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File metadata and controls

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You can use whatever purescript testing framework you want, but for illustrative purposes we will use purescript-spec.

There are various testing utility functions in Chanterelle.Test, probably the most important is buildTestConfig.

type TestConfig r =
  { accounts :: Array Address
  , provider :: Provider
  | r

  :: String
  -> Int
  -> DeployM (Record r)
  -> Aff (TestConfig r)

This function takes in some test configuration options and a deploy script, and outputs a record containing all of the unlocked accounts on the test node, a connection to the node, and whatever the output of your deployment script is. This output is then meant to be threaded through as an environment to the rest of your test suites.

Note, unlike the deploy process meant for actual deployments, buildTestConfig will not write anything to the file system about the result of your deployment. In other words, test deployments are ephemeral.

Example Test Suite

Here's an example test suite for our SimpleStorage contract:

  :: forall r.
     TestConfig (simpleStorage :: Address | r)
  -> Spec Unit
simpleStorageSpec {provider, accounts, simpleStorage} = do

  describe "Setting the value of a SimpleStorage Contract" do

    it "can set the value of simple storage" $ do
      var <- makeEmptyVar
      let filterCountSet = eventFilter (Proxy :: Proxy SimpleStorage.CountSet) simpleStorage
      _ <- forkWeb3 provider $
        event filterCountSet $ \e@(SimpleStorage.CountSet cs) -> do
          liftEff $ log $ "Received Event: " <> show e
          _ <- liftAff $ putVar cs._count var
          pure TerminateEvent
      let primaryAccount = unsafePartialBecause "Accounts list has at least one account" $ fromJust (accounts !! 0)
          n = unsafePartial fromJust <<< uIntNFromBigNumber s256 <<< embed $ 42
          txOptions = defaultTransactionOptions # _from ?~ primaryAccount
                                                # _to ?~ simpleStorage
                                                # _gas ?~ embed 90000
      hx <- assertWeb3 provider $ SimpleStorage.setCount txOptions {_count: n}
      liftEff <<< log $ "setCount tx hash: " <> show hx
      val <- takeVar var
      val `shouldEqual` n

The flow of the test is as follows:

  1. We create an AVar to communicate between the testing thread and the event monitoring thread.
  2. We then fork an event monitoring thread for our CountSet event, placing the first received value in the AVar and terminating the monitor. Notice that the address for the filter is taken from the supplied TestConfig.
  3. We create then our TransactionOptions and submit a transaction to change the count using the setCount function from the generated PureScript module.
  4. We call takeVar which blocks until the var is filled, then make sure the value we received is the one we put in.

Admittingly this example is pretty trivial-- of course we're going to get back the value we put in. However, this pattern is pretty universal, namely take the supplied test config to help you template the transactions, call some functions, monitor for some event, then make sure the values are what you want.