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Censorc keyword definitions


keyword: definition:
nconf how many conformers should be considered. Either a number or the flag 'all'.
charge molecular charge of the molecule under investigation.
unpaired number of unpaired electrons in the molecule under investigation.
solvent Solvent if the molecule is in solution phase, else gas.
​prog_rrho QM-code used for the calculation of thermostatistical contributions. This is only feasible with xtb, since normally a large number of hessian calculations have to be performed.
temperature Temperature (in Kelvin) used for the Boltzmann evaluations.
trange temperature range which is used to calculate free energies at different temperatures (considered in G_mRRHO and dG_solv[only COSMO-RS]). The temperature range will only be evaluated if multitemp is set to on.
multitemp Evaluate free energies at different temperatures defined in trange.
evaluate_rrho Option to consider /not consider thermostatistical contributions.
consider_sym Option to consider symmetry in the thermostatistical contribution (only xtb)
bhess Calculate single point hessians (SPH) on the geometry, instead of "ohess" (optimization + hessian calculation).
imagthr threshold for inverting imaginary frequencies for thermostatistical contributions (in cm-1). Internal defaults are applied if set to 'automatic'.
sthr rotor cut-off (cm-1) used for the thermostatical contributions. Internal defaults are applied if set to 'automatic'.
scale scaling factor for frequencies in vibrational partition function. Internal defaults are applied if set to 'automatic'.
rmsdbias gESC related, using to be consistent to CREST
sm_rrho solvent model applied in the GFNn-xTB thermostatistical contribution calculation.
check Terminate the CENSO run if too many calculations crash.
prog QM code used for part0, part1 and part2, this can be TURBOMOLE or ORCA.
func functional used in part1 (prescreening) and part2 (optimization)
basis basis set used in combination with func in part1 (prescreening) and part2 (optimization). If basis is set to 'automatic' the basis set is chosen internally.
maxthreads Used for parallel calculation. Maxthreads determines the number of independent calculations running in parallel. E.g. resulting in 4 independent single-point /optimization calculations.
omp Used for parallel calculation. Omp determines the number of cores each independent calculation can use. Eg. maxthreads = 4 and omp = 5 resulting in 4 independent calculations and each independent calculation uses 5 cores.
cosmorsparam Flag for choosing COSMO-RS parameterizations. If set to 'automatic' the input from the COSMO-RS input line is chosen.


keyword: definition:
part0 Option to turn the "cheap prescreening part" on or off.
func0 Functional used in part0.
basis0 Basis set used in combination with func0. If basis0 is set to 'automatic' the basis set is chosen internally.
part0_gfnv GFN version employed in the thermostatistical contribution in part0.
part0_threshold Threshold/Energy-window (kcal/mol) within which all conformers are considered.


keyword: definition:
part1 Option to turn the "prescreening part" on or off.
smgsolv1 Additive solvation contribution employed in part1.
part1_gfnv GFN version employed in the thermostatistical contribution in part1.
part1_threshold Threshold/Energy-window (kcal/mol) within which all conformers are considered further.


keywords: definition:
part2 Option to turn the "optimization part" on or off.
opt_limit Threshold/Energy-window (kcal/mol) within which all conformers are fully optimized.
sm2 Implicit solvation model used in the optimization. (for the imiplicit effect on the geometry)
smgsolv2 Additive solvation model used for calculation of δG_solv in part2. (used to calculate contribution to free energy)
part2_gfnv GFN version employed in the thermostatistical (G_mRRHO) contribution in part2.
ancopt Using ANCoptimizer implemented in xTB for geometry optimization.
hlow Lowest force constant in ANC generation, used with ancopt.
opt_spearman Using the new "ensemble-optimizer".

Boltzmann threshold in % within which all conformers are considered further.

E.g. 90 --> all conformers up to a sum of 90 % are considered.

optlevel2 Optimization threshold in the geometry optimization. If set to "automatic", internal defaults will be used.
optcycles Number of optimization iterations performed within one cycle in the ensemble optimizer.
spearmanthr Spearman rank correlation coeff. used to determine if PES during geometry optimization can be assumed parallel.
radsize Setting of the radial grid size for func used in part2.
crestcheck Automatically sort out conformers which might have become identical or rotamers during DFT geometry optimization. Check is performed using CREST (this is threshold based, so use with care).


keywords: definitions:
part3 Option to turn the "refinement part" on or off.
prog3 QM code used for part3 this can be TURBOMOLE or ORCA.
func3 functional used in part3 (refinement)

basis set employed in combination with func3.

If basis3 is set to 'automatic' the basis set is chosen internally.

smgsolv3 Additive solvation model used for calculation of δG_solv in part3.
part3_gfnv GFN version employed in the thermostatistical contribution in part3.

Boltzmann threshold in % within which all conformers are considered further.

E.g. 90 --> all conformers up to a sum of 90 % are considered.


keywords: definitions:
part4 Option to turn the "NMR property part" on or off.
couplings Perform coupling constant calculations [options are on or off].
progJ QM code (TM, ORCA) used for coupling constant calculations.
funcJ Density functional employed for the coupling constant calculation.
basisJ basis set employed with the DFA (funcJ) for coupling constant calculations.
sm4J implicit solvent model employed in the coupling constant calculation.
shieldings Perform shielding constant calculations [options are on or off].
progS QM code (TM, ORCA) used for shielding constant calculations.
funcS Density functional employed for the shielding constant calculation.
basisS basis set employed with the DFA (funcS) for shielding constant calculations.
sm4S implicit solvent model employed in the shielding constant calculation.
reference_1H Reference molecule to convert 1H shielding constants to shifts e.g. TMS.
reference_13C Reference molecule to convert 13C shielding constants to shifts e.g. TMS.
reference_19F Reference molecule to convert 19F shielding constants to shifts e.g. CFCl3.
reference_29Si Reference molecule to convert 29Si shielding constants to shifts e.g. TMS.
reference_31P Reference molecule to convert 31P shielding constants to shifts e.g. TMP.
1H_active Calculate 1H NMR properties [options are on or off].
13C_active Calculate 13C NMR properties [options are on or off].
19F_active Calculate 19F NMR properties [options are on or off].
29Si_active Calculate 29Si NMR properties [options are on or off].
31P_active Calculate 31P NMR properties [options are on or off].
resonance_frequency Resonance frequency of the experimental spectrometer (in Hz).


keywords: definitions:
optical_rotation Option to turn the "OR property part" on or off.
funcOR Functional employed to calculate the optical rotatory (OR) dispersion.
funcOR_SCF Functional to generate converged MOs.
basisOR Basis set employed for the OR calculation.
frequency_optical_rotv List of frequencies in nm to evaluate OR at e.g. [589.0].