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File metadata and controls

1902 lines (1278 loc) · 45.4 KB


ZM is a C99 library to manage concurrent tasks based on finite state machine.

Basic Concept:

ZM allow to instance tasks from a task class. A task class is defined throught some zm-macros as follow:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <zm.h>

/* define class foo */
    /* common operation code block */
    printf("- [common]\n");


    zmstate ZM_INIT:
        /* constructor code block */
        printf("- init task\n");
        zmyield zmDONE;
    zmstate 1:
        /* code block 1 */
        printf("- hello\n");
        /* define the next resume point as zmstate 5 */
        zmyield 5;

    zmstate 5:
        /* code block 2 */
        printf("- world\n");
        zmyield zmTERM;

    zmstate ZM_TERM:
        /* distructor code block */
        printf("- end task\n");
        zmyield zmEND;


int main()
    /* instance scheduler */
    zm_VM *vm = zm_newVM("test VM");
    zm_State *s;

    printf("* start\n");

    /* instance a suspended task from class foo */
    s = zm_newTask(vm, foo, NULL);

    /* resume it */
    zm_resume(vm, s, NULL);

    printf("* run tasks...\n");

    /* run scheduler step by step */
    while(zm_go(vm, 1, NULL))
        printf("* (step)\n");

    /* free task */
    zm_freeTask(vm, s);
    /* free scheduler */

    return 0;


* start
- [common]
- init task
* run tasks...
- [common]
- hello
* (step)
- [common]
- world
* (step)
- [common]
- end task
* (step)
* (step)

note: the last (step) refer to internal close operations of task s.

Task execution flow:

The task class split code execution throught zmstate and zmyield directive.

The task execution flow is defined as:

  1. Instance: when a task is instanced it execute the code between ZMTASKDEF - ZMSTART and the piece of code between zmstate ZM_INIT - zmyield zmDONE (if it has been defined).

  2. First step: when the scheduler execute a task for the first time it execute the code between ZMTASKDEF- ZMSTART and the code between zmstate 1 and the first zmyield.

  3. Other steps: other steps depend by first step and by external task action.

The yield operator can be used to send directive to task manager as wait an event or end task. A simple zmyield followed by a number define the next zmstate in the same task instance to be execute at the next scheduler cycle.


In ZM there are two kind of tasks: ptask or process-task and subtask.

The term task is used in this documentation to identify a generic task (both ptask and subtask).

Task class:

A task class define a zm_Machine* that can be used to instance tasks (ptask and subtask).


    /* [common] */

    zmstate 1:
        /* [code]  */


ZMTASKDEF create the zm_Machine *foo, ZMSTART is equivalent to a switch, zmstate to case while ZMEND is a kind of default. For more information see ZM look into at the end of this document.

Between ZMTASKDEF and ZMSTART is possibile to define variable or write piece of code that will executed before any zmstate.


zmtates define the atomic execution blocks in a task.

zmstate 100:
    /* atomic execution block - begin */


    zmyield ...
    /* atomic execution block - end */

zmstate is followed by a positive integer between 1 and 250 (value over 250 are reserved)

The first zmstate:

zmstate 1 is the default resume point for every new instanced task: it must always be present.

Reserved zmstates:

There are two reserved zmstate ZM_INIT and ZM_TERM, these cannot be use in a yield statement directly.

Task manager:

Task manager is a scheduler that process actives tasks by machine steps.

A machine step is the piece of code between the current zmstate and the first yield or raise operator.

Task manager is also called virtual mapper vm because it remap the execution flow through operator like: zmstate, zmyield, zmraise.


zm_VM *zm_newVM(const char *name)

This instance a new task manager (name is only for debug purpose, it can be NULL).


The main "play" command to run tasks scheduled by vm is:

int zm_go(zm_VM *vm, unsigned int nstep, zm_Machine *m);


  • vm is the task manager.
  • m is a task class filter (NULL to execute any active tasks).
  • nsteps is number of machine step to be performed. If nstep is 0 the task manager only return a ZM_RUN_AGAIN.

This function return ZM_RUN_IDLE if there is nothing to do or a combination of these flags:

  • ZM_RUN_AGAIN there are still active tasks
  • ZM_RUN_EXCEPTION an exception have been raised but not catched (see zm_uCatch)
  • ZM_RUN_BREK a vm break as been set (see vm_break).

ZM_RUN_IDLE is numerical equals to 0 so zm_go can be used inside a while:

while((status = zm_go(vm, 100, NULL))) {}


zm_freeVM(zm_VM *vm);

This operation can be perfomed only when there is no more task associated to this vm.

For this reason it's safer perform a global close operation before:

/* send a close to all vm tasks */

/* wait the end of task close operations */
while(zm_go(vm, 100, NULL)) {}

/* free vm */


A ptask is a green thread. Many ptasks can be active at the same time, emulating concurrently execution.

Create a ptask:

zm_State* zm_newTask(zm_VM *vm, zm_Machine *m, void *taskdata)

This Instance a new ptask task relative to the task manager vm associated to task class m. taskdata can be used to associate user data to the task (see below).

