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An example image showing three different marker types and some markers placed on the image.

An example image showing three different marker types and some markers placed on the image.

Marker are added to a frame to refer to pixel positions. Marker can have different types to mark different objects. They can also be used in tracking mode to recognize an object over different frames.

The marker editor can be opened by clicking on the marker icon.

The list of available markers is displayed at the top left corner. A marker type can be selected either by clicking on its name or by pressing the corresponding number key. A left click in the image places a new marker of the currently selected type. Existing markers can be dragged with the left mouse button and deleted by clicking on them while holding the control key.

To save the markers press S or change to the next image, which automatically saves the current markers.


place a marker or track point at the current mouse position

ctrl + MB1

delete the marker under the mouse pointer


open the marker editor

Marker types

A right click on any marker or type opens the Marker Editor window. There types can be created, modified or deleted.

Marker types have a name, which is displayed in the HUD, a color and a mode.

Different marker type modes.

Different marker type modes.

TYPE_Normal results in single markers. TYPE_Rect joins every two consecutive markers as a rectangle. TYPE_Line joins every two consecutive markers as a line. TYPE_Track specifies that this markers should use tracking mode (see section Tracking Mode).

Marker display

Pressing T toggles between three different marker displays. If the smallest size is selected, the markers can't be moved. This makes it easier to work with a lot of markers on a small area.

The same marker in different size configurations.

The same marker in different size configurations.

Tracking mode

Often objects which occur in one image also occur in another image (e.g. the images are part of a video). Then it is necessary to make a connection between the object in the first image and the object in the second image. Therefore ClickPoints features a tracking mode, where markers can be associated between images. It can be enabled using the TYPE_Track for a marker type. The following images displays the difference between normal mode (left) and tracking mode (right):

The same marker in normal mode (left) and in tracking mode (right). The track always displays all previous positions connected with a line, when they are from two consecutive images.

The same marker in normal mode (left) and in tracking mode (right). The track always displays all previous positions connected with a line, when they are from two consecutive images.

To start a track, mark the object in the first image. Then switch to the next image and the marker from the first image will still be displayed but only half transparent. To add a second point to the track grab the marker and move it to the new position of the object. Continue this process through the images where you want to track the object. If the object didn't move from the last frame or isn't visible, an image can be left out, which results in a gap in the track. To remove a point from the track, click it while holding control.

Marker Editor

The Marker Editor is used to manage marker types. New marker types can be created, existing ones can be modified or deleted.

The Marker Editor used to create and change marker types, navigate to tracks and marks and delete marker, tracks and types

The Marker Editor used to create and change marker types, navigate to tracks and marks and delete marker, tracks and types
Creating Marker Types

To create a new marker type open the marke editor via the marker icon or right click on the marker display or a marker. Select the +add type field, enter a name, set the marker mode to marker, line, rectangle or track and choose a color. Further modifications can be achieved via the text and style field, for more details see the following sections.

Editing Marker Types

To edit a marker type, simply select the type from the menu, chenges the desired values and save the changes by pressing Save


It is NOT possible to change marker types as long as marker objects of this type exist. E.g. you can't make lines out of regular markers as they don't have a second point.


The editor can also be used to navigate. Selecting a marker will bring you to the frame the marker is placed in. By clicking on the arrow in front of the type name the marker or track overview unfolds. Selecting a marker of a track will bring you to the frame it is placed in.

Deleting Types, Tracks and Markers

Types, tracks and markers can be removed by selecting the object in the tree and pressing the Remove button. By removing a marker type all markers and tracks of this type are removed, removing a track will remove all markers of this track.


There is no undo button!

Marker Style Definitions

Style definitions can provide additional features to change the appearance of marker. They are inherited from the marker type to the track and from the track to the marker itself. If no track is present the marker inherits its style directly from the type. This allows to define type, track and marker specific styles.

Styles can be set using the Marker Editor (right click on any marker or type).

The styles use the JSON format for data storage. The following fields can be used:

  • Marker Color - "color": "#FF0000"

    Defines the color of the marker in hex format. Color can also be a matplotlib colormap followed optionally by a number (e.g. jet(30)), then that many colors (default 100) are extracted from the color map and used for the marker/tracks to color every marker/track differently.

  • Marker Shape - "shape": "cross"

    Defines the shape of the marker. All shapes can be converted to outlines by appending "-o" to the name.

    values: cross (default), circle, ring, rect, cross-o, circle-o, ring-o, rect-o

  • Marker Line Width - "line-width": 1

    Defines the line width of the markers symbol (e.g. width of the circle). Ignored if a filled symbol (e.g. the cross) is used.

  • Marker Scale - "scale": 1

    Scaling of the marker.

  • Marker Transform - "transform": "screen"

    If the marker should have a fixed size with respect to the screen or the image.

    values: screen (default), image

  • Track Line Style - "track-line-style": "solid"

    The style of the line used to display the track history.

    values: solid (default), dash, dot, dashdot, dashdotdot

  • Track Line Width - "track-line-width": 2

    The line width of the line used to display the track history.

  • Track Gap Line Style -- "track-gap-line-style": dash

    The style of the line used to display gaps in the track history.

    values: solid, dash (default), dot, dashdot, dashdotdot

  • Track Gap Line Width -- "track-gap-line-width": 2

    The line width of the line used to display gaps in the track history.

  • Track Marker Shape - "track-point-shape": "circle"

    The marker shape used to display the track history.

    values: circle, ring (default), rect, cross, none

  • Track Marker Scale - "track-point-scale": 1

    The scaling of markers used to display the track history.

Style Examples:

{"color": "jet(30)"}  # style for providing a marker type with 30 different colors
{"track-line-style": "dash", "track-point-shape": "none"}  # change the track style

Marker Text & SmartText

The text field allows to attache text to marker, line, rectangle and track objects. Text properties are inherited from the marker type to the track and from the track to the marker itself. If no track is present the marker inherits its text directly from the type. This allows to define type, track and marker specific texts.

Text can be set using the Marker Editor (right click on any marker or type).

ClickPoints provides a SmartText feature, enabling the display of self updating text in to display pre defined values. SmartText keyword always start with a $ character. The keywords are depending on the type for marker, as explained in the following overview:


insert a new line


inserts the id of the marker, line or rectangle object


inserts the x position of the marker, first marker of a line or top left marker of a rectangle


inserts the x position of the marker, first marker of a line or top left marker of a rectangle


inserts the length of the line in pixel with 2 decimals.


inserts the area of the rectangle in pixel with 2 decimals.


inserts the track id of the track.

Text Examples:

# regular Text
Marker: "Hello World!"                              # shows the text Hello World!

# SmartText
Track: "ID_$track_id"                               # shows the track ID
Line: "$x_pos | $y_pos \n$length px"                # shows the x & y coordinate and length
Rect: "ID_$marker_id\n$x_pos | $y_pos \n$area px²"  # shows the object_id, its x & y coordinate and area

Using regular text and SmartText features for lines, rectangles and tracks

Using regular text and SmartText features for lines, rectangles and tracks