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Five steps to enable Server-Side Rendering in your Elmish + DotNet Core App!

SSR Sample App based on SAFE-Stack template is available!


What is Server-Side Rendering (SSR) ?

Commonly speaking SSR means the majority of your app's code can run on both the server and the client, it is also as known as "isomorphic app" or "universal app". In React, you can render your components to html on the server side (usually a nodejs server) by ReactDOMServer.renderToString, reuse the server-rendered html and bind events on the client side by React.hydrate.


  • Better SEO, as the search engine crawlers will directly see the fully rendered page.
  • Faster time-to-content, especially on slow internet or slow devices.


  • Development constraints, browser-specific code need add compile directives to ignore in the server.
  • More involved build setup and deployment requirements.
  • More server-side load.


While SSR looks pretty cool, it still adds more complexity to your app, and increases server-side load. But it could be really helpful in some cases like solving SEO issue in SPAs, improving time-to-content of mobile sites, etc.

Server-Side Rendering in fable-react

fable-react's SSR approach is a little different from those you see on the network, it is a Pure F# approach. It means you can render your elmish's view function directly on dotnet core, with all benefits of dotnet core runtime!

There are lots of articles about comparing dotnet core and nodejs, I will only mention two main differences between F#/dotnet core and nodejs in SSR:

  • F# is a compiled language, which means it's generally considered faster then a dynamic language, like js.
  • Nodejs's single thread, event-driven, non-blocking I/O model works well in most web sites, but it is not good at CPU intensive tasks, including html rendering. Usually we need to run multi nodejs instances to take the advantage of multi-core systems. DotNet support non-blocking I/O (and async/await sugar), too. But the awesome part is that it also has pretty good support for multi-thread programming.

In a simple test, rendering on dotnet core is about ~1.5x faster then nodejs (with ReactDOMServer.renderToString + NODE_ENV=production) in a single thread. You can find more detail in the bottom of this page.

In a word, with this approach, you can not only get a better performance then nodejs, but also don't need the complexity of running and maintaining nodejs instances on your server!

Here is a list of Fable.Helpers.React API that support server-side rendering:

  • HTML/CSS/SVG DSL function/unions, like div, input, Style, Display, svg, etc.
  • str/ofString/ofInt/ofFloat
  • ofOption/ofArray/ofList
  • fragment
  • ofType
  • ofFunction

These don't support, but you can wrap it by Fable.Helpers.Isomorphic.isomorphicView to skip or render a placeholder on the server:

  • ofImport

Step 1: Reorganize your source files

Separate all your elmish view and types to standalone files, like this:

|-- Home
    |-- View.fs // contains view function.
    |-- Types.fs // contains msg and model type definitions, also should include init function.
    |-- State.fs // contains update function

View.fs and Types.fs will be shared between client and server.

Step 2. Make sure shared files can be executed on the server side

Some code that works in Fable might throw a runtime exception on dotnet core, we should be careful with unsafe type casting and add compiler directives to remove some code if necessary.

Here are some hints about doing this:

1. Replace unsafe cast (unbox and !!) in your HTML attributes and CSS props with HTMLAttr.Custom, SVGAttr.Custom and CSSProp.Custom

- div [ !!("class", "container") ] []
+ div [ HTMLAttr.Custom ("class", "container") ]

- div [ Style [ !!("class", "container") ] ] []
+ div [ Style [ CSSProp.Custom("class", "container") ] ] []

- svg [ !!("width", 100) ] []
+ svg [ SVGAttr.Custom("class", "container") ] []

2. Make sure your browser/js code won't be executed on the server side

One big challenge of sharing code between client and server is that the server side has different API environment with client side. In this respect Fable + dotnet core's SSR is not much different than nodejs, except on dotnet core you should not only prevent browser's API call, but also js.

Thanks for Fable Compiler's FABLE_COMPILER directive, we can easily distinguish it's running on client or server and execute different code in different environment:

    executeOnClient ()
    executeOnServer ()

We also provide a help function in Fable.Helpers.Isomorphic, the definition is:

let inline isomorphicExec clientFn serverFn input =
    clientFn input
    serverFn input

Full example:

open Fable.Core
open Fable.Import.JS
open Fable.Helpers.Isomorphic
open Fable.Import.Browser

// example code to add marquee effect to your document's title
-    fun () ->
-        document.title <- document.title.[1..len - 1] + document.title.[0..0],
-    600

+let inline clientFn () =
+    window.setInterval(
+        fun () ->
+            document.title <- document.title.[1..len - 1] + document.title.[0..0],
+        600
+    )
+isomorphicExec clientFn ignore ()

3. Add a placeholder for components that cannot been rendered on the server side, like js native components.

In Fable.Helpers.Isomorphic we also implemented a help function (isomorphicView) to render a placeholder element for components that cannot be rendered on the server side, this function will also help React.hydrate to understand the differences between htmls rendered by client and server, so React won't treat it as a mistake and warn about it.

open Fable.Core
open Fable.Import.JS
open Fable.Helpers.React
open Fable.Helpers.Isomorphic
open Fable.Import.Browser

type [<Pojo>] JsCompProps = {
  text: string

let jsComp (props: JsCompProps) =
  ofImport "default" "./jsComp" props []

-jsComp { text="I'm rendered by a js Component!" }

+let jsCompServer (props: JsCompProps) =
+  div [] [ str "loading" ]
+isomorphicView jsComp jsCompServer { text="I'm rendered by a js Component!" }

Step 3. Create your initial state on the server side.