Create a ptasklet:

A ptasklet is a ptask that have not to be manually free, it will automatically free after the close operation.

zm_State* zm_newTasklet(zm_VM *vm , zm_Machine *m, void *taskdata)

Tasklet will be described in the Exception and closing operation chapter.

Resume a ptask:

Every ptask is created in suspend mode, to resume it:

zm_resume(zm_VM *vm, zm_State *task, void *argument);


#include <zm.h>


    zmstate 1:
        printf("here we go\n");
        zmyield zmTERM;


int main() {
    /* instance a new task manager */
    zm_VM *vm = zm_newVM("test");

    /* instance a ptask relative to machine foo */
    zm_State *task = zm_newTask(vm , foo, NULL);

    /* resume the task */
    zm_resume(vm, task, NULL);

    /* execute 30 machine step */
    zm_go(vm, 30, NULL);

    /* free the task */
    zm_freeTask(vm, task);

    /* free the task manager */


A subtask is a special task, child of another task. Subtasks help to reuse code, improve readability and implement other continuations structures like Exception and Continue Exception.

If a process-task is like a thread, subtasks are like functions executed inside a thread.

When a ptask yield to a subtask the ptask is temporary suspended in a busy-waiting mode until the subtask don't term or suspend its execution.

This is the same behaviour of a function call from an abstracted point of view:

  1. pause the current code
  2. active function code
  3. wait the function processing
  4. resume the code after the function call

Subtasks can yield to other subtask like function call can be nested.

Create a subtask:

Inside a task class is possible to instance one or more subtasks with:

zm_State* zmNewSubTask(zm_Machine* machine, void *subtaskdata)

/* or a bit shorter */

zm_State* zmNewSub(zm_Machine* machine, void *subtaskdata);

This can be done only in a task class (between ZMTASKDEF and ZMEND).

Yield to a subtask (resume a subtask):

While a ptask can be resumed with zm_resume a subtask can be resumed only within the zmyield operator by a resume-yield operator like zmSUB.

This operation is named yield to a subtask:

zmyield zmSUB(zm_State *subtask, void *argument) | resumepoint;

resumepoint is the zmstate where the current task will restart when subtask yield back to the curren task.


A subtasklet is a subtask that have not to be manually free, it will automatically free after the close operation.

/* instance a subtasklet */
zm_State* zmNewSubTasklet(zm_Machine* machine, void *subtaskdata);

/* instance a subtasklet (shortcut syntax) */
zm_State* zmNewSu(zm_Machine* machine, void *subtaskdata);

A subtasklet have the same behaviour of a subtask: yield to a subtasklet is performed in the same way with zmSUB.

Anyway there is a shortcut syntax to instance and yield to a subtasklet with only one command:

zmyield zmSU(zm_Machine *m, void *data, void *argument) | resumepoint;

This syntax allow to rewrite this code:

zm_State *sub = zmNewSubTasklet(foo2, data);
zmyield zmSUB(sub, arg) | 4;


zmyield zmSU(foo2, data, arg) | 4;

Yield to the caller (return):

Yield to a subtask seen above is a kind of function call: subtask is activated and current task (the caller) is suspended in a busy waiting mode.

When subtask want to suspend or term its execution it can perform two kind of yield:

  • zmyield zmTERM: yield to end close current task and resume the caller
  • zmyield zmCALLER: yield to the caller suspend current task and resume the caller.

Apparently these two yields perform the same operation from the caller point of view but caller can distinguish them defining two resume point:

zmyield zmSUB(zm_State *subtask, void *argument) | epoint
  • ipoint zmstate where the current task will restart when subtask yield to the caller.
  • epoint zmstate where the current task will restart when subtask yield to end.


#include <zm.h>

zm_State *tmp;


    zmstate 1:
        printf("subfoo: one\n");
        zmyield zmSUSPEND | 2;

    zmstate 2:
        printf("subfoo: two\n");
        zmyield zmTERM;



    zmstate 1:
        printf("foo: init\n");
        tmp = zmNewSub(subfoo, NULL);
        /* yield to tmp and resume in 2 */
        zmyield zmSUB(tmp, NULL) | 2;

    zmstate 2:
        printf("foo: again\n");
        /* yield to tmp and resume in 3 */
        zmyield zmSUB(tmp, NULL) | 3;

    zmstate 3:
        zmyield zmTERM;


int main() {
    zm_VM *vm = zm_newVM("test");
    zm_State *task = zm_newTask(vm , foo, NULL);
    zm_resume(vm, task, NULL);
    zm_go(vm, 100, NULL);
    zm_freeTask(vm, task);


foo: init
subfoo: one
foo: again
subfoo: two

Case convention:

The code of a task class (everything between ZMTASKDEF and ZMEND) is a special context. Some function and operator like zmyield or zmSUB have meaning only inside the task class context while others like zm_resume have no limitation (generic context).

The main case convention rule is that commands that can be used only in task class context don't have underscore after zm prefix.

