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Terrence Houlahan edited this page Apr 15, 2020 · 10 revisions


pi-ap is a series of bash scripts that automate the configuration of a Raspberry Pi into a Wireless Access Point. Using pi-ap is quite simple and requires really no Linux knowledge or experience.

pi-ap is really just a wrapper using a series of bash scripts to automate the configuration of hostapd, wpa_supplicant, dnsmasq and dhcpcd. pi-ap additionally sets the hostname, configures some basic FW rules and masquerading and a few other things, but delivering the AP functionality is done by automating the config of those (4) key services.

Uses Cases:

pi-ap is not intended to replace enterprise class WiFi solutions. A few obvious use cases are:

  • Covering a WiFi dead spot in your home
  • Extending WiFi access into your backyard for surfing the Internet from your Hammock on a sunny DRY afternoon
  • Teaching networking


  • Raspberry Pi 3B+ or Pi 4
  • Internet-connected Router with at least 1 port enabled for DHCP enabled
  • Ethernet Cable to uplink the Pi on eth0 to the router

NOTE: Most ISP will ship their consumer routers with DHCP enabled on the free Ethernet port(s)


In addition to below instructions, there's a YouTube video tutorial that demonstrates a start-to-finish install of pi-ap at: Video is 8 minutes in total, but you only need to watch the first 4 minutes of it really.

  1. Connect Pi to Internet connected Router via Pi's eth0 Ethernet port BEFORE continuing!

  2. Login to your Pi and download pi-ap:

git clone

  1. Change working path to:

cd pi-ap

  1. Edit default values in "" file. Although pi-ap will probably "just-work" without changing anything (assuming you're not using same subnet as the Pi's used to assign AP clients IPs). I really suggest you change at least the SSID & APWPASSWD variables:


  1. After saving and exiting the file, execute the main install script:

sudo ./

  1. After it reboots, choose the SSID you set in from your list of WiFi networks and connect using the password you set for it. That's it, you're all done.

  2. SSH into Pi on AP Address: If you haven't changed the default subnetting, you can SSH into Pi using the AP's address now:

ssh pi@

Hope you find Pi-AP useful!

Terrence Houlahan, Linux & Network Engineer

StackExchange Raspberry Pi Profile pi-ap

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