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fabiantheblind edited this page Nov 20, 2012 · 5 revisions

    var data = {
                [  0,50],
                [ 10,60],
                [ 20,40],
                [ 30,60],
                [ 40,40],
                [ 50,60],
                [ 60,40],
                [ 70,60],
                [ 80,40],
                [ 90,60],
      // we need a doc
    // use pw and ph from data
    var doc = app.documents.add({
    // the page is already there
    var page = doc.pages.item(0);
    // create a graphicLine
    var gl = page.graphicLines.add(); 
    // loop thru the data.anchors
    for(var i in data.anchors){
        var point = gl.paths[0].pathPoints[i];
         * a graphicLine always has 2 pathpoints
         * so we need to add points only from the third
         * anchor from the data object
        if(i < 2){
            point.anchor = data.anchors[i];
            point = gl.paths[0].pathPoints.add();
            point.anchor =  data.anchors[i];
             if((i != data.anchors.length - 1)&& i!=0)
            point.rightDirection = data.anchors[i-1];
            point.leftDirection = data.anchors[i];

    // based on this processing sketch by
    // PhiLho
    // the size of the page
    var ph= 150;
    var pw= 150;
        // we need a doc
      // use pw and phas size
      var doc = app.documents.add({
      // the page is already there
      var page = doc.pages.item(0);
      // get the center of the page
      var cx = pw / 2;
      var cy = ph / 2;
      // define the initial radius
      var init_rad = 0.9 *(pw / 2);
      var radius = init_rad;
      //this is the amplitude fpr the disturb
      var  amplitude = radius / 10;
      // create a graphicLine
      var gl = page.graphicLines.add(); 
      var radians_angle; // this will hold the angle in radians
      // !warning! 10 rounds made my InDesign Crash. Not enough Memory  
      // if you need more rounds make bigger steps on the degree iterator
      var rounds = 5; // how many rounds 

    //~   we need to count the pathpoints.
    //~   the first an second always exist in  a grapic line
      var count = 0;
      // loop thru the data.anchors
      for(var degrees = 0; degrees < 360*rounds; degrees++){
          // calculate the degree to radians
          radians_angle = ((degrees/360)%360) * 2 * Math.PI;
        // get the point
          var point = gl.paths[0].pathPoints[degrees];
         // set the disturb to 0 if you want striaght lines
        var disturb1 = amplitude * Math.sin(radians_angle * (Math.random()*(init_rad)/rounds)); 
        // calc the position on the circle
        var x1 = cx + (radius + disturb1) * Math.cos(radians_angle);
        var y1 = cy + (radius + disturb1) * Math.sin(radians_angle);
           * a graphicLine always has 2 pathpoints
           * so we need to add points only from the third index
          if(count < 2){
              point.anchor = [x1,y1];
              point = gl.paths[0].pathPoints.add();
              point.anchor =  [x1,y1];
            // now make the circle smaller by every round
            if(degrees%360 == 0)radius-= ((init_rad)/rounds );
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