Task class context:

  1. ZMABC: definition operators
    • ZMEND
  2. zmAbcXyz: functions
    • zmNewSubTask()
    • zmCatch()
    • zmCurrent()
    • ...
  3. zmabc: operators or variables
    • zmyield
    • zmraise
    • zmstate
    • zmdata
    • zmresult
    • zmarg
    • zmop
  4. zmABC: zmyield modifiers
    • zmSUB()
    • zmNEXT()
    • zmCATCH()
    • zmTERM ...

Generic context:

  1. zm_abcXyz: functions that can be used inside or outside task class
    • ZM_resume()
    • ZM_newTask()
    • ZM_trigger()
    • ZM_abort() ...
  2. zm_ABC_XYZ: library constants
    • ZM_INIT
    • ZM_TERM, ...
  3. zm_AbcXyz: library structures
    • zm_State
    • zm_Event, ...

Task data:

Each task instance has a void *data field used to store data.

typedef struct {
    /* ... */
    void *data;
} zm_State;

The task data can be set during task creation:

zm_State* zm_newTask(vm_VM* vm, zm_Machine *m, void *taskdata);
zm_State* zmNewSub(zm_Machine *m, void *taskdata);

using the data field:

zm_State *task = zm_newTask(vm, foo, NULL);

task->data = taskdata;

or inside task using zmdata macro.

The main purpose of task data is to define permanent local variables.

Task data in class definition:

Inside class definition task data can be reached with the help of zmdata variable.

zmdata can be used to get and set task data (it act like a variable but is a macro that will be replaced with zmCurrent()->data).


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <zm.h>

    struct FooLocal {
        int i;
    } *self = zmdata;


    zmstate 1:
        zmdata = self = malloc(sizeof(struct FooLocal));
        self->i = 0;

    zmstate 2:
        printf("self->i = %d\n", self->i);
        zmyield 2;

int main()
    zm_VM *vm = zm_newVM("test ZM");
    zm_resume(vm , zm_newTasklet(vm , foo, NULL), NULL);
    zm_go(vm, 5, NULL);

Persistent and temporary variables:

Task data can be used to define persistent variables associated to a task. These variables exists since they are not manually free.

On the other side normal variables exists only in a machine step and for this reason have meaning only inside a zmstate block.


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <zm.h>

struct FooLocal {
    int j;

    struct FooLocal* self = zmdata; /* local */
    int i = 0; /* temporary */


    zmstate 1:
        self->j = 0;

    zmstate 2:
        printf("i = %d  self->j = %d\n", i, self->j);
        zmyield 2;

int main()
    zm_VM *vm = zm_newVM("test ZM");
    void *d = malloc(sizeof(struct FooLocal));
    zm_resume(vm , zm_newTasklet(vm , foo, d), NULL);
    zm_go(vm, 5, NULL);


i = 1  self->j = 1
i = 1  self->j = 2
i = 1  self->j = 3
i = 1  self->j = 4
i = 1  self->j = 5

In this example i is a temporary variable (exists only in a machine step its content will be lost when a zmyield is reach) while zmdata store persitent variables.

Task constructor:

Allocate local variable before task instance (through global shared struct) is a strong design but the task is less "self-contained" and code have an higher "struct pollution".

struct FooData {
    int i;
    int j;
    int k;

/* [...] */

    struct FooData *self = zmdata;

    /* [...] */

/* [...] */

void instance_foo(zm_VM *vm) {
    struct FooData *d = malloc(struct FooData);
    zm_State *task;
    d->i = 0;
    d->j = 0;
    d->k = 0;
    task = zm_newTask(vm, foo, d);

On the other side define task data in task class have a bettere readability, reduce the struct pollution but have a weaker design caused by some syncronization problems.

    struct Data {
        int i;
        int j;
        int k;
    } *self = zmdata;

    zmstate 1:
        zmdata = self = malloc(struct Data);
        self->i = 0;
        self->j = 0;
        self->k = 0;
        /* [...] */

    zmstate ZM_TERM:
        /* self can be NULL if this task is aborted before the
           scheduler process zmstate 1 */

Task constructor allow to perform a special zmstate in a sync way to allocate resource. This remove the syncronization issue and add more flexibility to the task instance.

If zmstate ZM_INIT is defined in a task class this is used during the instantiation as a syncronous constructor.

zmstate ZM_INIT:
    /* allocate resources */
    zmyield zmDONE;

The constructor is perfomed in a special execution mode and should be used only for instance and define task data.

The only permitted yield inside constructor is zmyield zmDONE.

NOTE: ZM_INIT is a reserved zmstate, so cannot be used in a yield or raise statement.

An important feature about task constructor is that zmdata can be used as constructor argument as shown in the next example.


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <zm.h>

    struct FooLocal {
        int i;
    } *self = zmdata;


    zmstate ZM_INIT: {
        int *n0 = zmdata;
        printf("foo: constructor(%d)\n", *n0);

        zmdata = self = malloc(sizeof(struct FooLocal));
        self->i = *n0;
        zmyield zmDONE;

    zmstate 1:
        printf("foo: self->i = %d\n", self->i++);
        zmyield 1;

    zmstate ZM_TERM:
        printf("foo: distructor\n");


int main()
    zm_VM *vm = zm_newVM("test ZM");
    zm_State *task;
    int n0 = 4;
    task = zm_newTasklet(vm , foo, &n0);
    zm_resume(vm , task, NULL);
    zm_go(vm, 5, NULL);
    zm_go(vm, 100, NULL);


foo: constructor(4)
foo: self->i = 4
foo: self->i = 5
foo: self->i = 6
foo: self->i = 7
foo: self->i = 8
foo: distructor

The Resume Argument:

The local variables system above is a way to store data and can also be used to exchange messages as in task constructor.

