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File metadata and controls

73 lines (52 loc) · 2.79 KB


Currently, Chanterelle does not have a dedicated command line tool for invoking its functionality. Instead, one writes a brief PureScript program to invoke the various features of Chanterelle.

Generally, you'd want to have at least two subprojects, one for compiling and one for deploying/testing. This is because the deployer and test suite will surely depend on PureScript bindings generated during the compilation phase, and thus cannot be part of the same project. An example of this can be seen in the Parking DAO example.

Invoking the compiler

A sample application to invoke the compiler is presented below. This is nearly identical to the Parking DAO compile script, with the exception that this script also invokes the Genesis block generator. One may leave out the runGenesisGenerator bit if this functionality is not required. One may want to store this script in a directory outside where their PureScript build system (such as Pulp) would keep code. One such location is compile/Compile.purs (as opposed to say, src/compile/Compile.purs).

module CompileMain where

import Prelude
import Chanterelle (compileMain)
import Chanterelle.Genesis (runGenesisGenerator)
import Control.Monad.Aff.Console (CONSOLE)
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (EXCEPTION)
import Node.FS.Aff (FS)
import Node.Process (PROCESS)
import Network.Ethereum.Web3 (ETH)

main :: forall eff.
        ( console :: CONSOLE
        , fs :: FS
        , process :: PROCESS
        , exception :: EXCEPTION
        , eth :: ETH
        | eff
main = do
  runGenesisGenerator "./base-genesis-block.json" "./injected-genesis-block.json"

We can then invoke this script as follows

pulp build --src-path compile -m CompileMain --to compile.js && \
node compile.js --log-level info; \
rm -f compile.js

This will compile and purescript-web3 codegen all the modules specified in chanterelle.json as well as generate a genesis block whose contents are those of ./base-genesis-block.json with injected libraries appended into allocs and written out to ./injected-genesis-block.json.

Note that we do not use pulp run as we then have no means to pass command line arguments to the compiler.

Compiler arguments

Currently the following command line arguments are supported for the compiler phase when ran with compileMain:

  • --log-level: One of debug, info, warn, or error. Defaults to info. This option changes the level of logging to the console.