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Added a few ES6 examples
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hoorayimhelping committed Dec 21, 2016
1 parent 595ef2d commit fa96b6a
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Showing 3 changed files with 600 additions and 0 deletions.
200 changes: 200 additions & 0 deletions dist/immutable-nonambient.d.ts
Expand Up @@ -127,18 +127,52 @@

* True if the provided value is a List
* ```js
* List.isList([]); // false
* List.isList(List([])); // true
* ```
function isList(maybeList: any): boolean;

* Creates a new List containing `values`.
* ```js
* List.of(1, 2, 3, 4).toJS();
* // [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
* List.of({x:1}, 2, [3], 4).toJS();
* // [ { x: 1 }, 2, [ 3 ], 4 ]
* ```
function of<T>(...values: T[]): List<T>;

* Create a new immutable List containing the values of the provided
* iterable-like.
* ```js
* List().toJS(); // []
* const plainArray = [1, 2, 3, 4];
* const listFromPlainArray = List(plainArray);
* const plainSet = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4]);
* const listFromPlainSet = List(plainSet);
* const iterableArray = plainArray[Symbol.iterator]();
* const listFromIterableArray = List(iterableArray);
* listFromPlainArray.toJS(); // [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
* listFromPlainSet.toJS(); // [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
* listFromIterableArray.toJS(); // [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
*, listFromIterableSet); // true
*, listFromIterableSet) // true
*, listFromPlainArray) // true
* ```
export function List<T>(): List<T>;
export function List<T>(iter: Iterable.Indexed<T>): List<T>;
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* If `index` larger than `size`, the returned List's `size` will be large
* enough to include the `index`.
* ```js
* const originalList = List([0]);
* originalList.set(1, 1).toJS(); // [ 0, 1 ]
* originalList.set(0, 'overwritten').toJS(); // [ 'overwritten' ]
* List().set(50000, 'value').size;
* //50001
* ```
set(index: number, value: T): List<T>;

Expand All @@ -177,6 +220,11 @@
* Note: `delete` cannot be safely used in IE8
* @alias remove
* ```js
* List([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]).delete(0).toJS();
* // [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
* ```
delete(index: number): List<T>;
remove(index: number): List<T>;
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* List. Values at indices above `index` are shifted over by 1.
* This is synonymous with `list.splice(index, 0, value)
* ```js
* List([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]).insert(6, 5).toJS();
* // [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
* ```
insert(index: number, value: T): List<T>;

* Returns a new List with 0 size and no values.
* ```js
* List([1, 2, 3, 4]).clear().toJS();
* // []
* ```
clear(): List<T>;

* Returns a new List with the provided `values` appended, starting at this
* List's `size`.
* ```js
* List([1, 2, 3, 4]).push(5).toJS();
* // [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
* ```
push(...values: T[]): List<T>;

Expand All @@ -207,12 +270,21 @@
* Note: this differs from `Array#pop` because it returns a new
* List rather than the removed value. Use `last()` to get the last value
* in this List.
* ```js
* List([1, 2, 3, 4]).pop().toJS();
* // [ 1, 2, 3 ]
* ```
pop(): List<T>;

* Returns a new List with the provided `values` prepended, shifting other
* values ahead to higher indices.
* ```js
* List([ 2, 3, 4]).unshift(1).toJS();
* // [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
* ```
unshift(...values: T[]): List<T>;

Expand All @@ -223,6 +295,11 @@
* Note: this differs from `Array#shift` because it returns a new
* List rather than the removed value. Use `first()` to get the first
* value in this List.
* ```js
* List([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]).shift(0).toJS();
* // [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
* ```
shift(): List<T>;

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* Index numbers are used as keys to determine the path to follow in
* the List.
* ```js
* Immutable.fromJS([0, 1, 2, [3, 4]]).setIn([3, 0], -3).toJS();
* // [ 0, 1, 2, [ -3, 4 ] ]
* ```
setIn(keyPath: Array<any>, value: any): List<T>;
setIn(keyPath: Iterable<any, any>, value: any): List<T>;
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* Returns a new List having removed the value at this `keyPath`. If any
* keys in `keyPath` do not exist, no change will occur.
* ```js
* Immutable.fromJS([0, 1, 2, [3, 4]]).deleteIn([3, 1]).toJS();
* // [ 0, 1, 2, [ 3 ] ]
* ```
* @alias removeIn
deleteIn(keyPath: Array<any>): List<T>;
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* True if the provided value is a Map
* ```js
* Map.isMap({}); // false
* Map.isMap(Immutable.Map()); // true
* ```
function isMap(maybeMap: any): boolean;