Anyway, outside task constructor, exchange messages through task data entail some kind of variable sharing that can be source of syncronization issue. To avoid this kind of problem and have a better control on the resume operation is possibile to use the resume argument.

Resume argument is a pointer that can be defined:

  • in all resume function (zm_resume)
  • in all resume-yield operator (zmSUB)
  • before yield back to caller (zmyield zmCALLER, zmyield zmTERM)

This pointer will be accessible in the first machine step on resumed task.

In task class the resume argument pointer is stored inside zmarg.

Resume argument as a parameter:

Each resume functions or operators allow to set the resume argument. This act like a task parameter:

  • zm_resume(zm_VM* vm, zm_State* task, void* resumearg)
  • zmSUB(zm_State* task, void* resumearg)
  • zmSSUB(zm_State* task, void* resumearg)
  • zmUNRAISE(zm_State* task, void* resumearg)
  • zm_trigger(zm_VM *vm, zm_Event* event, void* resumearg)

Resume argument as a return:

Resume argument can also be used as return. A subtask can set it before yield to end or to the caller using zmresult.

zmresult is a macro that act like a variable (can be used only inside a subtask).

zmresult = (void*)data;
zmyield zmTERM;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <zm.h>

    const char* arg = (zmarg) ? (const char*)(zmarg) : "<none>";

    printf("zmarg = %s\n", arg);


    zmstate 1:
        printf("foo: 1\n");
        zmyield 2;
    zmstate 2:
        printf("foo: 2\n");
        zmyield zmSUSPEND | 2;


int main()
    zm_VM *vm = zm_newVM("test ZM");
    zm_State *f = zm_newTasklet(vm , Foo, NULL);

    zm_resume(vm, f, "Hello, I am the resume argument");
    zm_go(vm, 5, NULL);

    zm_resume(vm, f, "How are you?");
    zm_go(vm, 5, NULL);

    zm_go(vm, 100, NULL);


zmarg = Hello, I am the resume argument
foo: 1
zmarg = <none>
foo: 2
zmarg = How are you?
foo: 2
zmarg = <none>

Task class syntaxes:

There are some equivalent syntax in task class for example ZMSTATES can be used in place of ZMSTART. Moreover ZMTASKDEF and ZMEND implicit use curly braces {} making possible to avoid them. All this features allow to define many syntax combinations, for example the task foo2:

    zmstate 1:
        zmyield zmTERM;

can also be written as:

    zmstate 1:
        zmyield zmTERM;

or like:

    zmstate 1:
        zmyield zmTERM;

Exception and closing operations:

Before speak about exceptions and tasks closing is better to explain some concept behind ZM.


A ptask and the set of its subtasks create an execution-context. In an execution-context only one between root-ptask or child-subtasks can be active at a specific time, in other words in the same context operations are syncronous.


Inside an execution-context a ptask can yield to a subtask and subtask to other subtasks. This can be represented as a stack: the execution-stack.

All elements in the execution-stack, with the only exception of the last one, are busy-waiting another subtask.


The execution-stack keep track of yields but there is another important stored relation: the association between a task and its subtasks:

each task keep the list of its subtask instances

The set of this relations can be represented as a tree where ptask is the root and subtasks are branches and leaves: this is the data-tree.

The main purpose of data-tree is to deal with the task resource deallocation.

User task-data allocation follow the data-tree structure from root to leaves direction so the deallocation must follow the same structure in the reversed direction.

Close tasks:

When a task receive a close command it changes its operation mode from normal-mode (default) to closing-mode.

This is the list of command that send a close to a task:

  • zm_abort(...)
  • zmyield zmTERM
  • zmyield zmCLOSE(...)
  • zmraise zmABORT(...)

This commands affect not only the target task but also its subtask and recursively all relative data-tree branch.

There are two important feature of the close system:

1) The order of execution of the close is from leaves to root (implosion).

This is due to resource allocation order of subtask: from root to leaves so close must go in reversed order.

2) The execution of the close is done in a serial way as any other operation in the same execution-context.

This avoid race-condition during resource free.

The task destructor:

Every task that receive a close command will be resumed in a special zmstate used for deallocate user data resources: ZM_TERM.

It is not mandatory to define it (can be omitted).

ZM_TERMis a reserved zmstate so can't be used within a yield:

    /* wrong yield: cause fatal */
    zmyield ZM_TERM;

    /* use instead a close operation like */
    zmyield zmTERM;

In ZM_TERM the only permitted yield is: yield zmEND.


    zmstate ZM_INIT: 
        zmdata = malloc(sizeof(int));;
        zmyield zmDONE;

    zmstate 1:
        zmyield 2;

    zmstate 2:
        zmyield zmTERM;

    zmstate ZM_TERM:
        zmyield zmEND;


Free tasks:

A task can be free only if it has just receive a close. The commands to free a task are:

/* free a ptask */
zm_freeTask(vm_VM *vm, zm_State *task1);

/* free a subtask */
zmFreeSubTask(zm_State *subtask2);

/* free a subtask (shortcut syntax) */
zmFreeSub(zm_State *subtask2);

The free commands cannot be perfomed in a sync way because the task manager should have to finish close operation before a task can be freed.


