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Thomas edited this page Oct 15, 2019 · 15 revisions
Screenshot 2019-08-13 at 16 31 59

User profile

_wikiUser Profile_Titra


The name you specify in your name field will be your display name on Titra. It can be changed at any time.

for example: "Emmett Brown"

Change password

As soon as you select the "change password" button, a new form opens with three password fields. To change the password, enter your current password and then your new password twice. Click "Update your password" to confirm.


Select the "Logout", to logout and close the session.

User interface



Titra has a darkmode. Choose the mode you want.

  1. Auto detect
  2. Light
  3. Dark
Auto detect uses the mode of your operating system - check browser compatibility here

Time tracking


Default track time view

Choose between "Day" and "Month" - presets the standard view for time tracking. "Day" shows the day tracking view and "Month" shows a calendar of the current month.

Time unit

Choose between "Days" and "Hours" - If "Days" is selected, a new option becomes available - "Hours per day"


Hours per day

Enter the number of hours per day - for example: 1 working day = 8 hours

Daily start of working time

Enter the time you start to work every day - for example: 08:00

Daily break time

Enter the time when your break start every day - for example: 12:00 (for Lunch)

Default break duration (in hours)

Enter the duration of your break - for example: 1 = 60 minutes / 0.1 = 30 minutes

Regular work time

Enter the number of hours you work per day - for example: 1 Day = 8 Hours

Global setting


Cost Unit

Enter a symbol of a currency or similar. It adds the symbol behind the value of the turnover.


the most used currency symbols: $ ¥ £ € ¢ ¤

Decimal precision

With this setting you can regulate the number of decimal places for time values. It defines the number of digits after the comma. We recommend 2 decimal places.

for example: 2 = .00 [450.00h] and 4 = .0000 [450.0000h]



Enable the Wekan integration?

Tutorial for Wekan integration for Titra

Siwapp URL

Enter a Siwapp URL.

Siwapp API Token

Generate your security token in you siwapp web application, on the 'My Account/API Token' section.

Titra changelog

Informs about the latest changes and latest developments


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Using Titra

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