK book begins with a simple message:

Computer users spend a lot of time doing simple, mechanical data manipulation --- changing the format of data, checking its validity, finding items with some property, adding up numbers, printing reports and the like ... Awk is a programming language that makes it possible to handle such tasks with very short programs.

I find this diagnosis to be true today: I spend a good deal of time doing menial text gardening. For all its foibles as a language, I've found Awk to be a very valuable tool when such a "short program" is desirable. I wrote frawk to be able to write Awk programs under more circumstances. This does not mean that I intend for frawk to be a version of Awk with higher-level features; I appreciate that Awk rarely escapes the lab of one-liners and have no desire to write large programs in an Awk-like language.

frawk addresses two primary shortcomings I have found in Awk.

  1. Lack of support for structured CSV input data.
  2. Sometimes-lackluster performance.

We can take each of these in turn, and then move on to how frawk is implemented. Before getting too far into the weeds, I want to clarify that my main goal in starting this project was to learn something new: I wanted to write a small compiler, I wanted to learn about LLVM, and I wanted to do some basic static analysis. On that score frawk has been an unalloyed success.

Disclaimer frawk is still incomplete. I have found that it is sufficient for my day-to-day scripting needs, but some features from Awk are not implemented and the implementation is likely far less stable than the ones you have come to know and love. With those caveats aside, here is why I think frawk is interesting.

Slightly Structured Data

frawk with the -i csv option will properly parse and escape CSV data. This section explains why this is valuable.

Awk processes data line by line, splitting by a "record separator" which is (essentially) a regular expression. That means it's easy enough to write the script

awk -F',' 'NR>1 { SUM+=$2 } END { print SUM }'

To sum the second column in a file where commas always delimit fields. The following input will yield 6.


However, the script will produce the wrong result if the input is a CSV file with embedded commas in some fields, such as

"The Deluge: The Great War, America and the Remaking of the Global Order, 1916-1931",3

In this case, the second field of the third line will be the text "America and the Remaking of the Global Order", which will be silently coerced to the number 0, thereby contributing nothing to the total and undercounting the sum by 3.

In other words, the standard Awk syntax of referencing columns by $1,$n, etc. may not work if the input is an escaped CSV file. In practice, I've found that I can't trust Awk to work on a large CSV file where I cannot manually verify that no fields contain embedded ,s. frawk with the -i csv option will properly parse and escape CSV data. Awk is a sufficiently expressive language that one could parse the CSV manually, but doing so is both cumbersome and inefficient.

Efficiency, and Purpose-Built Tools

frawk is often a good deal faster than utilities like gawk and mawk when parsing large data files or performing particularly computation-intensive tasks. The main reasons for frawk's higher performance are:

  1. frawk infers types for its variables, so it decides which variables are numbers and which are strings before it runs the program. This can speed up arithmetic in tight loops, and it also eliminates branching when it comes to performing coercions between strings and numbers. frawk achieves this while maintaining just about all of Awk's semantics: the only type errors frawk gives you are type errors in Awk, as well.
  2. The fact that frawk produces a typed representation allows it to generate fairly simple CLIF or LLVM IR and then JIT that IR to machine code at runtime. This avoids the overhead of an interpreter at the cost of a few milliseconds of time at startup. frawk provides a bytecode interpreter (enabled via the -Binterp option) for smaller scripts and for help in testing.
  3. frawk uses some fairly recent techniques for efficiently validating UTF-8, parsing CSV, and parsing floating point numbers. On top of that, it leverages high-quality implementations of regular expressions and standard collections, along with several other useful crates from the Rust community.

The fact that existing Awk implementations tend to lack great support for CSV, combined with lackluster performance on larger datasets when compared with a language like Rust, has meant that developers have resorted to building custom tools for processing CSV and TSV files. Tools like xsv and tsv-utils are great; if you haven't checked them out and you find yourself processing large amounts of tabular data, it's worth your while to take them for a spin. But while these tools are fast, they aren't a full substitute for Awk. They do not provide a full programming language, and it can be cumbersome to perform even moderately complex operations with them.

I've found that even for short programs, frawk performs comparably to xsv on CSV data, and within a factor of 2 or 3 on TSV data when compared with tsv-utils. frawk can perform tsv-utils-like queries on CSV data in substantially less time than the bundled csv2tsv tool can convert the data to TSV. I think that is a pretty good trade-off if you want to perform a higher-level operation that these other tools do not support. See the benchmarks doc for hard numbers on this.

frawk's structure

frawk is structured like a conventional compiler and interpreter. Given source code, frawk parses it, converts it into a few intermediate representations, generates lower level code, and executes it.

  1. The lexer tokenizes the frawk source code.
  2. The parser produces an abstract syntax tree (AST) from the stream of tokens.
  3. The AST is converted to an untyped control-flow-graph (CFG). We perform SSA conversion on this CFG.
  4. With the CFG in SSA form, an inference algorithm assigns types to all variables in the program.
  5. Given the untyped CFG and the results of the inference algorithm, we can produce a typed CFG with explicit bytecode instructions. (happens here)
  6. From there, the code is lowered into one of (a) bytecode instructions that can be interpreted directly, (b) LLVM-IR that is JIT-compiled and then run, or (c) cranelift.

Most of this is fairly standard. The first few steps can be found (for example) in the Tiger Book. I used that as a primary reference, along with some reading on alternatives to the Lengauer-Tarjan algorithm for SSA construction that were published after the Tiger Book.

You can view a textual representation of the untyped CFG by passing the --dump-cfg flag to frawk. Bytecode and LLVM can be viewed with the --dump-bytecode and --dump-llvm options. The latter will be optimized; passing -O0 will roughly show the LLVM constructed by frawk.