A tasklet is a task that have not to be manually free, it will automatically free after the close operation.

/* instance a ptasklet relative to machine foo */
zm_State* s = zm_newTasklet(vm , foo, userdata);

/* instance a subtasklet relative to machine foo2 */
zm_State* s = zmNewSubTasklet(foo2, userdata);

/* instance a subtasklet relative to machine foo2 (shortcut syntax) */
zm_State* s = zmNewSu(foo2, userdata);

The automatically free implies that it's not safe to store a tasklet pointer because can point to a free area of memory.

Tasklets are useful when zm_State reference is useless, for example in one-shot operations (operations without any suspend).



There are two kind of exception in ZM:

  • abort exception
  • continue exception

An exception is raised with zmraise operator followed by:

  1. zmABORT(int code, const char* msg, void *data) for abort exception
  2. zmCONTINUE(int code, const char* msg, void *data) for continue exception

Exception struct:

typedef struct {
    int code;        /* the exception user code */
    const char* msg; /* the user message string */
    void *data;      /* user data */
    /* private fields */ 
} zm_Exception;


The exception catching is performed declaring the exception-zmstate resume point with zmCATCH (equals to "try") and fetching the exception with zmCatch in the exception-zmstate (equals to "catch"):

zmstate 1:
    zmyield zmSUB(sub1, NULL) | 2 |  zmCATCH(3);

zmstate 2:
    printf("sub1 perfomed without any exception");
    zmyield zmTERM;

zmstate 3: {
    zm_Exception* e = zmCatch();
    if (e)
        printf("exception: code=%d msg=%s", e->code, e->msg);
    zmyield zmTERM;

Exception feature and rule:

  • Exceptions can be raised only inside a subtask and can be catch in other subtasks or in the root-ptask.
  • An abort-exception without a catch, cause zm_go stop and return ZM_RUN_EXCEPTION. The relative exception must be catch with zm_uCatch.
  • A continue-exception without a catch will cause a fatal.
  • In the catch zmstate, exception must be catch with zmCatch() (before the next yield).

Abort Exception:

Raising an abort-exception implies that all tasks between the raise and the task before the catch will be closed.

NOTE: This is not true if there is an abort reset (see below).


#include <stdio.h>
#include <zm.h>

    zmstate 1:
        printf("\t\tsubtask2: init\n");
        zmraise zmABORT(0, "example message", NULL);

    zmstate 2:
        printf("\t\tsubtask2: TERM");
        zmyield zmTERM;

    zmstate 1: {
        zm_State *s = zmNewSubTasklet(subtask2, NULL);
        printf("\tsubtask: init\n");
        zmyield zmSUB(s, NULL) | 2;
    zmstate 2:
        printf("\tsubtask: TERM");
        zmyield zmTERM;

    zmstate 1: {
        zm_State *s = zmNewSubTasklet(subtask, NULL);
        printf("task: yield to subtask\n");
        zmyield zmSUB(s, NULL) | 2 | zmCATCH(2);

    zmstate 2: {
        zm_Exception *e = zmCatch();
        if (e) {
            printf("task: catch exception\n");
            if (e->kind == ZM_EXCEPTION_ABORT)
                zm_printException(NULL, e, 1);
            zmyield zmTERM;
        printf("task: end\n");
        zmyield zmTERM;

void main() {
    zm_VM *vm = zm_newVM("test ZM");
    zm_resume(vm , zm_newTasklet(vm , task, NULL), NULL);
    zm_go(vm, 100, NULL);
    zm_closeVM(vm );
    zm_go(vm, 100, NULL);


task: yield to subtask
    subtask: init
        subtask2: init
task: catch exception
   (0) "example message"
 in: subtask2 (file: exception_catch.c at line: 12)

   machine: subtask    [zmstate: 2]
   filename: exception_catch.c
   nline: 27
   machine: subtask2    [zmstate: 1]
   filename: exception_catch.c
   nline: 12

Abort Exception Reset:

Abort-reset allow to avoid the abort behaviour, defining a zmstate as resume point.

The reset point is defined with this syntax:

zmyield 4 | zmRESET(7)

To define a reset point in the raise itself use instead:

zmraise zmABORT(0, "test", NULL) | 5;

zmRESET cannot be applied to ptask.

Uncaught Abort Exception:

An abort exception without a catch will be caught by zm_go This function suddenly return a ZM_RUN_EXCEPTION.

This particular exception is outside task class and must be catch and free with special functions.

