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Chanterelle supports supplying Solidity libraries to solc during compile-time. Future versions will support injecting libraries during the Deployment phase.


Each library is a mapping of a library name to one or more parameters describing it. These parameters are utilized during the compilation of contracts as well as when generating genesis blocks. Each library specified will have its address passed into solc so that it may automatically be linked into the compiled bytecode.

Fixed Libraries

The most basic form of library descriptor is simply a library name and an address. This is seldom used in practice, and will prevent the genesis generator from running.

Autocompiled Libraries

These are the most common form of library you'll likely use. In this case, rather than a string representing the library address, one specified an object containing the library's address as well as where to find the Solidity code for that library.

When generating genesis blocks, the generator will compile the library and use the resulting bytecode.

Injected Libraries

Injected libraries consist of raw EVM bytecode that represents the code that should exist at the library's address (i.e., as would be received from eth.getCode("0xaddress"). Note that most Solidity libraries have checks to ensure that they are not called directly, and have this written as part of their deployment address when they are first deployed to the blockchain. To handle this, Chanterelle will automatically substitute that section of the bytecode to ensure the library behaves as expected. If a library does implement this check in the standard manner (by having the first bytes be 0x73<addr>3014), the genesis generator will fail.

Fetched Libraries

Chanterelle may be configured to attempt to fetch the code for a library from an existing network. Should the code be unavailable on all the specified networks, the genesis generator will fail.

The "via" field may be one of:

  • "*": Attempt to fetch the library from all networks defined in the project spec
  • "**": Attempt to fetch the library from both the networks defined in the project spec as well as from the predefined networks: mainnet, ropsten, rinkeby, kovan, or localhost.
  • ["net_name", ...]: Attempt to fetch the library from any of the named networks. These may include both the project-specific networks as well as the predefined networks. Note that this must be an array even if only one network is specified.