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EZP-59554: Created Online Editor Custom Styles documentation (#400)
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alongosz authored and DominikaK committed Sep 17, 2018
1 parent efb815f commit e235c86
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 0 deletions.
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions docs/guide/
Expand Up @@ -85,3 +85,74 @@ ezrichtext.custom_tags.ezyoutube.attributes.video_url.label: 'Video url'
ezrichtext.custom_tags.ezyoutube.attributes.width.label: Width
ezrichtext.custom_tags.ezyoutube.attributes.align.label: 'Align'

## Custom styles

You can extend the Online Editor with custom text styles.
The feature depends on [Alloy Editor styles](
The styles are available in the text toolbar when a section of text is selected.

There are two kinds of custom styles: block and inline.
Inline styles apply to the selected portion of text only, while block styles apply to the whole paragraph.

### Back Office configuration

The sample configuration is as follows:

``` yaml
custom_styles: [highlighted_block, highlighted_word]

template: '@ezdesign/field_type/ezrichtext/custom_style/highlighted_word.html.twig'
inline: true
template: '@ezdesign/field_type/ezrichtext/custom_style/highlighted_block.html.twig'
inline: false

The system expects two kinds of configuration:

- a global list of custom styles, defined under the node `ezpublish.ezrichtext.custom_styles`,
- a list of enabled custom styles for a given Admin SiteAccess or Admin SiteAccess group, located under the node `ezpublish.system.<scope>.fieldtypes.ezrichtext.custom_styles`

!!! note

Defining this list for a front site SiteAccess currently has no effect.

### Translations

Labels that appear for each custom style in the Online Editor need to be translated using Symfony translation system.
The translation domain is called `custom_tags`. For the code example above, you can do it in a `app/Resources/translations/custom_tags.en.yml` file:

ezrichtext.custom_styles.highlighted_block.label: Highlighted block
ezrichtext.custom_styles.highlighted_word.label: Highlighted word

### Rendering

The `template` key points to the template used to render the custom style. It is recommended to use the [design engine](

In the example above, the template files for the front end could be:

- `app/Resources/views/themes/standard/field_type/ezrichtext/custom_style/highlighted_word.html.twig`:

``` html+twig
<span class="ezstyle-{{ name }}">{% spaceless %}{{ content|raw }}{% endspaceless %}</span>

- `app/Resources/views/themes/standard/field_type/ezrichtext/custom_style/highlighted_block.html.twig`:

``` html+twig
<div class="{% if align is defined %}align-{{ align }}{% endif %} ezstyle-{{ name }}">{% spaceless %}{{ content|raw }}{% endspaceless %}</div>

Templates for Content View in the Back Office would be `app/Resources/views/themes/admin/field_type/ezrichtext/custom_style/highlighted_word.html.twig` and `app/Resources/views/themes/admin/field_type/ezrichtext/custom_style/highlighted_block.html.twig` respectively (assuming Admin SiteAccess uses the `admin` theme).

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