To catch an uncaught exception use:

zm_Exception *zm_uCatch(zm_VM *vm)

Exceptions caught inside a task are automatically free by task manager, instead uncaught exception must manually free with:

void zm_uFree(zm_VM *vm, zm_Exception *e);

Note: If an uncaught exception is ignored, the next uncaught exception cause a fatal error.

int status;
do {
    status = zm_go(vm, 100)

    if (status == ZM_RUN_EXCEPTION) {
        zm_Exception *e = zm_uCatch(vm);
        zm_printException(NULL, e, true);
        zm_uFree(vm, e);    
} while(status);

Continue Exception:

Continue exception have a very different behaviour from abort exception.

A continue exception is a kind of suspend-resume block.

The continue exception suspend the execution of a subtask in the raise state and resume the state with the catch.

In this situation all the subtask between the raise and the subtask before catch are a suspended block.

This block can be resumed using:

zmyield zmUNRAISE(sub1, NULL) | 5;

This commands don't resume sub1 but the state who raised the continue exception.

Instead of zmUNRAISE is possible also to use:

zmyield zmSSUB(sub1, NULL) | 5;

zmSSUB act like zmSUB if sub1 is a suspended subtask or like zmUNRAISE if sub1 rappresent the handler of continue-exception suspended block.


zm_State *sub2;


    zmstate 1:
        printf("\t\ttask3: init\n");
        printf("\t\ttask3: raise continue exception (*)\n");
        zmraise zmCONTINUE(0, "continue-test]", NULL) | 2;

    zmstate 2:
        printf("\t\ttask3: (*) unraised ... OK\n");
        printf("\t\ttask3: msg = `%s`\n", (const char*)zmarg);

    zmstate 3:
        printf("\t\ttask3: no more to do ... term\n");
        zmyield zmTERM;



    zmstate 1:{
        zm_State *s = zmNewSubTasklet(task3, NULL);
        printf("\ttask2: init\n");
        zmyield zmSUB(s, NULL) | 2;

    zmstate 2:
        printf("\ttask2: term\n");
        zmyield zmTERM;



    zmstate 1:
        sub2 = zmNewSubTasklet(task2, NULL);
        printf("task1: init\n");
        zmyield zmSUB(sub2, NULL) | 2 | zmCATCH(3);

    zmstate 2:
        printf("task1: term\n");
        zmyield zmTERM;

    zmstate 3: {
        zm_Exception* e = zmCatch();
        const char *msg = (e) ? e->msg : "no exception";
        printf("task1: catching...%s\n", msg);
        zmyield 4;

    zmstate 4:
        printf("task1: some operation\n");
        zmyield 5;

    zmstate 5:
        /* this resume the subtask that raise 
           zmCONTINUE -> task3 */
        printf("task1: resuming continue-exception-block\n");
        zmyield zmUNRAISE(sub2, "I-am-task1") | 2;



task1: init
    task2: init
        task3: init
        task3: raise continue exception (*)
task1: catching...continue-test
task1: some operation
task1: resuming continue-exception-block
        task3: (*) unraised ... OK
        task3: msg = `hello-I-am-task1`
        task3: no more to do ... term
    task2: term
task1: term


A task can be suspended waiting a virtual event:

zmyield zmEVENT(e) | 5;

A virtual event keep one or more task in a waiting state until a trigger or an unbind resume them.

Event struct:

typedef struct {
    void *data;    /* event user data */
    size_t count;  /* binded tasks count */
    /* private fields */ 
} zm_Event;

Create an Event:

zm_Event *event = zm_newEvent(void *data);

data is void * pointer that can be accessible from event->data

Bind an event to a task:

zmyield zmEVENT(event) | TRIG | zmUNBIND(OTHER);

When the task receive the event it will be resumed in TRIG zmstate. If an unbind is performed before trigger, task will be resume in zmstate defined by zmUNBIND(), in this example OTHER

If the unbind resume point is not defined the trigger resume point is used also for unbind operation:

zmyield zmEVENT(event) | TRIG;

Trigger an event:

size_t zm_trigger(zm_VM *vm, zm_Event *event, void *arg);

This command trigger the event event. A trigger resume all tasks binded to the event with arg as resume argument.

The command return the number of resumed task.

Unbind a task:

size_t zm_unbind(zm_VM *vm, zm_Event *e, zm_State* s, void *arg);

Unbind the task s with resume argument arg.


  • 0 if s is not binded to e
  • 1 if s is is binded to e

Unbind all tasks:

size_t zm_unbindAll(zm_VM *vm, zm_Event *e, void *arg);

Unbind all task binded to event e with resume argument arg.

This command return the number of unbinded task (equals to e->count).

The event callback:

The event callback allow to filter trigger event and to accomplish syncronous operation. An event callback can be set with:

void zm_setEventCB(zm_VM *vm, zm_Event* e, zm_event_cb cb, int scope);

The scope flag allow to define the contexts where the callback will be activated:

  • ZM_TRIGGER callback will be invoked in trigger operation.
  • ZM_UNBIND_REQUEST callback will be invoked in unbind request: (zm_unbind, zm_unbindAll).
  • ZM_UNBIND_ABORT callback will be invoked in the automatic unbind during close operations (zm_abort).

A shortcut for all unbind operation is ZM_UNBIND equivalent to ZM_UNBIND_REQUEST | ZM_UNBIND_ABORT.