* Creates a new Map from alternating keys and values
* ```js
* Map.of(
* 'key', 'value',
* 'numerical value', 3,
* 0, 'numerical key'
* ).toJS();
* // { '0': 'numerical key', key: 'value', 'numerical value': 3 }
* ```
function of(...keyValues: any[]): Map<any, any>;
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* Returns a new Map also containing the new key, value pair. If an equivalent
* key already exists in this Map, it will be replaced.
* ```js
* const originalMap = Immutable.Map();
* const newerMap = originalMap.set('key', 'value');
* const newestMap = newerMap.set('key', 'newer value');
* originalMap.toJS(); // {}
* newerMap.toJS(); // { key: 'value' }
* newestMap.toJS(); // { key: 'newer value' }
* ```
set(key: K, value: V): Map<K, V>;

Expand All @@ -479,12 +588,25 @@
* Note: `delete` cannot be safely used in IE8, but is provided to mirror
* the ES6 collection API.
* @alias remove
* ```js
* Immutable.Map({
* key: 'value',
* otherKey: 'other value'
* }).delete('otherKey').toJS();
* // { key: 'value' }
* ```
delete(key: K): Map<K, V>;
remove(key: K): Map<K, V>;

* Returns a new Map containing no keys or values.
* ```js
* Immutable.Map({ key: 'value' }).clear().toJS();
* // {}
* ```
clear(): Map<K, V>;

Expand All @@ -495,6 +617,45 @@
* called with the Map itself.
* Equivalent to: `map.set(key, updater(map.get(key, notSetValue)))`.
* ```js
* const originalMap = Immutable.Map({
* key: 'value',
* subObject: { subKey: 'subValue' }
* });
* const newMap = originalMap.update(map => {
* return Immutable.Map(map.get('subObject'));
* });
* newMap.toJS(); // { subKey: 'subValue' }
* ```
* ```js
* const originalMap = Immutable.Map({
* key: 'value'
* });
* const newMap = originalMap.update('key', value => {
* return value + value;
* });
* newMap.toJS(); // { key: 'valuevalue' }
* ```
* ```js
* const originalMap = Immutable.Map({
* key: 'value'
* });
* let newMap = originalMap.update('noKey', 'no value', value => {
* return value + value;
* });
* newMap.toJS(); // { key: 'value', noKey: 'no valueno value' }
* newMap = originalMap.update('key', 'no value', value => {
* return value + value;
* });
* newMap.toJS(); // { key: 'valuevalue' }
* ```
update(updater: (value: Map<K, V>) => Map<K, V>): Map<K, V>;
update(key: K, updater: (value: V) => V): Map<K, V>;
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* Returns a new Map having set `value` at this `keyPath`. If any keys in
* `keyPath` do not exist, a new immutable Map will be created at that key.
* ```js
* const originalMap = Immutable.fromJS({
* subObject: {
* subKey: 'subvalue',
* subSubObject: {
* subSubKey: 'subSubValue'
* }
* }
* });
* const newMap = originalMap.setIn(['subObject', 'subKey'], 'ha ha!');
* newMap.toJS();
* // {subObject:{subKey:'ha ha!', subSubObject:{subSubKey:'subSubValue'}}}
* const newerMap = originalMap.setIn(
* ['subObject', 'subSubObject', 'subSubKey'],
* 'ha ha ha!'
* );
* newerMap.toJS();
* // {subObject:{subKey:'subvalue', subSubObject:{subSubKey:'ha ha ha!'}}}
* ```
setIn(keyPath: Array<any>, value: any): Map<K, V>;
setIn(KeyPath: Iterable<any, any>, value: any): Map<K, V>;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1373,6 +1556,14 @@
export module Iterable {
* True if `maybeIterable` is an Iterable, or any of its subclasses.
* ```js
* Iterable.isIterable([]); // false
* Iterable.isIterable({}); // false
* Iterable.isIterable(Immutable.Map()); // true
* Iterable.isIterable(Immutable.List()); // true
* Iterable.isIterable(Immutable.Stack()); // true
* ```
function isIterable(maybeIterable: any): boolean;

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* When sorting collections which have no defined order, their ordered
* equivalents will be returned. e.g. `map.sort()` returns OrderedMap.
* ```js
* Seq({c: 3, a: 1, b: 2}).sort((a, b) => {
* if (a < b) { return -1; }
* if (a > b) { return 1; }
* if (a === b) { return 0; }
* }).toJS();
* // { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
* ```
sort(comparator?: (valueA: V, valueB: V) => number): /*this*/Iterable<K, V>;

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