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Building FRequest

Fábio Bento edited this page Feb 1, 2019 · 9 revisions

Building FRequest

FRequest is quite easy to build if you use QtCreator. Follow the steps bellow.

Tools & Libraries needed

  • Qt 5.10.0 or above (download here the community edition)
  • Qt Creator 4.5.0 or above (usually bundled with Qt above)
  • A git client
  • A C++14 compiler, MinGW (for windows), Clang (for macOS) or GCC (for Linux) C++ compiler (usually bundled with Qt above)

Steps for building

FRequests depends on two repositories, so you need to clone these first with git:

  1. - clone to a CommonLibs folder.

  2. - clone to a CommonUtils folder.

After that you need to clone the FRequest repository: - clone to a FRequest folder.

The final structure should be the following:

-- Root Dir

  -- CommonLibs

  -- CommonUtils

  -- FRequest

After that open Root Dir/FRequest/ with QtCreator. Just click in build and it should compile without any problem.

Specific OS instructions to create a distributable version

Windows (minGW)

Run the following command on the FRequest executable folder:

windeployqt.exe FRequest.exe --release --no-translations

Then you also need to copy (or override) the following dlls from the minGW bin folder to FRequest folder:

  • libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
  • libstdc++-6.dll
  • libwinpthread-1.dll

You also need to have a copy of the following SSL dlls (for the https connections) on the FRequest:

  • libeay32.dll
  • ssleay32.dll


Run the following command on the FRequest app folder:


Linux (Ubuntu)

We use linuxdeployqt for the deployment in linux, so you need to download it first.

After that copy the FRequest executable to the "LinuxAppImageDeployment" folder and run the following command:

./linuxdeployqt-5-x86_64.AppImage frequest.desktop -no-translations -appimage

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