The event callback is a function with this format:

int (*zm_event_cb)(zm_VM *vm, int scope, zm_Event *e, zm_State *state,
                                                        void *arg)


  • state is the binded state.
  • scope is the scope where the callback has just been invoked (it can assume only one of the scope flag value).
  • arg is:
    • the resume argument of zm_trigger in ZM_TRIGGER scope
    • the resume argument of unbind command in ZM_UNBIND_REQUEST scope
    • null in ZM_UNBIND_ABORT scope

The return value depend by the scope and the state values.

WARNING: Use a ZM function inside the callback can produce impredicable behaviour. The only purpose of zm_Event* e and zm_State *state arguments is to work on event data e->data and state data state->data. For example never use zm_resume, zm_trigger, zm_unbind, zm_abort inside the callback.

The trigger callback:

The trigger callback (event callback with the scope flag ZM_TRIGGER) have two purpose:

  • filter task that can receive this event
  • accomplish syncronous operation

zm_trigger first invoke the trigger callback in pre-fetch mode with the argument relative to the the task equals to NULL. This is a generic filter that can accept or refuse the whole event.

If the event is accepted trigger go in fetch mode and
invoked again the callback for each task binded to the event.

Callback return values in pre-fetch mode:

  • ZM_EVENT_ACCEPTED: accept the event and go in fetch mode.
  • ZM_EVENT_REFUSED: refuse the event.

Callback return values in fetch mode:

  • ZM_EVENT_ACCEPTED: accept the event for the current task that will be resumed and unbinded to the event (this is a trasparent internal unbind operation that have nothing to do with the ZM_UNBIND callback scope).
  • ZM_EVENT_REFUSED: refuse the event for the current task that continue to be binded to the event.
  • ZM_EVENT_STOP: modifier to stop any other fetch.


int randcb(zm_VM *vm, int scope, zm_Event *e, zm_State *s, void **arg)
    if (scope != ZM_TRIGGER) 
        return 0;

    if (s == NULL) {
        /* pre-fetch mode */
        if (rand() % 2)
            return ZM_EVENT_ACCEPTED;
            return ZM_EVENT_REFUSED;
    } else {
        /* fetch mode */
        int r;
        r = (rand() % 2) ? ZM_EVENT_ACCEPTED : ZM_EVENT_REFUSED;

        if (rand() % 2)
            r = r | ZM_EVENT_STOP; 

        return r;

The unbind callback:

An unbind callback is an event callback with the scope flag ZM_UNBIND_REQUEST and/or ZM_UNBIND_ABORT.

The unbind callback is used only to perform syncronous operation, it has not filtering purpose (as trigger callback). For this reason the return value have no meaning.

Unbind callback is relative to these scopes:

  • ZM_UNBIND_REQUEST is used to manage explicit unbind request (zm_unbind, zm_unbindAll and zm_freeEvent)
  • ZM_UNBIND_ABORT is used during close operations

The unbind callback is invoked for each binded tasks and return the number of unbinded tasks.

zm_freeEvent perform a last ZM_UNBIND_REQUEST with a null binded task. This is a post fetch or pre free operation before free the event.

int evcb(zm_VM *vm, int scope, zm_Event *e, zm_State *s,void **arg)
    if (scope == ZM_UNBIND_REQUEST) { 
        if ((s == NULL)) {
            /* post-fetch (or pre-free) mode */        
        } else {
            /* fetch mode */

Free an Event:

zm_freeEvent(vm, event);

An event can be free only if it has not more binded tasks.

Event callback example:

typedef struct {
    int id;
} TaskData;

int counter = 1;

zm_Event * event;

int getID(zm_State *s)
    return ((TaskData*)(s->data))->id;

int eventcb(zm_VM *vm, int scope, zm_Event* e, zm_State *s, void *arg)
    const char *msg = ((arg) ? ((const char*)arg) : ("null"));
    printf("\tcallback: arg = `%s` scope = ", msg);

    if (scope & ZM_UNBIND_REQUEST)
        printf("UNBIND_REQUEST ");

    if (scope & ZM_UNBIND_ABORT)
        printf("UNBIND_ABORT ");

    if (scope & ZM_TRIGGER)
        printf("TRIGGER ");


    if (!s) {
        if (scope & ZM_TRIGGER)
            printf("\t\t-> pre-fetch\n");
            printf("\t\t-> post-fetch (pre-free)\n");

        return ZM_EVENT_ACCEPTED;

    printf("\t\t-> fetch task %d ", getID(s));

    if ((scope & ZM_TRIGGER) && (getID(s) == 1)) {
        return ZM_EVENT_ACCEPTED;

    if (scope & ZM_TRIGGER)
        printf("(accepted but stop other fetches)");