To avoid long compile times and complicated builds, the LLVM and Cranelift code makes function calls into the same runtime that is used to interpret bytecode instructions. Smuggling more of the runtime code into the generated code at build time would likely result in a faster program, because it would give LLVM (and to a lesser extent, Cranelift) more opportunities to inline and optimize runtime calls. The current approach helps keep build times low, and the build setup simple.

Static Analysis

I read through the delightful Static Program Analysis book while building frawk. Among other things, it showed me that many properties about a program can be approximated as the solution of (potentially recursive!) equations defined on a suitable partial order, so long as the functions defining those equations are monotone. Furthermore, one can solve these equations by running them through simple propagator-style networks until their values stop changing. Primary examples of this in frawk are:

These were all implemented with the help of the very useful petgraph library.

Differences from AWK

frawk's structure and language are borrowed almost wholesale from Awk; using frawk feels very similar to using mawk, nawk, or gawk. frawk also supports many of the more difficult Awk features to implement, like printf, and user-defined functions. While many common idioms from Awk are supported in frawk, some features are missing while still others provide subtly incompatible semantics. Please file a feature request if a particular piece of behavior that you rely on is missing; nothing in frawk's implementation precludes features from the standard Awk language, though some might be troublesome to implement.

This list of differences is not exhaustive. In particular, I would not be at all surprised to discover there were bugs in frawk's parser.

What is missing

  • By default, frawk uses the ryu crate to print floating point numbers, rather than the CONVFMT variable. Explicitly changing the precision of floating point output requires an appropriate invocation of printf or sprintf.
  • next, or nextfile are supported in frawk, but they can only be invoked from the main loop. I haven't come across any Awk scripts that use either of these commands from within a function, and it's a major simplification to just disallow this case. Again, let me know if this is an important use-case for you.
  • Many of the extensions in gawk (e.g. co-processes, multidimensional arrays) are also not implemented. Most "book" awk builtin functions and commands are supported at this point, but please file an issue if you notice any gaps.
  • While it has never been tried, I sincerely doubt that frawk will run at all well --- or at all --- on a 32-bit platform. I suspect it would run much slower on a 64-bit non-x86 architecture.

What is new

  • frawk supports the -i csv and -i tsv command-line options, which split all inputs (regardless of the value of FS and RS) according to the CSV and TSV formats, assigning $0 to the raw line and $N to the Nth field in the current row, fully escaped. There is also equivalent functionality for output CSV-escaped lines (enabled via -o csv and -o tsv).
  • frawk has a builtin join_fields function that produces a string of a particular range of input columns.
  • frawk provides an int function for converting a scalar value to an integer, and a hex function for converting a hexadecimal string to an integer. It also supports hexadecimal numeric literals.
  • For scripts run with either of the icsv, itsv options, scripts that only split by whitespace, or scripts that only use one single-byte record and field separator, frawk supports executing the script in parallel.
  • Following gawk, bitwise operators are supported via the and, or, compl, lshift, rshift, and xor builtins. frawk also supports rshiftl for logical right shift. Unlike gawk, the and, or and xor functions are not variadic.
  • frawk functions can return arrays, function calls can appear in the array position for a for-each loop.
  • With the -H flag, frawk parses the first line of input (without updating NR or FNR) and populates the FI builtin variable with the contents the fields in the first line mapping to their index. So in a script parsing a file with a field called "count" in column 6, the expression $FI["count"] behaves like $6. frawk's implementation of this feature plays nicely with its projection pushdown analysis.

What is different

None of these differences are fundamental to frawk's approach; they can be dispensed with, if at some cost. Let me know if you find more discrepancies, or if you find that the following are a serious hindrance:

  • Regex Syntax frawk currently uses rust's regex syntax. This is similar, but not identical, to Awk's regex syntax. I've considered implementing my own regex engine, or compiling Awk regexes to rust regexes; it just isn't something I've gotten around to doing.
  • String comparisons Comparing one string to another string always uses lexicographic ordering. When comparing two strings, Awk first tests if both strings are numbers and then compares them numerically if they are. I find these semantics fairly counter-intuitive: for one thing, it means that two strings that are "equal" can hash to different values in an array. It also means that it's pretty hard to explicitly opt into lexicographic comparison. On the other hand, opting into numeric comparison is fairly easy: just add one of the operands to 0. To preserve some idioms, frawk coerces all operands to numbers if one of their operands is a number; this preserves the common use-case of (e.g.) filtering a numeric column by a numeric constant. I've found these semantics to be more predictable, and also more straightforward to implement.
  • Null values and join points Null values in frawk may occasionally be coerced to integers. For example if (0) { x = 5 }; printf "[%s]", x; will print [] in Awk and will print [0] in frawk. This is the main pattern in which frawk's approach to types can "leak" into actual programs.
  • UTF-8 frawk can accept arbitrary bytes, but regular expressions and printf are UTF-8 aware. frawk does not validate input by default, but the --utf8 flag enables frawk's efficient UTF-8 validation on all input.
  • Batching frawk batches reading and writing data fairly aggressively compared with most Awk implementations that I have come across. This is done largely for performance reasons, and reflects the intended use-case of "batch" data- processing scripts.
  • frawk supports spawning a subshell via the <string> | getline, print[f] ... | <string> syntax as well as the system builtin function. From what I understand, functions like this (where an arbitrary string is passed wholesale to a shell) are considered anti-patterns, and have been deprecated in some languages because they make it easy for unsanitized user input to make it into a subshell, potentially doing nefarious or unwanted things with the user's machine. To help mitigate this, frawk implements a static taint analysis that substantially limits the set of strings that can be passed to the shell. frawk also provides an escape hatch for cases where the input is trusted or the analysis is too conservative: the -A flag opts users out of the taint analysis. I am open to feedback on extensions or modifications to this feature.