On the server side, you can create routes like normal MVC app, just make sure the model passed to server-side rendering function is exactly match the model on the client side in current route.

Here is an example:

open Giraffe
open Giraffe.GiraffeViewEngine
open FableJson

let initState: Model = {
    counter = Some 42
    someString = "Some String"
    someFloat = 11.11
    someInt = 22

let renderHtml () =
    // This would render the html by model create on the server side.
    // Note in an Elmish app, view function takes two parameters,
    // the first is model, and the second is dispatch,
    // which simple ignored here because React will bind event handlers for you on the client side.
    let htmlStr = Fable.Helpers.ReactServer.renderToString(Client.View.view initState ignore)

    // We also need to pass the model to Elmish and React by print a json string in html to let them know what's the model that used to rendering the html.
    // Note we call ofJson twice here,
    // because Elmish's model can contains some complicate type instead of pojo,
    // the first one will seriallize the state to json string,
    // and the second one will seriallize the json string to a legally js string,
    // so we can deseriallize it by Fable's ofJson and get the correct types.
    let stateJsonStr = toJson (toJson initState)

    html []
        [ head [] []
        body []
            [ div [_id "elmish-app"] [ rawText htmlStr ]
            script []
                [ rawText (sprintf """
                var __INIT_STATE__ = %s
                """ stateJsonStr) ] //
            script [ _src (assetsBaseUrl + "/public/bundle.js") ] []

Step 4. Update your elmish app's init function

  1. Initialize your elmish app by state printed in the HTML.
  2. Remove initial commands that fetch state which already included in the HTML.


let init () =
  // Init model by server side state
  let model = ofJson<Model> !!window?__INIT_STATE__
  // let cmd =
  //   Cmd.ofPromise
  //     (fetchAs<int> "/api/init")
  //     []
  //     (Ok >> Init)
  //     (Error >> Init)
  model, Cmd.none

Step 5. Using React.hydrate to render your app

Program.mkProgram init update view
|> Program.withConsoleTrace
|> Program.withHMR
-|> Program.withReact "elmish-app"
+|> Program.withReactHydrate "elmish-app"
|> Program.withDebugger

Now enjoy! If you find bugs or just need some help, please create an issue and let us know, thanks!

Try the sample app

git clone
cd ./fable-react/Samples/SSRSample/
./ run # or ./build.cmd run on windows

Run simple benchmark test in sample app

The SSRSample project also contains a simple benchmark test, you can try it in you computer by:

cd ./Samples/SSRSample
./ bench # or ./build.cmd bench on windows

Here is the benchmark result on a linux laptop (Intel Core i7-3630QM, 8 core), rendering on dotnet core is about ~1.5x faster then on nodejs in a single thread. To take the advantage of multi-core systems, we also tested with multi-thread on dotnet core and cluster mode in nodejs, the dotnet core version is still faster then nodejs version, but not much. I guess it's because multi-process takes more advantages from multi cores then multi-threaded. What's more, multi-threaded dotnet has less memory footprint.

dotnet ./bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/dotnet.dll
Thread 1 started
Thread 1 render 160000 times used 23062ms
[Single thread] 23062ms    6937.820req/s
Thread 1 started
Thread 3 started
Thread 4 started
Thread 6 started
Thread 5 started
Thread 7 started
Thread 10 started
Thread 9 started
Thread 3 render 20000 times used 9593ms
Thread 5 render 20000 times used 9689ms
Thread 10 render 20000 times used 9693ms
Thread 9 render 20000 times used 9705ms
Thread 4 render 20000 times used 9720ms
Thread 1 render 20000 times used 9753ms
Thread 7 render 20000 times used 9757ms
Thread 6 render 20000 times used 9795ms
[8 tasks] Total: 9713ms    Memory footprint: 44.063MB   Requests/sec: 16472.768

/usr/local/bin/node ./node.js
Master 10891 is running
[Single process] 34322ms    4661.733req/s
Worker 10911: started
Worker 10916: started
Worker 10928: started
Worker 10942: started
Worker 10930: started
Worker 10935: started
Worker 10922: started
Worker 10951: started
Worker 10911: render 20000 times used 11394ms
Worker 10935: render 20000 times used 11353ms
Worker 10928: render 20000 times used 11522ms
Worker 10922: render 20000 times used 11492ms
Worker 10916: render 20000 times used 11812ms
Worker 10930: render 20000 times used 11913ms
Worker 10951: render 20000 times used 11781ms
Worker 10942: render 20000 times used 12236ms
[8 workers] Total: 11687.875ms    Memory footprint: 200.066MB    Requests/sec: 13689.400