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fiddling with R and maps

##How 2 Setup R on MACOSX 10.9.2

This is a short documentation what I did to setup a R environment I like. Mostly for me not to forget what I did. The $ at the beginning of the commandos is an indicator for the command prompt of the terminal or iTerm. Not a real command.

###install homebrew

follow this guide to install the XCode command line tools. Then go to to and follow the installation instructions.

###install XQaurtz with homebrew cask

$ brew tap phinze/cask
$ brew install brew-cask
$ brew cask install XQuartz

###install iTerm2 with homebrew cask

$ brew cask install iterm2   

###install r by download

go to here and follow the installation instructions

###install r via homebrew (alternative. can create errors. not fully tested)
found here

brew update
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install gfortan
brew install r

###Create rLibrary
In iTerm enter:

$ mkdir -p ~/rLibrary  

###Check if it working

Enter the following command in iterm This should open the REPL of r.

  • Set the libpath as shown below
  • Write q() to end it.

This is what you should see:

$ r
R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25) -- "Frisbee Sailing"
Copyright (C) 2013 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 (64-bit)
R ist freie Software und kommt OHNE JEGLICHE GARANTIE.
Sie sind eingeladen, es unter bestimmten Bedingungen weiter zu verbreiten.
Tippen Sie 'license()' or 'licence()' für Details dazu.
R ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt mit vielen Beitragenden.
Tippen Sie 'contributors()' für mehr Information und 'citation()',
um zu erfahren, wie R oder R packages in Publikationen zitiert werden können.
Tippen Sie 'demo()' für einige Demos, 'help()' für on-line Hilfe, oder
'help.start()' für eine HTML Browserschnittstelle zur Hilfe.
Tippen Sie 'q()', um R zu verlassen.

$ > 2 + 4
$ > .libPaths("Users/YourHomeFolder/rLibrary")
$ > q()  

###Setup R Environment

Start the r REPL by writing: The getwd() and setwd() commands give the the location your r console is running.

$ r
$ > getwd()
[1] "/Users/YourHomeFolder/"

create a Environment file in your home directory.

$ echo "R_LIBS=/Users/$HOME/rLibrary" > $HOME/.Renviron

###install Sublime Text

go to here and follow the instructions

###install Sublime Package Manager

go to here and follow the instructions

###install SublimeREPL via Package Manager

in the Sublime Text Command palette (shift + cmd + p) enter REPL

###install Sublime Enhanced-R via Package Manager

  • in the Sublime Text Command palette (shift + cmd + p) enter Enhanced.
  • open Sublime Text>Preferences>Package Settings>Enhanced R>Settings Default
  • open Sublime Text>Preferneces>Package Settings>Enhanced R>Settings User
  • copy the whole content from Default to user and change the settings to iterm

It should look like this:

"osx" : {
    // R / R64 / Terminal / iTerm

    "App" : "iTerm"
    // path to Rscript binary
    // "Rscript" : "/usr/bin/Rscript",

###Finally write some code

Open a iterm window and enter r to open the REPL

$ r

Create a new file in Sublime Text and save it as test.r
write into it:

vec = c(1,20,30,40,100,200,200)  
plot(vec, main="Hello World")

select the whole code you want to execute and hit cmd + enter. This is the execute command from Enhanced-R and should send the selected code to iterm. iterm executes it and XQuartz should open an new window.

###install a r package

Enter into your testfile.


Select it and hit cmd+enter.


fiddling with R and maps







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