ZMTASKDEF( mycoroutine )
    TaskData *self = zmdata;


    zmstate 1:
        zmdata = self = malloc(sizeof(TaskData));
        self->id = counter++;
        printf("task %d: -init-\n", self->id);
        zmyield zmEVENT(event) | 2 | zmUNBIND(3);

    zmstate 2:
        printf("task %d: msg = `%s`\n", self->id, (const char*)zmarg);
        zmyield zmTERM;

    zmstate 3:
        printf("task %d: event aborted - ", self->id);
        printf("msg = `%s`\n", (const char*)zmarg);
        zmyield zmTERM;

    zmstate ZM_TERM:
        printf("task %d: -end-\n", ((self) ? (self->id) : -1));
        if (self)


int main() {
    zm_VM *vm = zm_newVM("test VM");
    zm_State *s1, *s2, *s3, *s4, *s5;

    event = zm_newEvent(NULL);
    zm_setEventCB(vm, event, eventcb, ZM_TRIGGER | ZM_UNBIND);

    s1 = zm_newTasklet(vm, mycoroutine, NULL);
    s2 = zm_newTasklet(vm, mycoroutine, NULL);
    s3 = zm_newTasklet(vm, mycoroutine, NULL);
    s4 = zm_newTasklet(vm, mycoroutine, NULL);
    s5 = zm_newTasklet(vm, mycoroutine, NULL);
    zm_resume(vm, s1, NULL);
    zm_resume(vm, s2, NULL);
    zm_resume(vm, s3, NULL);
    zm_resume(vm, s4, NULL);
    zm_resume(vm, s5, NULL);

    while(zm_go(vm, 1));

    printf("\n* trigger event:\n");
    zm_trigger(vm, event, "Hello");
    printf("\n* unbind s4:\n");
    zm_unbind(vm, event, s4, "I don't wait anymore");

    while(zm_go(vm, 1));

    printf("\n* close all tasks:\n\n");
    zm_go(vm, 1000);

    printf("\n* free event:\n\n");
    zm_freeEvent(vm, event);

    return 0;


task 1: -init-
task 2: -init-
task 3: -init-
task 4: -init-
task 5: -init-

* trigger event:
    callback: arg = `Hello` scope = TRIGGER 
        -> pre-fetch
    callback: arg = `Hello` scope = TRIGGER 
        -> fetch task 1 (accepted)
    callback: arg = `Hello` scope = TRIGGER 
        -> fetch task 2 (accepted but stop other fetches)

* unbind s4:
    callback: arg = `I don't wait anymore` scope = UNBIND_REQUEST 
        -> fetch task 4 

task 1: msg = `Hello`
task 2: msg = `Hello`
task 4: event aborted - msg = `I don't wait anymore`
task 1: -end-
task 2: -end-
task 4: -end-

* close all tasks:

    callback: arg = `null` scope = UNBIND_ABORT 
        -> fetch task 5 
    callback: arg = `null` scope = UNBIND_ABORT 
        -> fetch task 3 
task 5: -end-
task 3: -end-

* free event:

    callback: arg = `null` scope = UNBIND_REQUEST 
        -> post-fetch (pre-free)

ZM look into:

The idea behind ZM is to label and split code in a function with switch-case and use return to yield to another piece of code.

For example the following code:


    zmstate 1:
        /* yield to zmstate 2 */
        zmyield 2;

    zmstate 3:
        /* suspend current task, resume in zmstate 2*/
        zmyield zmSUSPEND | 2;

    zmstate 2:
        zmyield 3


is converted by C-preprocessor in something like this:

zm_Machine *foo = zm_newMachine(__foo__);

int32 __foo__(uint8_t zmop) {
    switch(zmop) {
    case 1:
        return 2;

    case 3:
        return TASK_SUSPEND | 2;

    case 2:
        return 3

        return zm_default(zmop);

zm_Machine *foo is a task class used to create task instances (zm_State):

The core of the coroutine and task behaviour is inside zmstate and zmyield operators.

  • zmstate label and split task code in atomic execution blocks.
  • zmyield control which zmstate will be run next.

For example:

zmyield 2;

(converted in return 2;) tell to the scheduler that the next zmstate to be excuted is zmstate 2.

Each byte of the four byte returned (32 bit integer) by the zmyield operator have a particular meaning: one is the directive while others represent the directive arguments.

for examples:

/* 1 */
zmyield 2;

/* 2 */
zmyield zmSUSPEND | 3;

/* 3 */
zmyield zmSUB(footask, NULL) | 4 | zmNEXT(5) | zmCATCH(7);
  1. yield to zmstate 2:

    • directive: inner yield (implicit)
    • argument: 2 (current task restart in zmstate 2)
  2. yield to suspend and resume in zmstate 3:

    • directive: suspend current task
    • argument: 3 (current task restart in 3 when it will be resumed)
  3. yield to footask, resume in 4, iter in 5 and catch in 7:

    • directive: suspend current task and resume subtask footask
    • argument 4 (resume point when footask term)
    • argument 5 (resume point when footask yield to caller)
    • argument 7 (resume point when footask raise an exception)

A simple implementation:

A raw implementation of the schema described above is:

#define END 100

int foo(int state)
    switch(state) {
        case 1:
            printf("step 1 - init\n");
            return 2;

        case 2:
            printf("step 2\n");
            return END;

int main() {
    int s1 = 1;
    while(s1 != END)
        s1 = foo(s1);

In this example return is the yield-operator, foo represent a task-class, s1 a task instance and while is the scheduler.